The Guild Chronicles Books 1-3

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The Guild Chronicles Books 1-3 Page 36

by J M Bannon

  “What? The sight of my hairy calloused feet or what these tree trunks would do to a pair of ladies’ shoes upset you?” replied Gus.

  “I know a cobbler in town who can make a lady’s shoe even for that foot, he may already have a few clients of that ilk," piped in the foppish tailor. Gustavus gave him a wide handed backslap that caused the tailor to lose his spectacles and cough. "Always looking to sell something ay, Samuel. Does your cobbler friend give you a commission for all the Guild perverts you send to him? Klaus, don’t you worry I’m taking these recipes and going over to the crucible now. You have my promise I will get this done. I will get my best men working on this to ensure we have the most spectacular opening ceremony, that will also welcome my little girl back to the accolades she deserves,” beamed Traube.

  Gustavus made his way out of the office, Kiefer double stepped up to him, “Samuel, I need a moment with the Baron, I will be back shortly.” Kiefer put his arm around Gustavus and whispered to him, "My friend I tell you this in strict confidence, but I think you should know this to lighten your heart. Gorber has sent a highly skilled team to find Lorelei. They were given orders to hunt down whoever is responsible for her disappearance. These men are Prussia’s best and when we find the Ottomans behind this, they will be dealt with in no uncertain terms."

  “You are a good friend, Klaus. I do not need a moors head for the great hall. Just get my little girl back."


  Monday the 11th of June 1860

  8:23 p.m. The Peregrine

  Rose was preparing to leave. The galley had become her ready room. on the table, she had her gear laid out, giving all the items a last look as she fitted her bodice with various pouches, purses and vials.

  Tommy burst into the room, “Miss Rose, I whipped something up for you, it’s not very fashionable but will be useful if you run into those shocker gents again.” He held up a metal vest with an attachment resembling a long tail.

  "Thank you, Tommy. what do I do with it?" Rose examined the garment with curiosity.

  "Straight forward Miss. You see copper is an excellent electrical conductor, but I have lined it with the rubber we use to patch the gas bag with, so you will be insulated just as this lead is," instructed Tommy as he held it up for Rose to get her arms into the armholes.

  She slipped into the copper vest.

  “Now clasp it up in the front,” Tommy gestured towards Rose’s chest.

  "It’s a little snug," lamented Rose.

  “Tommy you're no seamstress,” remarked Captain Falk.

  “I tried to guess at the... you know the circumference of your upper-ness," said the boy.

  Rose and Falk laughed.

  “Will it still work if I don’t clasp the top two?”

  "It will perform better than nothing that is for sure. What we need to do now is tie this lead to your leg and you see the end there, the copper bit. I want you to step on that and embed it in your shoe," directed Tommy.

  "Now the electricity has an easy path around you and to ground," the boy was proud of his work.

  “You need to take one of these,” the Captain drew her pistol from her hip holster spinning the gun presenting the butt towards Rose.

  “No, no," Rose said waving her hand “I carry something a little different but equally potent." She pulled out of a scabbard on her belt what appeared to be an oversized ruler. At first you might mistake it for a dagger given its size, but it had no blade, rather it was a rectangle of silver filigreed with gold.

  The Captain leaned in to get a closer look and Rose held it up presenting its broader side. “It’s beautiful, did you make it?”

  "No, this was forged before man. It is a relic. The bookmark from the Tome of Secrets written by Raziel, a guardian angel, the protector of Adam, and chief of Erilhiem. Through this item I can commune with the angelic beings and summon their powers. Think of it like calling in your big brother when a bully picks on you," Rose relayed gleefully.

  Rose slipped the Rod of Raziel back into the sheath on her belt then clipped a few more gear packs and pouches onto her bodice.

  Well, if you won’t take the pistol, take this. Rose opened the wooden box Falk handed her with her left hand while Reidun holstered her sidearm with her right.

  In the container was a flare gun and three shells.

  “You can fire those when you are ready and we will swoop in to get you. Do you have a location yet?” asked the Captain.

  "I don’t. I am still waiting to hear from Atwood at the Embassy or Azul through his connection with Preston. Unfortunately, I think the distance between the book and Preston has all but severed the tie," answered Rose.

  Jules came into the galley, "Captain, I told Lucas that I saw cars approaching he told me come back and let you know."

  “Thanks Jules, I need you to head up to engineering and prepare for us to alight and I'll see what this is all about.”

  Rose was all dressed up for the party but had no invitation. It had been a few hours since she had checked in with Azul. With her kit ready, now was as a good time to determine if Azul had a lock on Preston.

  She packed up the items she would leave behind and carried them back to her room near the galley. As she prepared to go back and tap into the book again, she heard a large group of people enter the stairwell from cargo bay. Then the Captain’s voice, "I am sure Miss Caldwell will be pleased to see you."


  Monday the 11th of June 1860

  8:33 PM The Peregrine

  As Rose entered the main hall of the ship, there stood Preston. Preston ran to Rose and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

  “I am so glad to see you're not harmed,” cried Rose, so overwhelmed with relief to see her friend.

  "I feel the same," Preston gushed, leaning back to inspect Rose and give her a grin. "Looks like you’re rigged up to go adventuring?"

  "Matter of fact, I was just on my way to save you," Rose exclaimed, smirking.

  The next to come through the bulkhead was the Turk from the Bazaar, the one who had shocked Preston. She drew the Rod of Raziel from her side and took a stance to protect herself and Preston.

  “Easy, Rose no need to smite anyone.” Preston said as he grabbed her wrist on the arm holding the rod.

  “This is the goon that stunned you,” Rose growled.

  "Yes, can we all go somewhere other than this crowded hall to chat? I want you to meet Lorelei and we have to put together our plan, but first do you have the journal?" inquired Preston.

  Rose pointed into the galley where the book was barely visible submerged in her crystal ball contraption.

  "Rose, what have you done?" Preston had a madness in his eyes. His hands grasped the glass ball trying to lift the globe but it did not budge off the base.

  “Relax, Preston, I built that to connect and speak directly with Azul. He is looking for clues to your location.”

  "These clods muddled the connection and I need his help," muttered Gilchrist fumbling to get to the book.

  “Let’s all go to the bridge and sort this out. You can explain why you’re traipsing in here with the guys I saw paralyze and drag you off,” Rose proposed.

  “Are you going to introduce us?” asked a petite, red-haired lass who maneuvered past the Turks to position herself next to Preston.

  “Rose Caldwell, may I present Doctor Lorelei Traube, Master Alchemist; Lorelei, this is my dear friend, Miss Rose Caldwell.” Preston glowed.

  Lorelei extended her hand to Rose who shook it gladly, "Pleased to meet you," added Rose, "Now, might one of you tell me what the hell is going on here?"

  * * *

  8:20 p.m. Istanbul Mehmed Aerodrome, tarmac

  Caspar’s Ghosts had set up around the aerodrome hiding in the brush doing reconnaissance on the Peregrine. Major Reinhold watched as cars pulled up onto the tarmac, three in total. Out of two, several Turks exited and set up a perimeter. The team displayed no visible weapons, but it was obvious they functioned as security. One man wen
t to the middle car and opened the door.

  Caspar adjusted the focus of his binoculars to watch who alighted from the steam carriage. These were the subjects that this security team guarded vigilantly. By the way the guards set the perimeter and way the vehicles were positioned it reeked of text book security.

  "Do you think they have made us?" asked Ulrik.

  "Doubtful. Well here is the Christmas goose," whispered Caspar. Out of the car stepped two Europeans, a male and a female, the woman was Lorelei Traube. "There is the quarry, Ulrik, I will need something to deal with the cordon of guards."

  “Might I suggest we lay down gas grenades. I can launch a shell from the field mortar and the squads can use hand grenades to encircle the group,” suggested Ulrik.

  “Perfect,” Caspar rolled to his other side where his corporal lay in the brush watching through a spyglass. “Corporal, ready the men for a north - south pincher assault. Authorize the team to use paralytic gas. The time is twenty hours, twenty minutes.”

  “Mark,” replied the corporal checking his time piece. The synchronized attack was a favorite of the Ghosts.

  "Forty minutes from now at twenty-one hundred. Commence the attack," ordered Caspar.


  Monday the 11th of June 1860

  8:45 p.m. Bridge of the Peregrine

  8:45 PM Bridge of the Peregrine

  Within the space of the bridge Preston introduced the group to one another, and what a collection it had become. From the Hermetic Brotherhood was Ahmed Pasha and his two bodyguards, two of the three who had attacked Preston and Rose. Lorelei Traube, Preston and Rose were at the map table staring at the large glass bubble with Azul and his journal inside.

  The Peregrine was represented by Captain Falk and her first mate, Lucas. Others of the Hermetic order were present but they had taken station on the gangway and tarmac to provide security for Ahmed Pasha.

  Rose had Jules and Tommy bring in the book projection device to see if Preston could reconnect with Azul, then up to the engineering deck to prep the ship for its next destination. The group now had to decide what that destination would be.

  “Before I give this gizmo a whirl Rose, the intent of these gents is to connect with Azul to learn a lost ritual. If I can get access and learn the ritual, we will then need to bring them to Königsberg where Lorelei will lead them to the location of the Emerald Tablet to reseal the stone,” explained Preston.

  Rose just looked at him. “Preston, I don’t want to burst your bubble but I’m not going anywhere with this crowd. I am happy you are out of your malaise and we found Lorelei but I am not taking a bunch of Turks into Prussia to conduct some ceremony,” stated Rose. Preston could tell her fire was up and before she would buy in he would need to calm her down and get her up to speed on the events.

  “The Alchemists and I have been degrading the wards. Not on purpose but due to our misconception that the magic was of our making, rather than what was imbued into the stone to entomb a terrible force,” offered Lorelei.

  “Miss Caldwell, why are you so skeptical? Look what you have accomplished here with your appliance, you are discovering the lost power of the old ways and learning new magic, a feat to be commended. We ask that you understand and accept that over time, our order has lost its ability to wield those forces. We humbly ask for your help.” added Ahmed.

  “What I do know is that in the world of the arcane there are several fool’s errands; searching for the holy grail, existence of the fountain of youth and the philosopher’s stone. This is the lore of children, come on Preston, I expect more of you. I can see that the book- smart Doctor has been beguiled, but you?” Fired back Rose. She pushed further on Preston. “My first question is how do you know this practice will indeed seal the stone and not unseal it?”

  “Let’s start with my connecting and consulting with Azul. He will know for sure.”

  “Preston, my point is it’s none of my business. I came along with you to help you find your friend; mission accomplished. I suggest we all ferry back to London and you folks can determine your next course of action,” expressed Rose placing both of her palms on the table.

  Lorelei injected, “It’s not that simple Rose. First of all, the Emerald Tablet is real, and it has been the source of every advancement the Guild has achieved with metaphysical elemental chemistry. While directed by the Guild, Dr. James Maxwell and I had a major breakthrough, using a mixture of gas feedstocks to change the physical state of these gases. James heated and sped up the gas in a magnetic field to recreate forces not seen since the creation of the universe.

  In the pilot plant, I worked with a chip of the stone creating paradigm shifting results. We are finally the true Alchemists, turning cheap feedstocks to pure aether then into whatever we choose. The obvious next step was to build a production facility where the entire stone could be the catalyst. I am told the facility is completed and ready to go.”

  "And I gave Lorelei’s father the recipes," added Preston.

  “This project is of such importance to the Guild that they will proceed as soon as the plant is commissioned. When the stone is struck with the primal force created by the Crucible it will cause the stone to crack.” Lorelei concluded.

  Rose’s eyes darted between the two and Preston realized Ahmed and Lorelei would not get a fair hearing from Rose. “Rose, let me try to reconnect with Azul. He will know if they speak the truth and help you and I to know what to do next. He has been our guide before, why abandon his judgment now,” Preston pleaded.

  “Fair enough,” Rose conceded.

  “How does this thing work?” asked Gilchrist.

  “Think of it like a gemulet séance in a bottle. We turn this battery on here, then dip your fingers into the basin and incant; that closes the loop,” explained Rose.

  Preston calmed himself then put his hands in the finger bowl. It took a lot of concentration, almost like the first few times he practiced these rituals.

  “Preston?” said Azul through the speaker.

  What was so strange was that Preston heard Azul in his mind’s eye, but also in his ears through the scratchy tiny button on the side of the base.

  “Azul, I am here with members of your old order, the Hermetic Brotherhood.”

  “They come to taunt me in my deathless existence,” replied Azul.

  “No, wise sage, I Ahmed Pasha Vizier of the Hermetic Brotherhood. We come to beg for your forgiveness and ask you to take pity on us. We humbly ask you to teach us the binding ritual,” spoke Ahmed.

  “Who is that I hear, like I heard Rose before, are you the dear Sister?”

  “I am here, Azul,” replied Rose.

  “Speak the truth, is this some new form of torture? I know you have a kind soul and will share the truth with me,” came the voice through the speaker.

  “I just met these fellas, but they brought Preston to safety and they say you are the key to help them repair the damage to the Emerald Tablet. You have heard of this entity, also referred to as the Philosophers stone?” asked Rose.

  “Yes. I was an acolyte of Hermes Trismegistus, in the city of Samarkand. When I studied underneath him he was hundreds years old. He taught us of the old gods and philosophies of the universe. My dear Rose, the Emerald Tablet is the most famous object in earthly arcana, you know of it as the Philosophers Stone or the Sorcerer's Stone but the Mesopotamian Stele is capable of far more than what your contemporaries believe. While it has been coveted for it properties and the it’s etchings, it is vastly misunderstood.”

  “Vizier Ahmed, you are the Warden of the Hermetic Order and responsible for protecting Earth from that which has been entombed in the stone?” Azul questioned.

  “I am,” answered Ahmed.

  “You are the one responsible to assure time and humanity that Pruflas would remain imprisoned?” pressed Azul.

  “Is this some demon?” asked Rose.

  “Pruflas has been called a fallen angel and a demon but he is far more. As the god king of the Akkad
ians, ruler of all of Mesopotamia, he toyed with humanity. Later he became a god to Persian Kingdoms; civilizations came and went but he remained as the sower of discord and promoter of war. The people grew tired of his games and used the arcane lore to entomb him in the tablet.

  This was the ultimate ritual the Order utilized to punish the god king, what my brothers used against me to trap me in this book.” Azul’s voice crackled as he spoke.

  Ahmed Pasha went to his hands and knees in supplication. The subordinate men in the room joined him on the floor. “Oh, Great Azul Hassan, I have failed the stone, it is no longer in our possession and we do not have the knowledge of the binding ritual anymore.”

  “Preston, is this true?” asked the cleric.

  “I don’t know but Lorelei has said the Alchemists possess the tablet and plan to bathe it in a manmade aether, a process known as the Crucible.”

  “The outcast were four ancient gods banished from another realm of existence. Our material earth was to be their deathless prison. The four spread to separate parts of the world and amused themselves by playing with humanity like dolls. Then a mystic named Caiaphas came to rid the world of the outcast by creating prisons within the prison. He entombed the four into objects. Pruflas was banished to the Emerald Tablet and the others to similar objects that were hidden or entrusted to Orders like the one led by Hermes the Thrice. Hermes was taught the ritual by Caiaphas,” Azul continued.

  “Azul, I need to know if this stone being damaged is a real threat or there is another angle Ahmed is trying to shoot,” asked Rose.

  Preston and the speaker recited some unfamiliar tongue. Ahmed and his men recited with him.

  “Rose, these men are indeed who they say they are; of the Hermetic Brotherhood, as they know the creed. I would need to see the stone to understand its condition and can then lead the Brotherhood in the ritual to strengthen the stone. When was the last time the ritual was conducted?”


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