The Witches of BlackBrook

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The Witches of BlackBrook Page 14

by Tish Thawer

  “Bone and blood, spirit and soul, ripped from them, my only goal. Set a trap, fall in line, all their magic will soon be mine.” The potion boiled and churned, sending up a gray mist that turned into a protective net that looked like a mass tangling of spider webs. He smiled as they attached themselves to the walls and ceiling. He was ready...all he needed now was the bait.

  “What time should I be at the restaurant?” Trin asked between sips of her coffee.

  “Harold says we’re to meet him at 7:00pm. Will that give you enough time to get home from work and change?” Kit questioned.

  “Yep. I’ll be there with bells on.” Trin swallowed the bitter taste the words left in her mouth. Suppressing her anger was becoming more and more difficult, since every time she looked at Kit, all she saw was centuries of betrayal. There had been numerous times over the past week where Trin wanted to scream from the top of her lungs, “I know who you are and what you’ve done.” But after what happened last night, and the fact that they were so close to putting an end to this charade, she forced herself to remain diligent and stay on task. Willpower was a weapon she’d continue to hone.

  “Great. I’ll see you there.” Kit was dressed in her usual painting gear: a t-shirt, baggy overalls, and bare feet, which meant she’d be spending the day upstairs in the room they’d set up as her studio.

  Trin finished her coffee and left for the spa, anxious for her mid-day appointment with Caris. Jason had reassured her that everything was fine, but she wanted to hear Caris’s side of the story as well. She needed to see if there were any details that she could pick out that maybe they had missed.

  “Good morning, Mia.” Trin offered her usual greeting to the receptionist and proceeded straight to the locker room to start her day.

  Five hours later and it was finally time for Caris’s appointment.

  “Okay, so tell me everything.” Trin hopped onto the table, happy to be off her feet.

  “Well, Jason pretty much summed it up. We came to the clearing and cast our searching spell which worked great. We all flew through the astral plane and located the source with no problem. Then, once we were physically there and about to go in, a blast of air and fog burst from the mouth of the cave. There was this creepy demon’s face inside of it,” Caris shuttered.

  “It makes me sick to know that that is Kit. I still can’t wrap my head around it.”

  Caris took Trin’s hand in hers. “I know it must be hard, but Trin, you’re going to have to come to terms with this, because soon...we’re going to need to do whatever is necessary to put an end to this.”

  “I know,” Trin sighed. “I’ll be ready.”

  Caris smiled and handed Trin a pouch of angelica root. “Here. Keep this in your pocket. I’m sure you’re aware that it’s great for protection and boosts female power, and this is some of the stuff Kennedy and I used the other night. It should help strengthen our connection.”

  “Great! Thanks!” Trin tucked the white cotton satchel into her pocket and instantly felt at peace. “Have you worked out when we should go back to the cave?”

  “No. Not yet. The full moon is only a week away now, but it still doesn’t seem to be lining up with the spell.”

  “Is there anything I can do to help from here,” Trin motioned around the private room.

  Caris cocked her head. “Maybe. Let me do some more work tonight. Kennedy and I will both book appointments before the full moon and I’ll fill you in then.”

  Trin smiled and hugged her sister, anxious to finally be able to contribute in at least some small way. Following Caris out to the front room, she waved goodbye before pulling her next chart.


  Trin spun around at the sound of Kit’s voice. “What are you doing here?” Trin asked nervously.

  “Harold called and bumped up the time of the party. I brought you your dress so you wouldn’t be late.” Kit glared out the window as Caris pulled away in her Jeep. “Isn’t that your teacher friend?” Kit leaned in. “I thought you were staying away from them?” she whispered.

  Trin took a step back and squared her shoulders. “I can’t control who books appointments with me.”

  Trin swore she could see fire sparking behind Kit’s eyes. “It may only be a massage to you, but if they are the ones causing the problems, then even the slightest touch could be fueling their means. You need to remove her from your approved client list, Trin. For your own good.”

  Kit pushed the garment bag into her hands and left without another word. Fuming, Trin raced into the locker room to dial Caris and quickly left a message when she didn’t answer. “Kit was here and saw you leave. Please be careful and call me once you’re safely home.”

  An energy ball flew from Trin’s hand, denting the door of her locker. Trin collapsed onto a bench, forcing a few deep breaths in an effort to calm down. They needed to bring this to an end and soon, but first she had one more appointment to get through and a party to attend.

  Trin walked to the sink and splashed some water on her face then returned to the front to greet her next client.

  As she glanced at the file, the door to the waiting room swung open. “My turn,” said the very sexy Mr. Hardy.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  “Oh my god, what are you doing? Kit was just here, did she see you?” Trin pulled Jason down the hall and into her assigned room.

  “Calm down. No, she didn’t see me.”

  Trin tossed his chart onto the counter. “I can’t believe you. Why didn’t Caris tell me you were coming?”

  “Because she didn’t know. Christ, I didn’t know I’d be scheduling a massage just so I could see my girlfriend, but dammit Trin, I miss you.”

  “I miss you, too, but we can’t risk anything right now, Jason,” she snapped as she leaned back against the door.

  “I get that you’re worried, but if all I can get is a few stolen moments with you, I’m going to take them, risk or no risk.”

  Trin crossed her arms in front of her chest trying to tamp down her anger. Between pretending with Kit, worrying over her sisters, and now coming face-to-face with the fact that she had a man in her life to adjust to, it was all leaving her extremely pent up.

  Jason smirked at Trin.

  “What’s so funny? This whole situation is screwed up,” Trin said as she smacked his arm, sending a blue shock arcing between them.

  “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen the feisty side of you.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him.

  “Don’t you remember how we defused our frustrations back in the day?”

  She bit her bottom lip as memories flooded her mind.

  Jason unclasped her arms and raised them above her head, rubbing the vein at her wrist as he slowly and deliberately kissed her neck, the tension in her body releasing with each stroke of his thumb.

  The caress of his lips and the kneading of his skillful hands had Trin casting a silencing spell over the room. Never before had she been naked at her place of business, but today, her emotions had been pushed to their limit and she’d be breaking all the rules.

  Trin stripped, unabashed as Jason did the same. She guided him to lie back on the table and proceeded to climb atop him with a wicked smile.

  “This isn’t how I imagined our first time in this life,” Jason panted as Trin kissed along his neck, “but our souls are connected just as they were centuries ago, and I crave you now as much as I did then.”

  “I feel it too.”

  Trin crushed her lips to his as she lowered herself onto him. Their passion flared and in a rush the room began to spin. There connection was more than physical, it was spiritual, magical, and Trin could feel the buzz of energy in the air.

  Lost in each other, the memories of their time together floated between them as their minds began to link. A lifetime of love sent their spirits soaring as their ecstasy peaked. Trin opened herself in that moment, heart and soul, and knew in an instant what they needed to do.

and dressed in her black corseted dress of tulle and satin, Trin waved to Mia, chuckling internally, as she left for the day. Her rendezvous with Jason may have been taboo, but it was worth the risk.

  Trin drove straight to the party, hoping a brief appearance would be enough. Preparations needed to be made, and she needed to get to the Hardy’s as soon as possible. There was no need to hide anymore, for the answer came in not being apart, but finally coming together.

  Trin took a deep breath and shored up her mental blocks before entering the restaurant. She may be ready to face Kit, but there was no point in doing it here.

  Kit greeted Trin with a hug and smile and began to introduce her to her inner circle. Trin had met Harold before, but these were not only people Kit worked with, but apparently, some of her clients and colleagues were in attendance as well. They were all here to acknowledge and award Kit’s achievements within the art community, which Trin now questioned as authentic or not. Even with all the falseness surrounding Kit, Trin thought that when it came to her art, she was the real deal. But now, she questioned whether that was even true. It was impossible to tell when magic and lies were involved.

  “Thank you for coming, Trin. It means so much to have you here,” Kit whispered in her ear.

  “You’re welcome.” Trin forced a smile.

  Grabbing a glass of champagne, Trin retrieved her cell phone from her small silver clutch and frowned at the display. No call or text from Caris yet. Perhaps she’d had other errands to run before heading home? A slow chill rolled across Trin’s skin.

  “Everyone, gather around please,” Harold announced from the front of the room. “Thank you all for joining us tonight to honor Kit Callaway. For anyone who has ever had the pleasure of viewing one of her pieces, I’m sure you’d all agree that her art comes straight from her heart and soul. Her classic lines and ethereal concepts spark imagination and will continue to span time, inspiring future generations to come.” Harold raised his glass. “And she’s made my company a lot of money, so cheers!” he joked.

  “Cheers,” the crowd responded.

  Kit stepped up to the podium, red-cheeked in her white pantsuit. “Thanks, Harold. It’s nice to know how you really feel.” The crowd roared with laughter. “My inspiration comes from the world around me, and I’m so grateful I’ve been blessed with the talent to turn that into something you all can enjoy. It means a great deal to me that you’d accept me and what I do in a society that has such varied tastes. I’ve found my niche and I couldn’t be more honored that you’re all a part of it. Thank you for coming.”

  Trin raised her glass, conflicted by the emotions she was feeling. She hated Kit for deceiving her, for being the evil that had kept her from her true sisters for over three hundred years. But at the same time, those shared lifetimes weren’t something one could easily forget. Trin would end Kit for what she’d done, but she was also genuinely proud of her accomplishments here tonight. It was confusing.

  “Trin, are you okay?” Kit asked, pulling her from her thoughts.

  “Yes, I’m okay. Your speech was nice. I’m happy for you, Kit.”

  “Thanks. Will you join me at the head table? Dinner is about to be served.”

  Trin clutched her purse, the phone inside burning a hole through her subconscious. “Actually, I’m going to head home. I’m not feeling all that well.”

  Kit frowned and grabbed Trin’s arm. “Maybe a bite to eat would help. You haven’t been taking very good care of yourself lately, sister.”

  “You’re right. I’ve been feeling pretty drained lately, so like I said, I think I’ll be heading home.” Trin yanked her arm from Kit’s grasp. “Enjoy your party.”

  Trin’s stomach was in knots as she stomped out of the restaurant. Of course Kit knew she was feeling drained, it was her damn fault!

  Trin drove straight to the Hardy’s and couldn’t care less if Kit knew it or not.

  “Trin! What the hell are you doing here? You’re supposed to stay away until Caris nails down the proper time for our next spell,” Kennedy exclaimed.

  “There’s no time for that. I think she has Caris,” Trin rushed to explain.

  “What?” Jason rounded the corner of the kitchen.

  “Kit saw her with me today at the spa, and I haven’t heard from her since.”

  “Dammit!” Kennedy cursed, collapsing onto the couch. She punched Caris’s number into her phone but received no answer.

  “Trin. You should go back to the party and keep Kit occupied and we’ll head to the cave,” Jason instructed.

  “No! That’s just it.” Trin reached for his hand, igniting a blue spark between them. “Tonight, when we consummated our relationship anew, I saw what we needed to do.”

  Kennedy snapped her head in Trin’s direction. “Do tell, sister.”

  “The fact that we’ve been staying apart has been our mistake and exactly what Kit has wanted all along. It’s when we truly come back together that we’ll be a threat. A threat to breaking through whatever block she has us on. We need to return to the cave to get Caris together. All of us.”

  “I don’t understand. We’ve all been together before and couldn’t break through the block? What’s different now?” Kennedy asked.

  “I’m different. The physical connection of being intimate with Jason unlocked something within me. I saw clearly what we need to do.”

  “What if Caris isn’t at the cave. What if Kit took her somewhere else since she knows we found her lair?” Jason interjected.

  “No. She’ll still take her there. You said it yourself, that place is connected to the source of her power.”

  “It makes me crazy to address her in the feminine when we all know what she really is,” Jason spat.

  “He...she...what does it matter? As soon as we find Caris this will all be over,” Trin said with a firm set to her jaw. “The moon may not be full yet, but together, I know we can save Caris and put a stop to this,” Trin proclaimed. “Besides, I’m sick of waiting for her to make a move. Now, if you’d be so kind, can you show me to your supplies?”

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Kennedy led the way, showing Trin to their temporary work area and helped gather the items.

  “Salt, sulfur, and houndstooth,” Trin instructed.

  Kennedy placed the items in the basket and stifled a sob at the thought of Caris.

  Trin placed a hand on the basket, understanding the connection. “Breaking through Kit’s block is obviously going to take more than just the three of us being in the same room.” Trin glanced at Jason. “So, while I set up the spell, you two will have to keep her distracted. Keep her talking and focused on your attempts to save Caris.”

  “Okay. Monologuing. Got it.” Kennedy smiled.

  Trin laughed and turned. “I’ve got everything I need from here, but I have to stop by my house on our way out of town.”

  “Do you really think that’s a good idea?” Jason asked.

  “Kit won’t be there. If she’s not still at her party then she’ll be in the cave,” Trin assured him.

  “Okay, then. It looks like we’re ready to go.” Jason’s less than enthusiastic demeanor had Trin hanging back.

  “Hey? Are you okay?” she asked.

  Jason planted his feet and crossed his arms. “I’m worried we’re rushing into this. The idea of any of you being put in danger, just because we’re all mad and impatient has me concerned,” Jason confessed.

  “As always, my caring companion.” Trin stared at Jason, seeing Jeremiah’s spirit within. “I know that’s how it seems, but trust me, I know what I’m doing.”

  “The last time you said that, you ended up on the pyre,” Jason stated.

  Trin placed her hands on his arms, pushing them open so she could step into his embrace. “Our physical connection unlocked the answer for me, and you know better than anyone what I would do to save my sisters. I wouldn’t risk them if I thought we would fail.”

  Jason leaned down and placed a kiss on her lips.
“Yes. You’re right. I know you wouldn’t.”

  Trin and Jason walked hand in hand to his truck. Climbing in, they headed straight to Trin’s house.

  “What am I looking for?” Jason asked, since he refused to let her go inside.

  “A red box sitting on my dresser. You can’t miss it.” Trin smiled.

  Jason took Trin’s keys and quickly made his way inside. The house was empty, just as Trin had foretold.

  Jason raced upstairs, finding the box exactly where Trin said it would be and quickly returned to the truck. Settled back behind the wheel, he handed the small box across to Trin. “Here you go.”

  “Thank you. We’re all set.”

  “Are you sure you have everything we’ll need?” Kennedy asked from the backseat.

  “I have enough, but it’s not the supplies that will beat Kit, it’s us...together.”

  “That sounds vague and completely irrational. We’re going to be facing a centuries old demon whose soul has been fused to yours, and you’re basically saying we should just wing it?” Kennedy shook her head with a quirky grin on her face.

  “What I’m saying is you should trust me,” Trin took her sister’s hand and opened her heart and mind. Memories of the three of them together and the magic they used to openly work filled her thoughts. She could sense young Kenna awakening within Kennedy, stirring and ready to join the fight.

  Kennedy removed her hand and stared up at her sister. “It’s you, Karina. I felt you.”

  “That’s what I’m saying. A portion of me has been released, and it’s the blood bond we share as sisters that will break through Kit’s blocks. And whether she knows it or not, once we all connect, there’ll be nothing she can do to stop us.”

  Kennedy smiled from ear to ear, then looked at Jason through the rearview mirror. “Step on it, cousin. We’ve got a demon to destroy.”

  Caris worked the ropes behind her back until her wrists were raw.

  “You won’t escape, child, so you might want to save your strength.”


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