The Witches of BlackBrook

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The Witches of BlackBrook Page 4

by Tish Thawer

  “Trin asked and I answered. Besides, like you said, I feel like I’ve known her forever, too. She puts me at ease, so yes, I told her our secret.” Caris winked at Trin and gathered three plates from the cupboard.

  The rest of the evening was pure heaven. The pork roast was tender and juicy, and Trin’s golden and sweet potatoes were the perfect match. Caris had also prepared a salad and roasted carrots they’d grown and harvested themselves this past season. They talked about the root of their practices, Trin keeping her true story concealed, of course, then spent the remainder of the night watching movies.

  At a little after eleven, Jason helped Trin to her car, depositing her bag of utensils she’d brought from home into the passenger seat.

  “Thank you, again, for another pleasant evening,” Trin genuinely expressed.

  “You’re welcome. I’m glad you came.”

  “Me too.”

  Jason leaned in, causing her stomach to flutter. The internal debate taking place in her head would have provided a decent laugh for anyone privy to her thoughts. Cheek? Lips? Do I turn away? Say something first? Wait, no. After? Shit, what should I say?

  The brief kiss was over by the time Trin got out of her own head.

  “What are you doing tomorrow?” Jason asked, taking away all the pressure.


  “Great. Would you like to accompany me on an adventure?”

  Trin giggled. “Sure. Sounds fun.”

  “I’ll pick you up around noon if that’s okay.”

  “Should be fine. I’ll see you then.” Trin smiled and let Jason place another light peck on her cheek before backing out the drive.

  The road home was fraught with rainbows and flying unicorns as her heart began to soar.

  Chapter Six

  He dragged the witch by the hair, deep into his cave. Disappointed in the failure of his last spell, he’d taken steps to boost his power. Feeding on the blood and magic of witches has been his kind’s only hope of survival, and he wasn’t about to lose his favorite meal. She whimpered as she lay frozen on the stone floor, his knife nicking her precious flesh. “Boost my power, boost my sight, forbid the three to reunite. Blinded by blood, shielded by lies, my strength alone will forbid the rise.”

  Trin crept in the front door and across the living room to the kitchen, trying not to step on the squeaky plank in the floor.

  “You’re home late.” The kitchen light flipped on.

  Trin jumped. “Shit, Kit. Will you please stop scaring me?”

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I was just worried about you since the roads are getting icy again.”

  “Are they? I didn’t notice.” Trin walked to the sink and laid her bag on the counter. She’d deal with putting everything away in the morning. Right now, all she wanted to do was sleep and see where her dreams took her.

  “Why are you smiling?” Kit prompted. “Oh my god, tell me everything. Did you let Officer Hardy frisk you?”

  Trin burst out laughing. “Shut up! No, of course not. I had a pleasant evening with him and Caris, that’s all. Now I’m going to bed. Goodnight, sister.”

  “Goodnight, yourself. But tomorrow, you better plan on waking up early and giving me all the details.” Kit wagged a finger at her as she ascended the back stairs that led from the kitchen to their rooms.

  That night, Trin dreamt of Jason and crystals, Jeremiah and ropes, Kara and water, and Caris and herbs. She tossed and turned, slipping through space and time. Sister, lover, cousin, friend. Her head spun as she tried to use her magic to break through this hellish mix of hopes and dreams, fears and regret. A final image of being devoured by a shrouded being jolted her from the nightmare.

  “Trin, wake up!”

  Light poured in from the windows as Kit shook Trin’s shoulders. “What’s going on? What time is it?”

  “Oh my god. Are you all right? I couldn’t wake you.” The fear in Kit’s voice brought her quickly to attention.

  Trin looked around the room, trying to get her bearings. What the hell was that? she thought. “I’m okay. Everything’s okay. Calm down.”

  “I heard you screaming but when I tried to wake you I couldn’t,” Kit sobbed.

  “That’s so weird. I feel like I just laid down and yet obviously it’s morning.”

  “Obviously, you’re not okay. It’s not’s almost noon.”

  “Shit!” Trin bolted out of bed, startling Kit further.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “I have a date.”

  “What? After what you just went through?”

  “Relax, Kit. I didn’t go through anything. I had a bad dream is all.”

  “Really? A bad dream that kept you locked inside your mind for hours? You’re just going to blow that off for a date?” Kit’s fear had turned to anger.

  “There’s nothing to be done now that I can’t do later. When I return we’ll do the scrying spell for Kara, and I’ll take some time to look into my dream then. Okay?”

  “Yeah, sure. Whatever.”

  Kit stomped from the room while Trin raced to get dressed. Thank god it was winter and she could throw on multiple layers of clothes and a hat without appearing rushed or lazy. She brushed her teeth and grabbed her camera, racing downstairs just as the doorbell rang.

  “Good morning!” Trin exclaimed, out of breath.

  “Good afternoon?” Jason smiled, looking down at her bare feet.

  “Oh, yes. Come on in while I grab some boots.”

  Jason stepped over the threshold and closed the door while Trin hopped from foot to foot, pulling on her flannel-lined hiking boots. “All set.”

  Jason laughed. “Are you okay? You seem a bit flustered.”

  “No, no. I’m fine. Getting a late start is all. I’m all set. Let’s go.” Trin rushed Jason back out the door, wanting to avoid an awkward introduction between him and a grumpy Kit.

  “So...what are we doing today?” Trin asked.

  “You’ll see.”

  “Well, as you can see,” Trin held up her camera case, “I plan to document everything.”

  Jason’s laugh washed away any lingering stain her nightmare had left.

  Snapping pictures out the window, Trin enjoyed the twenty minute ride and was excited when they crept up to the edge of Taylor pond. Jason parked the truck then helped Trin out and onto the path that led them to a very cute, well-maintained ice shanty.

  “Have you ever been ice fishing before?” Jason asked.

  “Nope.” Trin giggled.

  “Then it truly is an adventure.” Jason opened the door to the little shack. “It’s not big, so be careful and mind your head.”

  Trin climbed in and took a seat on the futon that was placed against the wall, pulling the heap of blankets over her legs.

  “Give me a minute and I’ll get a fire started.” He gestured to the tiny wood burning stove that sat in the corner. Its pipes were only about three inches in diameter and it was just the cutest thing Trin had ever seen. This tiny, functional little house had Trin smiling from cheek-to-cheek. She debated lighting the fire with her magic, but wasn’t sure how advanced Jason and Caris were. Most Wiccan’s could access magical energy, but only a select few actually become attune enough to hone it into a manifested power, at least not in this century.

  Sparks flared as Jason lit the fire-starter already placed in the belly of the tiny stove with a long wooden match; within minutes the fire had taken the chill off, and it was downright cozy. Trin couldn’t help but notice Jason’s broad shoulders and strong arms as he took off his plaid coat and unlatched the small door in the floor of the hut. The round hole beneath was large enough for a person to fit through, and while still visible, it was now almost completely frozen over. Jason used a hefty hand-held ice auger to reopen the hole, scooping out the loose pieces with a large skimmer as he did.

  “Okay. All done. Which pole would you prefer?” Jason asked, all smiles.

  Trin laughed and gra
bbed the wooden pole shaped like Tweety Bird, leaving the one shaped like a duck for Jason. “You’ve got a real Grumpy Old Men vibe going on here.”

  Jason’s boisterous laugh filled the space as he tossed his head back. “Well, that little comment just made me love you even more. That movie is a classic and one of my all-time favorites.” He wiggled his ‘Green Hornet’ lookalike in the air.

  Trin sat straight faced, all joking aside. He’d just said he loved her, but was he being serious or was she once again taking him the wrong way?

  Jason eased the tension when he placed a small peck on her cheek. “Let’s get you baited up.”

  “Baited up?”

  Jason nodded. “Yes, I’m going to be putting on a lure called a jig with some shiner minnows, and all you’ll have to do is lift your pole up and down to attract the fish’s attention.”

  “Sounds exciting!” Trin smiled.

  Ten minutes passed and she’d found that ice fishing was anything but exciting. Trin had done as instructed, bobbing the pole up and down but hadn’t gotten a single bite. The cabin was warm and in the background drifted soft music from the old-time radio Jason kept on a shelf. The two were enjoying each other’s quiet company and Trin quickly found herself lost in thought as she stared at the icy water.

  Flashes of her past life with Jeremiah played through her mind. Memories at first, then faces of strangers twisting throughout time, always dark-haired and hazel-eyed, exactly like her lost love’s. She looked at Jason and felt a connection, one that couldn’t possibly be. Trin desperately wanted to grasp to the thread that was being laid out for them both, but knew it was only a desperate woman’s wish. This couldn’t possibly be what she was imagining. Magic or not, Jeremiah had been lost long ago.

  Focused again on the developing vision, Trin closed her eyes, sighing at Jeremiah’s smiling face. Contentment suddenly turned to panic, however, when the vision of Jeremiah began to frantically wave his hands in warning.

  Trin’s eyes snapped open. “Jason!” she screamed.

  Without warning, Jason’s body was slipping through the icy water as phantom hands drug him under the frozen surface. Down, down he spiraled, away from Trin and straight towards his death.

  Trin moved to dive in after him, stopping short, realizing a fool’s plan. She couldn’t save him if she too were dead. Trin closed her eyes and pulled what little magic she had from deep within her and placed her hands on either side of the hole. Words flew from her lips. “Break the grip of these cursed hands, return my love safely to land, feed my power, from three to one, as I will it, so shall it be done.”

  Trin slammed her palms on the ice, sending a massive energy blast throughout the pond. The tidal wave created sent the water rushing outward then back in on itself, forcing a solid spout of water to jut up through the hole that carried Jason up and out with it.

  “Jason, oh god, please be okay.” Trin scrambled to grab the blankets off the futon, casting flames from her fingertips to stoke the fire.

  “What happened?” Jason asked through chattering teeth.

  “I’m not sure. One minute everything was calm and the next you were slipping through the hole. Do you remember anything?”

  “Not really,” he mumbled. “Only that I became really tired all of a sudden. I must have nodded off and fell forward through the hole,” he struggled to explain.

  Trin stood silent, choosing to let him believe his own version of the story. “I’m sorry. I should have been more entertaining company,” she joked, trying to lighten the mood before she burst into tears.

  “That’s just it, Trin. I’m so comfortable around you that I find myself at peace whenever we’re together. I can’t explain it. I’ve been out here by myself with no one to talk to, yet I’ve never fallen asleep. You calm me, Trin.” Jason professed through blue lips.

  Without another word, Jason leaned in, placing his forehead against hers while taking her hands in his. Another blue spark flared at their contact and Trin looked into Jason’s heated eyes and was overwhelmed.

  He had opened up his third eye to her, whether he meant to or not, and in that moment their connection became a tangible thing. She looked into his heart and mind and found Jason to be a kind and loving man. Suddenly aware of his unabashed feelings, she felt his lips on hers and didn’t resist. Tentative tastes and sweet pecks quickly turned to playful nips and sensual swipes of his tongue.

  Jason pulled her close, his body still cold and shivering. “They say to warm a hypothermic body you should lay skin-to-skin.” Jason smiled.

  “I’ve heard that too.”

  Jason raised his hands above his head, mischief playing in his eyes, as Trin lifted off his wet shirt.

  Chapter Seven

  Wrapped in the blankets and each other, Trin and Jason continued to kiss and cuddle, like a couple of teenagers. They’d only disrobed down to their undergarments and she refused to take it any further than that. She wouldn’t allow herself to get caught up in the emotions of such an intense situation, especially one that was magically induced.

  “I think you’re warm enough,” Trin suggested, “and we better get back soon. You need some warm soup and continued monitoring.”

  “Are you applying for the job?” he asked.

  Trin laughed. “No, I have to get home. And I’m sure Caris will take very good care of you.”

  “You’re right. But thanks for saving me and for the most enjoyable body heat,” Jason winked as he kicked off the covers to redress. “How did you get me out of there anyway?”

  Trin froze, not sure what to say.

  “All I remember is hands reaching for me. I guess that was you pulling me out, so thanks again.” Jason thankfully cut her off with his own summation.

  “You’re welcome.” Trin kept her mouth shut, buttoned her shirt, and pulled on her boots. There was no way she was going to botch a perfectly valid explanation with thoughts of evil curses and ghostly apparitions. Those same thoughts though raise the question; why would anyone want to hurt Jason? It made no sense.

  Trin was more eager than ever to get home and address the odd things that had been happening––her strange connection to Caris and Jason, her nightmare, and now this. Something was off and she and Kit needed to find out what.

  “Thanks for the adventure!” Trin kissed Jason and jumped from the truck. “Maybe next time we can avoid the near death experience.”

  “I agree. That definitely was not on the planned schedule.” Jason smiled.

  “I’ll call to check on you tomorrow.” Trin waved and sighed as he drove off, then turned and stomped the snow from her boots before entering the house.

  “Kit, are you home?” Trin called from the foyer, hanging her things and proceeding to the kitchen.

  “You made it back.” Kit’s sleepy voice sounded from over her shoulder.

  “Hey! Yeah, safe and sound.” Trin cringed internally at the thought of how close they came to the complete opposite of that. “Would you like some tea?” Trin offered, anxious for her own hot beverage to take the chill off.

  “No thanks.” Kit’s clipped response cleared up whether she was still annoyed or not.

  “Did you still want to do a scrying spell with me tonight?” Trin asked, hoping to soften Kit’s mood.

  “No. You go ahead. I’m not feeling all that well.”

  Hmm. Odd. Kit had never passed up the chance to work magic with her before. “What’s wrong?”

  “Just a bug, probably. I’ll be fine with a good night’s rest.” Kit smiled and gave a little salute as she headed back upstairs in her flannel pjs.

  Trin debated arguing for her to stay, but the thought of working alone suddenly appealed to her very much. She needed to connect to what was happening without Kit’s negative influence, however reality based it was.

  Trin grabbed her tea, opened the door to the cellar, and descended the stairs. The lights flickered on as she moved past each one, illuminating the space to reveal their hidden work area.
/>   Cupboards and benches were lined with candles, herbs, oil, and bowls, all charged for sacred work. Trin took out her favorite scrying bowl and filled it with water and salt then placed it on the altar in the center of the room. Gathering the rest of her supplies, she lit two candles, one black for protection and banishing negativity, and one violet to connect to the Goddess for insight and clarity. Three drops of jasmine oil and a pinch of mugwort and she was ready to begin.

  “Clear of mind, clear of sight, as I travel with the Goddess this night. Visions of clarity, visions of truth, uncover what’s hidden, at its root.”

  Ripples flowed through the water as Trin focused her third eye directly on the center point. Drops of blood tendrilled across the surface, tinting the water red. The floor fell away and Trin was suddenly flying through the night sky in her astral form. Fires raged, witches hung, and ancient texts flashed through Trin’s mind. Transported across time and space, she saw herself, Kara, and Kenna together, then watched as they shifted from one life to another, their faces different but their souls the same. Bound by the same energy each and every time, drawn by the heart but forced to remain apart. Outstretched hands, male and female, reached for Trin, shouting silent cries through a horde of bloody corpses.

  Trin’s head snapped up. Though freed from her vision, the words ‘forced to remain apart’ echoed through her mind. Clarity dawned and she sucked in a breath. She hadn’t been imagining things, something was here, and it was purposely trying to keep her from finding Kara.

  Trin gave thanks to the God and Goddess and cleansed the area, replacing her tools in their proper place then raced upstairs. She debated waking Kit so they could start on a spell to reveal and block whatever was doing this, but after a quick glance at the clock, decided to wait until morning.


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