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My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Magic, Magic Everywhere!

Page 3

by Perdita Finn

  Starlight Glimmer nodded. She was thinking. She wanted to help out her new friends. “What if I investigated it for you? After all, the best person to handle Equestria magic is someone from Equestria! Right?”

  “You’d do that?”

  “Of course. Besides, back in Equestria, we love Daring Do as a book series. Going to the movie set doesn’t mean that much to me. I’ll let you know if I see anything suspicious. Okay?”

  “It’s a deal!” said Sunset Shimmer. “You know what?”

  “What?” Starlight Glimmer asked.

  “You are kind of a natural at this friendship thing.”

  Starlight Glimmer blushed. Because that was the best thing of all to hear.

  Lights, Camera, and Action

  A flash of lightning illuminated a volcano glowing with molten lava. A cloaked figure shook the rain from his face and raised his staff in the air menacingly. “It is almost time,” he cackled. “Once I have all three relics, no one will be able to stop me, and Marapore will fall! For I am the Stalwart Stallion—”

  “Whoa!” squealed Rainbow Dash. “Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!”

  “Cut!” yelled the director, Canter Zoom.

  The rain abruptly stopped. The lights glared on. The actor playing the Stalwart Stallion looked irritated. Canter Zoom glared at the girls sitting to the side, watching the Daring Do movie being filmed.

  “Sorry,” Rainbow Dash apologized. “But at this point in the story, the Stalwart Stallion would be known as Mojo.”

  The girls were all embarrassed. They squirmed in their seats. They were trying to be as polite as possible. After all, it was a big deal just being allowed on the set.

  “What?” exclaimed Rainbow Dash. “You think he wants Daring Do fans to call him out for making a mistake like that?”

  Canter Zoom took in what she’d said. He’d been irritated, it was true, but maybe it was a good point after all. “Let’s go again,” he instructed the film crew. “And this time say Mojo instead of the Stalwart Stallion.”

  Rainbow Dash grinned triumphantly. Their plan was to help out, after all, and she was already jumping in.

  When the scene wrapped, the girls let Canter Zoom know how much they appreciated the invitation.

  “I can’t believe we’re really here,” gushed Rainbow Dash.

  “Thank you so much for letting us come, Mr. Zoom,” said Twilight Sparkle nicely.

  “We promise we won’t get in the way.” Sunset Shimmer glared at Rainbow Dash. “Again.”

  Canter Zoom smiled warmly at the girls. “As a fellow Camp Everfree alum, I was more than happy to afford the girls who helped save it the chance to visit the set of our little film.”

  “Little?” scoffed Rainbow Dash. “This is Daring Do we’re talking about. This movie is gonna be huge!”

  Canter Zoom beamed, but before he could say anything, a production assistant interrupted him with a problem. “They can’t find the costume Daring Do is supposed to wear in the nightclub scene!” she fretted.

  Canter Zoom took a deep breath. He looked very worried. “If we are ever able to finish it, it will be.” He excused himself.

  Twilight looked over a printout. “According to our visitor schedules, they won’t start shooting the next scene for a while, which means we have time to—”

  “Get a great picture taken next to the Chestnut Magnifico,” Rarity interrupted. “The actress playing Daring Do!”

  Fluttershy clapped her hands. “Ask her to sign my petition to bring more bird feeders to Canterlot High!”

  Spike was confused and scratched his head with his paw. The other girls looked at Fluttershy, bewildered.

  “Chestnut is a really avid supporter of a foundation that helps build homes for animals in need,” explained Fluttershy.

  “Oh, okay,” said Twilight, still not convinced. “But I was thinking that we could—”

  “Check out all the sets,” Sunset Shimmer interrupted her. She took a quick glance at her phone. No messages from Starlight Glimmer. Maybe everything would be fine. There probably wouldn’t be anything to worry about.

  “I’d sure like to get a closer look at that volcano,” agreed Applejack.

  “Actually,” insisted Twilight, who wanted to remind everyone why they’d come to the set in the first place, “I thought that we would—”

  “Find the buffet!” Spike barked.

  “And the cupcake fountain!” squealed Pinkie Pie.

  A cupcake fountain? What was that? “I don’t know what a cupcake fountain is,” admitted Rainbow Dash. “But I’m pretty sure that they don’t have one.”

  Pinkie Pie laughed. She pulled a brochure out of her backpack. “Of course they do. I read it in my 100 Things You Didn’t Know About This Movie Studio: Insider’s Tour Guide.”

  “Is the number-one thing we didn’t know that the guy who founded this studio was an eccentric oddball with a sweet tooth?” Applejack asked sarcastically.

  “Yes!” affirmed Pinkie Pie, holding up her guide.

  “I guess we’re splitting up.” Twilight smiled indulgently. Leave it to Pinkie Pie to find the cupcakes. But she wanted to keep an eye on their plan to repair Camp Everfree. If they lost the contest, they’d have no money left and no time to make any more. Maybe Canter Zoom would reward Rainbow Dash for being such a good fact-checker. Twilight turned to her friend. “I don’t suppose you want to—”

  “Check out the props designed especially for the movie?”

  “You read my mind!” said Twilight.

  If there was one thing wrong with them, Rainbow Dash would be sure to notice.

  Clues and Calamities

  Rarity and Fluttershy found Chestnut Magnifico’s trailer, but Fluttershy hung back, too nervous to knock on the door.

  “Maybe… we shouldn’t bother her,” Fluttershy murmured.

  “Darling, please.” Rarity sighed. “Actresses love interacting with their fans.”

  The door flew open and an obviously furious movie star stormed past the girls.

  “Miss Magnifico,” Rarity called.

  But the movie star was yelling into her cell phone. “I don’t care if I’m under contract! This is a joke, and I want this film shut down, do you hear me?”

  She sailed past the girls without even seeming to notice them. Fluttershy and Rarity felt embarrassed. Maybe they shouldn’t bother her. But what did it mean that she didn’t want to be in the Daring Do movie? That couldn’t be good! Maybe there was some way they could help.

  Meanwhile, Sunset Shimmer and Applejack were exploring the set.

  Applejack was impressed with how realistic it was. “Wonder how long it takes to build somethin’ like this.”

  “Several weeks, I’d bet,” guessed Sunset Shimmer.

  “They sure do go all out makin’ it look like the real deal.”

  Sunset Shimmer noticed a crumpled candy wrapper near the base of the volcano. “Though I don’t think the rain forest is known for its… Bon Mot peanut butter praline crunch bars.”

  “Pocket that,” said Applejack. “Wouldn’t want it ruining the shot.”

  Sunset Shimmer nodded. There were a lot of ways they could lend a hand on the set. Maybe one of them would make a real difference. Maybe Canter Zoom would remark on how helpful they were.

  She felt her phone ping in her pocket. It was a message from Starlight Glimmer.

  I saw one wisp of magic, that’s all, and it disappeared in the cafeteria. But I am making so many new friends. DJ Pon-3 and I are going to the Sweet Shoppe this afternoon!

  Great, Sunset Shimmer texted her back. We are having fun, too.

  In another corner of the set, Rainbow Dash and Twilight were walking in a make-believe marketplace. There was a stonelike statue of the Stalwart Stallion. At its base was a treasure chest.

  Rainbow Dash peeked inside, thrilled. “Wow! These are the three magical relics! The Sword!”

  “The Staff!” Twilight Sparkle pointed at it.

  They gazed speechlessly in wonder at
the third, the Arrow. The props were exactly as they had imagined. They were perfect.

  “And you can’t forget the Arrow!” ordered a voice.

  Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle whirled around and found themselves face-to-face with a freckle-faced girl not much older than they were.

  She wrinkled her nose. “You’re from Canterlot High, right?”

  The girls nodded.

  “I’m Juniper Montage,” she introduced herself. “Canter the director’s niece. What do you think of the props?” She gestured toward the relics in the treasure chest.

  “They’re awesome!” enthused Rainbow Dash.

  “A. K. Yearling is very hands-on when it comes to the sets and props for the movie,” Juniper explained.

  “Have you ever met her?” asked Twilight. A. K. Yearling was the author of the Daring Do series.

  “Just once when she came to check out the relics. I did get her to sign a copy of the latest book in the series, though.”

  Rainbow Dash and Twilight were very impressed.

  “So what do you do here?” asked Twilight.

  Juniper smiled shyly. “Mostly I bring my uncle coffee and help get everything ready for shooting. I’ve been on set for all the movies he’s shot here. Pretty much know every inch of this place like the back of my hand.” She laughed. “I tried to convince him to cast me as Daring Do, but he didn’t really go for that.”

  Neither girl was sure how to respond. Daring Do was a big part for a famous actress. Was this girl joking? Probably.

  “Hey!” Juniper said. “Have you guys seen the set for Caballeron’s secret lair?”

  Rainbow Dash and Twilight shook their heads, but their eyes were wide with excitement.

  “They usually lock the door to that set,” explained Juniper. “But I’ve got keys that open just about every door in the place.” She chuckled self-importantly. “Come on. I’ll show you.”

  And off they went, hurrying right past Spike and Pinkie Pie, who had discovered a buffet table. They were covered in crumbs.

  Pinkie Pie was very concerned. They’d found three different buffet tables, six different kinds of fondue, two rooms filled with candy, but no cupcake fountain. Maybe it didn’t exist after all. “Oh well.” Pinkie Pie sighed. “At least we found those peanut butter praline crunch bars! They weren’t in my guidebook, but they sure were delicious.”

  Spike patted his stomach in agreement. “I’ll say. You think they’ve got any more?”

  Before Pinkie Pie could answer, a furious Chestnut Magnifico strode into the room, with Canter Zoom, frazzled and unhappy, trailing after her.

  “One more month, Chestnut,” the director begged the movie star. “That’s all we need.”

  Chestnut shook her head dramatically. She surveyed the buffet, looking for something to nibble.

  “I’m doing everything I can to keep us on schedule,” Canter told her. “But with all the setbacks we’ve had, I just don’t think we can do it. If you could agree to stay for one more—”

  “Unacceptable!” screamed Chestnut at the top of her lungs. She looked back at the buffet, even angrier than she was before. “And where are my imported peanut butter praline crunch bars?”

  Spike gulped. “Now would probably be a good time to resume the search for the cupcake fountain,” he whispered to Pinkie Pie conspiratorially.

  Together, they slunk out of the room. Making trouble for Canter was not a good idea… and it looked like they just had. All of a sudden this wasn’t feeling like a very good plan for restoring Camp Everfree.

  When filming was about to begin again, the girls were buzzing with all they had seen.

  “You guys should’ve seen the relics. They were amazing!” whispered Rainbow Dash to her friends.

  “Quiet on the set!” shouted Canter Zoom, exasperated. “Please!”

  “Sorry!” apologized Rainbow Dash. But she leaped out of her seat to take one more peek at the relics in their treasure chest.

  “And action!” Canter Zoom bellowed.

  Thunder boomed and lightning crackled. The villain again approached the volcano. It began to shiver and shake. Was it about to explode? Or fall apart?

  “That doesn’t look right,” noted Applejack. “Should it be shaking like that?”

  Twilight was confused, too. “No, the volcano is supposed to be still until after the villain performs his magic!”

  “Will you please just watch the scene?” begged Rarity. Movies were always different from the books they were based on. Why couldn’t the other girls accept that?

  The volcano was rumbling like an out-of-control washing machine. A piece near the top fell off, revealing the wires underneath. Another piece fell off. Lights and camera equipment began toppling over.

  “Ahhhhh!” screamed Canter Zoom. “Cut! Cut! Cut!”

  Something was seriously the matter with this production. But what?

  Mishaps and Mysteries

  The entire set was in shambles. The volcano would need to be rebuilt. Canter Zoom was so upset. He sat in his director’s chair, his head in his hands. “What is going on around here? We just filmed on this volcano yesterday and it was fine. This could set us back weeks!”

  Rainbow Dash appeared, out of breath and as upset as the director. “They’re gone! All gone!” she shouted.

  Canter Zoom was confused. “What’s gone?”

  “The relics!” Juniper Montage was right beside Rainbow Dash. Everyone rushed over to the other set. They stared in shock at the empty chest at the foot of the statue.

  “I wanted to check them out again up close,” explained Rainbow Dash, “and they weren’t there.”

  Canter Zoom was beside himself with frustration. “This can’t be happening,” he moaned. “What are we going to do?”

  “Couldn’t you just get the prop department to make new ones?” Sunset Shimmer suggested.

  Canter Zoom sighed. “The missing relics were personally approved by A. K. Yearling. We could have new ones made, but we can’t use them until Miss Yearling has given them her official stamp of approval. You’d think it would be easy to reach someone who is always holed up in her office writing, but Miss Yearling is a very difficult woman to track down.”

  “It’ll be okay, though, right?” Rainbow Dash was trying to be optimistic.

  But Canter Zoom couldn’t hear it. He was defeated. “Chestnut’s contract with us is almost up, and with the volcano collapsing and now this… I fear we’ll have to stop production altogether.”

  The girls couldn’t believe what they were hearing.

  “But you have to finish this movie!” exclaimed Rainbow Dash. “Think of all the Daring Do fans who’ll be disappointed if you don’t.”

  “Are you sure there’s nothing you can do?” asked Twilight Sparkle.

  A huge crash was the answer. Something else had collapsed.

  “I’m so sorry.” Canter sighed. “Please excuse me.” He raced back to the other set to see what was going on.

  Twilight bit her lip. Something wasn’t right, but what was it? “There was trouble with one of the costumes when we first arrived. A set that was fine yesterday just collapsed. And now the most important props in the movie have been stolen,” she said, thinking out loud. “I don’t think these are just coincidences.”

  “Me neither,” agreed Sunset Shimmer. “All the things that have gone wrong on set have put production on hold. It seems to me like someone is going to a lot of trouble to make sure this movie doesn’t get made.”

  Spike growled. “Who would want to—”

  A gasp from Fluttershy interrupted him. “Oh dear! You don’t think…” Her voice trailed off. She couldn’t say it.

  “Certainly not!” said Rarity, guessing what she was thinking.

  Fluttershy filled in the others. “When Rarity and I followed Chestnut Magnifico to her trailer, we overheard her saying something about shutting down the movie.…”

  Rarity rushed to the movie star’s defense. “She said she wanted som
ething shut down. We don’t know that she was talking about the movie.”

  “Maybe she’s just really mad that they’re always running out of her imported peanut butter praline crunch bars,” suggested Pinkie Pie.

  Sunset Shimmer pulled the crumpled wrapper she’d found out of her pocket. “Bon Mot peanut butter praline crunch bars?”

  “Those are the ones!” said Pinkie Pie excitedly.

  Spike covered his face with his paw. “We may have tried a few ourselves.”

  But Sunset Shimmer was making some connections. “We found this wrapper on the volcano set right before it collapsed!”

  Twilight nodded in agreement. “It sure seems like all signs are pointing to Chestnut Magnifico as the one causing all the problems around here.”

  “I don’t know who’s behind this,” interjected Rainbow Dash. “Or what’s going on, but the first thing we need to do is find those relics. The sooner we do, the less likely they’ll have to shut down production for good.”

  That seemed like a sensible plan. Twilight Sparkle agreed. “The relics were here earlier, and if Chestnut is behind this…”

  Rarity scoffed in disbelief. Why would a movie star ruin her own movie?

  But Twilight ignored her and continued. “Then they must still be around here somewhere.”

  “Chestnut Magnifico is a very highly acclaimed actress!” exclaimed Rarity. “She’d never do something this dramatic!”

  “An actress? Dramatic?” Sunset Shimmer mocked. “Never!”

  “She might do something like this if she was trying to get out of working on a movie she didn’t want to do,” suggested Applejack.

  Sunset Shimmer had a plan. “Why don’t Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Spike, and I follow Chestnut Magnifico and see if we can find anything out?”


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