Groupie (Rock-Hard Beautiful Book 1)

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Groupie (Rock-Hard Beautiful Book 1) Page 17

by C. M. Stunich

  Damn, what the hell happened last night? One second we were talking and then she was sucking me off and then Ransom was just there … We don't have threesomes on this bus. Like, ever. Not once. But it was hot and I'm starting to wonder why not. Lilith's got a sweet spirit; she deserves to have two guys taking care of her like that.

  I pop a piece of jerky in my mouth and watch the two of them snuggling up like that, wondering if I'm jealous at all. I kind of like this girl, you know. And maybe I am a little jealous, but Ransom's my buddy and I've never been able to do a damn thing for him. He looks pretty content with this girl on his lap.


  “Chloe, Harper … that piece of rotten dick cheese.”

  I frown as I move over and sit on the opposite end of the couch. Rotten dick cheese, that would be the man that killed Ran's mom. If Pax is pulling that out again, shit's getting real on this bus.

  I sigh and grab my book from the arm of the sofa. I don't open it yet, just let my fingers filter through the pages. I fucking love romance novels. Erotic novels. Whatever you want to call anything fictional that has women and lovers and fucking and relationships. I feel like if every man on the planet sat down and just read a few of these, he'd understand the female side of the species so much better.

  “Pax is pulling out all the stops then?” I ask and Ran nods, flipping through shows on Netflix like he actually cares to watch something. I've seen him do this for hours though, browse shows and never watch a single one of them. “What a fucking asshole.”

  I watch Ran for a moment, trying to remember the perpetually smiling guy with the wicked smirk. He could get any girl. Seriously, more than Pax or Michael. Everyone wanted to be around Ran—backstage, at after-parties, at the club, even at school. He was nice, but he had this slick, dangerous edge that no woman could resist.

  Now … fuck. He sits drenched in hoodies and smokes cigarettes and picks up groupies to sleep with, not for sex—although he always has sex with them because it's what they expect—but just to have someone by his side when he wakes up sweating and shaking with nightmarish memories. Most of the time they run the fuck off of this bus after his first fit of the night and straight into an NDA that our manager shoves down their throats. I wonder if she's hit Lilith with one yet?

  I play with the bracelets on my wrist for a moment and look at Lilith again.


  If I was ever into having another girlfriend, I'd want one that looked like her. She's curvy and sexy and classically beautifully all at the same time. I run my finger up one of her bare feet and she gasps in her sleep, pink lips parting.

  I smile and glance up to find Ransom watching me.

  He looks away for a moment and goes back to his Netflix surfing, and I crack open some new ménage à trois book that I'd ordered but hadn't opened yet. After last night, I'm interested to see what lies between these pages.

  I pull jerky from the bag on my lap with one hand and use the other to crack the cover of my new book, wondering if I'd still like these things if my mother hadn't flooded our house with them. Books with happy women with wonderful men, those were the only things that made her happy. Them, and me.

  “Octavia just called and completely bitched me out,” Muse whispers when he comes into the room and pauses, gazing down at Lilith with an inscrutable expression on his face.

  The way he looked at her, it was like he'd fallen in love from their very first moment together …

  I scrub my hand through my hair and try not to think in book lingo. Happens sometimes, though. Books—even erotic ones … especially erotic ones—are simply reflections of the human soul. Sometimes they're silly and sometimes they're exaggerated, but it's through that enhancement of the world that we can see both its beauty and its flaws.

  “What for?” I ask, finding my left hand absently abandoning the jerky and sliding back to Lilith's foot. She makes another cute, little sound but goes on sleeping as I look up at Derek, his silver and black hair fucked-up and swirling around his head like he's in a Japanese visual kei band or something.

  “Lilith was supposed to stop by her trailer and sign an NDA last night, but she didn't show.”

  “Ah,” I say, feeling bad because for whatever reason, I just don't like Octavia. She's one of a few women in this world that I haven't liked without good reason. She's too much a puppet for the record label … and way too into Paxton. I think she crosses professional boundaries sometimes. “That would be my fault.”

  “And mine,” Ransom says as Muse raises his brows.

  “Oh, come on, like Michael didn't tell you,” I say as I scan the first line of my new book.

  Soul mates … an old concept, a new twist. I'm in love with two men; they're in love with each other; they're both in love with me. I won't let the world tear us apart.

  I close the cover and look up, meeting Muse's hazel eyes behind his thick rimmed glasses.

  “We had a threesome,” I say with a smile and he laughs.

  “No,” he says, but he doesn't sound convinced.

  “Yep,” I confirm, giving in and dropping both of my hands to Lilith's foot. It feels good to touch her, rub her skin with my thumbs, make her moan in her sleep. “Me, Lilith, Ransom.”

  “Did you like it?” Muse asks, which is totally a weird Muse-like thing to ask.

  “I did,” Lilith says, waking up with a yawn. She stretches her arms above her head and the blanket accidentally slides off onto the floor, flashing the creamy white curve of her ass to all three of us.

  “Well, I like that,” Muse says as Lilith laughs and tries to grab the blanket back from the floor. He snatches it up first and wraps it over his shoulders as she tugs her shirt down and sits up, tucking her knees to her chest and covering it all up with the tee. “Here.” He holds a corner of the blanket out. “You can have it back.”

  “I don't want it now,” she tells him haughtily, some of the sadness in her eyes fading away behind a sheen of amusement. I watch her face and then grunt when Muse drops down to sit between us, wedging himself onto the narrow couch. “So you hear the word threesome and come running, huh?”

  “I'm intrigued,” Muse says, as blatant and forward as always. He gets himself into serious trouble sometimes. I study him as he leans in towards Lilith, like he knows her, like they're not complete strangers. “I've always wanted to have group sex, but it's never really happened.”

  “Figures that'd be a dream of yours,” Ransom whispers from inside his hoodie. When he reaches up and pushes it back off his hair, I know his mood's improving.

  “Wouldn't you rather have group sex with a bunch of girls?” Lilith asks and Muse shrugs, seeing how close he can get his face to her lips before she stops him. She doesn't and they end up kissing. It looks a little forced at first, like neither of them is really sure where to go with this … but then it's like a flip's been switched.

  His body relaxes; her body relaxes.

  Whether it was pheromones, hormones, whether it was the bud of love in the making, when the two of them touched each other, it was as if the world stood still. Old wounds scabbed, healed, faded away. When their mouths touched, it was grief that was the unwelcome enemy in the room, their happiness held prisoner by it no longer.

  I breathe out long and slow, watching Lilith touch her pale fingers to Muse's face. The way she touches him, I wonder if she knows how alone he is in the world. My mom might be … messed up, and I might've lost people in other ways, but Muse is—and always has been—alone.

  I stand up to leave, give them some privacy, and Lilith grabs my t-shirt.

  “Stay,” she says between kisses, giving me pause. Her fingers stay curled in my shirt as she relaxes back into Ransom's lap, still kissing Muse, his hands pushing her shirt up her legs as she stretches them out, spreads them and lets him lay between them.

  “Shit,” I say as Ran looks down and watches the action taking place in his lap, like he's not sure what to do with it.

  “Here,” Lilith says, p
ushing Muse back a few inches and reaching up to grab Ran's chin. She pulls his face down to hers and starts kissing him next.

  My heart's thundering, and my book's still clutched in my left hand, but all I can do is stand there and stare with parted lips and dilated pupils. My whole fucking life I've lived just to please women. First, my mom and grandma in one way. Then my girlfriends in another. And then random girls, any girls, whoever I can find for the night. It's interesting to see someone else shoulder the responsibility for once.

  Lilith breaks away from Ransom and rearranges herself, turning over so that Muse is behind her. When she takes her shirt off and tosses it aside, I feel my entire body go white-hot. My cock's so hard it hurts and my hands are clenched into fists. Without even realizing it, I've dropped my book on the floor.

  “I'm not …” Lilith starts, pushing red hair behind her ear. “This is completely new territory for me. This may take some … maneuvering.” Her cheeks turn as red as her beautiful hair and I smile.

  “So you do get embarrassed,” I say as she grabs Ransom by the legs and encourages him to face her.

  “Sometimes,” Lilith says and then pauses, crossing her arms over her breasts for a moment as she looks at Ran, over her shoulder at Muse, at me. Her green eyes are bright and curious. “I've lived my whole life one way, questioning and wondering and thinking and planning. I just want to fucking do things and see what happens. If you guys are okay with this … I really like the three of you.”

  She shrugs her shoulders, and keeps watching me, like somehow I'm the lynchpin that might hold this idea together or tear it apart.

  “This isn't a threesome,” I say and Lilith smiles.

  “No, it's a foursome.”

  We stare at each other for a few more seconds and then I tear the white tank I'm wearing off and toss it aside. What the hell, right? If this is what Lilith wants, why not give it a shot? It's just sex; sex is supposed to make people feel good. It's supposed to make them fucking happy.

  “Just tell me what to do,” I say as Ransom reaches over the back of the couch and slides open the drawer on the small side table. There are condoms in there; there are condoms fucking everywhere on this bus.

  He passes some out to Muse and me and then pauses, taking a deep breath and then pulling his hoodie off. My mouth parts in shock because the number of girls that Ran takes his shirt and hoodie off for number less than fucking one.

  As in, I haven't seen him show his chest to anyone but us since Kortney cheated on him with Pax.

  “Should we move into the bedroom?” Muse asks as he takes his shirt off and leans in toward Lilith, putting his mouth to her neck and kissing her with such slow sensuality that I'm almost jealous. A sensual foursome, huh? When I think of foursomes, I think of porn and god, I fucking hate porn. But then I close my eyes and scan through my mental reading list. No, I've read some good foursomes.

  It's all about the woman, about making her feel worshipped and loved and wanted.

  It's what I live for, after all.

  If I were to maybe sit down and psychoanalyze my reasons why, I'd probably uncover some pretty fucked-up shit, but I won't go there, not today. This isn't about me; this is about Lilith.

  Kneeling down next to the couch, I press a kiss to her knee and watch her body shiver under my touch. Smiling, I kiss my way up her thigh, fingertips trailing behind me as Muse takes care of her neck and Ran sits up to slide his hands over her breasts. When he sucks her nipple into his mouth, Lilith goes limp, Muse's arm around her waist the only thing keeping her upright.

  The bus hits a small bump and jostles us all around, but we don't pay it any attention. My eyes drift up to Lilith's face, find her lids half-closed and her mouth parted in ecstasy.

  Gently, I tug her knee toward me and she shifts, sitting back on the couch with her legs spread for me while Muse and Ransom sit on either side. Sliding my palms up the insides of her smooth thighs, I curl my fingers under Lilith's ass and drag her hips forward a few inches, giving myself the best possible view of her glistening pink pussy.

  My fingertip traces around the champagne shape of red hair as I press a firm, demanding kiss to her inner thigh. Muse and Ran each have one of her breasts in their hands. Right now she's making out with Muse while Ransom slides his tongue up the side of her throat, nibbles on her ear. Keeping my eyes on her face, I drop my mouth to her sex, kiss my way down to her opening and then slide my tongue back up.

  The moans falling from her lips get softer, more needy, as I slick my tongue in a circle around her clit and Muse breaks away from her mouth to kiss her breasts. When she starts to make out with Ransom, I dip a single finger into her scorching wetness, gasping at the vibrancy of her heat, the way she thrusts up against my fucking hand.

  God, this is gonna be good.

  Lilith, she still tastes like rain, even down here. Fresh, wet, but kind of sad, too, like a grey sky drenching the dry earth. It's needed, but most people prefer the sun. Not me. It's not that I want her to be upset, just that it's nice to be needed. Lilith clearly needs this, all of it. She wants all three of us, needs all three of us, that's how deep her pain is. And somehow, she found her way to this bus full of sad, lonely, people that Pax collected for his band. It's no coincidence that so many guys with such awful backstories ended up here.

  Lilith adjusts her legs, putting them on either of my shoulders, encouraging me to kiss her deeper between the thighs, bury my face in her warmth. Her fingers knead my scalp, hips bucking gently against my mouth and fingers. With Muse's and Ransom's help, I bring Lilith to a shuddering, sweating orgasm on our leather couch.

  My jeans feel so damn tight and uncomfortable that when I stand up, I shove them down my hips and kick them aside, sweating and running my hand over my mouth, the sweet taste of Lilith still clinging to my lips.

  “Let me grab some lube,” Muse says, totally and completely comfortable with this whole scenario. He leans over and digs around in the side table closest to him as I take his place, kissing down the smooth curve of Lilith's spine as Ran leans back and she lays across him, kissing his mouth.

  “Give it to me,” I tell him when he turns back around with a small bottle of lube in his hand. I check the label and then hand it back. “That's water based. Get me a one with a silicone base.”

  “Oh, picky, are we?” he asks, but he does what I say and gives me a different brand. I don't bother to explain—water based lube does not work for anal play. Yet another fact I learned from reading romance-erotica novels. To be honest, this is kind of my first time in this arena. Lonely groupies just want to be fucked; they usually don't care to experiment or play around much.

  I open the cap and squeeze a generous amount onto my fingers as Muse watches hungrily, pupils dilated as he watches Lilith and Ran feel each other up, hands everywhere, mouths tasting each other with frenzied passion.

  “Go get on the couch arm,” I tell him quietly, feeling like the conductor for the entire operation. I kind of like that, too. As nice as I want to be, as much as I want to make people feel good, I also have this wildly intense need to be in charge. “Put one knee up, leave the other on the floor.”

  Muse wrinkles his dark brows for a moment and then gets his aha expression on his face, snapping his fingers at me and pausing to squat down on the floor next to Lilith. Gently, he steals her mouth away from Ransom and kisses her tenderly, moving his lips along her jaw to her ear. She blushes and he grins, standing up to unbutton his jeans.

  Meanwhile, something's been happening beneath me and I glance down to find Lilith helping Ransom find her opening, pushing her hips back until he's sheathed inside of her cunt. I adjust myself—group sex takes a lot of fucking adjusting—so that I'm straddling Ran's legs, Lilith's ass pressed up close to my pelvis.

  My cock is rock solid, pre-cum beading at the tip, but I can't rush this. I want this to feel good for her, not hurt her. My eyes take in the sight of her pussy sliding up and down Ran's shift, the bright pink heat squeezing tight,
holding him inside. I run my tongue along my lower lip and close my eyes for a moment.

  “Oh yeah, honey, right there,” Ran whispers as I take Lilith's left hip in my hand, curling my fingers around the contours of her pelvic bone. She groans and lifts her lips from Ran's mouth, raising her head up towards Muse as he leans his knee on the arm of the sofa and frees his cock from his sweatpants, putting him at just the right height for a blow job. With one hand on the base of his shaft and the other curled in Lilith's red hair, he guides her lips to the head of his dick. Muse's head falls back with a groan as Lilith takes him in deep, sucking him around groans of pleasure.

  My own cock quivers and aches, desperate to be inside of her, but I hold back, slipping that one single lubed finger inside Lilith's ass and gritting my teeth against the tight band of flesh. As she moves against Ransom, I can feel his cock on the other side of a very thin wall, feel him thrusting his pelvis up and burying himself in her heat. Holy shit.

  I move my finger in and out, slow and easy, increasing my rhythm only when I'm sure she's relaxed enough to handle it. Then I switch to two, and then three fingers. Lilith gyrates her hips with wild abandon, sucking Muse's cock, dragging throaty rasps from Ran's throat.

  I can't take it anymore.

  I snatch a condom from my pocket, slide it down the aching flesh of my cock and then make sure there's plenty of lube for us both. The head of my dick pushes inside slowly, so fucking slowly. I can't go any faster because with Ransom inside her too, it's the tightest I've ever felt a woman before.

  “Jesus,” I whisper because my heart is pounding and my hands are shaking. For a second there, I'm afraid I won't be able to do this, that I'll come right now and blow the whole experience to shit. But then I push my cock in the rest of the way and feel the tightness of her ass close around the base of my shaft like a cock ring, trapping the blood in my dick.


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