Atkins, Susan
Attractiveness, disorganized criminals and
Aynesworth, Hugh
Beausoleil, Bobby
Bender, Frank
Berdella, Bob
Berkowitz, David “Son of Sam”
Biting, sexual homicide and
Body, concealment of
Body-type theories
Bolz, Capt. Frank
Boston Strangler
Boyle, Gerald P.
Bremer, Arthur
Breslin, Jimmy
Brooks, Pierce
Brudos, Jerome
Brussel, Dr. James A.
Bundy, Ted
Burgess, Dr. Ann
Burglary, fetish
Bush, Dr. Katie
Butkovich, John, murder of
Calabro, Carmine
Carter, Jimmy
Carter, Rosalynn
Casper, Joe
Cavanaugh, Dr. James L., Jr.
Cavanaugh, Dr. James
Chapman, Mark
Chase, Richard Trenton
organized vs. disorganized criminals
violence and
Clark, Mary Higgins
Cochran, Dr. John
Cognitive mapping
Conway, John
Crime scene, staging the
Cronin, Tom
Crossing-the-line behavior
Crutchley, John Brennan
Dahmer, Jeffrey
D’Amico, Lt. Joseph
Damio, Ward
DeCoursey, Dr. Peter
Degnan, Suzanne, murder of
Deviant personality, formula for producing
Dietz, Dr. Park
Disabilities, disorganized criminals with
Disorganized vs. organized criminals
crime scene of
personalities of
Divorce, criminals as children of
Dobson, Dr. James
Domaille, John
Douglas, John
Drugs, serial murders and
Dunbar, Pete
Dunbar, Susan, kidnapping and murder of
Dunn, John
Eberle, Danny Joe, murder of
Elverson, Francine, Bronx rooftop murder of
Evans, Donald Leroy
Evans, Johnny
Evidence of the crime
arsonists, fantasies of
sexual homicide and
FBI National Academy (FBINA)
FBI’s National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime (NCAVC)
FBI’s Violent Criminal Apprehension Program (VICAP)
Felt, Mark
Ferriera, Michael, murder of
Fetish burglaries
Fiction, depiction of profilers in
Fire bugs, fantasies of
Fisher, Joe
Fitzjohn Debbora, murder of
Foley, Thomas
Ford, Gerald, attempted assassination of
Frazier, John Linley
Fromme, Lynette “Squeaky”
Gacy, John Wayne
Gall, Jack
Gary, Carlton
Gein, Ed
Glatman, Harvey Murray
Goode, Sandra
Gortmaker, Gary
Gosch, Johnny, abduction and murder of
Graffiti, vandalism and
Graszer, Frank
Greene, Ricky
Griffin, Ambrose, murder of
Hallett, Sara, murder of
Hance, William H.
Handley, Jack
Hanna, Hugh “Bud”
Harris, Tom
Heck, Robert O.
Heirens, William
Henderson, Jim
Hillside Strangler
Hinckley, John
Hoekstra, Ray
Hoover, J. Edgar
Hopper, Grace
Hostage negotiations
Ingrahm, Randy
International Homicide Symposium
Interviewing violent criminals, techniques of
Isolation during childhood, murderers and
“Jack the Ripper” (Yorkshire Ripper)
Jackson, Gail, murder of
Jefferson Award
Jenkins, Philip
Jensen, Steven H.
Jones, Jim
Joseph, Ken
Joubert, John Joseph
Kelley, Clarence
Kemper, Edmund Emil
Kennedy, Senator Robert F., murder of
Keppel, Robert
Kozenczak, Joe
Kretchmer, Dr. Ernest
Lanning, Ken
Leeds, Patricia
Levin, Dr. Jack
Levine, Dr. Lowell
Lie detector tests, psychopaths and
Linkage blindness
Loves Music, Loves to Dance (Clark)
Low, Duane
Lucas, Henry Lee
Lustkiller (Rule)
McCoy, Kilburn
McDermott, John “the Radish”
McGreevy, Tom
McKenzie, James
McMillen, Sarah
Manson, Charles
Marquette, Richard Lawrence
Meierhofer, David
Mental illness
organized vs. disorganized criminals
polygraph tests and
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Meredith, Daniel J., murder of
Metesky, George
Mijalevic, Amy, murder of
Milk, Harvey, murder of
Minderman, John
Miron, Dr. Murray
Miroth, Evelyn and Jason, murder of
Mobility and adaptability
Modlin, Dr. Herbert C.
Monroe, Larry
Moore, Doug
Moore, Sarah Jane
Mosconi, Mayor, murder of
Mother, role of in development of criminals
Mullany, Pat
Mullin, Herbert
Multiple personalities
Murman, George. See Heirens, William
National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime (NCAVC)
Night Stalker (Richard Ramirez)
Novels, depiction of profilers in
O’Connell Jo “O. C. Joe”
Oldfield, George
Onion Field, The (Wambaugh)
Organized vs. disorganized criminals
crime scene of
personalities of
Otto, John
Paranoid schizophrenia
Parents. See Mother, role of in development of criminals
Piest, Robert, murder of
Polygraph tests, psychopaths and
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Powell, Jody
Prisk, Col. Courtney
Psychiatrists, FBI link with
Psychics, FBI work with
Psychological profiling, technique of
organized vs. disorganized criminals
polygraph tests and
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Ramirez, Richard (Night Stalker)
Rape. See Sex acts with victims
Rape kits
Ratner, Dr. Richard
Reagan, Ronald
attempted assassination of
Red Dragon (Harris)
Regressive necrophilia
Rehabilitation of criminals, prognosis for
Renier, Noreen
Restraints, use of
Rissell, Monte Ralph
Rivera, Geraldo
Robbery, fetish
Roscetti, Lori, murder of
Ross, Lieutenant Dan
Ross, Diane, attempted murder of
Rule, Ann
Sadat, Anwar
Salerno, Frank
Samples, Duane
Scene of the
abduction vs. murder
returning to
Schaefer, Gerard John
mothers of
Schlossberg, Harvey
Schools, murderers and
Serial killer, coinage of term of
Sex acts with victims
rape kits
Sexual dysfunction, murderers and
Sexual homicide, profile of
Shawcross, Arthur J.
Sheldon, Dr. William
Shephard, Dr. Sam
Silence of the Lambs, The (Harris)
Simon, Dr. Robert
Sirhan, Sirhan
Sizemore, Chris
Smith, Bob
Smith, Cameron
Snyder, Tom
“Son of Sam” (David Berkowitz)
Souvenirs, taking of
Speck, Richard
Spree killer
Staging the crime scene
Stealing, fetish
Steffens, Fran, murder of
Steinbach, George
Stetson, Ricky, murder of
Stockholm syndrome
Strandberg, Clarnell
Sutcliffe, Peter (Yorkshire Ripper)
SWAT teams
Teenagers. See Adolescence, murderers during
Teten, Howard
Thirkield, Irene, murder of
Thomas, Sheriff Pat
Three Faces of Eve, The
Toole, Ottis
Transient situational disturbance
Trophies, taking of
Truman, Garry
Truth serums, psychopaths and
Uniform Crime Reporting System
Van Dyke, Chris
Vandals, characteristics of
Vanick, Howard
Victims, choosing
Vietnam stress syndrome
Vine, Debra Sue, murder of
Violent Criminal Apprehension Program (VICAP)
Vorpagel, Russ
Waikart, Frank W.
Walden, Christopher Paul, murder of
Wallace, Governor George, attempted assassination of
Wallin, Terry, murder of
Walsh, Adam, abduction and murder of
Wambaugh, Joseph
Watson, Tex
Webster, William
White, Dan
Whitman, Charles
Williams, Wayne
Wolfgang, Dr. Marvin
Wolfinger, Norman
Wrenn, Dick
Writers, depiction of profilers by
Wuornos, Aileen
Yang, Iris
Yorkshire Ripper
Ziporyn, Dr. Marvin
Copyright © 1992 by Robert K. Ressler and Tom Shachtman.
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ISBN: 0-312-95044-6
EAN: 80312-95044-6
St. Martin’s Press hardcover edition/May 1992
St. Martin’s Paperbacks edition/March 1993
eISBN 9781250084996
First eBook edition: April 2015
Whoever Fights Monsters Page 33