Defining Human (Only Human Book 4)

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Defining Human (Only Human Book 4) Page 22

by Candace Blevins

  “And the RTMC?”

  “Neutral-ish,” said Cora. “Everyone knows they’ll likely help the local Pack if Randall’s life’s in danger, but it isn’t, so they’ve remained in the background.”

  I was about to ask if there was food when Nathan said, “RaeLynn is making fried potatoes, fried eggs, biscuits and gravy, and the fake sausage things you like.”

  “Is it okay for me to kiss her?”

  He grinned. “No, though a hug would be nice.”

  “I should’ve seen Lauren before I meditated. I’ll go to her first, then the food.”

  “She hasn’t been awake long. She’s helping RaeLynn cook breakfast,” said Cora. “We’ve done our best to keep her busy. She was a trooper while you were missing. She called in sick to work so we didn’t need to put guards on her and everyone could look for you. We’ll need to get a note from Doc for her before she goes back.”

  “You told her Gavin had abducted me?”

  “I told her one of Abbott’s people had, and that we were assured you’d be safe and he was only using you as bait. I explained Abbott’s people were in danger if he didn’t hand you over, and how he was trying to find a solution to keep you and his people safe.” She looked at Nathan and then back to me. “Mr. Grumpypants was completely calm with her, and didn’t mention disemboweling and torturing Abbott to Lauren even once.”

  I looked at Nathan, who grinned and shrugged. “I might’ve told Cora my plans though.”

  Cora laughed. “I’m pretty sure you told just about anyone who’d listen. It’s possible Lauren’s the only person you didn’t tell.”

  I stopped by my room to put foundation and eyeliner on, brushed a little contouring powder in the most important spots, put underwear and yoga pants on under the shirt, and finally made my way to the kitchen.

  Lauren’s hug was super-gentle, and I assured her, “I’m okay. I’m tired and hungry, but I’m good.”

  “Is the vampire still in your head? Nathan said you couldn’t kill him because he was controlling you.”

  “I won’t know for sure until tonight, but I’m safe while he’s down for the day.”

  “Are you going to kill him?”

  “I intended to and still might, but Aaron doesn’t want me to, so I’m considering the political ramifications before I decide.”

  RaeLynn gave me a sharp look, and I held her gaze.

  “You’re a fine warrior,” she finally said. “You’re worthy of my King.”

  Well, that wasn’t what I expected from her, but I’d take it. “Thanks for helping take care of Lauren while I was gone, and for keeping her busy this morning.” I inhaled deeply. “And for the potatoes.”

  I texted Randall to let him know I was about to sit down to breakfast, but I hoped to talk to him this morning or possibly during lunch if he wasn’t available now. He texted back that I should call him using the Drake app when I finished eating.

  Breakfast made me feel like a new person, and Cora didn’t argue when I went into a soundproof room to call Randall. She trusted me not to make the situation worse.

  As soon as Randall’s face came on the screen, I told him, “I’m in a soundproof room, and Nathan assures me there are no listening devices. I’m not open to Cora telepathically. She has no idea what we’re saying.”

  He crossed his arms and didn’t reply.

  “Whether you offered it or she took it, I still owe you a huge thanks. I’ll do what I can to make you look as powerful as possible, though it’s my understanding you’re already capitalizing on the political power boost.”

  “I am, and I appreciate the help. Two Alphas control most of the Florida panhandle, and have asked to break away from the other Florida Packs and come under me. A few of the Packs in South Carolina that’ve worried me also seem to be falling into line better.”

  “Cora doesn’t want the headache of Alpha. You know this, right?”

  “I do, but we’ll have to be careful no one understands how powerful she is.” He sighed. “Without you, she wasn’t even in the right ballpark to consider challenging me.”

  “Communication, Randall. We need to know what you have going on, and I’ll make sure Cora’s keeping you apprised of what we’re into.” I shook my head and crossed my arms. I didn’t want to say this, but I’d never forgive myself if I didn’t say it and Cora ended up dead. “If anything happens to her and I have even a tiny suspicion you’re behind it, I’ll take you out. She isn’t a threat to you, and in fact is going to make you stronger, so don’t hurt her or me.”

  Wolf eyes looked at me out of a human face, but I held the gaze.

  “I don’t take well to threats, but you’re human and I understand why you gave it. As long as you and Cora continue to back me and add to my powerbase, we’re good.”

  “If you think there’s an issue, talk to us. Don’t let someone manipulate you into thinking we’re against you when we aren’t.”

  “Understood.” He closed his eyes a few seconds, and they were human again when he opened them. “Cora and I’ve talked. You and I have talked. I’d like you to make an appearance at our next full moon run.”

  “I’ll do my best.”

  Chapter 30

  Smoky had been at my parents’ house, but Cora had picked him up and brought him to Nathan’s so he could keep Lauren company while I was missing. I took him to work with me so I wasn’t alone in my office with patients. I didn’t need him, but it was comforting to have him at my feet. Cora stayed in my waiting room and wasn’t far, but Smoky gave me tactile reinforcement and support. He grounded me. He was a piece of home.

  As always, it was nice to step outside my own troubles and focus on my patients, but when five o’clock came, I was happy to get in the Sherpa with Nathan and Cora. We had nearly four hours until the sun went down, but I assumed Kendra was awake.

  “I want to go home and swim,” I told them. “I need my trees. I know Kendra said to give Abbott a chance to break the final strand, but I want to go in and look again.”

  “Griffin rose tonight,” said Nathan. “It’s past sunset in Europe. His people are throwing a party to celebrate his good health. I’ve verified he’s been seen up and walking around.”

  Smokey’s head landed on my shoulder from behind, and I rubbed his chin and under his ear. “Okay. I’ll know not to just blow his head up next time.” I had so many questions, I kept forgetting to ask some important ones. “Why did Gavin take control of me, and Rinaldo attempted to affect my thoughts from a distance, but Griffin put me in a room and stayed out of my head?”

  “Griffin’s rumored to enjoy inflicting physical torture rather than controlling his prey with vampire powers. He prefers to break people the old-fashioned way.”

  I grunted. “Ya’ll said he was worse than Caligula with the sex and torture stuff?”


  “So I don’t have to worry about him taking over my willpower?”

  “I’m not sure that’s accurate,” said Nathan. “There are those who say he can, he just prefers to break people physically. However, with your exploding heads trick, he might take control of you to keep you from doing it again.”

  “I’d like to go in your head with you, when you look for the connection,” said Cora.

  “If I can figure out how to bring you in, I will.” I leaned sideways into Smokey and ran my fingers deeper into his long, thick fur. He stretched his neck to give me room, and the vehicle was silent as Nathan drove us to my house.

  Martin sat on my front porch when we pulled in, and Nathan growled deep in his chest. I leaned forward and put my hand on his shoulder. “If you’re over every cat in America, why did you let him side with Abbott?”

  “Politics. Aaron wants to give the appearance the Chattanooga alliance is failing. We’re all tired of waiting for the other side to make their move, and we’re worried they’re waiting until…” He shrugged. “Aquila wants you. Xaephan wants you. We’re worried they’re waiting to try to get you before the main bat
tle starts.”

  “Are you really at war with Abbott?”

  “I’m beyond pissed at him and I’d tear him apart if I could get to him, but I won’t kill him. Like it or not, our side needs him.” He put his hand on mine. “Gavin, however, is another story entirely.”

  I sighed. “I shouldn’t have told you he got off watching the scenes in my memories.”

  “Don’t keep things from me. Especially stuff like that. I need to know he’s aware the demon bested me. Politically, Gavin and Abbott can use that information against me, so I have to make plans for how to counter them if they do.”

  “I’m aware you’ll both hear us, but will you stay here and let me go to Martin?”

  Nathan nodded, and I got Smokey out of the back. He’d go crazy in the Sherpa if I didn’t take him with me. The two of us walked down my sidewalk to talk to the asshole tiger.

  “Why are you here?” It would’ve been rude to ask this of most people, but I figured Martin would appreciate me skipping the small talk. Smokey sat in front of me instead of beside me, which didn’t surprise me in the least.

  “I don’t especially like you, but I don’t want to see you dead either. Kendra has Gavin on a short leash until Abbott rises. She fears Gavin might kill or turn you. If you see him, fight before you talk. We’re all hoping Abbott rises soon so he can put a stop to the fighting. The Amakhosi escalated things earlier today. If you’re capable of reining him back, you should do so.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t think anyone’s capable of making Nathan do something he doesn’t want.”

  “Aaron can usually talk sense into him, but with Aaron playing the part of Switzerland, I don’t believe His Majesty is inclined to listen.”

  Martin walked down my hill and to his car without saying goodbye, and I didn’t mention the conversation to either Nathan or Cora. I just changed into my bathing suit and went to the pool. Why was it my responsibility to rein in Nathan? We weren’t an official thing. We weren’t.

  Cora and I joined our auras in the water, sitting on the steps. She held me from behind and we sank into a meditation, but I couldn’t pull her in enough so she could see what I did. Still, having her energy helped me wander around in my head and try to remember what Gavin had done.

  I jumped and came back to reality in a flash of adrenaline at Nathan’s touch, and I blinked in the sunlight, but managed to give him a sufficient glare for pulling me out. “I wasn’t finished.”

  “I gave you two hours. You need to get dressed so we can return to my house.”

  “I didn’t find it. I’m not sure I found anything helpful.”

  Cora and I pulled away, and no one said anything until we were in the house. “I’m going to take a quick bath, you should use Lauren’s shower.”

  “Nathan looks like he’s received bad news. Maybe he can talk to you about it while you take a bath and wash your hair?”

  “No,” said Nathan. “I’ll wait until we’re all together.”

  “I’ll make my shower quick and join you in your bathroom, then,” said Cora.

  I wasted no time, but my hair takes longer to wash than Cora’s, so I was rinsing the conditioner when she joined us in my bathroom. Nathan had sat and stared at me while I shaved my legs and washed my hair, and I was ready to spray him down instead of rinsing my hair.

  “Talk, Amakhosi.” Cora said it as an order and I worried he’d clam up on principle, but he didn’t.

  “One of Abbott’s people drank from a young werewolf in the early morning hours. A seventeen-year-old girl. He didn’t physically rape her, but he gave her orgasms with his bite. Randall found the vampire’s lair today and killed him. Stake through the heart, cut his head off, destroyed the brainstem, burned everything. He isn’t coming back. Things are escalating, and it isn’t just us trying to make outsiders think our agreements are disintegrating.”

  I rinsed the conditioner from my hair, donned a cotton sundress and my Tevas, and grabbed a few more things to wear in the coming days. Smokey met us in the foyer with his leash in his mouth, and I fastened it to his collar, waved Cora and Nathan through the door, and set the alarm on my way out — they both knew how, but it was my damned house and I wanted to.

  Chapter 31

  “I don’t care. Aaron’s being an ass and I need to talk to Sophia. Take me to her. Now.”

  It’s never a good idea to draw a line in the sand with a cat, but I couldn’t go to Faerie by myself. We’d been arguing for at least fifteen minutes when Cora suggested, “Nathan, perhaps you could bring Sophia here? I know it’s against Aaron’s wishes, but you aren’t exactly following his orders right now, are you?”

  Nathan looked at both of us a good ten seconds before he stalked out of the room without saying a word.

  With Nathan gone, I wasn’t sure what to do. Cora and I stared at each other at least fifteen seconds before I shook my head and went back upstairs to hang out with Lauren and Smokey.

  Cora and Lauren played a video game, and I watched the sun dip below the horizon while I considered my options. I didn’t know if Nathan was bringing Sophia to me or not, but I couldn’t assume he was. “I need to fix some things,” I told Lauren. “I intend to be back within an hour — two at the most — but everyone’s going to be pissed at me for leaving.”

  “You’ll be safe?”

  “Sometimes you have to do something a little dangerous so you’ll be safe later. I’m not being stupid, though Nathan might disagree when he returns.”

  Cora touched my arm, and I folded my fingers over hers. “I’m taking my cellphone,” I told her. “If it turns off, find me at the last location. If you don’t hear from me in twenty minutes, I might need rescuing.”

  “Where are you going?” asked Cora, her eyes wary.

  “I have no idea.”

  I shook her hand off and stepped out of reality. I focused on Abbott, and stepped back in, face to face with a pissed off Master Vampire.

  He lashed out in reflex, but diverted his arm at the last microsecond so he didn’t kill me.

  “Why are you here?”

  “You’re in my head, thanks to Gavin. Break all the remaining ties. Now.”

  He wore his vampire face and he looked like the monster I knew he could be, but I met his gaze and didn’t look away.

  “I should hand you over to Rinaldo.”

  “Rinaldo no longer wants me.” I hedged. “At least, not as a prisoner. Your former deal is off the table.”

  Abbott sighed. “I’m not breaking the final connection under the current climate.”

  The door opened and a beautiful, thin young man came in. He looked surprised to see me, but walked to Abbott and gave a small bow. “Master. How do you wish me?”

  Abbott transformed back into the beautiful man I was used to seeing, and gave his breakfast a gentle smile. “I have an unexpected visitor and will regrettably have to make it quick. I’ll take the time to enjoy you properly another day.”

  Abbott sat on a sofa, the young man sat in his lap, and Abbott wrapped his arms around the oh-so-sexy torso. He took several long minutes to feed and then lick the bite marks closed, and I was a little surprised there wasn’t any blood. When he finished, Abbott cradled the young man in his arms, told him to sleep, and looked back to me. I’d taken pointers from the powerful men in my life who often lean against a wall with their arms crossed.

  “I’m a little like a Hobbit today,” he said. “This was my second breakfast. I’ll likely need a third in another hour.”

  I was probably supposed to apologize for being the reason he needed so much blood to properly heal, but I wasn’t in the mood. “As sweet as you look cuddling with your breakfast, please put him somewhere else.”

  “Why? So you can attempt to kill me?”

  “If I wanted to kill you, I’d have swung a few inches lower. What has to happen before you can smooth things over with the lions and wolves?”

  “You’re here as peacemaker?” He sounded incredulous, and it pissed me o

  “I’m a therapist who regularly helps married people find peace. Surely I can help out here. What has to happen?”

  “If you’re the expert peacemaker, you tell me.”

  I uncrossed my arms and dropped my hands to my sides so I’d have them available to take defensive action. “You’re the ancient vampire who leaves before war breaks out — are you going to stick around and fix what you broke, or turn tail and leave?”

  “Leaving isn’t an option, unfortunately.” He stood with the young man in his arms, settled him onto the sofa, and covered him with a blanket from the back of the sofa. He tucked it in, made sure the pillow was situated, and walked to a chair across from me to sit.

  I wasn’t sure if he was showing me trust by turning his back to me, or arrogance.

  “You can find me and come to me at will? Without alerting my guards?”


  “You’re alive because I’m in your head and I know you won’t kill me unless I threaten Lauren, or in some way become your enemy in a way you don’t think is fixable.”

  “Great. Now that you know you’re safe, get out.”

  He shook his head. “I’m sorry, but I can’t allow someone as powerful as you to exist in my territory unless I can see your thoughts.”

  “Then kill me.”

  He blinked. “Pardon?”

  “I see the scar where I took the top of your head off. The marks will fade, but you’ll wear them a few days, yes? Your choices are to break the ties going into my head, kill me, or I’ll disable you again — and will keep doing it until you either see reason or I’m forced to kill you for real.”

  I meant every word, so there was no problem with him being in my head in that moment. It only took a microsecond for me to step away from the wall, form a quarterstaff, and have it swinging through the air on the way to his head.

  As I’d hoped — but had kept out of my mind once I arrived — he grabbed my willpower with his and pushed me to my knees. That was all I needed, and the instant I saw where his thread tied into my head, I burned the fuck out of it.


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