The Guild Chronicles Books 1-3

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The Guild Chronicles Books 1-3 Page 82

by J M Bannon

  “Like your bearded lady?”

  “No, more like the fortune teller. Anyway, I thought I’d spend some time with her, but I worry she might be too busy.”

  “If she’s interested she’ll let you know. Maybe not saying so outright but showing by her actions such as invitations to take a stroll or a visit to the countryside,” Rose suggested as she brought the car to a stop. Pulling off her driving goggles and giving her hair a tussle.

  The Gilchrist’s had arranged extra staff, there was at least four footmen at the front of the house managing guests arriving along with another dozen chauffeurs milling about. One might think this was the party. All eyes went to the roadster then to Rose as she exited the car. While this party would have many notables of society and landed gentry with peerage, Rose wore slacks and boots with a fitted black tuxedo coat and no hat or bonnet. Her host would expect no less, but there were some here that were likely to get a few shocks today. She looked over to Elmore who was looking quite dashing. He had gone to Saville row and been fitted for an afternoon party suit that Rose found a smart look when mixed with his weathered tan Stetson.

  “Miss, the guests are congregating in the east garden if you wouldn’t mind following the path around the back of the house they will announce you there,” said the footman who grabbed the carriage door for Rose.

  “Thank you,” Rose relied as she proceeded.

  Elmore quick stepped to get in front of the car and gave her his arm, “Might I accompany you, Miss Caldwell?”

  She took his arm and couldn’t suppress a coy smile.

  As Rose and Elmore made their way they passed a couple leaving, she wore a grey dress with matching hat and parasol and the man had on a dark brown suit both gave Rose and Elmore a stare and nervous smile. Rose could hear the noise of the garden party as they came closer to the back of the house. The cacophony of dozens of pleasant conversations mixed together.

  As they turned Brentwood stood with some of his staff.

  Rose reached into her jacket and handed him her invitation.

  “Miss Caldwell, the receiving line broke up twenty minutes ago,” said Brentwood.

  “We had some trouble getting the boiler up to temperature,” offered Rose.

  “If you had proper help you wouldn’t have those issues,” said Brentwood before turning to Elmore,” And you sir, how shall I announce you?”

  “This is Marshal Elmore Quentin,” said Rose.

  “Detective Rose Caldwell and Marshal Elmore Quentin,” announced Brentwood.

  Rose was surprised at the size of the party. She had an inkling as to the purpose of the invitation but expected there to be, well fewer people. There were tents and tables with staff carrying trays of canapés and glasses of champagne.

  “Rose I am so glad you are here,” said Lorelei as she ran over to Rose with her skirts in her hands, “And good to see you again Marshal, welcome.”

  “A Pleasure to see you again Doctor,” said Elmore.

  Lorelei grabbed Rose by the hand and began dragging her through the crowd, “I want you to meet someone.”

  Rose’s arm slipped from the crook of Elmore’s elbow. She grabbed his hand as it slipped, and she clenched it tight dragging him along behind her. Lorelei brought Rose over to a small group, including Preston, Baron von Traube and a portly woman who was about the same height as Lorelei. Miss Rose Caldwell may I introduce you to the Baroness Adelaide von Traube, my Mother.”

  “And my beautiful wife!” said the Baron squeezing the Baroness, “You are the White Witch, the kindred spirit of my daughter, two ladies unwilling to settle for making babies and cakes.”

  “Father, she does not like to be called that,” Lorelei admonished.

  “Nonsense - take it from me, embrace what the public wishes to call you as long as it brings sufficient coin,” instructed the Baron.

  “It is a pleasure to meet you both,” replied Rose.

  “Miss Caldwell pay no attention to my husband. I am so pleased to meet you after what Lorelei has shared about your friendship and that she finally has someone who understands her ambitions,” said the Baroness.

  “While we may not always agree I do have the utmost respect for your daughter’s expertise, as to kinship I think she has found a fountain of support in Mr. Gilchrist,” said Rose.

  “Of course, but he is a man, and his intentions are always muddled by his passion. She has had no shortage of men wanting to shower her with affection. She has lacked a friend who understands the path she has chosen to follow,” said the Baroness.

  “Father and mother this is Sherriff Elmore Quentin. He is from the western territories and was our host when we went adventuring in America,” said Lorelei.

  “It’s Marshal Quentin but call me Elmore. I must say it is such a pleasure to meet someone of your stature sir,” said Elmore.

  “You’ve never met a fat Prussian before?” the Baron said with a chuckle.

  “No sir, I mean someone who has built so much. I’ve seen your face on those bottles and pill boxes for years and then to meet you. It’s an honor,” said Elmore.

  “This is my point, Miss Caldwell, embrace the public persona, your friend here is inspired by a silly old chemist with a good sense of salesmanship. I can point you at ten men —” the Baron grabbed his daughter around her waist with one arm and squeezed her in, “and one woman that would run circles around my fat arse at the alchemy bench.”

  “Rose, you’re finally here,” said Preston as he approached.

  “Preston dear, this is Marshal Elmore Quentin,” said Lorelei.

  “Ah, the rough and tumble lawman from the wild west. Welcome to my home and for helping these ladies. I can’t think of two women I care for more,” gushed Preston.

  “Where is the Vizier?” asked Rose.

  “Is that what Azul is calling himself now? He is by the Olmec stone in the lower garden. Why don’t we all make our way down there.” Preston raised his voice, “Everyone I have something to show you all down by my father’s latest prize. Please, all do come.”

  Rose watched as Preston took Lorelei’s hand and guided her into the garden. They both had a lightness to their step that she hadn’t seen for a long time.

  Azul was speaking as the crowd began to form.

  “Ah, Preston your friend here Mr. Hassan was just saying that these glyphs have similarity to Akkadian pictograms,” said Lord Gilchrist to his son.

  “Old news Father and besides as much as it pains you to hear this we are not here to discuss the adventures of Lord Gilchrist in the jungles of Mexico,” Preston stopped and turned, “come on, come on all of you!”

  Rose moved in closer as the throng of guests advanced into the garden and stuck with awe to see the colossal calendar stone then next to it a seven-foot-tall mechanical man.

  It was then that Rose noticed Angelica come from behind the stone. She wore a modest fitted top and skirt, grey in color. Rose waved her over wondering about the color since she had only seen her in either white or black based on how she had chosen to form her garments out of the mystical substance she controlled. None here save Rose had seen Angelica fully manifest her powers yet all that looked at Angelica were witnessing her manipulate the Necronist ichor into the shape of her clothing.

  When Angelica got close Rose whispered to her, “How are you finding it to be out in society?”

  “I didn’t wish to come, but Azul insisted that I accompany him. He said he had something to show me here,” Angelica offered with a sullen tone.

  “I would like to thank all of you for coming out today. The Gilchrist house has had its run of ill fortune, but that has changed. I have recently been unburdened, and I would like to thank Detective Caldwell and especially our new friend Miss Du Moya for their help,” said Preston.

  “I give that a hearty second!” said Azul.

  There was a smattering of applause. While many knew Preston had been ill. Few understood that it was caused by the possession of Azul, or that the cure was a Voo
doo ritual performed by Angelica.

  “He took Lorelei’s hand and turned to her. You have been the one to get me through all my youthful foolishness and my ailments. If it weren’t for you I would have given up long ago,” Preston went down to one knee he let go of Lorelei’s hand to fumble about with his coat pocket removing a small jewelry box. He opened it facing Lorelei.

  “Lorelei von Traube, will you marry me?” in that moment of hushed anticipation Lorelei broke into tears crouching down to hug Preston, “Oh yes, Preston!”

  Rose watched as the crowd clapped and cheered, there was silverware rapping on champagne glasses to celebrate. Lorelei placed the ring on her finger then held her hand up over her head to show the group. She then ran over to her mother and father.

  “Now, not to make a bigger spectacle, but as I am now betrothed, I would like to formally ask the Vizier Azul Hassan if he would do me the honor of being my Best Man?”

  All eyes went to the big mechanical man, “If it is possible for a non-Christian to do so it would be an honor,” replied Azul.

  Lorelei ran over to Rose and showed her the topaz ring Preston had given her.

  Rose took her hand for a closer look, “I love it.”

  “It was his mother’s,” said Lorelei. After a pause, “Would you — be my Maid of Honor?”

  Rose chuckled at how bashful Lorelei was for once, “Of course I will, I would do anything for you and Preston.”

  “You certainly have proven that!”

  The servants began to pass out champagne glasses to the guests.

  “I would like to make a toast — To my lovely daughter and her husband to be that they may be as blessed as myself in their marriage and in the offspring, they sire. As to the ceremony with my wife and more so my daughter's blessing, I would like to offer our ancestral home of Traube Castle for the ceremony and reception,” shouted the Baron.

  * * *

  10:20 P.M Preston’s Library Gilchrist Manor, England

  The evening was late, and guests were still celebrating in the garden. Preston had retired into the library with Azul and Lorelei. He enjoyed a snifter of brandy and had loosened up his cravat and collar. Preston needed to recharge after so much socializing.

  The door opened, Brentwood hovered.

  “I’ve collected those whom you asked for, sir,” Brentwood reported.

  “Thank you, Brentwood, and you can let the other guests know that the Fraulein and I have retired for the evening. We have matters to attend to here then we will be off to bed.”

  As Brentwood exited Rose, Angelica and Elmore entered.

  “Is it alright if Elmore joins us?” asked Rose.

  “Seeing as I asked to meet with you all to discuss the matter of this Caiaphas, he may be interested in hearing what I have to say,” said Azul.

  “I’m certainly interested in making sure that bunch is no longer in business,” said Elmore.

  “I would like all of you to stay tonight, we have much to discuss, and I don’t need any of you putting your steamers in a ditch on the way back to London. With that being said anyone for one more drink,” Preston asked making his way to the decanter on the sideboard.

  “I’ll join you,” replied Elmore.

  “When Rose shared with me that Caiaphas did not entomb Pruflas to protect humanity but to punish him for not helping Caiaphas, the foundation of my world crumbled. You see my membership in the Hermetic Brotherhood while troubled was based on the sacred duty to defend the world against evil. In return for that commitment we were taught the secrets of theurgy. We were to assure that the demon beast in the emerald tablet stays there. My mentor Hermes Trimestus I can only assume learned the secrets of theurgy from Caiaphas himself. Along with others, I learned from him and became part of this great lie,” explained Azul.

  “That’s a classic play to make the lie sound real, you get a bunch of people who don’t know better to spread it for you. You shouldn’t feel bad you got suckered Mr. Azul,” said Elmore, as he swished his brandy in a snifter.

  “I prefer Vizier Hassan, Marshal Quentin, but point taken. This means that the whole foundation of the three mysteries of Astrology, Alchemy, and Theurgy is tied to this falsehood and as Preston can attest much of the western occult knowledge goes back to the Hermetic Brotherhood’s work and teachings.”

  “So, it’s based on a lie; that doesn’t mean the practices do not work. I am proof that there is other occult lore that is just as potent. Maybe more so,” interrupted Angelica.

  “Ah yes, and that is where my story took a turn. While I was the Vizier of the Hermetic Brotherhood and knew what I thought was all of its secrets; I became bored. I went to learn other practices and began my travels. To learn a secret practice, you need to sometimes share your secrets, and that is when I ran afoul of my brothers trading our knowledge of the eldritch for insight into other practices. Soon they were on my trail and well as you know banished me to the deathless prison. They essentially did to me what we were doing to Pruflas,” added Azul.

  “How will this help me Vizier, to find out where Caiaphas has hidden my son?” asked Angelica.

  “I have been focused on the bigger issue, what to do when we find him. You see Angelica, Rose, Preston and I were able to confine Pruflas in my book as it was enchanted in the same way as the emerald tablet, but we didn’t banish it we only trapped it.” explained Azul.

  “That ring of glyphs that I saw surround Pruflas was some type of binding,” said Rose.

  “Yes, I believe that someone or something has bound Pruflas and Caiaphas to earth. Our world is like a bigger version of the emerald tablet holding them here. That means there is someone who knows their true nature and how to control them. Until we understand that binding we may not be able to banish or destroy the beast,” said Azul.

  “We also know from my research that there are likely more of these things banished here, at least two more,” interjected Preston.

  “I plan to leave you all. I need to go back East to retrace my steps and dig into this mystery,” announced Azul.

  “You think you can just go bounding around the world in a huge mechanical suit? Besides old boy, we have the greatest occult library here and a wedding to plan. I need you here working with me to do this research,” said Preston.

  “The resources here are not what I need. I hope that Mr. Fletcher will have luck constructing a less conspicuous design but if not, were I will go to the underworld of the occult I might not even raise an eyebrow. As to your wedding, I will uphold my pledge as your second, and I assure you that I will plan the most spectacular buck’s night you have ever seen.”

  “I plan to leave also. I can’t sit in your house hoping that my son is found,” Angelica confided.

  “Let’s all stop and catch a breath here. Are you all hearing yourselves? We all want the same thing to find Caiaphas. When we do, to find where he has Angelica’s son then apprehend him. We don’t know what type of hold he has on young Gerard or the others in his gang. In every one of my encounters, he has been arrogant and certain of his work. Now you tell me that he might be somehow a cornerstone of our understanding of Metaphysics, that everything we might think we understand he is the source of. Let’s not be silly and all run off in different directions,” Rose stammered, her face red and her temper hot.

  “I am not part of what he knows, my power is from a different place,” shot back Angelica. Her grey party dress turned black and the fabric shifted under her control to a tight-fitting evening gown the skirt hem ending is wisps of smoke and ichor tendrils.

  “Really, you have got to be kidding Angelica, I sometimes wonder if it's you in there or that teenaged girl. Caiaphas knew of you long ago, and I suspect knew or had a hand in arranging your murder in London. His plan requires your son, and I suspect it's for his occult prowess given yours and his father’s skills,” said Rose.

  “Who's the daddy?” whispered Elmore sitting down in a wingback chair beside Lorelei.

  “Apparently the father
is Guild Master Saint-Yves, a potent Necronist,” whispered Lorelei.

  “We had an advantage in you coming back, one that I doubt he would have known of, but you had to lose control — may I add as it looks as if you’re doing right now,” Rose said, facing Angelica.

  Angelica relaxed a bit, her dress stopped moving, “That was different, I had just been reborn. I came in touch with the ichor life force and just couldn’t control myself.”

  “Exactly, and that was all of a few months ago —” Rose stopped, walked over to Angelica and took her hand, “I promised to help you find your son. I will —” she turned and faced the group, “We will, but we have to have a plan. If there is one thing that Dolly has taught me, is that we need to be disciplined and follow a strategy.”

  “What do you suggest Rose?” asked Lorelei.

  Rose continued, “I have something to share. This is all Crown business and of the highest confidence, but I have trusted all of you with my life, so I know you will keep this secret. At the highest levels of the Government, they are very concerned about what they call metaphysicals. The interlopers from the aether, and those who control of the occult. The primary concern is Caiaphas and his associates. This has resulted in the Government supporting two projects, the first is one you are already aware of, the Navy and the Air Service using the tracking devices of Tommy and Alfie to hunt for the use of portals. We believe that the island lair was part of a bigger network and his group will continue to move about through these portals. It will take time, but in the end, we will sniff out the trail.”

  “Then there is Project Sundial,” said Rose.

  “Project Sundial?” Preston asked with a quizzical look.

  “Your fiancé knows a bit about this as she has helped with its construction. We… well a special branch of the Navy has reconstructed the portal system of Caiaphas.” Rose noted.

  “So, that is what all the questions were about?” confirmed Angelica.

  “Yes, your attack at the lair and connection with the Nexus system was helpful, but I was able to get a full understanding of its operation and design through the use of the Rod of Raziel. Any day we will begin testing the system, and we hope that we will be able to link up with their network,” informed Rose, she walked Angelica over to a settee and coaxed her to sit down, joining her.


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