168 Ernesto, “U.S. Government Fears End of Megaupload Case,” Torrent Freak, May 5, 2013. https://torrentfreak.com/united-states-fears-end-of-megaupload-case-130505
169 Andy, “Megaupload Cases Put on Hold, But Asset Freezing Still an Option,” Torrent Freak, June 11, 2014.
170 Rob Waugh, “MegaUpload’s Kim Dotcom Avoids Jail in Trial for Internet Piracy,” Metro, December 1, 2014. http://metro.co.uk/2014/12/01/megauploads-kim-dotcom-avoids-jail-in-trial-for-internet-piracy-4968888
171 Waugh, Ibid.
172 Timothy J. Seppala, “The Pirate Bay Shutdown: The Whole Story (So Far), Engadget, December 16, 2014. http://www.engadget.com/2014/12/16/pirate-bay-shutdown-explainer
173 Seppala, Ibid.
174 Seppala, Ibid.
175 Charlie Osborne, “Isohunt Resurrects Torrent Search Site The Pirate Bay,” ZDNet, December 15, 2014. http://www.zdnet.com/article/isohunt-steps-in-to-resurrect-pirate-bay
176 David Murphy, “The Pirate Bay’s Site Goes Back Online (with a Giant, Waving Flag for Now),” PC¸ December 21, 2014. http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2474022,00.asp
177 Seppala, Ibid.
178 Dante D’Orazio, “Justice Department Files Its First Criminal Charges Against Mobile App Pirates,” The Verge, January 25, 2014. http://www.theverge.com/2014/1/25/5345182/justice-department-files-charges-against-android-app-pirates
179 D’Orazio, Ibid.
180 Andrew Grossman, “Federal Prosecutors Pursue Digital Piracy Cases,” The Wall Street Journal, February 10, 2014. http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702303874504579375191975209328
181 “Florida Man Pleads Guilty to Computer Intrusion and Wiretapping Scheme Targeting Celebrities,” FBI, March 26, 2012. http://www.fbi.gov/losangeles/press-releases/2012/florida-man-pleads-guilty-to-computer-intrusion-and-wiretapping-scheme-targeting-celebrities
182 “Florida Man Convicted in Wiretapping Scheme Targeting Celebrities Sentenced to 10 Years in Federal Prison for Stealing Personal Data,” FBI, December 17, 2012. http://www.fbi.gov/losangeles/press-releases/2012/florida-man-convicted-in-wiretapping-scheme-targeting-celebrities-sentenced-to-10-years-in-federal-prison-for-stealing-personal-data
183 “Former Silicon Valley Engineer Sentenced to Prison After Conviction for Stealing Marvell Trade Secrets,” FBI, February 23, 2013. http://www.fbi.gov/sanfrancisco/press-releases/2013/former-silicon-valley-engineer-sentenced-to-prison-after-conviction-for-stealing-marvell-trade-secrets
184 “The National White Collar Crime Center and Symantec Empower Cybercrime Victims through Voice Website.” http://www.nw3c.org/News/press-releases/article/2014/04/04/the-national-white-collar-crime-center-and-symantec-empower-cybercrime-victims-through-voice-website
185 “2013 Internet Crime Report,” FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center. https://www.victimvoice.org/fileadmin/media/resources/2013_IC3_Report.pdf
A Survival Guide to Working with Humans, 62
Abubakar, Mohamed Abdullahi, 77–78
accomplishments, battle against piracy
2012 Special 301 Report, 212
Department of Commerce’s Commercial Law Development Program (CLDP), 214–216
DoJ grants, 212
DoJ Task Force on Intellectual Property, 212
Executive Order 13565, 212
Global Intellectual Property Academy (GIPA), 213–214
Operation In Our Sites, 211–212
other accomplishments in 2012, 213–214
Adler, Trip, 169–170
Adobe, 224–225
Adobe Acrobat, 225–226, 227
AdSense, 127
Alba File, 110–111
Allen, Tom, 119
AMACOM, 62, 241
Amazon, 32–33, 68–69, 136
Amazon Prime, 62–63, 103
American Assembly at Columbia University, 122–123
American Association of Advertising Agencies (4A), 110
American Booksellers Association, 247
American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA), 242
Andrew, Jeremy Lynn, 219–221
Android piracy, 188–189
Annie, 97
Anti-Piracy and Content Protection Summit for 2013, 114–115
Appbuket, 188–189
Appell, James, 129
Arabian Anti-Piracy Alliance (AAA), 85
arrests and convictions
IMAGINE piracy group, 218–219
Kim Dotcom Megaupload case, 217
NinjaVideo, 219–221
arrests and convictions, independent pirates
Baxter, James Clayton, 224–225
Collier Bennett Harper, 226
Dia, Saidou A., 224
Naveed Sheikh, 226–228
Quynh Trong Nguyen, 225–226
Sang Jin Kim and Eugene Li, 224
Associated Press, 100–101
Association of American Publishers, 119, 130
Association of Indonesian Publishers, 81
Association of National Advertisers (ANA), 109–110
AtContent, 53–55
Atlas of Human Anatomy, 83
Attributor’s Digimarc Guardian, 121–122
“Australia Extends Global Internet Piracy Lead,” 83
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, 86–87
AuthorMedia.com, 133
author’s attitudes and feelings, 14, 18
Autodesk, Inc., 224–225
Autodesk AutoCad, 225–226
Aziz, John, 136
Baboom, 185
Bainol, Mitch, 102–103
Basic Civic Education for Senior Secondary School, 90
bayimg.com, 187
Bedford, Freeman & Worth, 118–119
Beshara, Hana Amel (Queen Phara), 219–221
Bill C-11, 88
BillionUploads.com, 113
BitTorrent platform, 31–32, 42–43, 60, 69–70, 88, 104–105, 120–121
BitTorrent platform, cases involving, 108–112
Black, Bryan Thomas, 194
Black Swan, 107
Blogger, 127
Boog, Jason, 126, 233–234
“Book Piracy and Facts,” 62
“Book Piracy and Me,” 63
book piracy, global
by numbers, 76–84
problem of, 75–76
worldwide approaches to, 91–93
worldwide efforts to stop, 84–91
book sharing, students, 36–39
Bookmate, 129
BookOs.org, 239
Bookos.org, 215
Booksos, 240
Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels, 119
BPI, 89–90
BPI (British Recording Music Industry), 127
Brandis, George, 86
Breaking Bad, 83, 188
Broadcom Corporation, 196
Bruno Mars, 71
BT, 89
Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), 191–192, 198
Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), Intellectual Property Theft Enforcement Program, 200–204. see also Intellectual Property Theft Enforcement Program (Bureau of Justice)
Business Software Alliance, 71
Business Software Alliance (BSA), 193
Canipre, 88
Capobianco, Michael, 130–131
Carlyle, Francis, 14
Carnegie Mellon’s Initiative for Digital Entertainment Analytics, 185
Cast, Taylor, 111
Cengage Learning, 118–119
Cherwonik, Gregory A., 218
Chilling Effects project, 126
Choice, 87
City of London Police, 88–89
CNET News, 183
Coelho, Paulo, 72
College Press, 78
Comcast Cable, 170
Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS), 194, 201, 218–219
Computer Crimes and Intellectual Property Section, 206
Copyrights Act, 90, 121
Copyright Alert System (CAS), 104, 105
Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), 115
copyright law
infringement of property, 5–7
problems with, 7–11
revision of, 26–27
Copyrights Act (Nigeria), 90
counterclaims, handling, 163–167
CreateSpace, 238
Creative Coalition, 89
Creative Commons, 63
Creative Content UK, 89–90
creative effort, loss of, 18, 25–26
Culpepper, Clint, 100
cyberlockers, 69–70, 105, 112, 113, 123, 185
cyberwarfare, 67
Dallas Buyers Club, 91, 95
authors versus publishers, 21
compensation for, 15, 22
economic losses from file sharing, 68–73
by hacking, 67–68
Danzilo, Maria, 21, 25–27, 118–119
Day Trading for Dummies, 121
Dedemko, Justin A., 219–221
Degban, 127
Delimiter, 83
Department of Economic Development (DED) (United Arab Emirates), 85
Department of Justice (DOJ), 198
Dia, Saidou A., 224
Digimarc, 126, 128
Digital Book World Convention, 121–122
Digital Citizens Alliance, 109–111
Digital Economy Act, 89–90
Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), 169–170, 188, 202, 234
“Digital piracy cannot be stopped,” 65
Digital Rights Management (DRM), 24–25, 127–128
Dionne, Karen, 117–118
direct-download cyberlocks, 69–70
Disney Enterprises, 111
Django Unchained, 71
DMCA Force, 126
DMCA.Com, 241–242
Doctorow, Cory, 46, 63, 72
Dotsemper.com, 113
007dsk.com, 224
Dream Industries, 128–130
Dummies series, 120–121
Dunlap, Simon, 129–130
Dunnegan, Bill, 120–121
Dunnegan & Scileppi, 120–121
East African Educational Publishers (EAEP), 77
eBay, 73, 226
economic damages of piracy, 68–73
education about piracy, need for, 18, 33–35
educational books, copyright laws, 159–162
82movie.com, 224
Electronic Frontiers Foundation, 41–47
Elf-Man, 109
Elsevier, 118–119, 122
Entertainment Software Association (ESA), 193
Envisioneering, 37
“E-Piracy: The High Cost of Stolen Books,” 117–118
Ergas, Henry, 86–87
Evans, Joshua David, 219–221
Executive Order 13565, 212
Fabrizio, Steven, 112
Facebook, 73
fair use, 10–11
Fast and Furious 6, 71
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
Kim Dotcom Megaupload case, 75
Megaupload case, 181–186
and NW3C, 198
role in fighting piracy, 191–196
Sony hacking case, 96–102
FBI Anti-Piracy Warning (APW) Seal, 192–193, 243
“FBI charges Megaupload operators with piracy crimes,” 183
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 208–209
Federation of Publishers’ Associates (Spain), 82
Fels, Allen, 86–87
Ferrer, Javier E., 219
“file saturation” method, 88
file sharing, 17, 30–36, 63–65, 68–73. see also BitTorrent platform; Kim Dotcom Megaupload case; Peer to Peer (P2P) technologies; The Pirate Bay
Forbes, 184
Form TX, 6, 10
Forney, Matt, 131–132
Foxtel, 87
free publicity, 63
free speech vs. book piracy, 41–47
Friedman, Jared, 169–170
“Frustrated Publishers Find There Are No Easy Solutions to Book Piracy,” 123
Fury, 97
future actions, proposed
actively contact law enforcement, 247
actively identify and notify, 246
become more organized, 246–247
need for ombudsman, 247–248
work with intellectual property attorneys, 247
Gaiman, Neil, 132–133
Game of Thrones, 71, 83–84
Gaughran, David, 133–135
George Mason University, 225–226
“Gift of the G.O.P.,” 98
Giovanni, A., 62, 63, 118
Global Intellectual Property Academy (GIPA), 213–214
Global Post article, 70–71
Glynn, James, 128–129
Gono, Vincent, 78
Google, 75, 126, 148, 188
Google Alert, 233–234
Google books lawsuit, 35–36, 43–44
“Google Gives Lower Search Rankings to Piracy Sites,” 126
Grant Program (Bureau of Justice), 202
Graziano, Dan, 65
Greenberg, Andy, 184
Guardian watermarking, 128
Guardlex Takedown Service, 241–242
Gutenberg Project, 35–36
“Hacked by #GOP,” 97
hacking, damages of, 67–68
Hacking for Dummies, 121
Hard Case Crimes, 123
Harper, Collier Bennett, 226
Harper Collins, 128, 136
Harris, Kamala, 107
Hart, Kevin, 100
Hastings, Reed, 70
Hatch, Orrin (Sen.), 70
Hide My IP, 195
Higgins, Parker, 41–47
Hoang, Hop, 107
Hoang, Huynh, 107
Hoang, Tony, 107
Holder, Eric (Attorney General), 212
Homeland Security, 191–192
Homeland Security Investigations Tipline, 242
Hong Kong Comics and Animation Federation, 80
Hostcentric, 148
How I Met Your Mother, 107
“How to Combat Book Piracy,” 232–233
Huffington Post, 111
HulFile.eu, 113
Hulu, 65, 103, 114, 136
Hulu Plus, 188
Hurt Locker, 109
IC3. see Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)
ICE (US Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency), 217–221, 223–228
ICE’s Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), 205
identity of infringer, 169–173
iFile.it, 72, 119–120, 170
IKAPI (Indonesia), 81
Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency, 191–192, 242
INDECOPI (Peru), 80
[email protected], 240
“information should be free” advocates, 76. see also file sharing
identity of infringer, 169–173
of property, 5–7
stopping with injunction, 175–178
infringement, remedies for
rights and actions, 141–142
US Copyright Law, 142–145
infringers, notifying, 155–158
“Inside Mega: 3e Second Coming of Kim Dotcom,” 184
Institute for Policy Innovation, 70–71
intellectual property, 7
Intellectual Property Act of 2008, 197–198
Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator, 72–73, 206
Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator (IPEC), 212
Intellectual Property (IP) Theft Enforcement Program, 197
Intellectual Property Office, 89
Intellectual Property Office (Phillipines), 84–85
ellectual Property Theft Enforcement Program (Bureau of Justice), 200–204
Intellectual Property Theft white paper, 197
International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition’s Foundation, 206
International Anti-Piracy Caucus, 70
International Association of Chiefs of Police, 198
International Publishers Association, 119
Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), 191–193, 197, 198–200
Internet Fraud Complaint Center, 242
IP Theft Enforcement Teams (IPTETs), 206–207
iphonetvshows.net, 107
IPR Center’s task force partners, 207–208
IPTrackeronline, 170
Irish National Federation Against Copyright Theft, 120
ISBN Agency of Spain, 82
Isohunt, 187
isoHunt Web Technologies, Inc, 105–106
“it’s not stealing,” 62
iTunes, 65, 68–69, 103, 125, 136
Jarakian, Seb, 16–19
Johansson, Scarlett, 195
Joint Strategic Plan on Intellectual Property Enforcement, 198
Joint Strategic Plan on Intellectual Property Enforcement of 2010, 197
Joseph, Jennifer, 21, 23–25
Joyland, 123
Kaplan, David, 114–115
Kazaa, 114, 123
Kenya Publishers Association (KPA), 79
Kerr, Dara, 185
Khudair, Ola, 85
Kienzle, Claudia, 106
Killer Joe, 108
Kim, Sang Jin, 224
Kim Dotcom, 69
Kim Dotcom Megaupload case, 75, 105, 111, 112, 181–186
Kim Jong Un, 99–100
Kindle, 62–63, 70
King, Stephen, 123
Kirk, Ronald, 213
Kirkland, Alan, 87
KLipcorp, 106
Korean Film Council (KOFIC), 80
Kunis, Mila, 195
Kurnia, Hikmat, 81
La Coalición, 71
Lambert, Willie O., 218
law enforcement and piracy
Kim Dotcom Megaupload case, 181–186
The Pirate Bay, 186–188
Lawton, Stephanie, 233
Leahy, Patrick (Sen.), 103
“Lena,” 97
Leppard, Adrian, 89
“Let’s Get Digital,” 133–135
“Ley Sinde,” 213
Liability, limits on, 147–153
Library of Congress, 6–10
library.nu, 72, 119–120, 170
Liebelson, Dana, 108–109
LimaWire, 114
LimeTorrents.com, 113
Lionsgate, 112–113
Logan, Barry, 88
Longman, 78
Los Angeles Times, 69
Lovelady, Sean M., 218
low cost books, need for, 62–63
Ma, Eve A., 21, 22
Macmillan, 118–119
Manic D Press, 21, 23–25
MarkMoniter, 104–105
Marti, Danny, 72–73
Internet Book Piracy Page 28