Adrian's Undead Diary (Book 7): The Trinity

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Adrian's Undead Diary (Book 7): The Trinity Page 28

by Chris Philbrook

  What does matter, is that the world on the other side is frozen in time, the same as it was June 23rd when everything went off the tracks and shit the bed. If I went to a house and looked through it, everything that was there that day, appeared before me. So I realized right off the bat that if I needed to find something, all I had to do was spend the time wandering about, searching for items, and viola, when I awoke, I could go to those places, and unless the items I needed had been taken since June of last year, the items were still there (theoretically of course). This should work best for large items like stoves, generators, cars, etc. They’re less likely to have been removed. It’s why the guys and gals so easily found the wood stoves and generators the past few days.

  They’re amazed, I’m exhausted. It was fucking WORK to wander around and search all those houses with Gilbert and Gavin while I was “out of commission.” I don’t think my reputation here as a “normal guy” was helped by having supernatural information. Some of the folks here that found out I was giving out spot-on intel about local houses and businesses were literally dumbfounded. I didn’t explain how, just made it out to be no big deal, but some folks are clearly seeing me as some kind of modern day messiah. I don’t like that at all. I’m just a regular fucking guy, dragged into some pretty irregular bullshit.

  Anyway, because I know of where some awesome shit MIGHT be, I’ve got to get the crew set up on some raids to houses and businesses that are likely to still be intact. There are some houses on the edge of town that I found that should have reloading supplies for ammunition, medical supplies, as well as gas generators, stoves, vehicles, tools, building supplies, and much more.

  My first concern is traveling to, and making those places safe so we can gather what’s left of what we saw. My second concern is getting a plane in the air. I know that sounds like a huge reach, but hear me out. We have a pilot, multiple pilots actually, and people who can repair small planes now. Nick and Kate are both capable, and there is a small training airport maybe ten miles away that has Cessnas, and planes of the such that they claim to be able to repair and fly. If we can get a plane in the air, even a small one, an eye in the sky as well as the ability to travel long distances will be incredible for us. I’d like to get that done before the snow falls. Again. We got about six inches of heavy wet snow a couple days ago, and it sucked. Fortunately we have the plow, and lots of kids that have energy and shovels.

  We’ll see if the plane thing happens. I suspect bullshit will get in the way. Until then, we soldier on, getting shit done.

  Incidentally, food supplies are much lower than I thought they’d be by this point. I’m not sure why, but it appears that folks were indulging while I was out. Going into winter, we really can’t afford to eat too much. Especially now that we are plus thirteen mouths to feed.

  Thirteen hungry mouths I might add. I’m going to have to investigate the missing food problem, and find out who is eating us literally out of house and home. Of course the more I think about it, it could be someone storing food in locations across campus to hoard it. Maybe someone in Hall D, or Hall C is moving food there for their own uses later on this winter. Makes sense as a survival plan, doesn’t it? I guess we’ll get to the bottom of it.

  Maybe tomorrow. I just took a vike, and the world is getting swimmy. Catch ya on the flip side Mr. Journal.


  November 27th

  I am amazingly fucking sore. I feel like I’ve been ridden hard, and put up wet. I am doing exercises to the best of my ability here to reconstitute my withered body, and I tell you what Mr. Journal, I am so out of shape it isn’t funny. I tried sit ups early in the morning the other day and not only did my gut kill me for the remainder of the day, but I nearly blew out the stitches in my neck. Roger, Ethan, and Doc Lindsey were not pleased in the least. I haven't been scolded like that in some time.

  Rest has been the order of the day today.

  Our holiday shindig was a smashing success. I consumed an entire can of cranberry sauce, all on my own. One thing I haven’t talked about is my ravenous appetite. I was bitching the last time I wrote that we were going through food too fast, and I’m wondering if it's because I am now awake, and eating calories like they’re going out of style.


  I feel better, though sore. The pain in the neck is getting manageable, and I haven’t had to take anything more powerful than Tylenol for the pain in a day. Of course I took four Tylenol for the soreness in the rest of my body, but the neck is doing much better. With any luck, I’ll be up and around doing things outside in another week.

  Anyway, our shindig was held in the cafeteria which needed to be cleared out some as we’ve been using it for storage. We made enough space to pull out some old cafeteria tables, and we decorated it with some old leftover Thanksgiving decorations Abby found in the admissions building. I think it was that girl Amy’s office.

  James and Joel have been out hunting for the past couple days out in the woods far behind campus, and they’ve reported in that there have been a few roaming undead. That’s new, and worrisome. Luckily, they also dropped two turkeys, and a small deer. Therefore, we had a very old school meal of roast turkey, and grilled venison with carrots, apples, onions, small potatoes, cabbage, and an assortment of sweets we’ve been holding on to.

  We don’t have many sweet things left. Sugar is getting low as a general supply item, and when that’s out I'm not sure exactly how we’re going to sweeten things. Maple syrup? I’m not sure to be honest. That is a really shitty thought when I put effort into thinking about it. How will I sweeten my coffee? For that matter, where will I get coffee when we run out? We’ve got a LOT stashed away… but when that’s gone, what will we do?


  Happy thoughts Adrian. Happy thoughts. This bullshit will depress you.

  So across three or four large tables, everyone sat down and shared food, drink, and a good time. We rotated the guys and gals on watch, and had the MGR people just come back to eat for a few hours, and it was great. Just an awesome time. Oh, and people got fucking wrecked. Blake’s cider is getting there, but the new guys brought several pallets of beer and liquor with them from when they landed in Maine, and as everyone smart knows, beer is awesome shit.

  It was nice to watch everyone let go and enjoy themselves. It was also nice to spend some time with Blake. He and I have a kind of bond now that’s weird, and also very cool. He was with me on the other side for some time, and he knows what it’s like to live in that space between life and death. He stood there as I challenged (stupidly, one might argue) evil itself, and dealt with the minion it sent my way. Fuck Sean, that dumb bitch.

  Shindig was good, no one died, lots of gas and naps, and campus wasn’t attacked during our meal to ruin the good times. I kept finding myself watching the new people and trying to gauge them. The PJ guys are all stand up dudes. Very intense though. Alpha males in almost every sense of the word. No quit in them at all. Ask them to achieve the impossible, and either they’ll do it, or die trying. Kevin and his people are the same, though they’re older, wiser, and more family oriented. I fit in better with them. Becky and Shelby, the British woman and kid are both warm and sweet. Becky has bonded strongly with Melissa, who is still having contractions by the way. They’ve slowed, but they’re still hitting her. Not sure what to make of Michelle. I think I’m intimidated by her. She’s tall, pretty, and smart. She also has this gift for catching my eye and just… staring. Not in the “I’m crazy” way, but in that, “I’m not afraid to make eye contact” way, which is weird. She’s hard to not look at too, which means I have had plenty of those awkward moments. I’m now fairly sure she thinks I am a weirdo. Or a creepy perv, and to be honest, both assessments are probably true.

  That was… yesterday. Today I am resting, and I believe the rest of the folks around here are doing the same. We’re working out a more detailed shift schedule for watches, and also working out a rotation for who will staff MGR. Some folks want to live the
re permanently, which is fine, but some folks want to rotate out there for fresh eyes, and a change of pace. The tower allows us a great view of the town, and it’s also a great resource with the repeater tower on the roof.

  Oh, the biggest thing that happened today was a delivery of two turkeys and veggies to the Factory by Kevin and a few of our old schoolers. I wanted Kevin and Martin to visit there and assess their security, and see if the nerdy dude there… what’s his name? Shit I forget. Lemme look it up real quick… Andy. The nerdy dude in the control room there.

  Anyway, I wanted them to talk to Andy and get an idea if their security system could be duplicated here, and at the tower downtown. I really liked how he had it set up.

  Kevin and Martin checked the place out, and despite a handful of undead outside of the building that had to be put down mostly with melee weapons, it was a productive trip. Andy is coming our way in a couple days to get the area checked out and start working on collecting gear to get a camera control room dealio working.

  Kevin tried to explain it, but sadly, Kevin is an uneducated cunt, and failed miserably. Apparently Andy can set up a wireless network that transmits the video from remote cameras. The range is good, and apparently he said the cameras can be a mile away or more. We’re now thinking cameras at the end of Auburn Lake Road as well as in strategic places around campus and in town will be an enormous asset.

  I can’t wait to talk to Andy to see how this will work out. Being able to maintain security from a central location and cut down on the number of people we’re committing to gate and wall posts will be nice. We’ve got three on duty 24 hours a day right now, and we’re stretching that job into some people that don’t have what I’d describe as tier one combat skills. If we get attacked at the wrong time right now, especially if it is by people and not zombies, we could be in serious trouble.

  Speaking of security, Kevin brought Fitz to our meeting earlier, and the two of them asked if they could get the okay to build some guard towers. Old school, perimeter towers for elevated observation. They suggested that one tower near the gate would be built to house a mounted SAW to provide heavy fire to anything at the bridge or gate. I told them to go right the fuck ahead. They are taking a few bodies into the woods on the other side of the bridge tomorrow to start cutting trees to make the towers. Kevin wants to build at least four, Fitz is thinking six is the more correct number. I told them to build as many as they wanted. Even if we don’t staff all of them, all of the time, they’ll be great for observation, and if we HAVE to mount a SAW somewhere, we can.

  What else? Um… The plane thing is on hold. We’re still getting snow, and I’m thinking our aspirations to fly are going to have to wait until spring now. We’re kind of behind the ball now, and I don’t want to waste time plowing runways, and hangar lots and whatever else we’d have to do to get it done. I’m sure Kate and Nick will be pissed about it, but such is life. Deal with it.

  Hall C is now electrified, and has a wood stove to provide heat. The gas generator I directed the group to the other day was a pretty big one, and the whole building has power like Halls A, B, and D. Did I mention we’re rationing gas and electricity yet?

  With the gas stations and all the gasoline up in flames due to the attacks while I was out, we don’t have a single new source for gasoline anywhere. I found some gas cans while I was out on the other side, but honestly, that might amount to maybe fifty gallons, assuming they’re still where I saw them, and the gas inside them is still good.

  So yeah, we’re only running the generators when necessary. Heat is to be provided by wood stoves, and electricity is only to be used for hot water, laundry, and for movie time in each dorm during the evenings. No more running them overnight until we NEED the furnaces on to heat these buildings. We need more wood stoves too. Some of these buildings are ginormous, and really need two or three stoves to maintain their heat. They weren’t designed for central heat sources, they were designed for forced hot air furnaces, or floorboard radiators. Something to keep in mind if we start new constructions.

  Soooo…. What’s next? Andy is visiting to assess our security system viability. After that, we need to assemble components for the system, which the more I think about, scares me. Where are we going to find the right kinds of cameras? My bet is the city, and that I do not like thinking about that.

  We need to hit some of the tiny towns between here and Westfield, then hit some of the small towns that are “suburbs” of Westfield. Mostly to try and find some small gas stations that with any luck escaped ravaging by survivors.

  I had this quasi epiphany the other day. If you lived in the urban areas when shit went down, you had the negative of being utterly and completely surrounded on all sides by hordes of the dead. The positive is, if you survived the initial rush you were living in a resource rich area. Theoretically, you were also competing for those resources with a larger amount of survivors, but hey, if you were fast enough, you could accumulate a lot of stuff.

  If you lived in rural areas, similar to town or Westfield, you had less dead to deal with, but also far fewer resources left over. Smaller populations means less dead to deal with, but also likely larger amounts of survivors. Smaller populations also means more survivors, so there are likely to be more people competing for those smaller resource amounts.

  Does that makes sense? I’m wondering if life is actually harder now because all of our resources have been depleted due to lower starting amounts, and more survivors eating and consuming them.

  It probably doesn't matter. Food for thought.

  So yeah, Andy and the cameras, gasoline, more wood stoves (or solar panels etc), building 4 to 6 guard towers, healing, and a general push for progress all over.

  And I get to sit and do nothing while everyone else goes out and gets shit done. Man that’s infuriating.


  November 28th

  Woot! Lunchtime earlier today Melissa went into labor, and she just gave birth. It’s... 11pm.

  It’s a GIRL! Our first baby girl. Pretty intense shit. She’s massive. I guess Doc Lindsey and Roger said she weighed in at nine pounds even. Melissa is sleeping now, and if she knows what’s good for her, she’ll stay that way while her lady bits repair themselves.

  Ollie and Melissa named the little girl Martha, after his mother. I didn’t hear a middle name, but I’m sure it’s fitting and appropriate. The kid has dark hair like Melissa’s. I was really hoping for a little redheaded baby, because that would’ve been cute.

  I’m really happy for them. I’m really happy for everyone here too. The news spread fast, and folks are absolutely beaming. The new guys especially are humbled by this. It's the best thing they've experienced in a real long time. This is the latest we’ve been up for a good reason in a long ass time. It’s nice.

  I’m off to bed. Shit to do tomorrow.


  December 2011

  December 1st

  I’m so frigging beat Mr. Journal. I’ve been super active the past few days, and my body is feeling it. Even though I haven’t been doing anything heavy duty, my muscles are such mush now, just walking around has been a challenge for me. At the end of pretty much every single day lately, I feel closer to being a pile of walking mashed potatoes, than a human.

  It sucks. I am seriously thinking it’ll be another week before I am anywhere close to being back to anything resembling normal for me. But, even though I say that here, I did get to fire my weapon the other day, and despite it being kind of fucked up for me, looking back on it now, I’m very glad it happened.

  Melissa is doing very well. She’s recovering from the surgery admirably, and despite being very sore, and having a little bit of bleeding after the birth, she’s doing terrific. Ollie is doing great as well. Little Martha screams like there is no tomorrow. Ollie is still smiling, but Blake and Kim are pulling their hair out. Their little guy was just starting to sleep good at night, and now Martha is fucking that all up. Hopefully she settles down and st
arts sleeping better. I just got back from visiting them in Hall B, so that news is fresh.

  The day after Martha was born I grabbed Jenna to lend me a hand with the food inventory in the cafeteria. I think I mentioned that we’ve been using it as a central repository for the entire campus for large supplies, and I really wanted to take a day or two and get a much closer idea of where we were in terms of supplies for the upcoming winter. I am pleased to say, we have quite a bit of vegetable stores still on hand, but we are missing a rather alarming amount of “good stuff.”

  What’s good stuff you ask Mr. Journal? Well, pretty much anything sugary, or canned and is marginally healthy for you. Ravioli, canned spaghetti, etc. We’re also missing multiple boxes of candy bars as well as snack cakes, fruit roll up thingies, gummy fruity thingies, and all other manner of less than healthy, but thoroughly delicious foods.

  It’s so clearly been cherry picked that both Jenna and I came to a pretty universal conclusion that someone with a sweet tooth has been taking what they want on the sly. Either they are sneaking in somehow when the door is unlocked, or they have access with a key, and they’re simply helping themselves as they see fit. I was not frigging pleased. I like candy bars. I love cupcakes. Which prick out there is eating our good snacks?

  Oh, and did I mention we’re missing somewhere around 30 or 40 cans of soda? Where the hell did that shit go? Soda quite literally doesn’t grow on trees, and replacing it is pretty frigging dangerous. This is very greedy, and borderline reckless. This is the kind of dilemma that makes me wonder where do we draw the line? I’m sitting here wondering to myself that if I find the asshat stealing food from us, are we within our rights to line them up against a wall and put one in the back of their heads?


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