His Every Whim

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His Every Whim Page 5

by Liliana Rhodes

  Xander grabbed the two drinks and joined me on the lanai. He set the drinks on a small table between two thickly cushioned lounge chairs and sat down.

  “Come sit, take a drink. They’re Lava Flows. Basically a pina colada with strawberry, the resort’s specialty.” He paused looking at me and smiled. “Beautiful.”

  I smiled back as I blushed. The sunset was beautiful but I didn’t think that’s what he was talking about. I felt a little embarrassed by his attention since I still wasn’t used to it, but I loved every second of it.

  Sitting down, I picked up one of the drinks and clinked it against his. We sat in silence with our sweet drinks as the sun set. When I set my drink down, my hand brushed against his and I felt that electricity his touch always gave me. He looked over at me for a long moment then his large hand closed around mine and our fingers locked together.

  It was a comfortable silence. Neither of us felt the need to talk, we just sat and enjoyed the gorgeous view. After a long day of traveling, I fell asleep on the lanai, still holding his hand.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I couldn’t imagine a more perfect ending to a long day than watching the Hawaiian sunset with a gorgeous woman. Her hand felt soft and delicate in mine. I noticed her eyes slowly close and let her sleep.

  She looked like an angel asleep in the final glow of the sunset. I slowly slipped my hand from hers and considered getting a blanket but I didn’t know how long she would sleep. Instead I picked her up and carried her to her room.

  I stifled a laugh as I thought of her face when I said we were sharing a room. Try as I might, it was impossible for me to not want her. I flirted and hinted but could tell she either didn’t realize it or didn’t accept it. I knew it was inappropriate because she was my employee, but I didn’t really care. It meant I could see her more often and I always got what I wanted.

  As I laid her down on the bed, I thought about the last time I carried a sleeping woman to bed. Darcy. She was never far from my thoughts. Conflicting feelings filled me as I slipped Ashley’s shoes off. Maybe I should just keep things professional. Looking at her I knew I’d never be able to.

  I pulled the blankets up around her and quietly left the room. She needed her rest for tomorrow. There was a lot I planned for her to do.

  Chapter Fifteen


  The next morning I woke up and looked around the room as I tried to remember where I was. The cream colored walls and dark wood furniture were unfamiliar. Xander must have carried me to bed. I rubbed my hand on the soft mint green down comforter and checked to see that I was completely dressed except for my shoes.

  I couldn’t help but laugh. I thought about how I misunderstood what he meant by sharing a room and how I was fully dressed in bed after a day of drinking a little too much. He didn’t even try anything.

  I ran my fingers through my long brown hair, untangling it, as I entered the living room. On the counter was a note from Xander:


  Last minute changes were made to the slide deck I’m presenting this morning. They should be complete by the time you’re up. Download it to this flash drive and bring it to the main conference room ASAP.


  Opening the laptop he gave me, I saw the file had been emailed to me. I saved it to the flash drive and headed down to the conference room completely aware I was still in yesterday’s clothing, but I knew better than keep him waiting.

  Xander was speaking to an attractive man with dirty blond hair in the large conference room. Xander was wearing a navy blue pinstriped suit and hadn’t noticed me enter yet. I was positive he could wear anything and it would fit him perfectly. The fabric of his suit jacket stretched across his broad shoulders and I thought about when he was the grumpy jerk at the art gallery, just a stranger to me.

  “Why are you smiling?” He asked.

  I giggled as I walked up to him and handed him the flash drive. I was suddenly aware that my hair was disheveled and I didn’t have any make up on. I smoothed down my hair and wrinkled clothes, embarrassed.

  “No reason, just thinking.”

  “You’ll be thinking a lot today. I have a lot of errands and meetings for you to take care of for me while I’m here.” He handed me a card with the name Shelley Isuzu printed on it. “Bring this to the front desk now, they’ll direct you to her.”

  “I need to change first.”

  “There’s no time. You’re representing me, you will not be late. Go!” He growled, I knew what that meant.

  I rushed out of the conference room chewing my lip nervously. I didn’t bring the laptop, I didn’t have anything with me. I wasn’t even sure what these meetings would be about. I vowed to try my hardest to not make a fool of myself.

  Sandra, the same woman from the day before was at the front desk.

  “Hello Miss Monroe, I believe you’re here for Shelley?”

  “Yes, I am. I hope I’m not late.”

  “No, you’re fine dear.” She smiled softly and patted my hand.

  She snapped her fingers and an older woman with jet black hair pulled back into a pony tail stepped forward. She was dressed in a simple white uniform with white shoes and looked almost medical. She smiled and wrapped her arm around my shoulders in a motherly kind of way.

  “Come with me my dear. We’ll start with a facial, then I’ll give you a full body massage. I’ll finish with a pedicure, hair cut and make up application if that’s alright. I know you have a special dinner tonight!”

  “Special dinner? No, you must be thinking of someone else. All of this can’t be for me. I have a business dinner to attend tonight, that’s all.”

  “You’re Ashley Monroe, right? Then these appointments are for you. Someone really wants you pampered, enjoy it.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  I glanced at my watch as people filed out of the conference room. Right about now she’s probably finishing up the massage. I smiled to himself imagining how surprised she was.

  Walking back to the elevator I stopped by the front desk as I thought of another way to surprise her. As I approached the front desk, Sandra turned and smiled.

  “She was so surprised!” She giggled like a woman much younger than her years.

  “I want to do something else. Can you arrange for flowers and candlelight after dinner?”

  “In your room? Of course! I’ll take care of it myself. I just checked on your other arrangements and everything is absolutely perfect. Shelley will bring her back to the room once she’s done. Will you be escorting her to dinner yourself?”

  “Yes, I have a gift I’m going to give her before we head to dinner. I’m sure she’s confused right now and I’d like to keep that going.” I grinned at her, excited for the evening.

  As I got back to the room, my phone began ringing. I sighed when I saw it was my mother calling. It was just like her to call when she knew I was away. She was a selfish woman who was never there for me and only appeared when she felt neglected which was often.

  “Hello Mother.”

  “Xander you must come home now, I’m in the hospital.”

  “What?! Are you ok? What happened?”

  “I had a stroke in the office so I drove myself to the hospital. I need you to come home.”

  None of what she said made sense to me. If she had a stroke then how did she drive herself to the hospital? How was she talking to me on her cell phone in a hospital? Anger coursed through my veins.

  “Fine. I’ll leave in the morning. What did the doctor say?”

  “Nothing really, they’re already discharging me. I guess I’ll have to drive myself home. Talk to you tomorrow Alex.”

  She hung up as I growled at the phone with clenched teeth. It was impossible for her to have a stroke and get sent home so quickly. I felt torn. I wanted to enjoy the rest of my time in Hawaii with Ashley, but I needed to check on my mother. Guilt consumed me when I thought of staying for the rest of the trip.
We would have to head home in the morning.

  I entered Ashley’s room and opened the closet door. I knew about the sapphire blue dress Joshua designed especially for her and wanted her to wear it. As I hung the hook of the dress’s hanger over the door, all the anger and frustration of my mother’s call vanished. Ashley was the only woman on my mind.

  Patting the gift for her I had in my pocket, I entered my room to change. Joshua designed a necktie in the exact shade of blue as Ashley’s dress and I planned to wear that with a light grey suit. I quietly closed my door as I heard the main room door open. Ashley was back from her spa day and I was ready to give her the night of her life.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I couldn’t believe what an amazing day I had. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I would ever have a spa day like that. My skin felt beautiful, my hair felt beautiful, I felt beautiful.

  My hair was down in soft waves around my shoulders and the make-up Shelley applied flawlessly was natural yet somehow she made my round cheeks look higher. She even convinced me into wearing a peachy color on my lips when I rarely wore lipstick. I always thought lipstick made my full lips look even larger but somehow she made it work for me.

  I entered our room and quickly looked around as I wondered where Xander was until I saw his closed bedroom door. I still had no idea what to expect. Shelley seemed to think I had a hot date, but Xander called it a business dinner so I didn’t want to get my hopes up.

  Walking into my room I saw the sapphire blue dress hanging from the door. I slipped out of the heavy white robe the spa gave me and into a purple strapless bra I knew would work perfectly with the dress and a matching silk thong.

  The dress slipped on easily, perfectly, as if it was made just for me but I was sure it couldn’t have been. I looked at myself in the full length mirror in the bathroom and spun around. I felt like a princess!

  Entering the living room, I saw Xander waiting for me looking as handsome as ever. His eyes traveled up and down my body and he smiled bigger than I’d ever seen him smile before.

  “You’re stunning! How is it you keep getting more beautiful?”

  “Stop!” I giggled and twirled for him.

  “Joshua sure pulled out all the stops this time. That dress is amazing. You look amazing.”

  “Mrs. Porter in the eighth grade amazing?”

  His laugh consumed his entire body and he shook his head. “I can’t believe he told you about that. That man cannot keep his mouth shut. I’m afraid to find out what else he told you.”

  I grinned and shrugged, not wanting to give anything away. Xander slid his arm around my waist and we left the room. In awe of being on the arm of such a gorgeous man, I let him lead me without question. He didn’t tell me where we were going or what to expect, but we walked out of the hotel and towards the beach.

  It was dark since the sun had already set. Tiki torches lit the flagstone walkway. Lush greenery and palm trees surrounded the area and just beyond them was the beach. Salt air mixed with the burning torches filled the air with the hypnotic sound of the waves crashing on the beach.

  The trees became sparse as the beach surrounded the path. Xander took my hand and I felt the usual excitement of having him near me. Up ahead I saw a large white cabana with hanging twinkle lights that looked like stars.

  When we reached the cabana, Xander led me to the only table which was set at the edge of the flagstones, just before the sand. The white crested waves crashed onto the beach not far from where we sat.

  “I thought you said this was a business dinner.”

  “I lied.” He grinned from ear to ear. “I hope you enjoy everything tonight.”

  “Today has been the most amazing day. Thank you so much, I just don’t understand why you’re doing all of this.”

  “I don’t need a reason. Just enjoy it.”

  Out of the blue a man yelled and a drum sounded. I turned and on the beach a group of five men stood in line. Each man wore a short floral sarong around his waist, a shell choker, and had what I guess were dried palm leaves tied to hang down his calves.

  The men took turns doing his own fire dance to the strong rhythmic pounding of the drums. The flames seem to kiss their skin as they threw flaming batons into the air and caught them behind their back and even with their feet. It seemed each dancer had to one-up the next. The entire display was breathtaking.

  “I meant to give this to you earlier but I got distracted.” Xander pulled a small square box wrapped in glossy black paper with a small red ribbon from his jacket pocket and slid it across the table to me. “Open it. I was hoping you’d wear it tonight.”

  I took the ribbon off and slid my finger under the tape of the glossy wrapping paper. Lifting the lid of the wrapped box revealed a navy sueded box inside. I lifted the hinged top and gasped when I saw a platinum necklace with a single large, round sapphire surrounded by a halo of tiny diamonds.

  “Its beautiful but I can’t accept this.”

  “Yes you can, and you will. You don’t have a choice. Let me put it on you.”

  He removed the necklace from the box and fastened it around my neck. His hands then slid onto my shoulders. Electricity ran up my spine from his strong hands on my bare skin. My mind went back to the break room at the art gallery causing a warm feeling to course through my body. I wanted him badly.

  As if he sensed his power over me he kissed my neck, just over the thin chain of the necklace. I let out a long sigh of pleasure from that simple gesture of his which awakened every pore on my body.

  The rest of the meal was a blur. I spent most of it lost in his ice-blue eyes as we talked about anything that came to mind. After dessert we could hear jazz music coming from one of the hotel lounges and he took my hand and we danced in the light of the twinkle-lights and tiki torches.

  It was the end of a perfect day but I wasn’t ready for it, I needed more. I was intoxicated by the combination of his spicy musk and his muscular body pressed against me as we swayed to the music. Although it wasn’t like me, I was prepared to make the first move. I couldn’t control myself around him.

  I lifted my head to kiss him and our lips met as his head came down. His hands immediately went up to my face and into my hair. My legs felt like jelly and I was sure I was floating. His lips moved between and over mine as hungrily as I kissed him.

  “Do you want to go back to the room?” His voice was gruff yet soft.

  I couldn’t speak. My breathing was shallow with excitement and longing. I nodded and he grabbed my hand and we ran back down the long walkway and to the elevator.

  Once alone in the elevator he bit my earlobe softly then moved his lips slowly down my neck to my collarbone. I unknotted his tie then began unbuttoning his shirt. His chest was sculpted as perfectly as I imagined when I felt it pressed against me. I was about to slide my hands over his pecs when the elevator slowed and the doors opened.

  Xander scooped me up into his arms, his long gait made easy work of the long hallway. He opened the door of the villa and I was shocked to see candles and flowers throughout the living room. He was about to set me down but I didn’t want that.

  “No, your bedroom. Go!”

  He laughed hearing me order him and carried me into his bedroom then placed me on the king size bed. I pushed open his shirt and he quickly removed his jacket and shirt.

  Finally sliding my hands over his chiseled torso, I let my fingers trace each muscle of his abs before I unbuckled his belt and opened his pants. I wanted to touch him so badly! He stepped out of his pants and I reached for the bulge in his charcoal grey boxer shorts but he stepped back.

  “No, I get what I want remember?”

  The simple sound of his voice was enough to get me more excited. He ran his hand over my hair, held the back of my head and kissed me. First his lips lingered on mine then they pushed my lips open as his tongue slid against my tongue.

  I ran my hands over his beard and through his shaggy hair befor
e they continued down to his shoulders and arms, enjoying the strong feel of his muscles under my fingertips. His lips left mine as he kissed my chin, then the soft spot at the front of my neck where my collarbone met.

  His hands traveled roughly over the dress, squeezing my heavy breasts together as he kissed my cleavage. He sat up and gazed at me for a moment before getting off the bed. Taking my foot, he slipped off my sandals then kissed my instep. I giggled uncontrollably.

  “Stop! That tickles!”

  He laughed then kissed my ankle and my shin as his hands slid up my legs and under the dress. When his hands reached my panties, he curled his fingers around the silky material at my hips and yanked them down and off me. He had me so turned on I knew my panties were wet.

  His lips worked their way up my leg and once he reached my thighs, he pushed them apart and I was suddenly aware of how bare I was underneath my dress without my panties and it turned me on even more.

  As he slid the dress up further, his lips covered the soft sensitive skin of my inner thighs. His hand slid across my trimmed mound making my breath come even faster. He nipped the upper most part of my thigh and I jumped then he slowly sucked the spot making the sensation even more intense.

  His lips inched up further and as I resigned myself to the torture of anticipation, he slid his tongue between my lower lips and over my clit. Instinctively my fingers ran through his hair. Using the flat part of his tongue he teased me with long slow licks, followed by flicks with the tip of his tongue.

  Clutching the pillow my head rested on, I moaned and spread my legs further. No longer was I self conscious of my size, my only thought was the things this sexy man was doing to me and how I wanted more.

  He twirled his tongue in small circles as my hips slowly rocked. The pressure was building quickly inside of me and ea tingling sensation traveled up my spine. The pulsing between my legs turned into a throb. I wanted more than just his tongue and couldn’t believe the thought even entered my head.


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