Five Star Temptation

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Five Star Temptation Page 7

by Jacquelin Thomas

  “I love watching the two of them together,” Natasha stated. “I really value the time they spend together and cherish the memories they are creating.”

  Twenty minutes later, Ari and Joshua returned, joining everyone on the patio.

  They sat down to feast on hamburgers, homemade potato salad and hot dogs. “We’ll be back in a couple of hours,” Ari announced when he and Joshua had finished eating.

  “Where are you two going?” Natasha asked from across the table.

  “I promised Joshua that we would get ice cream after dinner.”

  “Yum,” Natasha responded with a grin. “Are you going to bring some back to me?”

  Laughing, Joshua shook his head no. “I’m going to eat it all.”

  Natasha pretended to be sad.

  This sent Joshua into more laughter.

  “Now, Joshua, I know you’re going to bring some ice cream back for all of us because I know how much you love to share,” Natasha said.

  He nodded. “I’m gonna share. I was just teasing, Mommy.”

  Joshua ran over to his mother and planted a kiss on his mother’s lips. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too, son.”

  Sage’s eyes teared up, watching the two of them. Like her brother Blaze, she wanted at least two children. Of course, she needed to find a husband first.

  Chapter 9

  Monday morning, Ryan was up early and training with the manager of the other hotel restaurant. He was actually looking forward to running Le Magnifique. It would provide a stimulating challenge for him.

  He was thrilled to see Sage when she walked into the restaurant. She looked stunning in the red-and-black dress she was wearing. He was entranced by her compelling personage.

  “How is it going?” she asked.

  “Good,” Ryan responded. He had not seen her since Friday and missed her beautiful smile. “Dan is a great trainer. I am not really an auditory learner, so he is allowing me to gain hands-on experience. I’ve picked up some great tips from him.”

  He was actually going to institute some of what he learned from Dan into his own restaurant management.

  Sage looked as if she were trying to find something to say.

  She released a nervous laugh before saying, “I’m glad to hear that things are going so well.”

  Every time Sage’s gaze met his, her heart turned over in response. Ryan really liked her and wanted to get to know her better. However, he wasn’t sure he could keep from connecting with Sage on a personal level.

  She had gotten under his skin, and Ryan was powerless to resist.

  “Are you busy right now?” he asked.

  “No,” she responded. “What’s up?”

  “Would you have lunch with me?” Ryan blurted. “You’ve done so much for me. At least let me buy you lunch.”

  “Sure,” Sage told him.

  They decided to leave the hotel property and walked down the street to a restaurant.

  Sage seemed nervous at first, but once they were seated at a table, she appeared more like herself.

  “Does it bother you to be seen with me?” Ryan asked.

  Shaking her head, she frowned. “Why would you ask me that?”

  “You seemed a little apprehensive earlier. I know that you and your family don’t need to have to deal with the kind of tabloid news that could come from just being seen with me. I’m sure someone at the hotel is going to connect the dots where I’m concerned.”

  “I really don’t care what other people think. I just don’t want the media hounding you in any way,” she told him, but did not elaborate any further.

  Ryan didn’t press her. He was touched that she was trying to protect him.

  The waiter arrived to take their drink orders.

  He observed her discreetly. Ryan couldn’t tear his gaze from her profile.

  She glanced up from her menu. “So tell me, Ryan, what do you do for fun?”

  “I enjoy reading. In fact, I really enjoy mysteries and nonfiction—mostly on African American history.”

  “Interesting,” she murmured. “I’m a reader as well, but my tastes lend more to contemporary women’s fiction.”

  Their waiter returned with their drinks.

  Sage took a sip of her iced tea. “I like some nonfiction, but they tend to be self-improvement books.”

  “I love history myself. In fact, I’m reading a book on the history of Allensworth.”

  “Allensworth?” Sage repeated. “What is Allensworth?”

  “Colonel Allen Allensworth established an all-Black community in the southwest corner of Tulare County. The township had a depot station on the main Santa Fe Railroad line from Los Angeles to San Francisco.”

  “I’ve never heard anything about it,” Sage said. “This is very interesting.”

  Ryan smiled. “It is interesting. The 1912 to 1915 period marked the apex of Allensworth as a thriving community. African American newspapers throughout the nation chronicled its growth. Even the Los Angeles Times took note of the township. They called it the ideal Negro settlement.”

  Their meals arrived.

  Sage and Ryan continued discussing the history of Allensworth. He was pleased to find someone who shared his interest in African American history. Sandra was never interested in anything connected to history, books or anything Ryan seemed to enjoy.

  Did we ever have anything in common outside of sex? he wondered. Their relationship was mostly a physical one; there was never a friendship between the two.

  Ryan brought his attention back to Sage.

  He could read the excitement in her eyes as they discussed other areas across America where there had once been African American towns.

  Ryan had not dated much since his marriage ended; instead, he decided to place all of his focus on his work. In just a short period, Sage had begun to threaten that concentration, filling his mind with thoughts of her.

  * * *

  Sage had enjoyed her lunch with Ryan immensely. Sage did an online search for Allensworth as soon as she returned to her office. She wanted to learn more about the town.

  She was so caught up in her reading that she hadn’t realized she was not alone.

  Meredith cleared her throat noisily.

  Sage glanced up. “Oh, I’m sorry. Did you need to speak to me?”

  “Yes.” Meredith sat down in one of the visitor’s chairs. “I just spent the past half hour with a couple who decided to buy unit 809. They want to put down a million-dollar deposit and close in fifteen days.”


  Smiling, Meredith nodded.

  “Congratulations,” Sage said. “You’ve already had your first sale and you haven’t been here a month yet.”

  “I’m super excited.”

  When Meredith left the office, Sage went back to reading about Allensworth.

  “I hope you’re working hard.”

  She glanced away from the computer monitor. “Daddy, what are you doing here?”

  “Checking in to see how things are going,” he responded.

  “Everything is fine,” Sage stated. “Meredith just had her first sale. Ryan is doing well with the restaurant. The grand opening is all set to happen on time, too. I’m sure Ari told you all of this already, though. Well, except about Meredith, because this just happened.”

  Malcolm took a seat. “I wanted to tell you that you were right.”

  Sage met her father’s gaze. “About what?”

  “Ryan. He has proven to be a major asset to our company. He works hard, that one.”

  Sage smiled. “He’s very intelligent. I had lunch with Ryan earlier, and he was telling me about Allensworth, an African American town not too far from here.”

Malcolm studied her face. “You and Ryan getting pretty close, it seems.”

  “Why do you say that?” she asked, her guard going up immediately.

  “You seem to spend a lot of time together.”

  “He doesn’t have any friends here in California. I enjoy Ryan’s company, and I don’t see anything wrong with getting to know him.”

  Malcolm held up a hand in defense. “Sugar, I didn’t say anything was wrong with it. I just want you to be careful. This guy works here, and it’s not good sense to mix business and pleasure.”

  “I know that, Daddy. But you don’t have to worry about me. I intend to use my head and not my heart where Ryan is concerned.”

  Chapter 10

  The dark clouds looming ominously over Beverly Hills and fifteen miles per hour winds matched Ryan’s mood. In a couple of hours, his ex-wife would be another man’s wife. On a brighter note, Ryan reminded himself that he would no longer have to give Sandra alimony. There would not be any more ties to her, and for that, he should be happy.

  It was Saturday, and Ryan was in his new office, going over menu items. Malcolm and Ari wanted to finalize the menu so that they could get the project over to the printer.


  Ryan glanced up from the computer monitor. “Sage. Come in.”

  She stopped in her tracks. “What’s wrong?”

  He seemed surprised by her question.

  “You look upset about something,” Sage explained.

  Ryan had not realized that Sage could read him so well. “It’s not important,” he responded.

  “I’m a good listener.” She sat down on the suede sofa.

  He gave her a small smile. “Seriously, I’m okay.”

  “I came in here to see if you like ice cream.”

  Ryan laughed. “Sure. I like ice cream. May I ask why?”

  “I’ve been thinking of hosting an ice cream social. I’m hosting an open house this weekend, and I thought it would be nice for the kids while their parents are touring the residences. I ordered all sorts of toppings, so I came to see if you would like to experiment with me.” She laughed. “Not with me per se, but trying the different toppings…”

  He threw back his head laughing. “I know what you meant, Sage.”

  “So, do you want ice cream?”

  “I could use a break right now,” he told her. Ryan had a feeling that Sage was trying to cheer him up. She was very intuitive, and he could not deny that her attempt was working.

  They took the elevator to her penthouse unit.

  “How’s the menu coming along?” she inquired.

  “It’s pretty much done,” Ryan responded. “I just have to finalize a couple of things before I send it on to Ari and your father. Upon their approval, it will go straight to the printer.

  “What are those?” he asked, pointing to the bottles sitting on the granite kitchen countertop.

  “Gourmet dessert toppings,” she responded. “Ryan, you should try them. We have chocolate raspberry, chocolate peanut butter crème, white chocolate delight, strawberry vanilla, butter caramel and an orange dream topping.”

  “They all sound delicious,” he said. “They just couldn’t offer plain vanilla, chocolate, strawberry or caramel?”

  Sage laughed. “They may all be plain with fancy names. This is why we’re going to sample them.”

  Her breath caught in her throat as she met his gaze. Ryan made her heart skip a beat.

  Looking away from him, she said, “I’ll get some bowls and the ice cream.”

  When she returned, they sat at the counter and scooped ice cream into their bowls. Sage decided to try the chocolate peanut butter topping with vanilla ice cream. She sprinkled peanuts on top, too.

  Ryan chose to try the strawberry over chocolate ice cream. He sprinkled Oreo cookie crumbs over his.

  “I guess you’re playing it safe,” he told her. “See…this is more daring.”

  Sage made a face. “Yours doesn’t look that appetizing.”

  He stuck a spoonful into his mouth. “It’s good.”

  She grinned. “I don’t believe you.”

  Ryan laughed. “Seriously, try it. It’s not bad at all. Do you like chocolate-covered strawberries?”

  Sage nodded. “But not with Oreo cookie crumbs.” His nearness was overwhelming. There seemed to be some tangible bond between them; it was something she could not ignore. Sage wondered if Ryan felt it, as well.

  After they sampled a few more toppings, Ryan offered to help Sage clean up.

  “Sage, I hope I’m not about to make a fool of myself, but would you be interested in having dinner with me tonight?”

  She looked up at him, and her heart lurched madly. “Okay, just so I’m clear. Is this a friend date or a date date?”


  He nodded. “I hope I’m not being inappropriate. You’re not my direct report, so I thought it might be okay.”

  “It’s fine,” Sage assured him. “I’d love to have dinner with you.”

  “I should have probably asked if you were seeing someone. Are you?”

  “I’m single,” Sage interjected.

  “I’m glad to hear it. I have wanted to ask you out for a while now.” Ryan checked his watch. “I guess I need to get back to my office. Sage, thanks for the ice cream and the conversation. I enjoyed both.” She had been a welcomed distraction for Ryan, especially on this day, of all days.

  * * *

  Ryan took Sage to the Green Dragon Restaurant for their first date. She had heard about the restaurant but had never eaten there before.

  “This is a really nice place,” she said, her eyes bouncing around a dining room draped in rich burgundy and gold tones. The green foliage added to the exotic ambience.

  “I’m glad you like it,” he responded. “I heard about this place back in New York. It was on my list to try it whenever the opportunity presented itself.”

  Ryan couldn’t seem to take his eyes off her and the thought pleased Sage. She had picked out the dress she was wearing with him in mind.

  Sage was ready to throw caution to the wind where he was concerned. She knew that he was attracted to her, but Ryan had been nothing but a perfect gentleman where she was concerned.

  Their waiter brought out the food, arranging it on the table.

  They made small talk while they ate.

  Sage loved the way Ryan’s kissable lips parted when he laughed that deep, throaty laugh. He was a very handsome and sexy man—a striking contrast to when she met him for the first time.

  At the end of the evening, Ryan escorted her up to her place.

  Sage unlocked her door and then turned around to face Ryan. He leaned over and kissed her. “I really enjoyed our first date.”

  She resisted the urge to touch the place where his lips had been. Her heart was racing, and Sage could feel her blood rushing through her veins.

  She glanced up at Ryan, who said, “I didn’t offend you just now, did I?”

  “No, you didn’t,” she answered quickly. Sage’s heart fluttered wildly in her chest. His nearness sent a shiver of wanting through her. “Not at all.”

  Ryan pulled Sage into his arms, his mouth covering hers hungrily.

  She returned his kiss with a hunger that belied her outward calm. Burying her face in his neck, Sage breathed a kiss there.

  “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to kiss you,” Ryan confessed.

  “Probably as many times as I’ve wanted you to kiss me.”

  “Sage, I don’t know where this is going, but I do know that I care about you.”

  “We don’t have to try and figure this out tonight, Ryan. We like each other. Let’s just leave it at that for now.”

not a womanizer. I want you to know that.”

  She smiled. “That’s nice to hear. I’m not in the mood for drama.”

  “I want to see where this goes, Sage. But I can’t help but wonder how your family is going to feel about this.”

  “I feel the same way,” she responded. “And you don’t have to worry about my family. I can handle them.”

  They made plans to have dinner at her place the following evening.

  Ryan gathered her into his arms and held her snugly. “This feels good, holding you like this.”

  Sage’s skin tingled where he touched her. Standing on tiptoe, she touched her lips to his. She could not resist just one more kiss before sending him away. Tomorrow was a busy day for her, and she did not want to stay up too late. It was already after ten o’clock.

  Sage showered and dressed for bed.

  She had truly enjoyed herself with Ryan during dinner.

  Despite all that he had been through, he was still able to have a wonderful sense of humor. He possessed such a warm loving spirit, and he always seemed to wear a smile.

  Sage settled down in her bed, a smile tugging at her lips.

  She was beginning to develop real feelings for Ryan. The silent declaration did not really surprise Sage. She only hoped that her family would understand and trust her to make the right choices for her life.

  Ryan has proven to be everything she thought him to be; surely her family would give their relationship a chance.

  * * *

  Sage was still on Ryan’s mind when he arrived at his room. Sage had a wonderful sense of humor. He had enjoyed the evening with her. Not only was she beautiful but she was intelligent and caring, as well. The more he learned about her, the more he wanted to know about her. An undeniable magnetism was building between them, forcing him to acknowledge the truth.

  I’m falling in love with Sage Alexander, and I haven’t been completely honest with her.

  It had been a mistake to get this close to her, but it was too late now. There really wasn’t any turning back. Ryan was not sure he could turn away from Sage at this point, even if he wanted to do so. He could no longer fight temptation.


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