Melanie Unmasked

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Melanie Unmasked Page 4

by Michele Bardsley

  Something sharp gouged the top of her nightgown. Whatever-it-was slit her dress all the way down. The cloth fell open. Cold air wafted across her bared skin. Her nipples tightened and her flesh goose-pimpled.

  “You are luscious,” he murmured hoarsely. His lips pressed against her scar, his tongue tracing the crescent. “Did this imperfection worry you?”

  “Not all scars can be seen.”

  “And not all wounds can be healed,” he agreed. “Let me worship you, Mel. Let me show you how beautiful you are.”

  The bed dipped as he moved between her legs. He was unusually careful not to touch her, though she felt the coarse texture of his palms as he pressed them on her inner thighs. His tongue flicked across her clit. Pleasure sparked instantly. Her hands descended toward him.

  “Don’t touch me,” he directed, moving out of her reach. “If you touch me, I’ll stop. You will wake up on the dais and our fun will be over.”

  “Fine,” she said between gritted teeth. She grabbed fistfuls of the cover and held on, lifting her hips toward his mouth.

  He blew on her agitated clit and she gasped. He seemed pleased by her reaction, though she had no way to know for sure. She sensed how he felt. She could almost touch him that way -- through his emotions. Or maybe the dream gave her that false impression.

  His tongue felt odd. It seemed almost triangular and it was raspy. Who was she to complain? Sensations pulsed into an ever-tightening spiral as he lapped at her pussy, teasing her clit, sucking her flesh, dipping down oh-so-briefly to penetrate her entrance.

  Honor was relentless. He stoked the fire building in her core until she could barely stand the pleasure thrumming a primal beat. Rising, rising, rising… until it burst like a thousand bright stars. She cried out as she came, the covers twisting in her hands as her hips lifted off the bed.

  After a while, she floated down from the stars and lay limply against the covers. He had barely touched her and she had already experienced bliss with him. She wanted to return the favor.

  He moved carefully to her side, lying near her, but not near enough for her to accidentally brush against him.

  “Why can’t I touch you?” she asked.

  “It is not a question I wish to answer.”

  “Too bad,” she said. She rolled onto her side and plastered herself against him, pressing her mouth against his lips. He felt strange -- and certainly not human. Scales covered his body. His mouth seemed lipless, but she didn’t care. She thrust her tongue inside, grabbing at his hips and pressing her weeping pussy against the thick length of his cock.

  In the next instant, Mel was awake on the dais under the full blaze of the morning sun. She yanked on the gold chains and screamed.

  * * *

  Mel drifted in and out of consciousness as the morning wore on. The sun bore down on her relentlessly until her skin felt like parchment and her throat coated with dust.

  Honor was punishing her for breaking his stupid rule. Don’t touch me, my ass. If she could come to him with her scars and imperfections, he could do the same. It was not fair to demand that she bare herself body and soul to his perusal only to deny her the same privilege. You’re a selfish, spoiled brat, she railed at him silently. You think you’re the only one with problems? With a curse? You’re not! You want me to save you? Hah! You don’t deserve saving!

  Mel closed her eyes. Despite the awful heat, she managed to sleep again. When she awoke, a large tree with broad leaves had grown next to the altar. The shade was so thick and plentiful, she couldn’t see the sky.

  If only I had something to drink.

  The sluicing noise alarmed her. She couldn’t see the ground, but the noise got closer and closer. Mel watched in amazement as a thick, green vine wobbled up next to the stone platform. Topped by a white flower, which was shaped like an upside-down bell, the vine grew taller and taller. Then, it shifted sideways, moving over her until it hovered about six inches from her mouth. The flower tipped over and sweetened water flooded her mouth. She gulped the refreshment greedily. Her thirst wasn’t quenched, but she needn’t have worried. Two more vines with similar flowers appeared and offered their water to her as well.

  Every so often, the flowers appeared and though her stomach grumbled with hunger, at least she wasn’t thirsty. Water was the key to surviving. She’d worry about food after she was freed from the wizard’s chains.

  Afternoon faded into dusk. As darkness stole over the garden, Mel became aware of Honor’s presence. He stayed within her mind, as if he might hide there all night. Did he know she could feel him within her, as steady and strong as the beat of her own heart?

  “I’m sorry,” he said, his voice heavy with regret. “I have been selfish and cruel.”

  “Yes, you have.” She sighed. “You expected me to reject you.”

  “I expected you to behave as others before you. Do you think you are the first sacrifice people have chained in my garden?”

  Mel knew that Gennie hadn’t been the only woman who’d been the hope of this cursed wizard. She was so jealous of the heroine. And yet, here she was, the star of the story. The hope of the wizard. Only now, here, could she admit that she’d fallen in love with him. A fictional character. Maybe she was crazy. But right now, this was her reality. And she wanted it. She wanted him.

  “Tonight is the wizard’s moon,” he said. “Will you come to me again?”

  “Only if I can have all of you.”

  “I am yours, Melanie.”

  The moment she closed her eyes to dream with him, she awoke in his bed-chamber. The curtains were opened and the fire in the hearth burned brightly. He sat on the edge of the bed, his back to her.

  Iridescent scales covered every inch of his skin. Melanie knew from the story that his cock was the only part of his body not covered by scurf. Even though he wore a monster’s skin, she remembered his human form. At least, how she imagined him from his pre-curse description. He was still tall and muscular. And he still had the heart of a man.

  “You can change your mind,” he said in a gravelly voice.

  “So can you.” She crawled across the bed, wrapped her arms around his waist, and pressed her face against his back. His scales were not sharp; they were soft and pliant, like leather. They didn’t feel unpleasant.

  He pressed his hands against hers. “I don’t have much time, anonvie.”

  “Then lie down, Honor. And let me have you.”

  He did as she asked, but he did not look at her. How could he be afraid of her judgment? She straddled his chest and cupped his face. His black gaze pinned hers, and she could see his need and his fear. How many times had he been rejected?

  Mel leaned down and kissed him. She challenged his tongue to duel with hers, and finally, he let go of his doubts. He kissed her deeply, possessively, and she sank against him. He tore off her nightgown and slid his hands over her back, down to cup her ass.

  “There’s more to me,” she said, smiling as she sat up.

  His hands cupped her breasts and thumbed her nipples. Pleasure rippled as he coaxed her nipples into exquisite hardness. When he pulled on the sensitive peaks, she moaned.

  One scaly finger penetrated her sex.

  “You’re wet,” said Honor. “You really do want me.”

  “We’re going to have to talk about your self-esteem issues,” she said as she slid down between his legs. His cock was huge. Thick and long… for a moment, she wondered if it would fit.

  She kissed up his length and drew the tip into her mouth.

  He growled, his hands diving into her hair.

  Mel relaxed her throat and took him, all the way down. She cupped his balls and squeezed as she sucked his cock.

  “Stop,” he begged. “I have to… you have to…”

  Mel sat up, pleased that she’d taken his power of speech. She knew she had to get on her hands and knees. The wizard had to take her from behind. At least, he always did in the novel.

  She positioned herself.

That will be the only time I ever ask you to stop sucking my cock,” he said as he got behind her.

  Melanie grinned. She was so hot for him. If only this was real. Then she could take him into her bed anytime she wanted. They could… date or something.

  As he guided his cock into her swollen, dripping sex, he wrapped an arm around her waist and stroked the tender swells of her pussy lips. The pleasure built swiftly thanks to that rough finger tickling her clitoris.

  When Honor was fully sheathed inside her, she dragged in deep breaths, anticipation rippling through her. He kept one hand pressed against her sex, working its magic on her sensitized nub.

  The scales of his body scraped against her as he fucked her. His restraint was obvious. He was afraid of hurting her.

  “Let go, Honor,” she cried. “Take me. I’m yours. I’m yours for always.”

  He roared, and boy, did he let go.

  Honor pressed her to the bed. Her face rubbed on the pillow as he rammed into her, his balls slapping against her as he fucked her thoroughly. One hand still played with her clit, while the other flattened on her ass, holding him steady.

  Her orgasm burst -- undulating sensations that seemed connected to every nerve in her body.

  Honor’s claws dug into her skin. He roared again and pierced her deeply. She felt his cock pulse as his hot come filled her.

  A moment passed before he separated from her. Then he fell next to her and gathered her into his arms. He kissed her forehead. “Thank you, Melanie. Thank you.”

  Melanie stroked his chest, but felt nothing. She looked at her hand passing through the flesh of her lover. The human flesh. She looked into the blue-green eyes of Honor Karn. Into a face so familiar. Her dream man.

  “Honor,” she cried.

  He tried to grab for her, but she was fading away. “I will find you, Melanie,” he said. “We are meant to be together.”

  Ring. Ring. Ring.

  Melanie jolted upward, the book flying off her lap. Her heart pounded as she looked around. The tea cup was on the floor; the stain still fresh.

  Ring. Ring. Ring.

  It had been a dream. Her heart dropped to her toes. How could she have believed -- even for a second -- that she had figured out a way to be with Honor Karn? He wasn’t real.

  Ring. Ring. Ring.

  “All right!” She grabbed the phone off the end table. “What?”


  “Hi, Venus.”

  “Mom called and she’s having a meltdown.”

  “Dress, drink, or Delilah?”

  “She found out Delilah is wearing the same designer to some shindig they’re both attending, and Mom’s on her fourth vodka martini.”

  Delilah was married to Venus’s father, was twenty years younger and about thirty IQ points lower than Venus’s mother. “Sounds like an all-nighter, sis.”

  “You have no idea. Rain check?”

  “Better. I’ll go with you to the Club Mirage opening. But you have to find your own mask.”

  Mel hung up the phone then picked up her book.

  “You broke the curse, an-onvie.”

  “An-onvie. You’re pronouncing it differently.”

  “Because I’m using its second form.” He kissed her lightly. “Anonvie means precious one. And an-onvie means… wizard’s mate.”

  Melanie closed the book. As much as she loved the story, she realized now how easy it was for her to cling to fantasy. Look at what she’d done. Pushed away the guy who seemed genuinely interested in her. Then stuck him in her dream about Honor Karn. Because at the end, when Honor was saved, the face she’d looked at was that of Nic Chival.

  Chapter Five

  “Hello, beautiful,” said a silky male voice behind her.

  Melanie turned and faced a man in a gold mask just like hers, except he wore it on the left. She couldn’t really see his gaze, but she knew he was checking her out. For once, she felt sexy as hell.

  She wore a black mini with silk stockings and black stilettos. She’d taken that spa day with Venus, and felt utterly pampered by the time they’d slipped into their party clothes.

  The club was packed with people drinking, dancing, and groping. She’d gone to the VIP room and stepped onto the balcony for some fresh air. She was alone, thank goodness. The party scene wasn’t really for her.

  “Interesting mask,” she said.

  “I thought that should I find the lady with the other half, we were meant to be together.”

  “Oh, really?”

  “What’s wrong? Don’t you believe in fate?”

  Melanie’s heart started to pound. “Nic.”

  He removed the mask and gazed at her. “I believe that you owe me.”

  “My name is Melanie Trident.”

  He took her hand and guided her into his embrace. Then he started a smooth dance across the patio. She laughed. “There’s no music.”

  “There is music in my heart, because I have found you again.” He twirled her around then pulled her close. “Take off your mask.”

  Mel took it off and put it on a nearby table.

  “How many times have you read that novel?” he asked. His gaze was so serious. She saw something flicker in those depths. Something familiar.

  “I lost count.”

  “How many times did you dream of the wizard?”

  “Maybe once,” she admitted. “Maybe a thousand times.”

  “I dreamed of you, too.” He cupped her face and brushed his lips across hers. Then he did it again, only this time his lips melded to hers. Heat poured through her, and need, and oh he tasted good.

  “Nic,” she breathed.

  “You know who I am, Melanie. You broke my curse, but did not know. Could not know… until you dreamed with me.” He clutched her hands, his eyes begging her to believe. “There are more worlds than just this one. And maybe a wizard who lived in one world sacrificed everything to be in this one, so he could be with the woman he loved.”

  “How could you love me?”

  “How could I not? You read my story. You thought it was fiction, but it wasn’t. You read it so many times that you became part of my world. I knew you. Your face. Your life. Your sorrows. I fell in love with you.”

  “But how did…” She trailed off. “The mask?”

  “If you had not worn it, you would not have had the magic to enter the portal to my world. It was my last chance, Melanie. My last wizard’s moon.”

  Mel’s heart nearly leapt out of her chest. She stared up at him in wonderment. “That’s not true. You’re not…” She shook her head. “I saw you in this world before I read the last chapter.”

  “I’ve been in this world waiting for the wizard’s moon. Waiting for you to save me. If you had not, I would’ve returned to the Barrens, and died.”

  She tried to suck in a breath. “Oh, my God. I’m crazy or you’re crazy or…”

  “Or it’s true.” He took off his silver ring and placed it on the ring finger of her left hand. “This is a wizard’s gem. The only one I have ever made. It’s yours, Melanie, and so is my heart.”

  Mel saw in his eyes all that she’d been looking for. Happiness did cartwheels through her. She stepped into his embrace and rubbed her breasts against him. Her nipples pebbled against his muscled chest, the sensitive tips demanding attention. “Make love to me, Honor.”

  He hurried to close the patio doors, which were curtained on the other side, then he jammed a chair underneath the knobs. She leaned against the marble balcony, waiting to see what he would do next.

  He pushed down the top of her dress and gazed at her breasts. He cupped them, tested their weight, then brought his mouth to one turgid nipple. The warmth and motion of his tongue made her flesh tingle. She reached for him, to touch him as he touched her, but he whispered, “No. Not yet.”

  His mouth encircled one nipple, teasing it with brief suckles, before attending to the other in the same manner. His hands kneaded the mounds as he played his torturous game. Sensations
twirled, making her writhe with the joyous pain of anticipation. Heat coiled in her belly, spun down to her pussy.

  “Honor,” she moaned. “Please…”

  His tongue lapped at her nipples, trading one for the other rapidly. She strained upward, her hips moving against his erection barred by their clothing. God, the roughness of his tongue, the quickness of his movements drove her mad.

  “Touch yourself,” he demanded, his voice thick with need.

  Melanie cupped her own breasts, pinching the peaks to the point of pain. She gasped, squeezing her own flesh, and twisting her nipples.

  She opened her eyes to view her lover’s reaction.

  His gaze was filled with his love, his lust and his joy. How happy he made her. No man had ever wanted her this way.

  He knelt, lifted her dress, and put his mouth against her clit.

  She shuddered.

  He grabbed her buttocks and pressed her close, his tongue stroking her, pausing to drink from her, to lick her entrance, and even to stroke the bit of flesh between her anus and vagina.

  Then he kissed her inner lips until he reached the swollen nub. One kiss, then two… then he suckled hard.

  Mel felt the rise of her bliss. Two of his fingers penetrated her and curled up, bumping her G-spot.

  His fingers stroked her, his mouth suckled her clit, and she pulled hard on her distended nipples. “Honor!”

  Her orgasm shattered and she bucked against Honor’s mouth, the feel of his stroking tongue almost painful now that her body trembled with release. Her legs felt weak, her nipples sore, and her mouth dry. She tried to move away from his persistent fingers and tongue, but he would not be swayed.

  “Enough,” she gasped, squirming. “Really.”

  He sucked her clit, hard, and inserted a third finger into her cunt and moved faster. She came again, the intensity of it tearing a scream from her throat.

  Mel clutched the railing behind her, trying to find purchase, some way to cling to it so that her knees wouldn’t buckle. Honor released her, soothing her clit with his tongue, removing his fingers, moving his other hand from her buttock to her calf.


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