The Final KO

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The Final KO Page 4

by Jessica Florence

  “I’m here for you.” My eyes rolled; very original line there.

  “Uh huh.”

  “I will never lie to you Rayne.” His face was serious; he meant those words. I decided right then something needed to be done. I honestly didn’t really feel like Arson was after forever with me, but he did want me—maybe for one romp in the sack, or maybe a week. The longer I was around him, the higher the chances were of getting hurt by him.

  “Ok, tonight you get what you want. We can fuck like rabbits and then you’ll get me out of your system. I’ll grab your number on my way out.” I got up and hopped out of the ring to head to the treadmills. I didn’t want to see Arson’s face of victory at me saying he could have my body. I was putting the offer on the table, and if he was the man I thought he was, he would accept it.

  I ran and cooled down like I was supposed to, then headed into the girl’s bathroom to shower. I hadn’t looked at Arson during my run or my walk to the shower. As I washed myself, I thought maybe I was being a bitch about the whole situation. He could be a different type of guy than what the rumors said.

  Maybe he was a nice guy and genuinely wanted to be with me. He just freaked me out, and my walls came up around him because I knew that once he was in, he was the type of man that would destroy me. I was a strong person, I could deal with anything, but I just knew I wouldn’t survive him breaking me.

  I finished scrubbing myself and wrapped up in a towel. I walked over to my locker and grabbed my hair brush, then walked over to the sink and started to brush.

  I tried to be nice to Coach and brush over the sink so it was easy for me to clean up the hairs that scattered. The peaceful feeling of brushing my hair was interrupted by the door slamming open. My head turned and my body was ready for a fight.

  “You’ve had your time, now I’m going to make this clear.” Arson stomped over and lifted me up onto the sink. My eyes were wide with shock.

  “Arson! What are you—” I didn’t get to finish my sentence before Arson’s lips silenced me. He moved his way between my legs and his hands gripped my hips, bringing my naked sex level with his hard as steel cock, which was creating a tent in his shorts. He growled as his lips moved against mine. His teeth nipped at my lower lip and my lips opened. His tongue plunged forward and tangled with mine.

  A whimper bubbled up from my lungs and he growled, pressing his hips against mine. My hands wrapped around him, gripping for dear life. He devoured me, and I found myself giving in to the kiss just as much as him. I wanted him, and I had never felt like this in my whole existence. He made me feel strong, passionate. He pulled back and ground himself against my naked sex.

  “No Rayne. I could take you right now, here against the sink, and you’d fucking love it, but I won’t.” I swore I cried out at his words.

  “I won’t take you until you get it. I am not Mr. Right Now with you. I will not fuck you and leave you.” He ground into me and my eyes closed as my head rolled back. His head moved forward as he sucked and bit my neck, provoking a yelp from me. My eyes were back on him.

  “I am your fucks and flowers, Princess. I am your future. I will not take you until you get it.” He pulled back and straightened himself, leaving me spread out on the sink. I knew blush coated my cheeks when his eyes drifted down to my sex. His body grew rigid and looked like he was holding himself back from lunging at me.

  “So fucking wet. So beautiful.” His liquid green eyes went back up to mine. This man was raw passion. I had gotten a taste of him and more than anything ,I wanted all of him. I was caught in a fog of lust.

  “Leave me your number before we leave. I will be seeing you tonight. Get used to the idea of us being around each other often.” He looked down at my pussy again and then turned sharply to walk out the door. I sat on the sink just staring at the door he’d left through.

  Had that really just happened? I felt my body relax and I slowly lowered my feet to the floor. Arson Kade had just stormed my mouth and strummed my body like his own guitar—while he was fully clothed. I knew I wouldn’t be able to avoid him now. He was a force to be reckoned with.

  Chapter Six

  Deliciously Devilish

  I took a deep breath and grabbed my clothes to get dressed. Once I was in my shorts, tank top, and sneakers, I went to the mirror to do a onceover of myself.

  “No he didn’t!” I stared at my neck in the mirror. Arson had fucking marked me! Right where my neck and shoulder met was a red bite mark. My blood boiled, and not in the way it had just a few moments before. I was not some piece of property. He did not get to mark me like that. I grabbed my stuff and stormed out into the gym. I yelled bye to everyone and walked out the front door without talking to Arson.

  I hopped in my car and didn’t look back. Once I was home I did a bit of cleaning and laundry. Franny popped in to check and make sure I was still up for our weekly American Ninja Warrior night. I had totally forgotten about it until she reminded me—that’s what being around Arson did to me, befuddled my brain.

  I knew I needed to get in another run before dinner time, so I did an hour of yoga in my living room and by the time I was done it was time for my run. I put on a set of workout shorts and running bra. I walked into my spare bedroom that I’d converted into a home gym and went to work. Being an MMA fighter and nothing else pretty much meant your life revolved around training.

  I ran at a small incline on the treadmill for an hour and then stretched for a half-hour afterward. It was a good thing I actually enjoyed running.

  I jumped back in the shower when I was done, then dried off and changed into some sweats and a tank top with a built-in bra. With my hair in a bun on my head, I grabbed a water bottle and opened the door to go over to Franny’s. She usually made us dinner then we chatted until the show came on. I was excited for the night.

  Until I saw piercing green eyes staring into mine. Arson Kade was standing in front of me, dressed in jeans and a black shirt. He looked devilish. Deliciously devilish.

  “What do you want?” I asked almost rudely. Why is he here?

  “I told you we would be spending time together tonight. Not fucking,” he stated, still standing there, taking in my outfit. I had nothing to hide; I knew I looked good, and for Christ’s sakes he had already seen me in nothing but a towel, so he’d pretty much seen it all.

  “You marked me,” I growled. He stood his ground and showed no remorse.

  “And?” Did he not see the problem or did he just not care?

  “I am not some piece of property you can mark as yours,” I retorted. A smirk grew on his lips and I felt my insides flutter.

  “You are mine.” I was just about to let go a string of curse words when the door behind him opened.

  “Rayne are you… Oh my.” I stepped into the hallway and closed the door. Fortunately—or maybe unfortunately—that put my body closer to Arson’s. Franny was standing in her doorway staring at Arson. Poor Franny.

  “I was just heading over Franny. I’ll just say goodb—” I didn’t get to finish that sentence. Arson had jumped into action and held his hand out for Franny to take. Slowly she lifted hers and placed it in his much larger one.

  “I’m Arson, Rayne’s new boyfriend. You must be her lovely neighbor.” He lifted her hand to his lips and lightly gave it a kiss before lowering it back to her side. Franny’s mouth was open wide as she stared at Arson.

  “He’s not my boyfriend,” I corrected. Honestly, I was a twenty-nine-year-old woman; we weren’t in high school playing the boyfriend-girlfriend game.

  “Boyfriend.” Franny finally spoke and looked at me. I shook my head no.

  “He’s not my—” Arson jumped in; he wasn’t letting me deny this.

  “She’s still getting used to the idea. Were you two about to have dinner? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to spoil your night.” I was so lost. What they hell was he doing? He was acting all sweet and I couldn’t place why. Franny seemed to snap out of whatever stupor she’d been in.

��Oh nonsense, you must have dinner with us! I need to hear all about this new revelation in Rayne’s love life.” She grabbed Arson’s arm and started pulling him in, but not before I saw the look of victory on his face. That manipulative asshole! He was taking over my life and I had no say in the matter.

  I looked back at my door. I could go back inside and be a hermit, or I could accept what was happening at the moment and play it out. Deciding to be an adult, I walked into Franny’s apartment. It was going to be one interesting night.

  Franny had made enough food to feed a basketball team, so Arson wasn’t left out. She served us chicken with sweet potatoes and steamed broccoli. I had to eat healthy so she always made sure she didn’t spoil me too much with sugar and fatty foods, like her brownies. Arson and Franny jumped into conversation as soon as we sat at the table.

  She told him all about her Howard, and how he had been such a sweet man. I wished I had gotten the chance to meet him. I listened carefully when she asked about him and his life; I wanted to hear his answers. I still barely knew him, besides what he did for a living.

  “Do you live around here?” she asked sweetly.

  “I’m hoping to soon. Trying to make a few things pan out before I can make it completely permanent.” He smiled and looked at me before placing his attention back on Franny and his food.

  “Oh that’s marvelous. It will be nice seeing such a strong man around here. Rayne always brings home sissy boys if you ask me.” My mouth fell open. Arson bit his lip to hold back laughter. Jerk. It wasn’t my fault that all the men I had been trying to date were insecure about being with a female fighter. They were weak, or just couldn’t handle it. I just shrugged; thinking back on it, I guessed she was right.

  “Yes, no need to worry. She has me now.” I rolled my eyes at his comment. The jury was still out on that verdict.

  “Wonderful.” Franny smiled at Arson and me. I tried not to break her heart and kept my mouth shut about him not being my boyfriend. It wasn’t hurting her, and she didn’t really have too many people to be happy for.

  Just then an idea hit me. An evil genius idea.

  Was I still mad about Arson marking me? Yes.

  Was I a little annoyed that he just showed up at my apartment and manipulated his way into dinner? Yes.

  Did I still find him very attractive and want to have sex with him? Yes.

  He said he wouldn’t take me until I understood. Well, I didn’t understand what he meant yet, but he was pushing me, so I was going to push back. I couldn’t be on defense the whole time; I had to take charge. I was going to be his girlfriend for the night. I was going to drive him out of his own mind. Game on Kade.

  “Oh honey, I almost forgot. I got those pills you wanted this morning.” His eyes narrowed, trying to figure out my angle and why I’d called him honey. Franny looked at me in confusion so I put my fingers up and gestured to a small size.

  “He has a little problem sometimes, performance issues, but nothing a little blue pill can’t fix!” I exclaimed. His jaw hardened. Arson: 0, Rayne: 1.

  “Well good for you, son.” She patted Arson’s arm in sympathy. I had to purse my lips together to keep myself from laughing. I watched as Arson leaned down to Franny’s ear and whispered something. Her cheeks grew red and her mouth opened. He retreated with a big grin on his face. What had he said? She looked flustered, but continued eating her chicken.

  “Caring is sharing, honey.” I spoke sweetly. Arson tilted his head at me and then looked at Franny, as if asking if it was okay to say out loud. She nodded with a gleam in her eyes. Arson turned his head back to me and I waited. I should have just kept my mouth shut.

  “I was telling Franny that I wasn’t down about my performance problem because I have a wicked tongue that makes you scream all night.” He winked and it was my turn to blush.

  Arson:1, Rayne:1.

  After that revelation, I gave up my evil plan since he was obviously an equal player in my game. We ate in silence for the rest of dinner and then I offered to clear the table while they started to settle in the living room.

  I was almost done washing the plates when a warm, hard body pressed up behind me. I knew it was Arson because one, if Franny did that it would be really weird, and two, Arson’s hard cock was pressed against my ass. Let me set the record straight: I could feel that he was definitely not small or lacking in that department. I pressed my ass against him and heard a hiss from his lips. Good.

  “You’re playing with fire, Princess.” He purred against my neck, his arms wrapped around my waist. I was enjoying this, the intimacy, the closeness of a strong male. I didn’t say anything and finished washing the last plate. Once I was done, I turned in Arson’s arms and looked up into his eyes. Was his angle really to have me for good, or was I just a challenge to him?

  “Stop overthinking it. Just feel.” He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss against my lips. His touch seared me and lit a fire within. He lit me up like no one had ever done before, but before I could turn up the heat, he pulled back and let go of me.

  “You’re not ready yet. Now let’s go see what Ms. Franny is up to.” He held out his hand and I automatically placed mine in his. He led me to the living room and when we sat down on the loveseat, he pulled me in close so that my head rested on his shoulder. He was confusing me drastically.

  Franny turned on the TV and went to our channel. Maybe ten minutes later the show started and Arson started chuckling. I pulled back and looked at him.

  “You okay?” I asked softly. He shook his head yes and kept on laughing.

  “Did you know I tried out for season three of the show?” he asked us. We shook our heads no. We had only started watching around season four. I was a little shocked he’d tried out; I would have to see if I could find the season online and watch it. I was curious to see him in action on the obstacles. Franny looked at him in awe.

  “How far did you go? No one’s made it all the way yet so I know you haven’t, but tell us the details son!” She was excited to meet someone who’d been on the show. We both loved it a lot

  “I made it to the second level, but fell on the jumping spider. Trampolines and I aren’t friends.” We nodded; that one was hard. I was amazed, though, that he had done so well. It looked really hard. Maybe one day I would try out for it; it was a thought I had about once a week. Maybe.

  “That’s pretty cool. I’ll have to find it so I can watch you fall in the water,” I teased and bumped his shoulder with mine. He looked at me and smirked. That smirk was sort of growing on me. We watched the show, both Franny and I cheering our favorites on and yelling when they fell. It was so sad when they tried so hard and fell because something wasn’t just right. They always looked so heartbroken, but they always bounced right back and were there the next year.

  Chapter Seven

  R.I.P B.O.B

  As soon as the show was over, Franny was yawning and mumbling about bed. I gave her a hug and thanked her for dinner, and Arson did the same. After that, we said goodbye and left her apartment. I opened my door and turned to look at the man behind me.

  I was about to open my mouth and say goodnight when his lips were on mine and his teeth were nipping for me to open for him. My arms wrapped around his neck as his strong hands gripped my ass and lifted me up. My legs wrapped around his hips.

  He walked us forward and kicked the door closed. His mouth teased mine open and it complied. We fought for dominance with our tongues and my hands snaked up into his hair, pulling what I could back. His head lifted and a groan escaped from his lips, which fueled me more.

  I nipped his lower lip and scratched his head. He was still walking and I had no clue where we were going, and to be honest, I didn’t care. He could have me on the floor of the bathroom and I would die happy.

  I was on the verge of taking control of ravishing him when I was suddenly flying through the air. I hit my mattress on my back and bounced like a skipping stone on the water. My eyes widened as I realized he had just manh
andled me and thrown me on the bed.

  My turned on meter spiked. No man had ever done that; they were all too intimidated to manhandle me. I was two seconds away from lunging at him and ripping his clothes off when he attacked. His body covered mine and his mouth was on me, feasting himself on my lips.

  My legs were spread and his hips were grinding against me, pushing me farther and farther into the bed. Moans of pleasure were coming out of me like a pornstar. His jeans against my sweatpants were causing a sweet friction and I felt myself being pushed closer and closer toward the most amazing orgasm of my life with every thrust of his cock against me. He growled and pulled back.

  “No, you’re not ready yet.” He was shaking his head. It was my turn to growl.

  “I’m so ready, I’m fucking soaked.” I begged and lifted to touch his lips again. He kissed me but he was holding back, which was frustrating the hell out of me. I was on fire and only he had the cure to put it out.

  “No.” His voice was hard; he wasn’t letting this go.

  “What the hell do you want from me!” I pushed him back and sat up. I was the most sexually frustrated I’d ever been and the man I wanted wouldn’t take me. To say I came off as a little bit angry was an understatement.

  He sat there staring at the stretch of bed between us, not answering me. Fine, he wanted to be a dick? Then I would just take care of this myself. I started pushing down my sweatpants and reached over to grab B.O.B. It was a bold move but I was desperate, and he’d already seen me down there so who cared. I was beyond modesty.

  “No fucking way.” He growled and grabbed the vibrator from my hand and threw it at the wall. I watched as it smacked the wall so hard it broke. R.I.P B.O.B. I turned to Arson to rip him a new one when he spoke first.

  “You wanna get off, you do it with my fingers or my tongue fucking you. My dick is reserved for when you admit that you are mine and this is for real, that this between us isn’t going anywhere.” Well, he was right about one thing. I didn’t believe this was the real deal. We’d only known each other for almost twenty-four hours; it just wasn’t possible.


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