Alien Probe (An Erotic Short Story)

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Alien Probe (An Erotic Short Story) Page 2

by Lily, Tiger

  “Faster,” I said breathlessly.

  “Of course,” said Smith. “I can do that.”

  And he did. The rod was now pumping into me like a piston. Over and over, the ball stick would be shoved into my ass, and then be pulled out, and then shoved back in, and then pulled out. I whimpered. I groaned. If I could have died right there I wouldn’t have cared.

  I’d never felt anything so amazing in my life. My whole body was on fire, exquisite pleasure erupting out from my ass. Why didn’t I know that this was what sex was supposed to be like? Was this what sex even felt like, or was this different?

  “I don’t want to hurry you along, dear,” said Smith. “Because I can see you enjoy it. I knew you would. Didn’t I say I knew you would? Anyway. Um. Three minutes. We’ve got three minutes.”

  I glanced up at the screen and saw the counter had begun to flash. I couldn’t see clearly though as all I could concentrate on was the way my body was embracing the assault. I didn’t care. This was worth it, to die this way. To die in pleasure.

  “I know,” said Smith.

  “No!” I screamed as he pulled out the rod. “No, put it back in. Please. Please put it back in. I…I…”

  He hummed as he placed the ball rod thing onto the silver tray and picked up a thick smooth object that looked like a narrow pineapple, about the size of an arm, but with tiny, rubbery leaves or fingers at the top. “Yes. Yes indeed,” he said.

  He couldn’t use that on me? Surely. It was too big. It wouldn’t fit. It…Oh fuckity fuck fuck fuck. He thrust it into me. Each of the tiny rubbery fingers began to twirl and tickle from inside me like they were alive. My ass cheeks stretched tight over the thick rod. Oh. My. Fuck. Oh. Shit.

  I began to shudder. I began to see stars. I tried to focus on the clock in front of me that had begun to beep. Two minutes.

  Inside my ass the pineapple-hand-thingy began to do its thing. Wiggling, weaving, wrenching, writhing. Stretching my ass wider than I thought possible.

  I couldn’t breathe, I could just moan. One continuous moan of pleasure that had transported me from this plane to another planet. Another universe. Another time and place.

  Then it happened. I could feel myself begin to erupt from the inside out. I convulsed and then quivered as the most intense climax I’d ever experienced wracked through my body. It lasted for longer than I thought possible as I held on to the vibrations that pulsed through my whole body.

  I would have fallen forward, spent if it was possible, but my body still couldn’t move. My ass high in the air as the orgasm finally subsided.

  “Goody,” said Smith. “That was wonderful. I hope you enjoyed it, because I just got a whole day’s worth of juice from that. And we only had a minute to spare.” He clapped his hands together excitedly and then removed the object from my ass.

  It took all of my energy to look up at the screen to see that the timer had stopped and the ship was now veering away into darkness. I’d saved us.

  Chapter 3 – Enemy Approaching

  My heart was still pounding but whether it was from the relief of knowing I wasn’t dead, or the heat from behind that still lingered, I wasn’t sure.

  I let out a small whimper.

  “I’ll let you relax now,” said Smith.

  He reached out one of his bulbous fingers and touched behind my ear. With two presses behind my lobe, I slumped to the table, able to move again.

  I rolled over, hugging my hands over my body, which in the circumstances of what just happened seemed rather silly, but I didn’t care. I whimpered again.

  “It’s okay,” he said. “You were marvellous. Not at all like the last one. Do you know, he had the audacity of accusing me of trying to take over the planet? I assured him, of course, that I had no such intentions in mind. I simply wanted fuel for my ship here.” He hit his fist on the wall to emphasise his point. “But I guess humans cannot begin to understand what they are truly capable of. You have such a crude system of using oil to power a vehicle. Oh well, you’ll find out yourselves in another two hundred years.” He grinned and came back over to me, peering at me curiously.

  “How often do you do this?” I asked. “Abduct people?”

  “Every day. Why I get to meet such wonderful folk some days, and others…” he sighed, “…well, let’s just say sometimes I wish I could use the headache excuse for not touching them.”

  I nodded, not quite understanding what he was talking about.

  “So you got enough…um…fuel?”

  “Yes, indeed. A whole day. Twenty four hours. 1440 minutes. 86,400 seconds. Well less seconds now, since as we talk I’m losing precious fuel.”

  I looked around for my clothes, still trying to hide my body from the alien. “And I can go now?”

  “Oh, of course, of course. You are free to go.”

  I looked up at the screen, which still showed us flying through space.

  “Oh, that.” He coughed, and hit his fist next to the screen and it flicked off. “That might have been a slight exaggeration, we, well, we, um, we actually didn’t leave anywhere. You only need to walk out the door and you can be on your way.”

  I blinked, glancing back from the wall where the screen appeared and back to Smith. “We weren’t flying in outer space? We weren’t about to crash on that planet?”

  He smiled sheepishly and shrugged his shoulders.

  “You tricked me. You took advantage of me. You LIED to me.”

  “It was all in the contract you signed. All of it was it large letters. No trickery on my part.”

  “But you said.”

  “Oh well, I may have exaggerated that a teeny bit.” He held out two fingers showing a small gap between them. “But the part about the fuel, that was all true. I would have run out if I hadn’t found you in time. If you hadn’t appeared I’d have to take another cow. They are so heavy. I have such a hard time getting them on the operating table.” He shook his head and made tsk noises with his mouth.

  I grimaced and jumped off the table on was on.

  “It’s disinfected. No mad cow disease here,” he laughed. “Oh, your clothes are under the table there. See I folded them ever so neatly. Don’t you think?”

  I bent down and grabbed them, pulling them on as fast as I could.

  “Door’s to your left,” he said, as a panel opened revealing the same field with the row of trees I fainted in. I took one last look back at him, before racing for the door and jumping to the ground.

  I was halfway back to the retreat when I saw Jack and Paul staggering in my direction. They hadn’t seen me yet, and looked decidedly drunk, as they had their arms around each other’s necks and swayed as they mumbled incoherently.

  I didn’t want to deal with them now. I didn’t want to deal with anyone at all after what I’d just been through. I still didn’t even know what I’d just been through. Maybe I’d been slipped some sort of drug that made you hallucinate? As if to answer, my ass began to throb. Whatever really happened, there was no question I’d been probed or played with or, whatever kind of ass fucking that was.

  I gulped, not even wanting to admit to myself what had really happened, and it wasn’t like I could tell anyone. Who would believe me?

  “Penny!” yelled Paul. “Penny, come and give me a big kiss, ya’ geek. I’ll even slip ya’ some tongue.”

  Jack began to sing, “Penny sucked my dick, she choked cause it’s so thick, then I shoved it up her, she loved it more than supper.”

  They looked between each other and started to laugh hysterically.

  I turned and walked in the opposite direction. If I could veer back toward the tree’s and then lose them, I might be able to make it back to my room before they saw me again. Not that I really thought they’d try anything stupid with me, but when they were drunk like this, it wasn’t worth the risk.

  I walked briskly back to the cover of the trees. The spaceship, or whatever it was, was still there, not having left yet. Smith better hurry up and get out of here, if
he didn’t want these two goons finding the ship.

  I turned back to see how far behind me they were.

  They had split up and were calling for me, but neither of them had seen where I had gone. But I couldn’t stay here. I’d need somewhere else to hide very soon.

  Jack looked around and then stumbled forward. He looked up. “There you are, pretty Penny. Come and give me a kiss? I won’t hurt ya.”

  Paul looked in the direction that Jack was headed for, and saw me too. I slunk back into the trees. There was no way I’d be able to pass them now, even if I tried to make a break for it.

  I turned quickly, running toward the ship, and knocked on the side.

  “Smith, let me in. I need to hide.”

  The door to the shop opened and Smith looked surprised to see me, but ushered me in.

  “Can I stay here, just for a few minutes. Two guys that I work with are out there, and they are looking for me, and…Oh crap, they are headed this way, they might see us.”

  “We can’t have that, can we?” said Smith. He opened a panel in the wall and pressed a button. “Won’t find us now. Invisibility. Clever isn’t it. It’s not as good as my brother Brw88*2r!n, or Brown as we usually call him. His whole translucency is based on a very complicated algorithm. But I’ll find it out one day.” He shook his fist at the ceiling.

  I looked up. How many brothers did this little alien have? “But what if they walk into the side of the ship? They’ll know it’s here then.”

  He pressed another button. “Levitation. They’ll walk right under us. Now my levitation, that is way better than Brown’s.” He grinned looking very pleased with himself. “So, how long are you planning on staying? I’ve got to scout locations for my next juice up. I’ve heard Tahiti is nice this time of year. I might even get a whole week’s worth of fuel from those beach goers.”

  “Just until they pass. Twenty minutes?”

  “No. I don’t think that’s possible. Three minutes. I can spare three.”

  “But that’s not enough time. They’ll find me and while they probably wouldn’t do anything untoward to me, I can’t risk it. Please…”

  “What are we going to do for twenty minutes, though? I don’t have any earth entertainment on board.”

  “We could talk?”

  “I’m hardly a brilliant conversationalist.”

  I grinned. “You’re better than you think. And probably far wittier than most human men I know.”

  A deeper shade of grey appeared on Smith’s cheeks. “All right. Twenty minutes. You want to make more fuel for my ship?”

  “You want to probe me again? No. No way.”

  “There are plenty of other ways of getting you to orgasm. We don’t have to do the anal probing.” He sighed. “But that would be going off protocol. I really don’t like going off protocol. You are lovely though.”

  “You have a protocol on the probing thing?”

  “Yes.” He smiled and opened another panel on the wall bringing out a thick book.

  I flicked through the pages, shocked (and a little aroused), at the number of different positions and implements that were being placed in various peoples rears. One of them looked like a plastic bunny rabbit.

  “The ears wiggle,” said Smith. “It’s very popular.”

  I closed the book, knowing my cheeks were burning. “Oh my.”

  “But if you want, I could go into the forbidden closet. It has things for other parts. I only use them on very special people. Would you like to see them?”

  I did. Didn’t I?

  Chapter 4 – Alien Invasion

  I rubbed my glasses on my t-shirt, and pushed them back up my nose, as I stared into Smith’s forbidden shelf. There were a few toys that you’d expect to see in an everyday adult store, although nothing overly shocking. I was disappointed. When he’d said this was the forbidden closet I’d pictured something far more salacious.

  I picked up an ordinary looking dildo that flopped over, flaccid and wrinkled. It looked like it hadn’t been used in years. I could see why. There was nothing enticing or erotic about it at all.

  I turned to Smith who shuddered. “Scary looking isn’t it. All pink. Pink! I don’t know why anyone would want something like that in themselves. But some people have, ahem, strange tastes.”

  “Has anyone ever used it?”

  “Well, no. I don’t show this closet to many people. I don’t want them to think I’m strange. That’s why you have to stick to protocol. Anus. Implements. Pleasure. It’s very simple.”

  I put the dildo back on the shelf and picked up a vibrating ring. “What does this do?”

  He held it up into the light. “Vibrates. You put it on your finger I think. Like a ring. I tried it once. It made my hand go numb.”

  For someone who knew a lot about anal probing, Smith knew nothing about regular adult toys. “I’m not sure it’s for your finger,” I said. “It’s a cock ring. You put it on your…” I looked down. Smith had no visible genitalia. No little alien penis. Nothing between his legs. I wondered how his species procreated.

  “Yes? Where do you put it?”

  “Human’s put it on their…things…their…penises.”

  “Oh,” he said. “Oh, I see.”

  “It helps them stay hard, I think. And the vibrations are supposed to hit the woman’s clitoris when he thrusts deeply inside her.”

  Smith wrinkled his brow. “What’s a clitoris?”

  Oh boy.

  I looked up at the clock and then back at Smith. “For someone who knows a lot about orgasm, and needs it for powering a ship, you don’t know much about it.”

  He looked offended. “I can make anyone climax,” he said. “You enjoyed yourself, didn’t you?”

  I blushed as I nodded. “Yes, but clitoral stimulation for a woman, can be, well, just as pleasurable.”

  “Show me,” he said. “Although I hardly think it would be worth changing protocol now.”

  I hesitated and looked over at the table. Well, there was no use being shy now. He’d already seen me naked, climaxing on his table, with weird stuff up my ass. What could a little biology lesson hurt between species?

  I took my clothes off and got up onto the table. The stainless steel was cold against my ass making me squirm a little.

  I spread my legs wide, and positioned myself so I could stay upright. I reached down between my legs and pulled my pussy lips apart at the top, revealing my small nub of pleasure.

  “See that little ball like piece of flesh? Well, that’s my clit. It’s full of nerve endings and even the tiniest touch can send shivers of delight through your whole body.”

  Smith leaned in closer, peering intently to where I was indicating. He looked up at me and blinked those big dark eyes at me. “Can I touch it?”

  I nodded.

  He reached one of his long spindly fingers toward me. The round bulbous pad on the end of his hand was inches away from my clit and I bit my lip as he moved closer. “Be gentle,” I said.

  The end of his long finger barely touched me, gently grazing against me. I gasped. He pulled away quickly. “Did I hurt you?”

  “No, no, it felt really good. Try again.”

  He moved his hand closer to me again. The round pad touching me once before pulling away again. He looked up at me and then returned his hand there, holding it still. His finger was rough and firmer than I expected it to be. Each tiny bump grazed against me.

  “Now move it gently” I said. “Small circles, round and round.”

  He complied and began to move his finger in a circular motion. My nub was hardening under his touch and I was getting wet again. The warmth between my legs had arrived fast and I could feel my heart flutter faster. “That’s it,” I said. “That’s perfect.”

  I closed my eyes, inching my body closer to his hand as he continued to caress my clit. The smoothness of his rubbing and the roughness on his finger was better than I imagined. I could easily come this way, even though I craved someone or som
ething inside of me at the same time. Perhaps I could suggest the dildo.

  I groaned as he continued to massage my now throbbing nub.

  Without warning, he placed something inside me, something long and rough. I looked down. He was smiling. “I improvised,” he said. He had placed two fingers from his other hand inside me and was gliding them in and out. Oh. God. Yes.

  Those long fingers reached high inside of me, and I could feel every moment of the ends of his fingers as they teased me.

  “There’s a spot…” I said breathlessly, “A spot called the G…” I couldn’t talk.

  “On it,” he said. He knew exactly where to touch me, with one finger still deep and long inside, he moved the other finger to the sensitive spot at the top of the wall inside of me. The roughness of the pad of his finger was overwhelming and I wasn’t sure I’d be able to hold myself up any longer. All I wanted to do was lie back and ride this exquisite feeling.

  So I did. I lay back on the table, groaning with pleasure. I used my hands to pull apart my knees so I was even more open to him.

  His alien fingers explored every inch of me and I loved every second of it. I had no care that it was urgent this time, in fact, I didn’t want it to be over, I wanted it to last for as long as possible.

  My whole body tingled as his fingers played with my clit, his others, thrusting inside of me. In, out, wiggle against the g-spot. Fuck this was good. No wonder some women enjoyed sex so much. If only guys I’d met had been so amazing, I might still be with one.

  “I have an idea,” said Smith as he pulled away from me. “I’ve never done this before, and it could get me into a lot of trouble.”

  As his fingers left my body, I cried out and grabbed for him. “No, don’t stop, touch me again.”

  He unzipped what I thought was his skin, but turned out to be a suit. It dropped to the floor.

  “I hope you don’t think I’m too ugly,” he said as he stood in front of me, now very obviously naked. “I’m naturally only twenty shades of grey, not fifty. I didn’t want to deceive you again.”


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