This cocky motherfucker. “So you keep in contact with her regularly?”
He smirks an even uglier version of his grin. “Well of course... I'm the only reason she got in to the institute after all... well, that and the fact that her work is undoubtedly impeccable.”
“What are you saying? How are you the reason she got in?” My adrenaline is coarsely pumping through my veins as I take a step closer to him.
“How do you figure her work was submitted for review in the first place? Did she not tell you?”
I take a step back before I knock this sorry bastard right in his pompous mouth. He has some balls to talk to me like he just did, he doesn't know the pent up frustration I have inside of me. I walk away without another word spoken. There isn't a fucking thing left to say to him that is worth my breath. I get in my car and call work to let them know that I'm not coming in today. I've had enough secrets and lies. I need some time to get shit figured out before I completely lose it. I sit outside of the cafe unable to drive just yet. I grip the steering wheel and beat the hell out of it in place of what I wanted to do to Clayton. How could she keep this from me? What's behind it that she felt she had to hide the truth? I grab my phone to call Mason.
“What's going on man? Thought you'd be at work by now.” He answers.
“Is it alright if I swing by?” I reply, still slightly breathless from my scuffle with the steering wheel.
“Yeah. Unless you're busy?”
“No, not really... Jenna's here.”
“Good. I need to talk to her anyway.”
“Come on over bro. I'll let her know you're on the way so she can get dressed.”
“I'll be there in ten.” I hang up and squeal out of the parking lot.
“I don't know why she likes to play me like a piano but I'm not about to be the fool anymore.” I pace Mason's floor of his apartment. I haven't sat down since I arrived.
“I don't know Adrian, she never mentioned anything about Mr. Clayton having anything to do with her offer from the art institution.” Jenna says and takes a drink of her morning coffee. “She would've told me, she tells me everything.”
“Are you sure about that?” I stop in my tracks and look her dead in the eye.
“Of course, we've been best friends since high school. We know each other better than anyone. I just don't see her keeping this information from me. I mean, why would she?”
“Why would she tell you? She knows we talk on a regular basis, Jen. I honestly don't think this was something she wanted to admit.”
“If that's the case, then you can't blame her for being ashamed. From what I know, she was under the assumption that her mother put her work up for consideration. She never would have accepted otherwise, there's no way. She can be a difficult bitch, but this?” She places her coffee on the table and raises her hands. “Truth is, she thought Clayton was a creep. Why would she willingly accept anything from him?”
“How could she turn it down? I don't think it would've mattered who it was. This is a life-dream of hers and I just think she selfishly disregarded my feelings to take what was handed to her.” I put my hands on my head and blow out a deep breath. “Wait... what made her have such feelings about him to think of him as a creep? What's that about?”
“I'd rather not discuss this without her consent. It's nothing against you, it's just out of respect. All of this is between the two of you and I have no right being in the middle of her business like this. I'm sorry.”
“It's like that?” I bite my bottom lip and shake my head. “Mason...”
He throws up his hands. “I've got nothing bro. I really wish there was something I could do to help you out man but you heard the woman.”
I jolt forward. “I know exactly what you two can do... get her on the phone for me.”
“You want to stage a call from me but have you waiting in the shadows to jump on the line?” Jenna snorts. “She'd have a fit with me over that.”
“Just tell her I gave you no choice.” I shrug.
“What and act like I didn't know it was all premeditated? I'm sure she'll buy into that.” She sarcastically says and shakes her messy blonde hair.
“Look I know she's not stupid, okay? You don't understand what all of this has done to me, you just don't get it. I'm not trying to ruin your friendship with her, I'm just asking for one favor... do it in the name of love.” I pause and pout. “You do believe in true love, don't you?”
She snickers. “It's not me that you have to question about believing in true love. Veronica's who you should be worried about, she's the one who has this wall up against falling in love. In her world, doing something out of love doesn't count as a valid reason.”
I swing my head down then back up. “Thanks for the hope Jenna.”
“What? I'm sorry! It's the truth and you know it!” She has a smile on her face that she tries to hide.
“It's not funny.” I continue to pout.
Mason chimes in. “You're going to give the man a tick, stop picking at his scars and help the poor dude out.”
“I'm not trying to mess with you and I know it's not funny. I wasn't laughing. It's just that you know how she is, come on.” Jenna redeems herself.
I slowly step over to the couch and plop myself down on it. “That's it. I give up.” I throw up my hands and let out a sigh.
Jenna stands up from the chair and bounces beside me on the couch. “That easily?”
“That easily?! I've been fighting for her for months and I've gotten nothing, not even the slightest in return, that's shown me she's the least bit interested. It's like she gave up a long time ago, if she ever gave a damn in the first place. She gave up when she left me. There's no hope, you basically said it yourself.”
“I never said that.” She swings up her arm and puts it around me.
“You might as well have.” I put my head down.
“But I didn't. Those weren't my words. You just need to stop pretending.”
“Pretending? What the hell?” I glance over at Mason as he stands up and he gives a shrug like he doesn't have a damn clue.
“Pretending that life is a fairy tale. It's not. Some women...”
“Are just fucked up in the head and complicated!” Mason hollers as he enters the kitchen to refill his coffee and I can't help but to bust out a laugh.
Jenna yells back, “You know what Mason?! You're not helping, like at all!”
He comes back in the living room and sits in the chair next to us.
Jenna stands up. “I've got to run to the store. I'll let you guys continue this conversation.” She walks over to grab her keys and leans in for a kiss from Mason before heading out the door.
“Women.” He lets out a sigh and shakes his head. “So what is it that keeps you fighting for Veronica the way you do?”
"She's more to me than just another woman, there is no other in my world. My heart and soul are owned by a sexually addicted, dominating, cock-loving, stubborn female. Everything I want and exactly what I don't need can be found in her. She's a disaster, a beautiful one at that... and I love her, damn it."
He looks at me with uncertainty, "I can't argue with that... and you, my man, can't argue with love. I say you take it as it's given. I mean you just listed qualities most men could only dream of, or pay for, for that matter."
I turn my head towards him with a serious grin, "Mason, you never fail to amuse. Only problem is, there's a part of her that's missing and it's destroying me... her heart."
The next morning I force myself to go to work and soullessly dragged through the day. I couldn't be more relieved to be home and for this day to almost be over. It's been raining a good portion of the afternoon and the air has been cool for the first time this November. I turn on the news to see what the weather outlook is for the rest of the week and throw my jacket over the back of the couch. I stop and stare in horror when I turn up the volume of the TV.
“...of what France and U.S. offic
ials are led to believe to be a terrorist attack. Further updates are being reported with Dallas Daily News' Dan Millers, live from Paris with coverage of this crisis...”
My brain goes into a haze of sorts, my hearing fades and my vision blurs. Panic swallows my heart and it begins to race as I grab my jacket and speed to Mason's place. I frantically bang on his front door and see a light come on through the window. He opens the door with a look on his face that matches the concern in my gut.
“Tell me Jenna's here.” I breathlessly demand.
“No man, she left about an hour ago. What's going on?”
“Can you call her for me?”
“Yeah sure. Come in. What's up with you bro?” He moves aside to let me pass.
“You haven't seen the news?” I walk over to pick up the remote and turn on the TV.
“No...” He stands frozen for a brief moment, unsure what to think. “You're freaking me out man, what's happening?”
“I have to know she's alright. I need to talk to Veronica. Jenna is the only way to get in touch with her. She won't answer my calls.”
“Isn't it kind of late to be doing this right now Adrian?”
“You don't understand.” I point to the news on the TV and turn up the volume.
He watches and turns the same pale shade of white as me. I walk over to him and grab his phone from his hand to call Jenna myself. I see him slowly sit down on the edge of the couch, his jaw still slightly dropped open from the breaking news he's just now seeing. I dial Jenna's number but she doesn't answer. Maybe she's on the other line. I hope she isn't asleep. I call the number again and let it ring until she finally answers.
“Mason?” She questions.
“It's Adrian. Did you see what's happening in Paris? Have you talked to Veronica?”
“Wait. Calm down. She's all right... shaken, but okay.”
“You talked to her?”
“Yes. I called her as soon as I heard about it when I got home tonight. We actually just got off the phone, she wanted me to stay on the line as long as I could. She's supposed to call back to keep me updated. She said she would've already called but there was so much chaos at the time that she couldn't even think straight. It's almost daylight over there now. Her and her mom haven't been to sleep all night and the city is still in a frenzy.”
“I'm going to see her.” I say without thought.
“What? How are you going to do that?”
“I'll take the next flight out to Paris.”
“They're not going to let just anyone fly into that country right now.”
“Well what am I supposed to do?” I let out a breath. “Jenna, I love her.”
“I know Adrian, I know.”
“I can't keep going on like this. I'm in love with someone who doesn't even bother to acknowledge me. I just don't get it.”
“I tell you what... let me talk to her when things calm down over there. I'll get some answers for you. I'll try my best anyway.” She reassures.
“You would do that?” The desperation isn't hidden in my voice.
“I promise.”
“Thank you... I owe you big time.”
“You got that right.” She sighs and lets out a chuckle. “You guys get some sleep. Everything will be fine.”
“I feel like I haven't slept in months. Knowing she's all right put my mind at ease some but I wish I could just let her know how important she is to me.”
“Well for tonight, focus on your well-being for once. Get some rest. We'll talk tomorrow.”
“Thanks Jen. Good night.”
I hand the phone back to Mason and take a breath.
“So she's okay?” He asks as he takes the phone from me.
“Yeah, far as she told Jenna. I can't believe this happened. She could have been killed.” I walk over and sink into his couch.
“I feel for anyone who has lost their lives or their loved ones. I'm glad to hear she's not harmed though.” He walks over to pat me on the shoulder. “Look, you can crash here tonight if you don't feel like driving back home.”
“I think I'll take you up on that offer. I really appreciate it.” I rest my head back on the cushion.
He walks in the other room for a moment then comes back to the living room with a pillow and blanket. The fear and worry within the last forty minutes drained everything out of me. It takes me no time to knock out after telling him thanks and good night.
The next morning comes too soon and I peel my eyes open to see Mason at the front door letting Jenna in. I take a second to adjust my vision and sit up on the couch. The scent of bacon and coffee whiffs by as Jenna walks past and into the kitchen. My stomach growls as I realize I haven't eaten a thing in I don't know how long. I gather myself and stand up to fold the blanket I slept with before they come in the living room baring breakfast. They place the foam to-go cartons on the coffee table and Mason hands me a cup of fresh coffee before sitting down.
“Good morning.” Jenna smiles. “Did you sleep well?”
“Like a rock.” I run my fingers through my short curls in hopes to fix the bed head I may have.
“Nice. Well you needed it. Hungry?” She asks and points at the food on the table. “Help yourself.”
“Thanks. I'm starving, actually.” We all dish out our plates and sit back in our seats.
Mason takes a huge bite before blurting out. “She talked to Veronica about you.”
Jenna looks over at him then back at me. “Apparently he was eager to let you know.” She chuckles.
“So what was said?” I would think I'd be more impatient than I actually am, but I've been impatient for so long that it seems to have made me numb to anticipation now.
“She said she needs to talk to you face-to-face. The phone and emails or texts just isn't enough. She's been wanting to explain her behavior but is afraid that it's far too difficult to go into depth about something of this sort without being in person. Ignoring you wasn't her plan, but with everything she's dealing with over there, it's not given her the right opportunity to confront you appropriately.”
“Uh... wow?” I set down my fork. “Why hasn't she mentioned any of this before when you've tried speaking to her about me?”
“I'm assuming it was something she rather avoids then face? I mean, maybe since there was nothing she could do to make the situation any easier, she just rather create a non-existence of sorts. That's Veronica summed up. She tends to push away anything that is in the way of what she has her sights set on. If she can't control it, then she removes it in any way she can.”
“So that's it? I'm just something she can't handle and instead of simply telling me...”
Mason interrupts. “Bro. If I know anything about Veronica, it's that nothing about her is simple.” He shakes his head and takes another bite of bacon followed by toast.
“Well that seems to be the first thing someone learns about her. I've always known she's complex, almost from the start, but damn. Why can't she just be normal?” I shrug and take a drink of coffee.
“Whatever that is.” Jenna says. “Maybe her normal is just different from ours.”
“You know what I mean Jen. Like why is it that she couldn't answer my calls or emails with a quick note telling me what she finally told you? It's not that hard.”
“Obviously for her it is. The complexity nature of her will never be understood. Don't give yourself a migraine trying to figure her out. Just let her be who she is and let the rest be worked out in due time. I don't know the details of what she's going through right now, but I do know that she hasn't completely given up or she wouldn't have bothered to tell me that much.”
“You're right.” I nod. “Regardless of what she's trying to hold back, I'm going to make it happen... I'll be face-to-face with her as soon as the country allows.”
I've checked every airline for the past nine hours and nothing has been released on when they're going to allow any flights into Paris. I'm determined to make my way over there to see her. I'm hoping th
at if I confront her in person that she'll actually give me the time of day. This crisis situation that happened has me in knots being worried about her. I'm so afraid of anything happening and never being able to show her how I really feel. I call another airline and cross my fingers hoping for some luck. The lady on the other end sounds irritated and tired. I'm sure there's been nothing but chaos since all of this happening and she's probably been verbally attacked by far too many frustrated callers. I decide to keep down my own vexation and speak to her with respect in hopes to get some form of clear answers out of her.
“It looks like there should be an opening in about forty eight hours, would you like to book that flight today?” She asks.
“Are you sure they'll be letting people through? I know you can't be positive, but I'm just hoping that I can successfully make this trip... I've been trying to get to the woman I love.”
“That's very understandable and quite sweet sir. I know that they've had a strict block on all travels to the country for a certain time period. From what we've been informed, they will be allowing flights again on that day. If anything is to change by then, you will be notified and refunded.”
“Sounds like the best thing I've heard so far. Let's go ahead and get it set up. I really appreciate all of your help.”
I get my confirmation and lean back in the couch, letting out a big sigh of relief. I have yet to actually get there and finally see Veronica after all of this time, but at least I'm one step closer. Now I just hope that nothing comes up to interfere with the flight I just booked. I waste no time preparing and get my bag packed for the trip before calling my boss to let him know I won't be in for the next couple of weeks. He wasn't very pleased about my upcoming absence but I can always find another job, I can never find another her.
I drive to Mason's to let him know when I'll be leaving and to have a few drinks, anything to ease my nerves. Seeing her for the first time in so long has my blood flowing and being nervous about how she'll react is an understatement. We throw back some beers and he pulls out a bottle of whiskey. I couldn't refuse the offer as he pours two shot glasses full to the rim.
Bed of Lies (Bed of Thornes Trilogy Book 2) Page 2