Seduction: Light My Fire Series Book #1

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Seduction: Light My Fire Series Book #1 Page 1

by Alexa Phoenix


  Light My Fire series

  Book 1



  Copyright © 2016 by Alexa Phoenix

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locations is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distritbuted, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior express, written consent of the author.

  This book is intended for mature adults only.

  Cover Design by Melody Simmons

  To Contact Alexa:

  Email: [email protected]

  Instagram: authoralexaphoenix


  This book is not suitable for younger readers. There is strong language, adult situations and some violence.

  A very special thanks to all those who listened to my many crazy story ideas over and over again. Thank you for your continued support and love. You give me the confidence for my dreams to shoot for the stars.

  XOXO Alexa

  A special thanks to my love, Michael:

  Thank you for all your love and support you’ve given me since I started this journey. I couldn’t have done any of this without you. Thanks for always being my rock. I lovva you. <3

  - Chapter One-

  The flames burned bright as the fire heated the room next to her. Phoenix’s breasts sweat from the anticipation of what would happen next. Bundled in gear that weighed double her weight, she was still one sexy firefighter.

  Since childhood, she knew this is where she wanted to be; within the flames. Although, later in life fire, not only turned into a career passion for her, but also a passion within the sheets.

  A one time, small town girl from Connecticut, now played for the big dogs in Los Angeles’ most prominent fire department. She worked hard to get to where she was, but she owed a lot of it to her sexual ambition, in addition to her past.

  Today’s task was the biggest she’s been a part of. An old, historical warehouse that’s been sitting dormant for a decade, caught fire late last night and burned internally for hours, until daylight. A local shop keeper passed its location on her way into work and noticed the flames and smoke prevalent within its walls. What started small somewhere within the twelfth floor’s walls, hours later led up to the roof and was descending.

  Phoenix and her team were first on the scene, while a second division was called in for back up.

  Creaking echoed within the engulfed building. The flames were hungry, but so was she. She was determined to tackle it before it dispersed anymore. Five floors were already ruins, and it was moving fast.

  Jacobs stood ahead of her, hose in hand, as they worked their way through the building. Sweet poured from her forehead. Her body felt sticky and extremely hot.

  Surrounded by the flames, she felt at home. Her heart and body yearned the feeling it created within her. Her whole future led up to these moments of fierce driven circumstances.

  Her life was on the line every minute her body was surrounded by the flames, she explained fueled her heart. She never understood her father saying that to her as she grew up, but in that moment it all became so clear.

  His heart was cold, unless he was within those flames which warmed them and sparked him to keep going. He was a true hero to the public. If only her home life was publicly viewed. Maybe things would have been different.

  Within the red and orange shades, and slight transition of blues, she could almost see him before her, being the hero she always knew he could be.

  “Watch out!” Jacobs hollered, rushing to push Phoenix to the ground before him. Fire engulfed, three long wooden beams fell next to her. The loud thud echoed within her ears. Her heart rate accelerated, as a flash of her father’s death came before her, almost fating her in the same way.

  “Holy shit!” she tried to catch her breath.

  Jacobs extended a hand and helped pull her body up. “You ok?”

  She nodded.

  “What are we gonna do?” She tightened herself back up and set her mind back in the game.

  Fearless, they needed to strategize another plan. The only exit was now completely immersed in flames and broken beams.

  They cased their surroundings to figure out a new plan.

  Smoke filled the building. The sound of Johnson and Smith calling out to them, rang mute in their ears as they tried to think quickly of their next move. The mission was no longer to just eliminate the flames, but to go through them to survive.

  Two more stations joined them from the ground. Water poured from the trucks profusely. Blackened smoke traced the sky line. Flames escaped the already broken windows from the top floors and roof, lighting up the night sky.

  Trapped within the walls, Jacobs grabbed Phoenix. “Are you ready?”

  Breathing deep, she nodded.

  “Get outta there you guys!” the Captain hollered through the walkie-talkies attached to them. “This thing is gonna collapse!”

  The structure of the old, dormant building wasn’t going to hold its strength much longer.

  “We gotta go, now!” Jacobs pushed her in front of him.

  Fire lined every inch of their escape. The brush of it upon her coat and pants drove her internal strength through the roof. She had to get out of there. They both did, before it was too late.

  “Williams! Jacobs! Let’s go!” Johnson screamed, as he waved them both to hurry.

  Cracking of wood screeched and screamed all around them, as beams continuously fell to the ground. The warehouse was in ruins and they were about to be a part of it if they didn’t hurry up.

  The weight of their suits and packs upon their backs was ruthless, but they pushed through for their lives. Sweat poured from every inch of Phoenix’s body. She felt on fire within. The adrenaline screamed within her veins pushing her to run.

  “Shit! Watch out!” Johnson screamed. Another beam fell a foot before them. They jumped over its presence and ran for the stairwell.

  The stairs spiraled in what seemed like a never ending pattern. The building sounded like it was roaring ; calling out for help from within.

  “Williams, Jacobs, you outta there? Where’s Johnson and Smith?” the Captain came over the speaker once more.

  “On our way Captain. They’re with us. Three more flights and decending.” Phoenix huffed. She was strong, but the pack they wore, held her down, and in times of speed worked against her.

  “Go, go, go,” Smith pushed them to move faster.

  Her muscles burned as she pushed herself quicker down the stairs.

  “Whooa!“ she screamed, losing her balance. As she felt her body lean towards the fire submerged ground, she went limp within someone’s arms.

  “I gotcha.” Her eyes caught Jacobs’ for a second as she stared at the man who saved her life. He pushed her body back up to gain balance and pressed her to continue.

  One more floor to go.

  Speed raced through her. She could see the light from outside shine within the hallway. Smoke filled her surroundings masking its brightness.

e on! We’re almost there,” Johnson screamed in front of them.

  As if she was delusional from smoke inhalation, Phoenix saw her father’s ghost before her in front of the door, calling to her to push forward. She didn’t want to lose her life like he did. She pushed every muscle and aching bone within her body to make it to the exit. Sounds of cracking and crumbling behind her screamed within her ears. Her heart felt like it was pounding out of her chest and she would collapse from loss of breath any second.

  Six more steps – that’s it. You can do this Nix. Push yourself. Don’t collapse now. Keep going! Keep going! You are NOT FUCKING WEAK!

  Her head felt as foggy as the building surrounding her, but she pushed herself with every ounce of will built up within her body.

  She only had herself and she wasn’t about to let herself down. Not today.

  Running through the entrance was the greatest gratification’s she’s felt in a while.

  The sun beamed upon her eyes and uniform almost as warmly as the fire had.

  “You guys ok,” the Captain’s hand felt the back of the four of them as they made it to safety.

  “Yeah,” they each nodded, out of breathe.

  As if God, or someone was with them within the flames, the building started its final decent to ruins. The structure could no longer hold up.

  Phoenix watched as the building she was in, only seconds before, crumbled to the gravel before her. The sounds of the fire roared as it took the life of the old warehouse. It catapulted to the ground, beams, poles and siding all fell quickly. Dust and smoke piled all around them.

  Phoenix ducked to her knees. Jacobs’ body hugged around her, locking her into his grasp.

  As the debris cleared, he let loose of his grip slowly. She looked to him momentarily before turning to look at what was left of the building before them.

  All that stood in recognition of the old building was the destruction it left behind.

  A day like today was one she wished she could share with her parents. She hoped her father would be proud. Maybe if he didn’t have a beer yet before she told him, he would have been satisfied. She brushed off the flashed images of her cuddled under the blankets, with him screaming outside her bedroom door and the sounds of pounding fists upon it and focused on her surroundings. She made it another day and felt sexually charged from the adrenaline rush pumping through her veins.

  -Chapter Two -

  “Hey, great job out there today, Nix. You alright?,” Blaine Jacobs smacked her ass like a baseball coach would after hitting a home run. His forwardness was nothing new for Phoenix and she yearned for the touch and attention of the men surrounding her.

  “Oh, hey,” she started, a little winded still. “Yeah, I’m good. Thanks for…you know..” she winked.

  “Saving you’re ass?” he laughed.

  “Something like that,” she played.

  A momentary hit of weakness was not what she wanted a man within her department to see. It was tough for her to gain their respect and she wanted to continue to hold it.

  She smiled wide and squinted her eyes as she giggled at Jacobs gesture.

  He thought her dark makeup complimented her hazel eyes and loved how the light changed the color of them like a kaleidoscope.

  The flirtatious relationship they built was of continued sarcasm and mostly sexually innuendos. She enjoyed it.

  “It was definitely a big one, don’t you think?” she winked. The playfulness of their wording kept her intrigued and entertained.

  “Nah, I’ll show you a big one,” he cornered her up against the wall in the rec room, his chest to hers. She couldn’t feel his erection against her due to the layers of clothing they were wearing, but she knew it was present.

  Rumor had it; Blaine was the domineering type, originally from the wrong side of the tracks. He was passionate about being a firefighter for some time, like Phoenix, but his priorities were never there. After the loss of his baby sister to a drug overdose, he reevaluated his life and he was fueled by her memory to do so. Talking of her was rough for him, so they chose to keep conversations as light and seditious as possible.

  His dark brown hair flowed lightly in front of his face, and tickled her cheek. She could see, hiding behind the strands, his bright blue eyes which made her quiver.

  “Oh, yeah? That’s not what I hear from Johnson,” she teased him, biting lightly on his bottom lip.

  “What? What the fuck does he know?” He pulled his body away from hers, his arm behind her against the wall, and looked offended. “He can’t even stand up to his own last name, what the hell does that asshole know?”

  “Really? You don’t say,” she traced his stomach lightly with her finger. “I guess I should go find out then.” Her mouth was open and close to his as she played the cat and mouse game with him.

  Phoenix was a true male version of a woman. Strong and resilient, she didn’t wish to catch any feelings with a man; only orgasms.

  Blaine, however, wished to be a pawn in her chess game and tonight she was gonna let him play.

  He pushed her body up against the wall, his mouth open slightly to hers. She could feel his warm breath upon her lips. He grabbed her hand and yanked it down into his, now opened, pants and clasped his erected cock with it. “Wanna find out here first?”

  “Fuck yeah.” He could feel her breath upon his lips now and wanted to feel it all over his body. “ But first…lock the door.” She nodded towards the doubled doors enclosing them within the walls of the rec area. Her sex drive was off the charts from such a conquest, and with Jacobs being so persistent, she was ready to give in.

  She figured it was time to finally seduce the newbie.

  -Chapter Three -

  “Are you ready for me?” she asked. Her breasts were almost completely exposed for him to explore. The only fabric left to remove was the laced bra barely covering them.

  Blaine turned towards Phoenix, his eyes gazed at their supple presence, ready for his touch. He walked towards her and grabbed her sides with force. His hands caressed her hip bones, his thumbs rested lightly. Her body was tight. Every inch of her was.

  He couldn’t wait to bury his face within her thighs.

  “I think…,” he lightly touched her body; “the question is…are you ready for me?” His eyes slowly made their way down his body to glance at his groin.

  She bent to her knees and tugged at his pants. Blaine quickly, but with struggle, removed his heavy jacket from its grasp upon his upper body. A white t-shirt was now all that was left to be removed.

  She envisioned the muscles behind his shirt. She was ready to rip it off and expose a chest and stomach she wished her fingertips to explore. Just as she suspected - his body was fit. His arms were the perfect measurement of muscular while his six pack was in the beginning stages of formation.

  His boxers exposed the outline of his erected cock, which from the feeling before, now bared more for her to endure. She pulled at them with one quick motion, allowing them to fall beneath his knees.

  Her mouth enclosed itself completely over his cock. Her head moved up and down slowing at first, allowing its length to touch the back of her throat. Moans escaped Blaine’s mouth, and lightly from hers.

  She enjoyed giving oral and knew she could give head better than most women. A sex toy party when she was a teenager gave her all the information she needed to reel a man in, with a bit of a touch of the tongue and a light grasp of her hand. Plus with plenty of practice, and reviews, she perfected her technique.

  She worked it up and down in sync with her mouth. Slow swirls of her tongue accompanied such actions.

  Blaine’s breathing and moans escalated, while the intensity of her oral techniques heated up as well.

  She sensed he could have been close to cum and she was not ready for that just yet. Oh no, she wished to feel his cock within her first. She removed her mouth, “now it’s your turn.”

  Lightly, he pushed Phoenix to a table, a foot or so away.

sp; “Gladly,” he challenged her notion.

  He pulled her pants below her knees, and helped her ring free of their form upon her body. A white and black laced pair of panties hugged her hips, which he intended to remove from her quickly. A pull of the material, and they were lose around her ankles, her beautiful pussy exposed for him to indulge his tongue within in.

  The smell of her drove him wild. It was sweet and enticing.

  His tongue quickly found Phoenix’s clit and she arched back from the feeling of the warmth and wetness it provided upon her tingling self. She moaned, as he rubbed within her lips, licking up her sweet taste.

  His hands, motioned up and down the sides of her stomach. Her skin was soft to the touch.

  Sounds of moans and sucking echoed within the rec room as Blaine savored her taste. She was completely turned on and her swollen clit was proof of that. It wasn’t long before she was ready to cum. All the excitement from earlier left her horny as hell and his rapid motions upon her clitoris had her ready to cave in.

  He wished to make her cum more than anything. His finger slowly crept within her lips and penetrated. His tongue licked its exposed surroundings still.

  “Yes,” she whispered softly. Her head bowed to the surface of the table. The fullness the finger provided led her closer to orgasm. In and out repetitiously, she felt the force of his finger deeper and deeper within her pussy.

  His head moved back and forth, and the friction between the two led her to release.

  Loud moans escaped from her soft lips. Her body lightly flinched from the feeling he created.

  He looked up at her and smiled, feeling accomplished swallowing the wetness surrounding her pussy.

  “Come here,” she clutched his head, and forcefully suggested.

  With acceptance of her request, he pushed her back against the table and kissed her hard and sloppy. The saliva between the two of them built up, as his tongue slid within hers. She reciprocated, while her hands stroked his thick cock.


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