Man Detox: A Novel

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Man Detox: A Novel Page 7

by K. J. Kilton

  The next two hours were spent in Lauren’s suite in part trying to assuage her anxiety and the other going over all the eligible bachelors attending their and another wedding happening in parallel.

  The all-inclusive resort environment, once checked in, severes all the contacts to the outside world. Passports and wallets and valuables are locked away in a safe cabinet, and one can roam around the premises attending to all gastronomic and scenic and carnal pleasures of a secluded vacation thanks to color-coded bracelets one is handed on acceptance into the premises.

  The hustle and bustle of the outside world, and all its encumbrances of needing to carry one’s luggage, both figurative and literal, dissolve into a utopian liberated self. In that rich atmosphere, inhibitions are loosened, and more daring risks are taken bringing forth the sort of freedom modern day man or woman is little accustomed to. So, it was that Emma and Ann had taken full advantage of this opportunity, Irene observed as she counted down her own chance to meet Ethan soon.

  It was past noon, and that meant he had already made a landing in the territory. She couldn’t sit still until she stepped outside of this girl bubble to meet her man. Could he be considered to be one? Her man. Every girl in the wedding party was anxious to meet the mystery friend.

  “I can’t believe you have been hiding this from me!” Lauren said, at the tail end of a long conversation centered on the inexcusable fact, as it was unanimously decided to Irene’s chagrin that a stranger was to be brought in their midst.

  It was true there was a level of casual acquaintance among all members of the wedding party. Lord knows, all are intimately known by Jared, Irene thought. The only crime she committed had been not giving any hint, including the name of the special friend who had decided to be her guest last minute.

  The problem for Irene was, of course, she didn’t know much about Ethan herself. The article in the magazine was effusive about the accomplishments of the young man who had established not one but two multi-billion dollar companies. He had gone to Stanford and dropped out his sophomore year. Came from a family of modest means - both his parents are high school teachers - and grew up dreaming of changing the world using technology.

  The interview had made him seem like such a grown up. His analysis of the economic and technological landscape could have placed him on equal terms with any opinion columnists she frequently read in newspapers and magazines, most certainly above the comprehensive perspective of the doctors she worked with.

  Ethan Anderson was a man in a hurry to do good and disrupt the world. In a way, what he has done to Irene’s world has thus far been nothing short of disruption. In a good kind of way, of course, she was quick to form her perspective as she walked out with the bride, holding the train of the wedding dress behind her.

  As Irene paced nervously in the high heels she wasn’t used to wearing, she scanned around hoping to single Ethan out from the sparse crowd. She had told him to meet her on the beach, where pictures were to be taken of the wedding party.

  Was it a coincidence that she would see him walking in the opposite direction toward the same spot? Why was she feeling so nervous all of a sudden? What was the fluttering she felt in her stomach?

  “Don’t tell me that fucking prick is here? Is that Ethan?” Jared asked pointing in Ethan’s direction. Irene had tried to ignore the men and stay focused on trying not to fall.

  “It’d have to be his identical twin if it weren’t him,” Tom said.

  By this time, everyone in the group had become more curious.

  “What the fuck is he doing here?!” Jared exclaimed.

  For Irene, it was a moment of truth. It was a triumphal occasion to distance herself from Jared completely. It gave her more satisfaction that Jared didn’t like Ethan. She hadn’t paid attention to the level of animus Jared had expressed about him upon seeing the face on her magazine.

  Irene smiled realizing the kind of jealousy that would ensue as soon as she handed the responsibility of tending after the bride’s dress to Ann and walked away to greet Ethan. She took rushed steps to him as if she was anxious to meet a lost love, as if she was overcome with a yearning that had long been in the making, as if Ethan was her man…

  As the two closed the gap between them, they acted in accordance with a lover’s expectation. Smiling and bubbling with excitement, they embraced each other tightly. Irene kissed him on the cheek when she found her focus taken by the firmness of his body. It was bigger and leaner and taller than she recalled seeing him dressed in his suit.

  Still more handsome, younger looking than the business attire he wore on the cover of the magazine. Pastel colors throughout and loafers. He was fit for a summer outing. He held her for a long time. She didn’t mind it. Loved it all the more knowing every single one of the group behind her must have been staring at her.

  “This is quite a start for a pretend date, isn’t it?”

  “Thank you so much for coming. I owe you big time.”

  “You look absolutely gorgeous in that dress!” He said, pointing to the pearl pink V-neck floor length chiffon dress with ruffle bow and split front.

  As the wind swept across the lush green space by the sidewalk, it flicked the edges of her dress exposing her left leg to the elements. The dress fit her body to perfection.

  “Thank you! You look great, too. You look like you are on vacation…”

  “A forced vacation. Glad to be here. Let me not keep you away from the group.”

  “Wait. Let me introduce you…” She didn’t give him a chance to leave.

  “Hey, everyone. Please meet my friend, Ethan... Ethan Anderson…”

  Irene went about introducing each person, blushing with excitement and pride. She realized it was large enough a group that no one was going to inquire too much about how and where they met.

  It didn’t look like Ethan knew either Tom or Jared, which elevated her excitement. This couldn’t have gone any better. She smiled and waved as Ethan completed his introductions and left the group wishing them a good time.

  “How do you know that prick?” Jared asked, standing close to Irene. He acted as if nothing had happened the night before, which infuriated her all the more.

  She ignored his question and struck up a conversation with Lauren. Her revenge was well on the way. There will come a time when she will make him regret for doing the unthinkable to her. She felt more empowered knowing Ethan was here for her. It warmed her heart that there was no awkwardness between them. He was right. The pretend date was off to a great start, she thought.


  Chapter Eleven

  “So… You have been keeping this big secret from me. I thought you were my person, Irene!” Lauren started as she assumed her position on the beach to start taking her picture. Irene was helping her get set up as the rest of the group stood some distance away.

  “It’s the craziest story. I will tell you another time.”

  “If I knew, I wouldn’t have pushed Jared on you that much… Did he do anything to you last night? I was thinking about it more this morning, and nothing seemed to add up…”

  “Let’s forget about it all for now. This is your big day, bestie. It will be my sole mission to make it the most beautiful day of your life,” Irene said, with full commitment, a reflection of her inner euphoria knowing Ethan had shown up as promised and hugged her so tenderly. She had no reason to worry about anything else in the entire world.

  “Ok… just one question. Are you two together?”

  “Friends. That’s all. For now…”

  In adding the last bit without consciously thinking through the implication, Irene let on, as much to herself as she did to her friend, that she wanted more than pretend anything. Would Ethan have come all the way here if he didn’t think the same way? Would he have made time in the middle of his busy schedule to rescue her from her shame only because she asked?

  As more question arose inside of her, she couldn’t ignore the unwavering kindness in all the gesture
s Ethan had shown her since that most fortunate of accidents. The taxi driver had gone from being mad and anxious to mostly celebration because he knew his car would be taken care of.

  Ethan had stopped to make sure she was safe and mobilized an emergency response to tend to the accident. She had been on two first class flights benefiting from the kind of luxury she had no business knowing. All of which had ironically happened in the time she had declared to create distance between men and her lonely life.

  When she anticipated every encounter with a man would turn into a headache, Ethan had shown up to pacify her world. When she desperately wanted a detox, he had become the ultimate remedy for her anxiety without asking for anything in return. He had gone above and beyond her expectation without knowing anything about her.

  This was the sort of good Samaritan story she had read attributed to heroes. Selflessness in moments of trouble, which goes against the grain of typical human response.

  “He’s kinda cute,” Lauren observed. “You owe me an explanation…”

  “You got it…” Irene said as the cameraman started getting busy taking pictures.

  From that moment on, it was as if present company and activity didn’t matter all that much. Jared had kept his distance and increased his flirtatious banter with Ann and Emma seeing Irene’s disinterest. With Tom taken into the picture taking, she was left to chat with Dan.

  “How does your family like it here?”

  “Oh, the kids love it. They like going to the beach.”

  “How old are they?”

  “Jasmine is five and James is three and another one on the way.”

  “That’s wonderful. Big accomplishment.”

  “All the credit goes to my wife, Robin. I try to show up whenever I am called upon.”

  “Well, it’s a big deal to pursue career interest and family at the same time. I mean, look at all the rest of us.”

  “It kinda fell into place. I was lucky, I guess.”

  Dan seemed like the most reasonable among the men in the group. She wished he was the best man. She will now have to pose for pictures with Jared and pretend to smile.

  “So, are you gonna say where you know Ethan from?”

  “Jared, I don’t wanna talk. I am doing this for my friend. If it weren’t for that…”

  Jared was taken aback as they stood next to each other and followed the instruction of the photographer to look into the horizon.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?!”

  “I didn’t want to make a scene, but you know I could destroy your life if I wanted to… The least you can do is apologize and shut up.”

  Where was this courage coming from? Irene felt emboldened to assert her right to anger. She had buried the shame and disgust of the night before. However, in the face of Jared’s impunity, she could sense the anger bubbling inside of her. It was soon time for another pair to assume their position and Irene walked away to stand next to Lauren.

  “I can’t believe this dress looks as good as it does on you,” Lauren commented.

  “Don’t worry. It will never compete with your dress, bestie. You look absolutely gorgeous!” Irene said, smiling as she remembered Ethan’s compliment to her. “Don’t you agree, Tom?”

  “Yea, sure!” He looked distracted. “I didn’t know you were friends with Ethan…”

  “Well… We haven’t all seen each other in how long? Gosh, it has been at least two years, hasn’t it?” Irene said, hoping her comment would give them enough explanation to fill the gaps in the mystery she herself knew little about.

  “He is a big deal on the coasts…” Tom said, seemingly begrudging Ethan.

  “I know,” Irene answered simply, paying attention to Lauren’s reaction. “Who cares about him or anyone else? This is your day. You two look incredible together. I am so honored to be here to celebrate this occasion with you.”

  “Better not be practicing your toast here,” Lauren smiled, in a good mood. The answer, Irene thought, was always refocusing attention back on her friend, who couldn’t have enough of the spotlight.

  “Still working on it,” Irene said.

  “Hope you are joking!” Lauren said while Tom remained tense the whole time.

  As Irene reflected for brief seconds in between her diplomatic attempts at keeping the peace, all the ills of her anxiety had been healed by Ethan showing up as promised. Now, Tom would know there is no chance whatsoever she would accept his confession. His secret is safe with her. He might have hoped there was still a chance between them knowing Jared’s commitment phobia. But not with Ethan, for whom he seemed to have excessive admiration.

  The case of Jared was one Irene would need to think long and hard about. She had let him get away with a most terrible offense, and true to his form, he had neither apologized nor expressed remorse. He was the sort of an entitled prick, to borrow his word, Irene thought, who destroyed everything in pursuit of his own self-interest.

  Irene didn’t know how she would make him pay for what he did, but for now, it was more than sufficient consolation to know that his hand was bandaged and he must be suffering from acute pain in his groin.

  Narcissists don’t have time to think of anyone else but themselves, as she would know from all the egoistic people she had worked with. She calmed herself and decided to get through the day pretending normalcy among the group until she got her chance to spend more time with Ethan.

  Soon, the hotel attendants were setting up a picnic table for the group to lunch while continuing with the photo shoot since they were already running out of time. In less than one and half hours, it would be time for the wedding ceremony.

  For all involved, the best part of the day has been that the rain didn’t appear as forecasted. The gloomy dark clouds had parted to reveal a blue sky and piercingly hot Caribbean sun.


  Chapter Twelve

  Five rows of foldable chairs were placed on an elevated platform on the beach. Before the wedding party started the procession, guests took their assigned seats looking out toward the ocean and descending sun glaring above in the sky.

  Soft tropical music filled the immediate vicinity from two speakers mounted on tripods on either side of the seating area. It was a simple setup Ethan appreciated from up close. He had been to many variously themed weddings of his peers, costing millions and each trying to outdo the last in adventure, symbolism, exoticness, and wow-factor.

  Here was a simple wedding filled with modestly dressed guests, which made him feel overdressed for the occasion. Three-piece suit, his favorite for formal events, was certainly more than either the weather or setting called for.

  The same attire than made Ethan standout, as he searched for an open seat and later found one in the fourth row surrounded by families with kids, was what captured Irene’s attention. She had hoped he would be different. He didn’t disappoint her.

  The confidence in him and the unplanned magic of his presence had elevated her ability to endure Jared as they walked side by side, headed toward the canopy constructed from a string of roses. She had ignored him all the while the group sauntered about the resting area and drank large amount of alcohol.

  For Irene, it was to be an inebriation-free adventure for the rest of the trip. The mere fact of Ethan and his emergence in her world was enough of an intoxication to excite her and control her reticence. She came close to losing her life and being violated, what more was there to live for in fear? Thankfully for her, her withdrawal was ably compensated for by the other bridesmaids. Her only job was sticking through the ceremony and fulfilling the responsibility of getting the two friends married. Then, she will be free to do as she pleases with Ethan.

  As they got closer to the seating area, Irene wondered what Ethan may be thinking about. She was delighted that he came prepared to impress. Had she ever seen anyone looking as good as he did in his suit and the aviator shades that masked most of his eyes? She couldn’t remember anything for all her hobby of flipping through celebrit
y magazines in hospital waiting rooms.

  For a while, Ethan seemed to be distracted by the children seating around him, who looked like they were enjoying themselves. Then, he turned around and saw her before it was too late. She took a brief glance at him while trying to stay focused on the uneven path leading to the dais.

  They smiled at each other. In that brief moment, Jared or anyone else might not have existed in the world. It was the two of them. Alone and connected. Was this a sign, Irene wondered as she tried to arrest her beating heart.

  As soon as she took her position up front all she could do was stare at him, despite her repeated attempt at not doing so. She couldn’t believe of all that has happened in less than two days. The rest of the crowd turned to focus on the two flower girls leading the bride and groom.

  One, frustrated by the unevenness of the petals she was spreading on the path, dumped all the contents at once and started crying while the second girl tried to remedy the situation by scooping up those same petals and putting them in her basket.

  For a moment, Lauren and Tom paused for the commotion to settle down. Irene caught Lauren’s eyes scanning the crowd and settling on Ethan for more than a few seconds. The expression on Tom’s face was more of apprehension than joy.

  Soon, the wedding ceremony was back in order, and with the help of a priest provided by the resort, the bride and groom exchanged vows. Irene, distracted as she was by Ethan, didn’t pay much attention to the contents or sentimentality of the words said.

  As she anxiously waited for the ceremony to end, she was sure of two things. One, she was going to make sure she will one day have her chance at the same kind of celebration, probably simpler and more elegant, and preferably with Ethan. Two, Tom and Lauren may end up being a statistics. Where there is no trust and loyalty, love can’t sustainably grow. And as far as she was concerned, from her own theoretical perspective and womanly intuition, a marriage without love is not worth having.


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