Five Star Temptation

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Five Star Temptation Page 2

by Jacquelin Thomas

  He was clearly surprised by her generosity. “Thank you. I appreciate your kindness.”

  Sage noted the rich timbre of his baritone voice.

  “If you’re hungry, I can arrange a meal for you,” Sage said.

  He held up the money and responded, “This is more than enough.”

  He thanked her again before walking away.

  Sage watched him for a moment as he headed in the other direction. “I feel so bad for him,” she said in a low voice.

  “That was really nice of you,” Natasha murmured.

  “He definitely needs it more than I do,” Sage responded as they continued on to the bridal shop.

  Although she considered him a fleeting thought, Sage found she could not force him out of her mind. It was as if some invisible thread drew her to him. It was not something she could fully explain because she did not understand it herself.

  This unknown stranger who had fallen on hard times had left an indelible impression on her.

  * * *

  Ryan stared down at the hundred-dollar bill in his hand in disbelief.

  The daughter of Malcolm Alexander had given him the money without any hesitation. It was almost as if she had been expecting him.

  He had seen enough pictures of her to recognize Sage Alexander. However, none of the photos truly did her justice.

  She was gorgeous.

  He had the pleasure of meeting Robert DePaul a few years ago at a political fundraiser. Ryan found that she possessed those same steel-gray eyes as her father and Robert, her grandfather. She was tall and slender, with curves in all the right places. She wore her long dark brown hair in its natural curly state.

  Ryan’s eyes stayed on Sage as she and her friend strolled down the sidewalk and across the street to a bridal shop. He couldn’t help but wonder if she was always this generous or if this had just been some random act of kindness.

  He heard the whine of a baby and glanced over his shoulder.

  A young woman who looked to be in her early twenties was trying to soothe a tiny infant swaddled tightly in a blanket. She held the baby close to her heart and appeared to be whispering to the child.

  She reached into the shopping cart, fumbled through a few bags and then frowned. Whatever she was looking for was long gone. She kissed the top of her baby’s head and continued to try and comfort the infant. Her blue eyes were dull and pained and her blond hair looked as if it could use a good washing.

  Without a second thought, Ryan strode over to her.

  “Miss, can I help you with anything?”

  She silently surveyed him from head to toe before shaking her head. “I’m fine.”

  “The baby—”

  “She needs to be changed,” the young woman murmured.

  Ryan glanced down into the shopping cart. She didn’t possess much, but there was no sign of diapers—cloth or otherwise.

  “This woman just walked out of the hotel and gave me this money, but I want you to have it. Looks like you may need to purchase diapers.”

  Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw the hundred-dollar bill in his hand.

  “I can’t take this from you,” she whispered, tears in her eyes. Her gaze traveled slowly over his attire. “You need it as much as I do.”

  “I’ll be okay,” Ryan assured her. “I want you to have it. Use it for the baby.” He could tell that the infant was only a few weeks old. “She’s beautiful.”

  After a short deliberation, she accepted the money and smiled. “God bless you for your kindness. Thank you so much.”

  “When was the last time you had a hot meal?” Ryan asked.

  “A few days now,” she responded. “My milk is drying up, so I think I’m going to have to get formula.”

  “Hey, I’m about to get something to eat. Why don’t you and your beautiful little daughter join me? We can stop somewhere and get the diapers so you can change her first.”

  He saw the hesitation in her eyes. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. My name is Ryan, and I have nothing but honorable intentions.”

  “I’m Paige, and this is Cassie. Ryan, you’ve done so much already. We really don’t want to take advantage of your kindness.”

  “You wouldn’t be,” he said. “Paige, it looks like you need a friend. I assure you that I am not looking for anything in return.”

  They walked until they found a corner store and bought diapers, a set of bottles, formula and some onesies for the baby.

  Ryan pointed to the restaurant across the street. “We can eat there.”

  Together, they crossed the street.

  “I’ll wait out here,” Paige said, looking uncomfortable. “I need to change Cassie anyway. Besides, I’m pretty sure they don’t want us to come inside.”

  Just as he was about to enter the restaurant, a young man dressed like one of the waitstaff met him at the door.

  “I can take your order,” he said, “if you have money to pay.”

  Ryan had forgotten he was dressed like a homeless person. It was clear that the waiter feared they would offend the other patrons. He stepped away from the door. “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t have money,” he retorted. “I want to order two burgers, fries and drinks to go.”

  “You sure you have enough money to pay for all this?” the young man asked.

  “Like I said, I wouldn’t have ordered it if I didn’t,” Ryan responded, angered by the look of disdain on the waiter’s face. He pulled out two twenty-dollar bills. “Keep the change.”

  Embarrassed, the waiter muttered, “I’ll place your order right now. It’ll be about ten minutes.”

  Ryan strolled over to one of the outdoor tables where Paige sat playing with her baby girl.

  “Why are you out here on the streets, Ryan?” Paige asked. “You obviously have money.”

  “The only reason I have this money is because some rich woman gave it to me when I was standing outside the Alexander-DePaul Hotel,” he responded honestly. “Then I saw you, and I wanted to help. A young mother and her baby should not be on the streets.”

  The waiter appeared with two tall glasses of ice water and two sodas. He set them down on the table and left as discreetly as he had arrived. He returned a few minutes later with their food.

  “Where are you from?” Ryan inquired. He could hear a hint of a Southern accent in her voice.

  “I’m from Atlanta, Georgia,” Paige responded. “I came to Los Angeles to be with my boyfriend. He plays the sax, and he’s trying to get into the music business. Things were good between us until I got pregnant. Then we started to argue and fight all the time. After Cassie was born, I thought we were getting back on track, but two weeks ago, he left to buy diapers and never returned. I couldn’t pay the rent for the hotel we were staying in, so I had to leave.”

  Ryan felt a surge of anger rise in him as he listened to Paige’s story. What man could just walk away from his child like that?

  It was obvious that this man never really cared for Paige. Ryan was careful not to voice his opinion aloud. He did not want to say anything that would add to the young woman’s pain.

  * * *

  “Have you decided on your color scheme yet?” Sage inquired.

  “I was actually thinking about a mint-green and vintage-purple theme,” Natasha said. “They are two of my favorite colors.” She paused a moment before adding, “Oh, and I’ve found what I think is the perfect bridesmaid dress. It’s by Alvina Valenta. She is an extraordinary designer, and her dresses are known for their details and elegance.”

  “I’m just glad that you didn’t choose soft pastel colors,” Sage announced as they entered the bridal shop. “They do absolutely nothing for my complexion. You know weddings are all about the bridesmaids, don’t you?”

ng, Natasha walked up to the counter to check in for their appointment.

  While they waited, Sage’s gaze traveled the length of the shop, eyeing the vast number of wedding gowns, bridesmaid dresses and other formal wear. She couldn’t wait for the day when it would be her turn to get married.

  Her dream wedding wasn’t filled with lots of glitz, glamour and hundreds of wedding guests. Instead, she wanted a more intimate and romantic ceremony—perhaps a destination wedding.

  “What do you think about this one?” Natasha asked, drawing Sage out of her reverie.

  She surveyed the gown in her future sister-in-law’s hand. “It’s pretty, but I don’t think it looks like you.”


  Sage nodded. “I don’t know why, but I just can’t really see you in this dress. Maybe it’s because there’s so much lace. You don’t strike me as the ribbons, ruffles or bows type of girl.”

  “You’re right,” Natasha agreed. “I prefer more simple lines but thought I’d do something different for my wedding.”

  “No,” Sage interjected. “Your gown should definitely echo your personality.” She walked over to a nearby rack and selected a dress. “Now, I think that this one looks like you, Natasha.”

  “Oh, my…” Natasha murmured as she fingered the soft, delicate chiffon. “This is stunning.”

  Sage agreed. “You should try it on.”

  Anna, the bridal consultant standing nearby, walked over to them. “I’ll take this to the dressing room.”

  “Ari told me that I could have my dress designed, but I think I’d rather buy one off the rack.” Natasha pressed the dress against her body. “I really love this one.”

  “Try it on,” Sage encouraged.

  She strolled around the store, pausing every now and then to look at a gown. Sage already knew how she wanted her dress to look. While Natasha wasn’t interested in having a one-of-a-kind wedding gown, Sage felt otherwise.

  Natasha walked out of the dressing room with the assistance of Anna. She looked like a vision from heaven in the eggshell-tinted strapless gown made of Tomen chiffon and lace embellished with Swarovski crystals and a sweetheart neckline. The unbelievable draping across Natasha’s torso completed the elegant vision.

  “So what do you think?” Natasha prompted.

  “You look beautiful,” Sage murmured. “I think this is the one for you.”

  “Ms. LeBlanc, you look exquisite,” Anne complimented. “From everything you’ve told me, I agree with Ms. Alexander. This is the wedding dress for you.”

  Natasha continued to gaze at her reflection.

  “I’m loving it,” Sage said. “I can’t wait for my brother to see you in this gown.”

  “I love it, too,” Natasha responded. “This is the dress for me. My search is over for the perfect wedding gown.” She glanced over at Anna and said, “Would you bring out the dress I selected for the bridesmaids, please? I want Sage’s opinion on the choice.”

  Anna walked into a back room and returned a few minutes later, carrying a stunning knee-length satin sheath in a purple/platinum duet.

  Sage fell in love with the draped strapless sweetheart neckline with natural waist and draped skirt. “Natasha, it’s gorgeous. I love it.”

  “I thought that you would,” she responded. “It’s going to look great on you, Zaire and my sister.”

  Sage held the dress up to her and eyed her reflection in the mirror. “This is a beautiful dress. I especially like that it’s one I can wear again. I have a closet full of bridesmaid gowns that were only for that one day.”

  “I’ll set up a dressing room for you,” Anna stated. “While you change, I’ll have the seamstress come out to perform the fitting for Ms. LeBlanc.”

  Sage hummed softly as she strolled into a nearby dressing room to try it on. She couldn’t wait to see how the dress looked on her body.

  “You look beautiful,” Natasha said when Sage walked out. “You need very few alterations. It nearly fits you perfectly.”

  Sage agreed. “Natasha, I really love this dress. This dress is so me.”

  “How do you think Zaire will feel about it?”

  “Natasha, she’s going to love it, as well,” Sage assured her. “My sister and I have similar taste when it comes to clothes. We’re also the same size, so you don’t have to worry about having her dress altered. Besides, she’s planning to come out here in a couple of weeks. Zaire says that school has been hectic for her and she needs a little break. I know that grad school is intense, but I think my little sister is missing the family. She can’t just leave Atlanta and be home in an hour anymore.”

  “My sister and I are the same way.”

  “I’m looking forward to meeting your family, especially Natalie,” Sage stated. “It sounds like she and I have a lot in common.”

  “You do,” Natasha responded.

  Sage waited patiently while the seamstress worked with Natasha to make sure the gown fit her body perfectly for her big day. Every now and then, her eyes would travel around the shop, gazing at row after row of wedding gowns. My time will come, she silently assured herself.

  * * *

  When Sage returned to the hotel, she glanced around before walking through the entrance.

  I wonder what happened to that homeless man, she thought. Maybe he was somewhere having a hot meal; at least she hoped he had spent some of the money she had given him on a good meal. He didn’t resemble a drug addict or alcoholic.

  She shook her head in confusion.

  It was strange, but Sage felt as if their souls were connected. The feeling was so strong that she knew deep down that she had not seen the last of this man who had left such a strong impression on her.

  Sage made her way up to her penthouse, humming softly. She was looking forward to relaxing in a hot bath.

  An image of the homeless man flittered through her mind, and Sage suddenly felt guilty. She felt blessed beyond measure, but she also knew about the thousands of people who lived on the streets all over the country. Many of them had given up on hope for a better future.

  Sage knew that she could not save the world, but she wanted to find a way to help the people she could. One person at a time.

  Chapter 3

  “How long have you been living on the streets?” Ryan asked before biting into his hamburger. He chewed slowly, savoring the combination of lettuce, tomato and grilled onions. After living on the streets of New York, he had a renewed appreciation for something as simple as a hamburger.

  “Just a few days off and on since my boyfriend left,” Paige answered before wiping her mouth on the edge of the paper napkin. “I was able to stay at the shelter for four nights, but last night they didn’t have any more beds. I’ve been trying to find a job, but I don’t have a babysitter, so I have to take Cassie with me.”

  “Have you considered moving back home?” Ryan questioned.

  Paige nodded. “I could do that, but it’s not what I want. My mama has enough to take care of, and she don’t need me and Cassie adding to her burden. She raised six kids all by herself, and now she is raising three of my nieces. All I need is a job, and I can take it from there. I’m not afraid of hard work.”

  “What type of work are you looking for?” Ryan inquired.

  “Anything,” Paige responded. “I have general office skills and only two years of college, but I’ll clean houses or hotels, babysit—anything outside of breaking the law.”

  Ryan smiled. “I’m glad to hear that. I don’t think I have enough money to bail you out of jail.”

  She laughed. “Ryan, I really appreciate all you’ve done for me.”

  “I’m glad I could help.”

  Paige bit into her burger. “This is so delicious. I don’t remember the last time I had a hamburger.” She shook he
r head sadly. “I just wish that I could find a job. I’d work two jobs if it would help me get a place to live and take care of my baby.”

  Ryan wiped his mouth. “Paige, I’m going to pay for you and Cassie to stay in a hotel for a month. Hopefully, this will give you some time to find work and a babysitter.”

  She gasped in surprise and leaned forward, saying, “That lady must have given you a lot of money. Ryan, I can’t have you doing this for me. You should be spending this money on yourself.”

  He shook his head no. “I don’t have a new baby, Paige.”

  She teared up once more. “Ryan, you don’t even know me. Why are you being so kind?”

  “This woman I ran into earlier knows nothing about me, yet she was kind enough to care and try to make my life a little more comfortable. I’m just paying it forward.”

  “We can share the hotel room as friends,” Paige suggested. “You can get one with two beds.”

  Ryan was touched by her sensitivity. “I’ll be just fine, Paige. You don’t have to worry about me.”

  “You really don’t have to do this, Ryan. I’ll manage somehow.”

  He shook his head. “It’s all settled, Paige. You and Cassie will stay at the hotel. I feel confident that you are going to find a job soon. I’ll watch the baby for you when you have interviews if you need me to.”

  “How do I reach you?” she asked. “Don’t tell me that this woman gave you a cell phone, too.”

  Ryan chuckled. “I’ll come by and check with you every day.”

  “Why won’t you just stay at the hotel with me? Wouldn’t that be easier? Actually, I think I’d feel safer if you were there,” Paige confessed. “Cassie’s a pretty good baby, too. She only wakes up once a night usually.”

  “Maybe just a couple of nights,” he responded after a moment.

  They left the restaurant and walked to the bus stop. Ryan removed Paige’s contents from the shopping cart and carried the meager possessions.

  Although he secretly preferred to set them up in a much nicer hotel, Ryan had to settle for a motel. He was undercover and had to remain so until all of his research was complete. Ryan would not risk placing his work in jeopardy by sharing his real identity with Paige. He had probably done too much for her already, but he couldn’t just leave a young mother and her child out on the streets.


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