Notorious King

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Notorious King Page 3

by Hilary Storm

  My body still aches and I’m skinned up from being thrown around last night, but that doesn’t stop my mind from running rampant with the paranoid thoughts of what has happened to all the other women that were there.

  A knock at the door causes me to scream out before I hear Alex’s voice. “Aubrie. It’s me, open up.” I gather myself enough to open the door for him, knowing he’s about to lose all rationality with just one look at me.

  I had to call him. He’s the only person that’ll know what to do. I’m not even sure my dad and stepmom know I stayed here last night.

  “What the hell, Aubrie? Why couldn’t you just call me like a normal person. Facebook messages aren’t how we communicate.” He stops talking when he looks back at me. “Tell me who did this to you.” Rage overtakes his face instantly and I finally allow myself to cry. I’m practically hysterical when he grabs me by the shoulders and pulls me against his chest in a tight hug.

  My brother and I haven’t always seen eye to eye on things, but he’s always been a protector for me. “I will murder whoever hurt you.”

  “I don’t know who it was.”

  “Fucking tell me everything.” He grips both of my shoulders and holds me out in front of him so he can see me struggle for words. How do I even start to explain what I’ve been through?

  “Someone kidnapped me and took me to an auction.”

  “Jesus, what kind of auction?”

  “I think a sex-slave auction.”

  “You think? How the fuck do you not know if you were caught up in a sex slave ring?”

  “Because it all happened so fast. One minute I’m walking out on my blind date and then I’m chained up naked and blindfolded. Someone bought me for five million dollars and then dropped me off at our family’s estate.”

  “Someone bought you for five million dollars? Who would do that? Is this some sort of joke? Because I’ll write you off like the rest of them if you’re fucking around right now Aubrie.”

  I exhale. Listening to everything I just said makes me sound ridiculous. Like I’m some sort of lying lunatic that has created some fictional story just to get some attention. “I’m not. I promise. This all happened and I’m scared out of my mind that it’ll happen again and this time someone won’t be there to save me.”

  “I have so many questions, but come here.” He holds me against his chest once again. “I’m sorry. Were you hurt. Did anyone touch you?”

  “Just the scrapes. No one touched me. They just threatened to. But the other girls weren’t as lucky.”

  “Okay, sit down here on your bed and tell me everything you can remember.” He guides me to the bench at the foot of my bed and we both sit facing each other. I try not notice the murderous look in his eyes, but it’s hard not to. “Who was this blind date? Did he have anything to do with this?”

  “No. I had just stepped outside the restaurant to get away from him for a few minutes when someone grabbed me. I woke up in the back of a trunk, my hands and feet tied up and a blindfold over my eyes.” He stands to pace while he listens to me finish my story.

  “You can’t stay at your house anymore. If you won’t stay here, then I’m moving you in with me.” I don’t argue, even though I stood my ground for months while he tried to get me to. I wanted my own freedom and to prove that I don’t need my family’s money to make it. All of that seems insignificant now.

  “Have you told Mom and Dad?” I shake my head even though he already knows the answer. “And we’re going to the police about this.”

  “You know we can’t do that.”

  “I don’t give a shit about how this will make him look. This is serious. We’re always worried about how something will come back on him. For once in our lives, we’re going to do what’s best for one of us.”

  “I can’t Alex. If this gets out, there’ll be a stigma attached to me for the rest of my life and you know it.” He exhales loudly and drops his arm at his side unsatisfied with my response.

  “I need the name of your blind date and anything else you remember, Aubrie. I’m not just letting this go.”

  “No. This is big Alex. You can’t try to stop all of this by yourself. Besides, I don’t even know where to tell you to start. I was blindfolded the entire time, except the few minutes I was in the shower. I don’t have anything to go on.” He continues to walk around, his frustration obvious in the way he carries himself around the room.

  “Whose jacket is that on your bed?”

  “It belongs to the man who bought me.” He moves quickly to the jacket, scowling at it while he looks for any sort of clue. He won’t find one, I’ve already looked. The only evidence is the smell of the cologne that’s still burnt to memory.

  “Did you see him?”

  “No. I told you.”

  “Shit, this jacket has nothing on it. No way to know who he was. But the person has to know who you are or he wouldn’t have dropped you off at the estate.”

  “I know. I’ve thought the same.”

  “Who has that much money to drop on a whim?” I’ve even already thought about this too. With my father being in the position he’s in, we know many wealthy families. Although, I can’t imagine anyone I know being willing to actually do it.

  “I’m not sure. He was adamant that I not see him and even though I asked him what his name was, he told me it was best this way.”

  “I’ll be taking you home with me today. We’re going to tell our lovely father what happened and if he so much as even considers making this about himself, I’m going to lose my ever-loving shit.” I move as quick as my sore body can and toss a few things that I still have here into a suitcase while he makes a call. At least we won’t have to stop at my place this way.

  “King. It’s Alex. I have a problem. We need to talk. Call me when you get this.”

  Chapter Seven


  I’m sitting in my father’s office, spilling all the details of last night to my dad. The entire conversation is awkward and I wish I could just slip out of my body while I somehow retell them everything that happened.

  “Do you know who purchased you?”

  “I have no idea.” Disappointment seems to be the emotion that has made its way to the surface at the moment. I’m not proud that I put myself in a situation that allowed me to be kidnapped, but it’s tough to see them have the same look on their face.

  “Did you go to the police or tell anyone else about this?” Before I have a chance to respond I look at Alex’s face. He’s not exactly in a good relationship with my father right now and I know this is about to make it all worse.


  “Good.” My mother replies before my father has a chance and sets my brother off.

  “Yes Aubrie. We wouldn’t want anyone to know you were irresponsible enough to be kidnapped and nearly raped. Or that someone spent five million dollars to keep you safe and delivered you to your own family’s house. Please keep the media focused on our perfect lives and the family values we pretend to have.” He flips a picture frame off the top of my father’s desk sending them both into a screaming match.

  I sit back against the seat and close them all off mentally, not having the energy to join in.

  “I’m so fucking tired of everything being about your career. Do you not even care that we could all be standing in this very spot today trying to find her… and that could be us for the rest of our lives. Someone saved her from the nightmare and all you can manage to do is make sure your pretty little face is kept out of the possible humiliation this would cause you if this got out.” He shoves my father in the chest before he finishes his rant.

  “That’s enough. This is not your father’s fault. This is the life we’re stuck with and yes, we’re happy Aubrie is safe. Your father will make some phone calls and try to find out some information about everything.”

  “We all know this conversation will never be brought up again once we leave this room.” Alex is right. Out of sight, out of mind. That’s
how my parents handle things.

  “And there’s a political gathering tonight here at the main house. I expect you both to be here to support your father.”

  “Fuck you both. I won’t be here.” Alex grabs the door knob quickly before he turns back to me. “Aubrie. I’ll be back to get you later, just call me when you’re ready.” And with that he slams the door, leaving me silent in a room with two of the most judgmental people in the world.

  There was a moment in all of this I thought my father would pay to get me back, but as I sit here, I’m not so sure that’s the case. Anything to keep our name out of the mud.

  It’s pathetic to think I felt more wanted when someone was bidding millions of dollars to own me. I’m not one to play a damsel, but I can’t help but remember how he made me feel when he threw me over his shoulder and rescued me from a room full of monsters. Too bad he can’t do the same for me in this room.


  I already know who’s at the door before I open my eyes. Even though I consider ignoring him, I decide not to put him through that much torture. He won’t understand the logistics of it all… hell, I didn’t want to understand them last night.

  It takes a few nudges to get the brunette from the bar to move her head off my chest so I can slide out of bed. With only a pair of shorts on, I throw the bedroom door open and walk past him. “I’m sleeping, asshole.”

  “Well, wake the hell up. My sister was kidnapped last night and sold at a fucking auction. I need to talk to your dad.” I turn my back to him and walk toward the coffee pot, trying to figure out how to react. I can’t share anything about what we’re doing and my father won’t either. The only problem is… Alex has known me my entire life and will read right through my bullshit.

  “How do you know all of this?” I toss out the obvious question as I attempt to act half interested in his conversation.

  “She told me.”

  “Doesn’t sound like she’s in danger then.”

  “No, she was, but someone paid five million fucking dollars to deliver her to my parent’s house.”

  “Sounds odd. Why would someone do that?” I turn toward him and lean against the sink, feigning my ignorance in all of this.

  “I’m gonna guess it was someone who knew her. Would you have any idea who’d be messed up in the middle of something like this and would have that kind of money.” He looks around, already making accusations he knows I’ll never confirm or deny.

  “Not sure who has five million just laying around. That kind of narrows it down.”

  “Sure does. So, tell me which of the King brothers I owe?” In perfect timing, the brunette surfaces in one of my t-shirts, her bare ass almost visible under the hem.

  “None that I know of. I’ve been a little busy.” I slap her ass just for show and allow her to lean in against me while she wraps her arms around my waist. I don’t do this next morning shit, so she’s getting a bonus in because I’m trying to prove a point.

  “Alright well let me know if any of them say anything. I’d like to know what’s going on and I know it’s something you likely have your hands in because you’re all here at once. I’ve been around this family of yours long enough to know that’s when shit gets crazy.”

  I send the girl back to my room with a nod and a point of my finger. She’s irritating the shit out of me, rubbing on my like I’m not standing here talking to someone. “Don’t you know my family is always crazy.”

  “That’s the truth. Now where is that gorgeous sister of yours staying.” He asks the same damn question he’s asked me hundreds of times over the years just to get a rise out of me and I answer him with my usual response.

  “Away from your fucking bed.”

  “It’s a shame.”

  “Yeah yeah. Aren’t you concerned about some sex ring or something?”

  “No. I know you’re already on it just by the look on your face and the fact that you barely responded to something that happened here on our own home ground. This is something that would normally infuriate you beyond belief. Your calmness gave you away. You’re either already planning how to find them all or you’re already weeks deep in the information that can bring them down. You may be able to fool all the people of the world that don’t know you, but that’s not me.”

  “You have it all figured out then. You have me pegged as some sort of Saint or something.” I keep a straight face even though I’ve missed the hell out of him the past few years. He has always known my motives and what I was about to do. That’s the exact reason I let him live here. I need someone I can trust to keep it up while I’m gone.

  “I never said Saint. Just that you could handle the evil without a single expression on your face. I’m moving her in tonight. I want her safe.”

  “This place is as tight as they come. If you want some extra security, I can always let her sleep in my bed.” I toss that at him as he walks down the hall knowing it’s what I’d normally say. The last thing I want is for anyone else to be involved in this fucked up mess. If he knew for sure that I was in on something to take it down, he’d be stupid enough to want to try to help.

  Chapter Eight


  I’ve done everything I can to distract myself today. I even had one of the house security guards go with me to pick up a new phone since mine was lost last night. That’s one item I can’t possibly feel safe without. My mind has been running rampant all day on ways to make sure I’m safe, but for the most part that’s taken care of as long as I’m at the estate.

  Pretending that I’m perfectly fine seems to be working at the moment, so that’s what I’m going to run with. My parent’s house is filled with stiff armed, loose lipped old ladies and their pretentious old men. It’s obvious my father isn’t focusing on the younger generation with this upcoming election.

  My fake smile matches my mother’s so I guess I’m doing my part in allowing my father to be the focus of the party. My phone vibrates with the text I’ve been waiting all day for.

  Alex: I’ll be by to get you in an hour.

  Aubrie: Make it 30 please. I’m going out of my mind here.

  Alex: I’ll see what I can do.

  I really need to get my car from my house, but this may actually work out better since the driveway is filled with cars.

  Aubrie: I’ll walk through the back gate to make it quicker. Just let me know when.

  I make my way to my room without being spotted by either of my parents. There’s a few things I’ve been wanting to get from here anyway, so I guess this day hasn’t been completely shot to hell being here.

  I’m walking by the upstairs study when I hear a television on, so I move to turn it off before my body locks up at the sight of what’s on the news.

  Three women missing. All of them taken last night and none of them heard from since. They were around my age too.

  A picture of each of them flashes across the screen and I wonder if any of them were in the cell next to me. Were they chained up at the same time I was? Did they get away from the hell like I did or did it only get worse like I knew it would?

  My hands tremble to pick up the phone that hit the floor at my feet. My breathing is in full blown hysterics when I finally get the call sent.

  I don’t let him even say hello before I start crying into the phone. “There’s three women missing from last night. I know they were there. I just know it.”

  “Calm down. I’m sending Gabriel over to get you now because I still can’t get away.”

  “I don’t care who comes. I’ll be standing by the gate.” I have only one focus right now, getting away from this stupid party before I breakdown completely, because I can feel it coming.

  “Stay inside until he calls you. I’ve sent him your new number.” I rush down the back stairs and close the door on the utility room that’s just to the right of the back door. It seems like it takes him hours to get there, but I know it was only ten minutes because I was watching my phone the entire time.

  I run to the gate and throw my bag over before I slip between the two posts I always used to sneak between when I was younger. His truck is idling when I step through the bushes and grab my bag. He doesn’t bother getting out, but I knew he wouldn’t.

  This is Gabriel King. The man is hands down the most pompous asshole I’ve ever met in my entire life… and I’ve known him almost all of it. My brother is his best friend, so he’s been around a lot over the years. Not so much the past few, but that’s been perfect for me. Less ridiculing and flirting directed toward me.

  I open the truck door and get in without even looking in his direction. He has all the windows down and neither of us say a word during the drive. For once he doesn’t run his mouth with the intent to piss me off. Maybe my brother told him what I’ve been through. I’ll choke him myself if he did.

  But something tells me he did. They’ve always known what’s going on in all of our lives. Hell, now they even share a house together. I used to tease them and say they were gay, but it became real obvious that they weren’t when they blew through their late teens and first few years of their twenties.

  He should be twenty-six now like my brother. I’m not sure if he’s finally settled down, but that’s not my concern.

  I feel safe around him and right now that’s all that matters. I know he’d never hurt me because of his loyalty to my brother.

  He pulls us into the garage of their house and I open the truck door the second he puts it in park. “Thanks for the ride.”

  “Sure.” I hear his response, but never look his way to see if he’s getting out or staying behind. I make my way down the hall to the first extra bedroom to avoid any further human contact for the evening.

  The last thing I want to do is talk about it with Alex again or any of his friends. This has been traumatic enough and I’m just ready for this day to be over.

  I slide under the covers and let my own crying drain me of the last ounce of life I have left in this day. Tomorrow will be better. It has to be.


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