Aegis: An Everyday Heroes World Novel (The Everyday Heroes World)

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Aegis: An Everyday Heroes World Novel (The Everyday Heroes World) Page 13

by Hollis Wynn

  A couple of Penn’s friends are coming this weekend and it will be nice to get to know them. I’m usually a social person and I can tell that staying in so much is taking a toll on my mental health.

  Since he’s going to meet the guys in town for dinner, I decide to make tacos and chill out here with Ainsley. This house went from only what I needed to take care of Ainsley, to full of toys, clothes and so much more. Between what we bought last weekend and everything Laken brought me, she won’t be without anything.

  Ainsley lays in her bouncer on the bar while I chop tomatoes, lettuce, and shred cheese. I dice an onion and add it to the pan where the meat is browning in the sauce. Turning it down to low, I add a bit of water and let it simmer.

  Pulling the tortillas out of the pantry, I heat a cast-iron skillet and dry fry two of them. If the guys come over later and want a snack, I can heat some more, but they’re no good if they sit too long before eating.

  It’s early enough that I can eat and then we can go sit out under the tree and watch the boaters who are trying to get a bit more time in before the sun goes down.

  I talk to Ainsley while I stand at the bar eating my tacos and clean up. She is such a happy girl and I know I’m lucky. She could have had major health problems or even be addicted to something, but as far as I know she seems fine. At least that’s what they said at urgent care when she had the ear infection.

  I make a mental note to text Laken and tell her thank you for the bouncy seat. This thing is a life saver. I don’t have to hold her twenty-four-seven or worry about leaving her in the bed all the time. Now she can go where I go and still be safe.

  I grab the bag that has the giant blanket in it from by the door, a couple of toys, and a book for me. We sit outside allowing the cool breeze to sweep over our skin, while I read and she lies beside me looking up at the sky.

  I take a break from reading and realize the sun is setting. The sky is a masterpiece of pinks, blues, and oranges. My heart flutters and for the first time since I got here, I feel like I’m wrapped in the comfort of home.

  I toss my book in the bag and her toys before picking her up and dragging everything back into the house. I drop it just inside the door and head to the bathroom to give her a bath and take a shower myself.

  An hour later, we’re both clean and Ainsley is in bed. I decide to watch a movie for some background noise. Summer is the time that I allow my brain to relax. I watch movies, read all the romance and I can and generally worship the sun and nature.

  This year is slightly different, but I’m determined to spend a bit of time refilling my cup with the things that make me happy. Plus, Penn is having dinner with his friends tonight, so I can wear my holiest oversized T-shirt and panties and don’t have to worry about him teasing me.

  I curl up on the couch, covering my legs with my favorite fuzzy blanket and watch as Melanie falls in love again with Jake in Sweet Home Alabama, when I hear tires coming up the drive. Glancing at the clock, I’m shocked that Penn is home this early. I figured they’d be hanging out at the bar and catching up.

  I don’t think twice about it and go back to watching when someone beats on the door. Immediately my mind goes to the police. I squeeze my eyes shut and wait for it to stop. My chin trembles and I stay as quiet as possible, hoping they will go away.

  Then the door opens, and a cacophony of heavy footsteps enters the house about the time I realize I didn’t lock the door behind me.

  Kaiser Sharpe steps into the living area, and I freeze. What the fuck am I supposed to do now?

  Chapter Thirty-Three—BellaRose

  “Good evening, Ms. Rogers.” His voice is deep and abrasive, which is the polar opposite to his three-piece suit and perfectly coiffed hair.

  Behind him two men, I’m assuming are bodyguards, stand quietly behind him. Both have earpieces like you see on television shows and are wearing basic black suits. I almost laugh because this is a scene out of a mafia movie.

  I stay put but pull myself together mentally before I respond. “Who are you? And why the fuck are you in my house?”

  I’m praying that he’s not here because of Ainsley. How could he know that I have her? He didn’t see her when I was in the bar, and I’ve kept her mostly covered when out in public. Internally I am shaking.

  Shit. Now he knows I’m afraid.

  “Don’t pretend you don’t know who I am. I’m here to discuss your mother.” He stays standing in the doorway and there is no way out.

  I could probably try to jump over the back of the couch, but with my luck I’d injure myself before I could get to Ainsley. I hope she doesn’t wake up with all this noise or I’m in serious trouble.

  Then it clicks. My mother?

  “Why do you want to talk about my mother? She’s dead.” I sound callous and I’m anything but, though he doesn’t need to know it.

  “She belongs to me. Will always belong to me,” he states, irritation dripping from his words.

  “You can’t own a woman, much less a dead woman. Furthermore, you should explain because I know nothing about you. Other than you commenting on my ring in the bar the other night.”

  I’m not sure what to say. I don’t want to give too much away, but I also don’t want to irritate him anymore by pretending I’m clueless.

  “Do you know where she got the ring?” he asks me. His voice is progressively getting louder with each question, and I don’t want Ainsley to wake up.

  “No. I don’t. It was in her possessions when she passed away. I recently found it and wanted to wear it.”

  He glances back over his shoulder to where the goons are standing, but neither of them flinches.

  “I believe I gave that ring to her before she left Belarus.”

  Now it’s my turn. What the fuck? Belarus? It’s obvious I’m missing something. Uncurling my legs, I keep the blanket over them because I don’t need him to see my panties.

  “Explain,” I demand. I wish Penn was here, he would take care of this.

  “Is that your mother?” he asks, pointing to a picture of us that sits next to the television.

  “It is. What does it matter to you? If the ring means that much to you, I’ll give it to you if you will just leave.”

  I’m getting pissed. First I was nervous, then scared, now I’m flat out angry. Why is he asking all these questions?

  “I don’t want the ring. I want your mother. Since I can’t have her, I’ll take you.”

  I stare at him—speechless.

  Oh my god. This is worse than I thought. He’s going to take me. My heart beats double time and my eyes well up with tears. Who is going to take care of Ainsley? I would die before allowing something to happen to her.

  A moment later, the door opens again and in walks Sheriff Vic Cappello. What the fuck have I gotten myself into?

  Chapter Thirty-Four—Pennington

  “How’s married life treating you?” I ask Grant. He drove straight from the airport to The Lemon Drop where Ford and I are drinking after a long damn week.

  “Life is good. I couldn’t ask for a better woman to be my partner in life. Plus, I get it anytime I want.”

  We all laugh because that is the one thing all my married friends can agree on. “Sounds like life really is good for you,” Ford comments.

  “Either of you looking to find your forever woman or are you going to keep playing the field?” Grant asks.

  “I’m pretty sure Bella is my forever, and she randomly fell into my life. What about you, Ford?”

  He takes a long swig from his beer before commenting. “Oh, I’ve found my woman. Now it’s about convincing her that she’s the one I want.”

  On that note, I change the subject. No man wants to discuss feelings with someone he just met.

  “I’m going to hit the head,” Grant announces. “Anyone need another drink?”

  Ford and I raise our almost empty glasses and Grant nods as he walks away from the table.

  “How’s Bella doing?” Ford ask
s me.

  “Much better since I had the electronic gate put in. She would flinch every time she heard something that sounded like the crunch of gravel. Even if it was just me coming home. Now she knows that us and the fire department are the only ones with the code.”

  “That’s good, man. Between the case and the shit she’s got going on, are you sleeping at all?”

  “I do when I’m with her. Otherwise, it’s sporadic as usual.” Shaking my head, my whole team knows I am not a good sleeper. They always tease me that if I’d get laid more often, I’d actually sleep. Being with Bella proves they’re not wrong, but I’m not going to be with some random woman just so I can sleep more. I’ve lived this long this way. Why change it now?

  Grant walks up holding three fresh beers and slides them across the table. “You’ll never guess what I heard in the men’s room.”

  “Probably not, because I didn’t think you were the gossipy type,” I chide.

  “I’m not but this seemed somewhat odd,” he says.

  “Well, don’t keep us in suspense,” Ford says.

  I take a drink of the ice-cold beer and Grant starts, “Some guy was talking about how this guy named Sharpe is in town to find a woman he saw a couple weeks ago, who was wearing a ring that he wants.”

  “Fuck,” I say, drawing out the word. Pulling my wallet from my back pocket, I pull out some bills and throw them on the table.

  “He can’t get in, right?” Ford asks me.

  “I wouldn’t put anything past him. I’m going to head there now. You guys should stay and finish your drinks.”

  “Hell no,” Grant says. “If you’re leaving, we’re going with you.”

  I nod at them as I practically run out the door. “Keep up,” I yell as I jump into my truck and throw it into reverse.

  The drive takes me less than ten minutes because I’m flying. If someone were to try to stop me, they can just fall in line, and I’ll talk to them after I check on my girls.

  When I get close to the gate, I press the remote but realize that it’s already open. Bella wouldn’t leave the gate open no matter what, so I know something is wrong.

  The guys follow me through the gate and slow down because they’re not used to the curves of the drive like I am. When I break the last curve, I see a black Cadillac Escalade in the drive and the sheriff’s truck.

  “Motherfucker,” I scream as I throw the truck in park behind both vehicles. I pull my gun from the center console and jump out at a dead run.

  The guys don’t ask questions, just follow my lead. Instead of running in the front door, I head around the right side of the house and check on Ainsley. She should be sleeping in her room tonight.

  Glancing in the window, I can see her shadow in the crib and take a deep breath. At least she’s okay.

  “The baby is safe in her crib,” I whisper to the guys. “I’m going to head around the back and check if I can see in the window and get a sense of their position. There are at least two of them, maybe more. Watch for my cues.”

  They follow me around to the back of the house and we crawl under the windows, trying to figure out what’s going on. Bella is sitting on the couch, and I can see Kaiser and Vic blocking the doors. There are a couple of other guys standing behind them. I hold my hand up, showing four fingers, and they both nod. I move around to the left side of the house, quietly stepping on the porch. I don’t enter the house because the last thing I want is to cause a gun fight because I interrupt something.

  I squat down and try to listen to what is going on inside. There is no way I’m letting them hurt her.

  Chapter Thirty-Five—BellaRose

  “Tell me, when is your birthday?” Sharpe asks me.

  I continue to stare at him, trying to get a read and figure out what his angle is. Why does it matter when my birthday is?

  “March eighth,” I tell him.

  “What year?”

  “I don’t see why it’s any of your business, but if you must know nineteen ninety-three,” I blurt out. The anger is taking over, and I need to rein it in, or everyone is going to see my ass. Literally.

  He mumbles in a language I can’t understand. His eyes are darkening, and his face becomes red. He’s looking like one of those cartoon characters whose head is about to explode. Kaiser pulls at his tie as if it’s blocking his ability to breathe.

  The guys behind him don’t move, but Vic takes a step closer to him. “Sharpe. You okay?”

  “I’m fine,” he seethes.

  “What do you know about your mother?” He takes a deep breath and then rolls up his sleeves.

  “I’m tired of this game. Just tell me what you want to know,” I blurt out.

  “Your mother was mine—I owned her. One day in July of ninety-two, she left and never came back.” He stares at me, and I try to process what he is telling me.

  “Are you telling me, my father isn’t my biological father?” I stand up, letting the blanket fall and not even caring that they can see my ass. “Motherfucker.”

  “I can’t even . . .” I cannot form a coherent thought at this moment.

  “Well, it’s news to me too. But based on the timeline, you’re my child.” He doesn’t move a muscle.

  “You must be insane. There is no way you’re my father. My dad is Henrick Rogers. A kind and gentle man who treated my mother like the queen she was.”

  Unconsciously I put my hands on my hips and my T-shirt rides up, but I don’t take the time to pull it down because I’m fuming mad.

  “I don’t care what you say. Your mother is mine, and they stole her from me.”

  My legs tremble, and I’m surprised I’m still standing. “So, what do you want from me? SHE IS DEAD,” I scream at him.

  “I want you to know who you really are. You’re my flesh and blood. The only one I have left until I find my granddaughter. Technically, you’re the heir, but if you want my money, you’re going to have to work for it.”

  I can’t believe this man. He has lost his ever-loving mind if he thinks I’m going to help him continue his reign of terror.

  “You’re welcome to give your millions to whoever you like, but I’m not joining the ranks of your world.”

  He tugs on his collar again and pulls his tie loose. What kind of shit is going down in my living room? This is a fucking nightmare.

  “You’ll do whatever I tell you, or I will make your life a living hell.”

  Well then. I purse my lips and try to hold my tongue because it’s ridiculous how angry I am.

  “Boss. I’m going to check the perimeter,” one of the guys says. Kaiser says nothing, just throws his hand up in the air, and I hear the door slam behind him.

  I swear Penn better get his ass back here soon.

  Chapter Thirty-Six—Pennington

  I catch the guy as he steps out the front door and knock him out with the butt of my gun to his head. Ford moves silently around the corner and catches him before he falls hard, announcing our presence to everyone inside.

  “There are some cable ties in the garage,” I say quietly, and Grant runs across the parking area and comes back with a handful. Ford zips his hands and feet together, laying him in front of the SUV.

  “One down, more to go,” I say and we all take our positions around the porch area.

  We wait a few more minutes and I can hear Bella raise her voice. It’s getting louder and louder and I worry she’s going to wake up the baby and then we have a bigger issue.

  “Calm down, Bella,” I whisper to myself.

  Less than a minute later, Ainsley cries out and my heart leaps into my throat.

  “One of you move to the side of the house and watch out so they don’t take her.”

  Grant stealthily moves toward Ainsley’s window, waiting. Ford stays with me, and I decide it’s now or never to let them know we are here, because they’re expecting the bodyguard to come back inside, so they won’t be shocked when the door opens.

  I push the door open and walk inside with
my gun drawn. “Everyone down,” I shout and Ford walks in behind me, gun out.

  Vic turns around and holds his hands up in surrender. “Hey, I’m just here checking on Bella. Everything is fine,” he says.

  “The fuck it is.” I scowl at him. “Why is this asshole in this house? I can’t imagine he was invited.”

  Ainsley screams louder, and I point to Bella, motioning her to go get the baby. She steps back and turns on one foot, running to Ainsley’s room, her ass showing the whole time. We will talk about that later.

  “Mr. Sharpe is here to meet his daughter. Or didn’t you know?”

  I shake my head in disbelief, allowing my gun to fall slightly. Thankfully, Ford has my back and doesn’t waver in his stance.

  “I don’t give a shit why he is here. He needs to get the fuck out NOW.”

  “This is Ms. Rogers’s house, and I don’t see her telling us to leave,” the sheriff continues.

  Bella walks out of the bedroom, Ainsley curled up in her arms. “If it was that easy, then I wouldn’t have had to ask him again. Mr. Sharpe, it’s time for you to leave.”

  “Well, you see, I’m here because I want to get to know my daughter—and my granddaughter,” Sharpe comments.

  Immediately I can see Bella flinch. Kaiser doesn’t realize that the baby is the lost granddaughter, he thinks she is Bella’s. What a cluster fuck this is.

  “I’d love to get to know my son-in-law as well.” A smarmy smile crosses Sharpe’s face, and I keep my gun trained on him. This man is not going to hurt my girls.

  I glance over to Bella, and she seems to keep her emotions under control and thankfully she doesn’t move any closer to where we’re all standing.

  Then Vic pipes up, “Now that we’ve all had this reunion, what are you planning to do? Shoot us all?” He’s looking straight at me when he asks me.

  It’s at that moment Kaiser crumbles to the floor and Vic pulls out his gun, aiming it directly at me. Grant comes through the front door, gun trained on the bodyguard. We’re yelling for everyone to put their guns down and it’s mayhem. Someone’s gun goes off and hits the bodyguard and then Vic is hit in the gut. He screams and Sharpe is laying on the ground, writhing in pain.


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