Dirty Truth (Fighting Dirty Series Book 2)

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Dirty Truth (Fighting Dirty Series Book 2) Page 13

by Glenna Maynard

  “No, he goes to daycare when I have to work mornings. And my neighbor keeps him until I get home at night.”

  “Do you have a boyfriend Miss Stuart?”

  “Yes, sort of. It’s complicated,” I tell her hoping she doesn’t ask for Tyler’s name or information.

  “Does he spend a lot of time with your son?”

  “I don’t understand what my personal life has to do with this visit?” I attempt to steer her away from Tyler. I don’t want them knowing he’s in a MC.

  “Just crossing my T’s and dotting my I’s.” She stands to leave. “Okay, everything seems to be in order here. Thank you for your time. If I need anything else, I’ll be in touch.”

  By the time she gets in her car to leave, I am sweating bullets. My word that was intense. My phone is chiming with a text from Tyler asking why I am so late.

  Me: Not coming in. I am finished working there. CPS was just here! I lied and told them I am no longer working for you.

  Tyler: You don’t have to quit your job. They had to do a check if there was enough of a squeeze put onto them, but you’re a good mom. I am sure they recognized that.

  Me: Yeah, but I think I do.

  Tyler: If you’re sure I will take you off the schedule. Can I come over tonight? You still owe me a private dance. ;)

  Me: I don’t know, there is so much going on right now. I need to get my life in order. I am so scared, what if they take Jace from me?

  Tyler: You have nothing to worry about. I told you, let me handle it. Let me call my lawyer.

  Me: This isn’t your problem to solve, it’s mine. I made this mess. I have to fix it. I hope you can respect that.

  Tyler: Does this mean no sexy time?

  Me: Sexy time, is that what it’s called now?

  Tyler: Anytime I spend with you is sexy time sugar. So, will I see you tonight?

  Me: Maybe ;)

  Tyler: Aria I’m dying here.

  The word dying immediately makes me think of Brian. I lose track of time getting lost in my thoughts of Brian. My phone chiming snaps me out of my daze.

  Tyler: Shit! I didn’t mean to bring up death.

  Me: I know! Don’t die, I prefer my men breathing. But not tonight, I think we need to cool it for a few days, until I know what is going to come of this investigation. I can’t let my wanting to be selfish cost me Jace.

  Tyler: You can have a life Aria. Don’t let that old bag scare you out of being happy.

  Me: Please try to understand Tyler. I’m not saying no to us. Just give me time to get this mess lined out.

  Tyler: You know how to find me if you need me. I love you Aria.

  Truth is Tyler’s words do affect me. I feel guilty that I am here living and breathing, and raising our son; mine and Brian’s. It isn’t fair. I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. What did I ever do to deserve a man like Tyler? And now this shit with Mrs. Case being out to get me, I don’t know what I will do if she succeeds in taking Jace away from me. He is my whole world, the air that I breathe, and the beating of my heart. Everything has been for him. I can’t lose my one reason to hold on to hope. I love Tyler too, but I will give him up if I have to. How will the courts see me dating the part owner of Indigo and a member of a motorcycle club?

  I try to get some sleep; looks like tomorrow I will have to get serious about finding a new job.


  Ugh! There aren’t any jobs that meet my needs. I fling the newspaper in frustration.

  “That not nice mommy, pick it up.”

  “I know little man; mommy is just frustrated.”

  I received a certified letter requesting I bring Jace in for a paternity test on behalf of the state of Florida and Mrs. Beverly Case. My word, she is relentless! Will she stop at nothing? I want to call her and try to work something out to make her see that I am a good mom, but my attorney has advised me against it. I just left his office, and am thankful he has taken my case. He has said that I need to just follow standard procedure and go to all the court dates. There is no sign for concern from CPS’s investigation, however, that doesn’t mean it will be over anytime soon.

  Beverly Case has been known not to stop until she gets what she wants, but this time I hope she is prepared to lose.

  A few days have passed, and I am no closer to finding a job. The DNA results are in and it’s no surprise Jace shares DNA with that woman. I don’t know what kind of money she is throwing at this case, but she’s getting things moving fast.

  We have a court hearing tomorrow; Beverly must have bought her way into the docket to get her case heard this quickly. Tyler has backed off and stopped trying to play hero. I know he means well and just wants to help, but I have to make sure I protect Jace’s best interest. Not that Tyler would ever hurt Jace or anything like that. I just want to make it through this upcoming hearing. I did however promise Tyler that Jace and I would go with him to visit his parents this weekend. Let’s hope I get to keep the promise.


  It’s the morning of the hearing; I am so nervous. My stomach is twisted into knots. My heart is about to jump out of my chest and runaway. I meet my attorney in front of the courthouse and he gives me a little pep talk to ensure me that I have nothing to worry about.

  “Listen, you have nothing on your record. Your son has good health, there has never been any complaints from his daycare. CPS checked you out and you passed. The worst that can happen is the kid will spend some of his summers in West Virginia.” His reassurance does calm my nerves some.

  He escorts me inside and we have a seat while we wait for our case to be called. Glancing around the room I don’t see any sign of Mrs. Case. Could I be so lucky for her to be a no show? I highly doubt it. After a long hour has passed, our case is finally called.

  We make our way to the front and a few minutes pass without a word from Mrs. Case. My gloating thoughts are extinguished when the clicking of heels quickly approaching the other side of the room alerts me to her presence. The judge does not appear to be happy with her tardiness.

  “Apologies your honor,” her attorney speaks to the judge. “Mrs. Case is not from the area and had difficulties finding the correct room.”

  “Counselor that is not my problem. Please advise your client that in the future she will respect the state of Miami’s time.”

  “Yes, your honor.”

  “We are here today in regards to a juvenile the age of four, the defendant’s son. Now give me a moment to look over the file.” He pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose and begins flipping the pages.

  “All right, CPS has made a home visit and did not see that the said child is under any threat or risk. The report states the child seems to be properly cared for by the defendant Ms. Stuart. I see no reason to drag this on further. The child has been proven to be the child of the deceased, a Mr. Brian Case. The child shall remain in sole custody of his mother. However, visitation rights are granted to the grandmother, Mrs. Beverly Case, but at the discretion of the mother. And once the child is of age for school, the visits must work around the child’s schedule.”

  “Your honor if I may approach,” her attorney eagerly makes the request.

  “Counselor you may approach the bench.”

  “Your honor, my client feels strongly that the defendant will not stop at any length to keep her grandson away from her. She denied the deceased of any rights or acknowledgement that he was the father. She should be facing wrongful death charges.”

  “Counselor, we are not here to pass false judgments or accuse the defendant of any crime. There aren’t any charges being pursued and you will refrain from making these comments. The matter of custody has been entered, Mrs. Stuart will contact you through her lawyer to establish visitation.” He bangs his gavel down. “Court is adjourned.”

  Thank God. I can breathe again. I feel like dancing naked in the streets I am so damn happy.

  Chapter Twenty

  I shake hands with my attorney and agree to contact his office
soon so that we can establish visitation through a mediator next week. I can feel the piercing daggered look I am getting from Mrs. Case through my back. I don’t turn around and give her the satisfaction of knowing it bothers me to know that at some point I will allow her to spend time with Jace. Time that she can spend trying to turn him against me. The thought scares me, but I will have to worry about it when the time comes. I cannot wait to go get my boy and spend the day with him.

  After picking up Jace, I try to call Tyler to give him my good news, but I can’t reach him. I was hoping he would want to have a celebratory dinner with us. I take Jace out to one of those kiddy pizza play lands. He loves when I hold him up and let him play basketball. I think this kid loves any sport with a ball.

  I finally hear back from Tyler.

  Tyler: Sorry, I have been in a meeting all day. Ritchie, a friend of the club has flown in from Nashville. The next week is going to be crazy busy. I need a rain check on dinner. Probably best if we wait before heading to my folks until next weekend too. I will talk to you soon.

  That’s it, no “hey sugar”, and he didn’t even bother asking how the hearing went. Jerk. Okay he isn’t a jerk really, but I want to share my good news with him. I guess him being busy could be a good thing. It gives me more time to focus on finding a job.

  The weekend passes without any contact from Tyler. I have kinda grown accustomed to his sugar texts and find that two days without him seems like a week has passed. My mediation meeting with Beverly is in a few days. I am not looking forward to it. I was hoping she could see past her hurt and dislike of me for Jace’s sake. I want her to be able to share things with him about his father. It may not appear to some that I loved Brian the way that I have claimed to, but I really did. I wish I could have been better, stronger even, to help him with his drinking. If I hadn’t been a coward and told Brian the truth, he may still be here sharing in Jace’s life with me. We may even be married right now.

  I walk into my mother’s room and sit on her bed. I can just hear her now. She’d be telling me to stop pondering on things I can’t change. She would say to me, “Aria, stop hanging on to wishes on stars about what ifs.” Maybe I question and doubt things with Tyler too much. Maybe Faye was right when she said life has a way of choosing for you. What if all my choices up until now have all been pointing me to Tyler?

  Hugging her pillows to my chest, I know what I want and what I need. I want Tyler, and I need to stop being so scared and tell him how I feel. He really will be a great dad to Jace, and never mind the fact that Jace thinks Tyler hung the moon. I take a deep breath and text Tyler.

  Me: Can we talk?

  Tyler: I can stop by when I get off work but it might be pretty late.

  Me: That’s good actually. See you tonight.

  Tyler: I can’t wait to smack that ass!

  Me: What?

  Tyler: Be ready, I have been thinking about you in nothing but heels and a mask all day.

  Taking extra care to make sure I am neat and trim for him, I get out the hot wax. I hope I am ready before he arrives. How embarrassing would it be to be walked in on while waxing your vagina when your boyfriend comes over expecting you sexy and ready! The thought makes me giggle. I turn down all of the lights and light all of the candles I have set out through the house.

  I wait and I wait, and yet Tyler doesn’t show; he should have been here an hour ago. I’m not a possessive or clingy girlfriend. I would just like to know he is running behind. A courtesy text is all I am after, but I haven’t heard a peep since I messaged him over half an hour ago. Changing out of my sexy negligee, I am on the verge of tears when he finally decides to show his face.

  “I am so sorry, a fight broke out between a few of the girls, it was hectic.” I raise a brow at him like this matters, to me, because. “I have great news that I can’t wait to share with you.”

  “Oh, what’s that?”

  “You are now looking at the new full owner of Indigo.” He smiles. “I can’t get into too many details. You know club business and all, but Indigo was becoming more of a headache than Schorch wanted. So, I bought him out, and I’m leaving the club. It isn’t a life I want for you and Jace. I want to do right by you, Aria. You and Jace,” he tells me, taking me completely by surprise. I had no idea he was thinking of leaving the MC.

  “Seriously? I’m so happy right now.”

  “When Brian’s mom started that shit with court it got me thinking, and I didn’t want my lifestyle coming between us. Figured we can celebrate now that it’s official.” He flashes me a sexy, all knowing, devilish grin. A grin that says, “you know I am about to fuck you until you’re right on the edge, and bring you back from it over and over again.”

  I am so ready to finally claim his heart and give him all of me. I am so ready for him to own me, all of me, body, mind, and soul.

  He draws me into him, grazing my lip with his teeth, licking the outline of my pout. He growls into my parted mouth, “I have been craving the taste of you.” Pulling my bottom lip into his mouth he nibbles my lip and sucks on it, caressing my tongue with his. “I want you to do something for me.”

  “Name it.” I’m ready to do anything to be with him.

  “Take off your clothes and lie on your stomach across the table.” I do as he asks and giggle with anticipation. The top of the cherry wood table is cold, making my nipples hard. I fold my hands under my head and wait. I hear a crunching sound and try to locate the source of the sound.

  “Uh, uh, lie back down,” he mumbles. He sweeps my hair from my back, causing it to blanket my face. I am surprised when the sweet caress of winter’s tongue slowly trails down my spine.

  I have never been a fan of the cold, but right now I want to feel winter’s kiss between my thighs. The ice in his mouth has his tongue so cold it burns my skin. And if this is what it feels like to burn a slow and agonizing death, I am ready to burn alive. I peep through my hair and the candlelight illuminates the shadow of us on the wall. I must say it is so damned romantic and erotic.

  I turn over and Tyler pulls me to the edge of the table. My butt cheeks are hanging over the table’s edge. He goes down on his knees and orders me to place my legs over his shoulders. Taking a small single cube of ice between his fingers he sucks on it until it starts to melt and places it inside my aching sex. I wrap my legs around the back of his head as he bends his head down to lick the cube. Words can’t even begin to describe the sensations my body is feeling right now. Not one coherent thought comes to mind. I feel like I have brain freeze. The rest of my body is hot and trembling as he continues to torture my clit with the flicking of his tongue.

  He rises up to my chest and takes a nipple into his mouth. His cool mouth extinguishes the fire raging across my skin. I reach down and find the button on his pants and wrestle one handed with his zipper.

  “Do you know how much you mean to me, Aria? I love you so much. It’s all I can do not to pack your bags and throw you over my shoulder and take you home with me.”

  “You can throw me over your shoulder if you want to, but I will go willingly. “

  “Is that a yes?”

  “Yes, I will move in with you, but right now I want you to fuck me Tyler.”

  He drops his pants and pushes inside of me. I lie back on the table and relinquish all control.

  I can’t believe I am going to move in with Tyler, but it feels right. I know he is strong enough to be my man. He has proven himself to me repeatedly. I don’t know how I ever doubted it before.

  He makes love to me, and I feel more connected to him than I ever thought possible. He’s too good to be true, but he’s mine. All mine.


  The next day, I sit down with Jace to talk to him about us living with Tyler.

  “Jace, come sit with mommy.” He climbs into my lap, and I brush his curls from his face. “How would you feel if you and me went to live with Tyler? Would you like that?”

  “O’tay Ma. We can live with Ty.”

p; I guess that is as good of a response as I am going to get from him.

  “You want to help mommy box up your things?”

  He nods eagerly and is practically racing to his room as he shouts about bringing his cars.

  I take my mom’s framed photo of the three of us in my hands, hugging it to my chest. I hope she knows that I’m finally getting my happily ever after.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Because my lease was up, I had to move in with Tyler fairly fast. He didn’t take no for an answer when I tried turning down his offer to hire professional movers.

  Now that Jace and I are living with Tyler, I don’t have to worry about finding a second job to cover rent. It will take some adjusting for the three of us to live together. I think it will be more of an adjustment for Tyler than us. Jace is young enough that it will be an easy transition for him. However, Tyler is used to living on his own.

  The first week is hectic, our boxes are stacked throughout the apartment, but if the clutter bothers Tyler, he hasn’t complained. I have my meeting with Beverly in mediation tomorrow; she’s rescheduled twice. I just hope we can work out a schedule we can both agree on. She is a difficult woman. Tyler has offered to go with me for support, but I told him his being present might set her off. So instead, he has agreed to spend some quality time with Jace. He is taking him to Sea World. It warms my heart that he is stepping right up and making an effort with Jace. Not like he hasn’t been good with him before, but I can see that he is trying to really step up and be a good dad to him.

  Tyler isn’t working at the club tonight and he has Jace curled up in his lap watching one of his old tapes from his glory days from when he played soccer in college, while I unpack more of our stuff.

  I take out the nightlight Caroline gave Jace a few days ago, he was nervous about sleeping in a new room. She told him the light would make him feel more comfortable.

  I am going to miss living next door to Caroline, but I will still see her. She has made me agree to do a weekly dinner with her. Tyler is going to keep Jace when he isn’t working, and I need the help. Besides, now that I no longer work at the club there isn’t a need for her to watch him all the time. Though I may call her so Tyler and I can have a date night every now and then.


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