Redemption: Book 2 of Warner's World

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Redemption: Book 2 of Warner's World Page 6

by Dave O'Connor

  “That’s great Chief. Well done” said Dave. “But you haven’t brought me down just to show off your handy work. Have you?”

  “No Sir” said Gunter. “We take pride in our work here in Engineering but we’re not that egotistical despite what other say” and he gave Dave a smile. “What I really wanted to ask you, Sir, was what ship signatures do you want to use for this probe. It defaults to the signature of the Hermes. Assuming you want to deceive an enemy about your location. But I’m thinking it might be better to use a signature for a capital ship…more likely to get a response from the enemy caps. If you see what I mean.”

  “Yes I do Gunter” said Dave “and I know I’ve said this before but you’re not just a pretty face Chief.”

  “Yes” said Gunter. “And I think my usual reply is that that is as well” and he grinned. “I’ll set it for the cap then. It will be ready in an hour.”

  “Thanks Chief” said Dave and he left Gunter to his task.

  Chapter 7. Hermes in Warp to Zuon 0612, 27 June

  Dave was already partially awake, just lying there thinking of Rihan, his lost baby, Amy and his lost kids, Rihan’s parents who also perished on New Hammersley, Haskins and Team Alpha who were ambushed on Josker, the seven marines who died from Team Charlie on Alpha Phi, Sherry Chang and the 15 other marines from his crew that died retaking Klaster and Sue Chalker who was probably dead too. ‘How many more must die on my watch?’ he asked himself.

  But he knew better than to go down this path. ‘What’s done is done’ he reminded himself. ‘But did I make the right decision at each step of the way?’ ‘Mostly…mostly.’ ‘Oh stop this Dave’ and he swung his legs out of the bed and sat for a second on the mattress. He took a deep breath in and headed for his ensuite.

  A few minutes later he was in meditation. He was looking for refuge but all he found was anger. It welled up like a beast out of control within his gut, churning his stomach, contracting and then stretching his chest. His heart quickened, his breathing heaved and then raced and his temples throbbed.

  ‘Why has this happened to me’ he screamed inside his head. ‘I’ve done the right thing. Haven’t I paid enough?’

  His breathing began to slow and finally years of discipline cut in and he started to repeat the mantra, forcefully at first in time with his breath. As his breathing slowed his internal repetitions slowed too. He was calming down. The mantra softened. His mind’s perspective changed. There was no more “me” or “I” just being. ‘Ah’ sighed Dave ‘the witness’. And the witness acknowledged the angry man and the self-pitying boy that were both Dave Warner.

  A warm feeling of compassion arose within him. It was from and for himself. He relaxed into it, bathed in it and then he drifted into the void.

  It was nearly 0700 when he came out. Dave reflected on what had happened. He’d been there before but was grateful he had progressed in the grieving process. ‘At least this time’ he thought ‘I’m not denying it.’

  He said a little prayer for Rihan who he knew would be going through it too millions of miles away.

  Chapter 8. Klaster 0645, 27 June

  “Aaargh!” screamed Rihan. “Aaargh!” she screamed again. She tore at the cover desperate to get out from under it before she was enveloped by the…

  A hand grabbed her left shoulder and then another on the right. They held her tightly until the shaking stopped in her upper body. They then guided her back down into the bed. They tried to pull up the cover but she would have none of it. So they let her be and she eased back into sleep.

  A few minutes later the same hands pulled up the cover half way. That seemed to be acceptable.

  Chapter 9. Hermes in Warp to Zuon 0730, 27 June

  “Good morning Sir” said Cranky Jack Keogh as Dave walked into the officers’ mess. “Pancakes?” he asked, knowing these to be Dave’s favourite.

  “No not this morning Cranky” said Dave. “I’ll end up the size of a barn if I keep that up every day. No, I’ll just help myself to some muesli from the buffet.”

  “Fair enough Sir” said Cranky nonplussed. “I’ll get you some coffee” and he ducked back behind the swing door.

  Ella and Aubrey were sharing something humorous at one end of the main table. At the other end Ivan and Dan were talking over their breakfast. He sat next to Ivan. “Morning Sir” said Ivan. “Dan’s just been filling me in on the progress he’s made with our sleth friend.”

  “Got him to take any more chairs Dan” teased Dave.

  “Well yes actually” said a confident Dan. “He’s even eating the food.”

  “No shit?” said Ivan playing along.

  “Definitely no shit” said Dan. He even managed a bit of a laugh. “It turns out our Mr Schleek is partial to eggs.”

  “Is he a little more cooperative?” asked Dave.

  “I think so” answered Dan.

  “Have you progressed enough to be able to ask him questions about their base on Zuon?” asked Dave.

  “Not really” said Dan. “I’ll try and focus on objects like buildings and see how far we get.”

  “See if you can also find out what rank he is” directed Dave. “We know he was part of the assault group. But is he a trooper or an officer. What would he know about their fleet and its mission…that sort of stuff.”

  “That’s going to more difficult” responded Dan. “I’ll see what I can do.”

  “That’s all we can ask” said Dave. “We’re due to come out of warp around 1915. You must make sure that whatever state your protocol is in it is activated throughout the ship’s comms net. Every person on the insertion team must have the protocol uploaded to their communicators.” Turning to Ivan he added “When is the pre-op comms check?”

  “1815” answered Ivan.

  “Ok Dan” instructed Dave “make sure you liaise with Ivan so he has it installed and uploaded before then.”

  “Will do Sir” said Dan. He stood up, grabbed his empty plate and said with a grin “enjoy the rest of your shit Sir.”

  Dave smiled and as Dan headed out he said to Ivan “our Mr Hoyle seems to have a bit of spring in his step at last.”

  Chapter 10. Hermes in Warp to Zuon 1145, 27 June

  It had been a long pre-op coordination session. There was a mountain of details to go through and still a large part of the op had to be ad-libbed. Chase was yet again going through task sequencing, having just revised it to factor in the possibility of having to commit two warthogs for the extraction.

  Dave looked at the tired minds around him and decided that was enough. “Excuse me Chase. I think it’s time to draw this meeting to a close. I’ll leave you to finalise the sequencing and upload the revised plan.”

  “Of course Sir” said Chase, who was only too glad to bring things to an end.

  “Alright folks” said Dave “we’ve got nigh on nine hours before we come out of warp. Make sure you are all ready to go for the pre-op comms check at 1815.”

  Dave made his way back to his cabin. He was mentally drained. He knew it would be a long night ahead. All those scheduled for watch duty or who were part of the insertion team were ordered to get four hours rest between now and the comms check. He would take his now.

  He lay on his bed but his mind was racing. He started repeating his mantra in time with his breath. Thoughts still prised open space between repetitions, so he slowed down the pace forcing him to focus on each syllable. One thought though persisted in demanding attention. Rihan, how was she?

  He hated feeling helpless, millions of kilometres away from the one he loved. He sensed guilt in his own thoughts and knew that it should not be indulged. Once again he brought his focus back to the mantra. Finally, he dozed off.

  Chapter 11. Klaster 1530, 27 June

  Millions of kilometres away from her lover, Rihan was pondering the future. She rubbed her abdomen and wondered whether she would be able to have children again. She could feel the anger swelling. But she was tired of it and the blame and the hatred for the
sleth. She knew from her previous grieving that this would resurface again and again. But she also knew that she couldn’t afford to hang onto it.

  ‘The future’ she thought ‘yes the future is what I will focus on.’

  So began a series of questions she asked herself. ‘Do I want to stay as Base Commander?’ ‘Do I want to leave the Fleet altogether?’

  Before she answered one question another would arise. ‘Do I want to try and get pregnant again?’ ‘Do I want to be alone again away from Dave?’

  ‘NO I DON’T WANT TO BE ALONE AGAIN’ she thought emphatically.

  Chapter 12. Hermes in Warp to Zuon 1600, 27 June

  Dave rose, washed and checked his console for any urgent messages – there were none. ‘Better check in on the insertion team’ he reminded himself.

  Art’s cabin door was open. Art was checking his gear. As Dave entered he said “Ready then?”

  “Yeah I’m ready” replied Art. “I’m just about to check up on Buster and Bravo team. Do you want to come along?”

  Dave shook his head and then added “No, that’s your job.” He paused a moment and then said “I meant what I said about having to leave on time. We’re all risking a great deal as it is.”

  “I know Dave” said Art. “Don’t worry we’ll be ready on time.”

  “You have to be prepared Art, to let her go. She may be dead already. She may be alive and impossible to free. You have to be prepared to make that call” said Dave.

  “Yeah I know” said Art. He put his hand on Dave’s shoulder. “You are a good friend Dave….a good strong friend. Say one of those prays of yours that I’m strong enough to make that call.”

  Dave nodded and paused for a moment. He knew better than to harp on this with Art. “Good luck Art. Bring her back and all my marines.”

  “Sure. Thanks Dave. I better get going.”

  “Me too” said Dave and patted his friend on the shoulder and left.

  He didn’t have to go far, just a few metres to Ella’s cabin. Her door was shut, so he knocked and waited for her to open it. When she did so, he could see her in her cam suit. He had not seen her kitted up like this before because she had always done her fighting from the control centre on board.

  He followed her gesturing arm into her cabin where she still had gear to stow in her pack. “Running a bit late Sir” she explained. “I know I’ve done this many time in training but this is the first real op where I’ll be on the ground and potentially at close quarters.”

  Her face betrayed some fear. Dave knew exactly what she was going through. He still felt that same fear each time he donned his kit before a ground op. “No amount of times really helps Ella” said Dave. “But it does make you a bit better organised with your kit.” And he leaned over and opened the flap on a bulging side pocket. “What’s this?” he asked.

  “It’s a bot box” she answered. “I can use it to take manual control of the bots if I need to. But it’s pretty bulky isn’t it?”

  “Yeah, but you’re going to have to take it” said Dave. He lifted up her pack and felt the weight. “What else can you ditch? Do you mind?”

  “No go ahead” she said.

  He pulled out her change of underwear and tossed it onto her bed. He gave her a weak smile but refrained from adding ‘Really?’ She just shrugged her shoulders.

  He ferreted further, opening side pockets and the main compartment. He left the two one day ration packs, her four clips of pistol ammo, her six energy packs for her rifle, two grenades, medical kit, sleeping bag, water bottle and jacket. “Ah…you can ditch this” and he tossed her a pair of runners. Then he held up what was obviously her toiletries bag. “You can’t be serious?”

  “OK, give it to me” and she grabbed it from him. When she came out of the ensuite it was half the size. “That acceptable?” she asked. It was a rhetorical question.

  “Much better” said Dave. He repacked it, ensuring the ammo was in the side pockets, where they could be accessed immediately and moved the bot box to the top of the main compartment, where it could be reached quickly if not immediately. He then lifted it up demonstrating its more compact shape and lightness.

  “Thank you Sir” said Ella.

  “No worries” said Dave. “Now you are on this team to control the bots and support Commander Simons in his bid to free Chalker.” She nodded. “But I also want you to ensure that LCmd Simons doesn’t go off half-cocked and get everyone killed. He’s the senior officer but he’s emotionally attached to the outcome and that may need to be managed. Do you know what I mean?”

  “I think so Sir” said Ella with some hesitation in her voice.

  “I have told him that he must be ready to pull out as scheduled” said Dave. “If for any reason he won’t abide by that you make sure that you and the rest of the team do. Is that clear?”

  “Yes” she replied.

  “Got any questions?”

  “No” said Ella “I think I’m good.”

  “OK, no heroics and good luck” said Dave.

  As he walked down the corridor to the officers’ mess he hailed Gunter and confirmed that the probe was ready. He also hailed Val and asked her to make sure that the four nuke warheads were loaded onto the Plectras just in case they got a hot reception on coming out of warp.

  He was about to hail Chase when he saw him up ahead entering the officers’ mess. It was nigh on 1700 and those scheduled to be on watch or in the insertion team were getting in an early dinner.

  He heard footsteps coming up behind him. He turned to see Dan Hoyle walking quickly to catch him up.

  “So how did you go with our sleth friend?” asked Dave.

  “Not much progress at all Sir” he replied. “He’s clammed up.”

  “I’m not surprised” said Dave. “Just keep plugging away.”

  “Oh I intend to Sir” said Dan. “I just wanted to let you know that I have finished the protocol such as it is and Ivan’s installing it as we speak. LCmd Simons is with him. They are going to do a test with the communicators of the insertion team.”

  “Very good Dan” said an impressed Dave. “Well done.”

  “Take your seat Sir” said Cranky as they came in to his domain. “We got poltar steaks or jebel stew.”

  “I think I need some substance Cranky” said Dave. “Better make it the steaks.”

  “Right you are Sir” came back Cranky “and what about for you Mr Hoyle?”

  “Me too” said Dan.

  They sat at the main table where Chase was already tucking into his steak. His mouth was full so he just acknowledged Dave with a nod.

  “Good?” asked Dave. He had to wait a few moments till Chase finished chewing.

  “I prefer beef to poltar Sir” replied Chase “It’s a bit too gamey for me, but beggars can’t be choosy can they.”

  “No we can’t” confirmed Dave. “I just asked Val to load up our nukes onto four Plectras before we come out of warp. If we get a hot reception I want to have the option to let them loose if the opportunity presents itself.”

  Chase just nodded as he was chewing another mouthful.

  “Can you add a contingency plan before we come out of warp?”

  Chase swallowed and wiped his lips with his serviette. “Can do Sir. I’ll get onto it straight away” and he made to rise.

  Dave extended his arm over Chase’s “Hold on. Take it easy. I reckon you have enough time to finish your meal.”

  “Right Sir” said Chase as he sat back down. “I’ll grab some desert then.”

  Chapter 13. Hermes in Warp to Zuon 1900, 27 June

  Aubrey had the watch. The control centre was packed. All the ships officers were there bar Val who was now off duty – she would relieve Aubrey later – and Mary Chernside, the ship’s doctor, who rarely had cause to come up to the control centre.

  LCmd Simons was in a deep and meaningful with Ivan. She knew that they were still ironing out the installation of the new sleth language protocol. She would give them another t
en minutes and then she would demand that Ivan give his full attention to this next critical phase, coming out of warp.

  Sgt Crystal Wong, the battle systems specialist, was at her station. She was talking to Chase syncing his plans with her reaction protocols. Crystal was all focus. As a battle systems officer, Aubrey liked that. Crystal’s reflexes and intuition were now better than Aubrey’s in many ways. ‘It happens like that as you get older you lose that edge’ thought Aubrey.

  Aubrey disciplined her thoughts and brought her focus back to the centre at large. The only station still unmanned was that of the ship’s captain, the one next to the watch officer’s where she was. ‘He’ll come striding in any minute now’ she thought.

  She glanced across at the large display. She scanned the data that filled the outside edge. She touched her console and now could see the missile load out on the left. She confirmed that four of the Plectras were armed with nukes, 21 were armed for surface attack and the remaining 50 for ship to ship. On the right, shields were all down. She tapped the console again and could see that they were programmed to fire up on coming out – 60% to the forward hemisphere, 40% aft. She touched the console again and scanned the status of the ship’s operational systems. Green throughout. That was all good.

  Another tap brought up the task schedule. She dragged it to the main area so she could more readily see the details. She tapped again to filter out the standard operating procedures (SOPs). There it was.

  Start Warp in

  Start + 0003 Launch Probes 1 and 2 – scan planet

  Start + 0400 Receive scan reports

  Start + 0430 Confirm Insertion objective

  Start + 0500 Launch Whisky 1 – insertion


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