Scarred (Unlikely Heroes Book 5)

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Scarred (Unlikely Heroes Book 5) Page 31

by Leslie Georgeson

  “I know,” she whispered. “I know.”

  He swallowed hard, held her gaze. “I met Cole. He…looks just like me.”

  She smiled. “I figured he would.”

  “I…really want to be a good dad, but I’m afraid I’ll fuck it up.”

  “Shh.” Emily silenced him with a kiss. “You’ll do fine.”

  Craig cleared his throat behind them. “I hate to do this, Sebastian, but I gotta take you in now. When you left California, they issued a warrant for your arrest. I’m sorry.” He bent and grabbed Sebastian’s arms, pulling them behind his back, one at a time. Sebastian didn’t fight. He deserved it. He’d left Craig hanging. But when the cold steel of the handcuffs settled around his wrists, securing his hands behind his back, fear clenched at his gut.

  If he went to prison, what would happen to Emily?

  Craig hauled him to his feet. Sebastian winced at the pain in his foot, keeping his weight off of it, and hobbled on the other foot.

  “I owe you an apology, Craig. I’m sorry I left you hanging in L.A. But I had to save Emily. Promise me you’ll make sure nothing happens to her, that she’ll be okay while I’m serving my time. Please Craig. She’s been through so much.”

  Craig eyed his injured foot, then offered his shoulder. “Here, lean on me.” He steered Sebastian across the yard. “Emily’s tougher than she lets on. Just like you. She’ll be fine.”

  Emily stared at Craig, a look of utter disbelief on her face. She raced after them, her expression turning anxious. “You’re not seriously taking him to jail, are you?”

  Craig halted. He turned to face Emily, a hand still on Sebastian’s arm, as if he was afraid Sebastian would bolt. Sebastian hobbled on his good foot, trying to ignore the pain that screamed through his sprained ankle.

  “It’s not up to me, Emily. The state of California will determine Sebastian’s fate.”

  “Oh bullshit!” She plopped her hands on her hips, her dark eyes spitting fire at Craig. “You got his sentence reduced last time. I know you can get him off now, because he hasn’t done anything wrong this time, and you know it. Everything he did was because his father made him. Speaking of which…” She spun around, then marched back across the yard to where Travis was slowly stirring. He’d already been handcuffed and two agents—Agent Miller and another whom Sebastian hadn’t met—were hauling him to his feet.

  She strode right up to his father. Alarm arced through Sebastian. What the hell was she doing?

  Lifting a finger, she jabbed it into Travis’s chest. “This is the true criminal!” she shouted, turning back to Craig. “This is the man who’s been torturing Sebastian ever since he was a small child. He’s the criminal, damn you. Not Sebastian!” Her breasts jutted out, heaving in, then out with her angry breaths. “You can’t lock him up, Craig.” Her breath hitched. Her eyes filled with tears. She lowered her gaze. “You just can’t.”

  Travis sneered at her as the agents dragged him away. “Been nice knowing you, Sweet Cheeks. Guess it looks like both the Wades are off to jail. Nobody wins this time.”

  Emily glared after Travis. “He’s not a Wade, you hear me! He’s better than you!”

  Nick Miller nodded at Emily. “How you doing, Emily? It’s been a while.”

  Emily glanced at Agent Miller. Recognition crossed her features. She blushed. “Oh, hi Agent Miller. I’m, um, fine, thanks.” She looked away.

  Nick and the other agent led his father away.

  Sebastian had a good idea now how she’d met Agent Miller, but he wanted to hear it from her. “So you never said how you know Nick.”

  Emily’s blush deepened. “He, um, helped with my case. He was there right after my father rescued me.”

  Sebastian turned to Craig. “You son-of-a-bitch. Did you know who she was all along?”

  “Not until she said her dad was a vet in Sandpoint, then it clicked.”

  Sebastian sighed. He’d been mad at Craig all this time for interrogating Emily. It was time to come clean about that. “I’ve been pissed at you ever since Emily and I went to lunch with you and Karen last week.”

  Craig narrowed his eyes. “You got something to say to me, Sebastian? Don’t be shy. Spit it out.”

  Sebastian held his gaze. “I was pissed because you interrogated Emily like she was some kind of criminal at lunch that day.”

  “I know. I had to make sure she was legit. I apologized to her. You know that. You were there. I was just looking out for you.”

  Emily eyed Craig. Her eyes darkened with anger. “What kind of friend are you, anyway? You’ll ‘protect’ him from me, yet you have no problem hauling him off to jail when he’s obviously innocent?”

  Something flickered in Craig’s eyes, but he turned away before Sebastian could decipher what it was.

  A long silence stretched.

  Craig sighed. He rubbed a hand roughly over his face.


  He spun Sebastian around and unhooked the handcuffs.

  Sebastian hopped on his good foot, stunned.

  Emily let out a startled laugh and raced into Sebastian’s arms. She pressed kisses all over his face.

  “Em, careful…my nose.”

  “Oh, sorry.” She leaned back. She glanced at Craig. “Thank you. You’re not such a bad friend, after all.”

  Craig grunted. He looked at Sebastian. “You fulfilled your end of the bargain. You gave me Wade. I’ll work it out with the D.A. But I expect you two to give your statements tomorrow morning. Come to the local police station at nine o’clock. Don’t be late.”

  As Craig turned and walked away, Sebastian witnessed the other man’s lips twitch. Suspicion arced through him. Had that just been another test of some kind?

  Emily wrapped an arm around him, urging him to lean on her. “Let’s get out of here.”

  Had Craig really been going to haul Sebastian off to jail? Or had he been testing Emily again, to see if she truly loved him?

  Son-of-a-bitch. That’s why he’d cuffed Sebastian. He’d been testing Emily to see if she would come to his defense. And she had. She was braver, stronger, than any woman he’d ever known. Even after all she’d been through.

  Craig had been testing her to make sure she wouldn’t hurt him. To make sure she had honorable intentions. To make sure she truly loved him.

  Craig might be a hard ass. But he was a true friend.

  Sebastian choked out a laugh.

  He smiled at Emily. “Yes, let’s.” Leaning against her, he hobbled across the lawn.

  When they came around the front of the house, one of the cops was shoving Travis into the backseat of a patrol car. Sebastian paused, his gaze locking on his father’s.

  He waited for the hatred to return, for the horrible memories to consume him.

  But no painful memories came forward. He’d set them all free. They were never coming back.

  All he felt was relief.

  Relief that Travis would never be able to hurt him, or anyone he loved, ever again.

  Emily gently urged him forward. “Come on.”

  Sebastian turned away from his father.

  And let Emily steer him away.

  * * *

  “We found human remains buried at the base of the tree. Once we obtain your mother’s dental records, we will be able to confirm whether or not the remains belong to her.”

  Sebastian swallowed hard. He gave a slow nod. “Thank you.”

  Craig’s team had worked all night long with the local cops, searching Travis’s place and digging up the grave Sebastian hadn’t known was there until last night. They’d received an expedited warrant and had searched both the trailer on the river and his father’s house in town.

  Sebastian and Emily had arrived at the local police station an hour ago. Each had given their statements separately. Emily was somewhere out in the waiting area now.

  Waiting for him.

  “We also found a file box full of documents in your father’s house.”

s house in town?”

  Craig shook his head. “We found nothing at his house in town. The box was hidden underneath the trailer behind a section of torn skirting. I’m guessing he hid it there so no one would ever find it. There’s an accounting of all the fights he arranged, plus drug deals, illegal gun sales, prostitution, all going back over twenty years…you name it, it’s in there. It seems he kept detailed records of his dealings. It’s not current, though. The most recent date was a few years ago, so he either changed hiding spots, or he quit keeping records when he moved in town.”

  “Really?” Sebastian met Craig’s gaze. “He kept records of everything?”

  “Yeah. He’ll be spending a long time behind bars.”

  Craig slid a small metal box across the table. “One other thing. This belongs to you. I believe your mother left it for you. We found it in a corner of the storage shed, buried beneath fishing supplies.”

  His mother had left him something?

  “What…is it?”

  Craig smiled. “Open it and see.” He rose. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.” The door closed behind him.

  Sebastian hesitated, then unhooked the latch on the box and lifted the lid.

  The box was full of pictures of Sebastian as a baby and as a small child. There were a few with his mother in them, but most of them were just him.


  His heart pinched. He gently ran his finger over a photo of him and Mom in the park. She was laughing, her brown eyes full of happiness. He knew his father hadn’t taken the picture, so someone at the park must have snapped that photo.

  She was so beautiful. Her long brown hair cascaded down her back in gentle waves. His mother had been a stunning woman. Sebastian imagined his father had pursued her relentlessly until he finally won her. His chest tightened.

  She didn’t abandon me. He took her away.

  He found a small envelope at the bottom of the box. His name was written across the front in his mother’s elegant handwriting. The seal had not yet been broken.

  Sebastian’s heart sped up.

  He slipped his finger under the seal and tore the envelope open. A piece of folded rule paper was inside. He unfolded the paper.

  Swallowing hard, he read her letter.

  My Dear Son,

  If you’re reading this letter, then my biggest fear has come true. But don’t fret for me. I’m in a better place now. I only wish I’d been given the chance to watch you grow up, to see you mature into the man I know I would be proud of. Your father is a jealous man, a monster who will stop at nothing to get what he wants. No matter what he says or does, remember you are nothing like him. You’re better than him. Don’t let him bring you down, Sebastian. Be strong. Fight back. He wants to destroy you, but if you dig deep, I know you will find the strength to beat him. Please, please don’t let him win.

  Know that I love you more than life itself. The moment you were born you stole my heart. It pains me to write this, because it means I wasn’t strong enough to beat him. But someday we will meet again, and when we do, my heart will rejoice.

  I love you, Sebastian. And when your time comes to leave the world, I will be waiting for you with open arms. I sincerely hope you live a full and happy life. That you find a woman worthy of you. That you someday experience true love and are blessed with a son of your own.

  Be strong, Sebastian. You can beat him.

  I love you.



  Sebastian’s vision blurred. His heart squeezed. A tear plopped on his mother’s letter. He quickly wiped it away. Drawing in a deep breath, he refolded the letter and stuffed it back in the envelope.

  She didn’t abandon me. She loved me.

  An overwhelming sense of peace settled into his heart. That letter meant more to him than he could ever explain.

  Thank you, Mom.

  A soft knock came at the door. It opened a crack. Emily peered in at him.


  Sebastian cleared his throat. He stuffed the envelope back into the metal box and closed the lid. Someday he might show Emily the letter. But not today. He wasn’t ready to share it yet. It was too private. Too fresh.

  I found my true love, Mom. She’s beautiful, inside and out. Just like you.

  He rose from the table with the box. He limped to her side, his ankle wrapped in a brace he’d gotten from the hospital last night. Luckily, he’d only suffered some torn ligaments that would heal with time and rest.

  Grabbing Emily’s hand, he linked his fingers through hers.

  “You ready to go?”

  She nodded, her gaze searching his. “Are you all right?”

  Sebastian tucked the box against his side. He would keep his mother’s letter close, so he could read it again. And again. It was confirmation that she’d loved him. That she hadn’t abandoned him.

  Emily hadn’t made a mistake in believing in him. He was loveable.

  His chest tightened, warming with a flood of emotion. He might not deserve Emily, but he vowed he would make her happy. He would love her for eternity.

  “I love you,” he whispered, looking into her eyes.

  “I love you too.” She stared back, her eyes warming with the truth. She did love him. And he felt so blessed. Emily had fixed him, whether she wanted to believe it or not. Without her, he wouldn’t have been able to defeat his father. Without her, he was nothing.

  Now it was time to collect his son.

  “I’m fine.” Sebastian squeezed her hand. “Let’s go home.”


  “In other news today, a spokesperson for Sebastian Wolfe announced yesterday that the big-screen actor has retired from acting. This announcement comes a few weeks after all charges against Wolfe for his alleged involvement in underground fighting were dropped. When questioned, the district attorney would say only that new information had revealed Wolfe was innocent. When asked what Wolfe plans to do now, the spokesperson for Wolfe said he isn’t saying…”

  Sebastian shut the television off and rose from the couch just as Emily came into the room. Dressed in a navy blue sundress that showed off her long legs, she walked straight into his arms and kissed him.

  “Are you ready? Everyone should be showing up soon.”

  He nodded, though he doubted he’d ever be ready to meet her father.

  Sebastian had proposed last week and Emily had said “yes.” He still couldn’t believe she’d said “yes.” They’d planned this barbeque so all their friends and family could get acquainted and be present when they made the announcement. His heart was so full of happiness that some days he felt sure it would burst. Some people might think it was too soon to get engaged, but as far as Sebastian was concerned, it was never too soon to start their lives together. A few months ago, he never would have imagined he would ever be engaged. Hell, he had never considered himself marriage material. But now…Emily made him happy. For Emily, he would slay dragons. For Emily, he would do anything.

  Sebastian had invited Craig and Karen, and Nick and his family to their barbeque. Emily had invited her father and stepmother, and her father’s neighbors from across the river, Zach and Meghan. Cole was the same age as Nick’s daughter, Brianna, so he wouldn’t be the only teenager present. Craig and Karen’s six-year-old son, Damon, would be there, as would Nick’s younger child, Kyle, who was five. It would be the first time Sebastian had a houseful of people, including children.

  Sensing his nervousness, Emily squeezed his hand. “Everything will be all right. Relax. My dad won’t bite, I promise.”

  Sebastian snorted. “If you were my daughter, I’d want to kill any man who came close to you.”

  Emily squeezed his hand. “Relax. He may be overprotective, but he’s not a brute.”

  The clinic was now running smoothly with Emily by his side. She was becoming a great vet. The new vet tech they’d hired was also doing an outstanding job.

  Peter had shown up unexpectedly on Sebastian’s doorstep a few days
ago, apologizing profusely and begging for his job back. He’d told Sebastian he had called the reporters and claimed he’d made a mistake about who owned the clinic and who lived in Sebastian’s house. After some deliberation, Sebastian had relented and let Peter come back, but he’d pointed out to Peter that he could only stay until he completed his internship, as Sebastian had already made the decision to hire Emily permanently as the second veterinarian. Peter had agreed, saying it was the internship he needed so he could get his state license. So far, Peter had done an excellent job. Sebastian didn’t anticipate Peter giving them any more trouble.

  When Sebastian and Emily had returned home several weeks ago, there had been no reporters out front. But within a few days, they’d started showing up. Emily had gone out and announced to the crowd that they were mistaken, that this house belonged to her and that the vet who ran Scar Animal Rescue was not Sebastian Wolfe, but just a man who resembled him and that he preferred not to be contacted by the reporters at all. After several days of persistence, the reporters had finally given up and gone away. Since the house was owned by Scar, LLC, not Sebastian Wolfe, it would be difficult for anyone to prove otherwise. Peter calling the reporters and telling them he’d been wrong would help things, as did the fact that Sebastian had announced he was done acting. Sebastian suspected more reporters would show up over the years, but for now things had settled down. Eventually people would forget about him and let him live in peace.

  The authorities had not seized any animals recently, but Sebastian had no doubt more would come. And when they did, the criminals would probably show up. But Sebastian intended to let the authorities handle any problems from here on out. He would no longer take matters into his own hands. He had Emily and Cole now. He had something to live for.

  Sebastian’s insomnia was now completely gone. Emily had cured him. He no longer fought the demons at night, no longer battled with the guilt that had plagued him from the boy he’d accidentally killed. He’d learned to let it all go.

  The doorbell chimed.


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