The Watchers (Twisted Sisters #1)

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The Watchers (Twisted Sisters #1) Page 21

by Lacy LeRoch

  “Don’t worry, my love. Trust me.”

  Lucy’s panicked gaze snapped up to mine. I raised my eyebrows and waited for her reaction. The small smile that skirted her lips was all I needed to continue. When I got to the edge of the bed, I pulled the blankets back with a hard pull exposing Lucy naked from the waist up.

  “Beautiful, simply beautiful. Don’t ever hide from me. Do you want to stop?” I asked, hoping that she didn’t. Because I didn’t think I could, even if I wanted too.

  “No Rafe, I want this,” Lucy said with more confidence than I was sure she felt.

  A large cocky grin had spread across my face as I had crawled up her body, belt still in hand. I kneeled over her waist, with my knees resting on either side of her thighs. I grabbed both of her hands and raised them high above her head. I used my belt to tie them together, using the slats in the bed board to secure her firmly in place.

  “There are devilish thoughts even in the most angelic minds, my love. Let me help you discover them,” I told her, crawling down her body. I used my large hands to spread her knees wide.

  “Rafe?” Lucy complained, trying to close her legs.

  “Let me,” I growled.

  I could smell her arousal through the light lace underwear she was wearing. It was making me crazy. I knew I wasn’t able to have sex with her in this realm, but there was no rule stopping me from tasting her. I lowered my head between her milky thighs, her smell was intoxicating as I inhaled a deep breath and savored her scent.

  “You’re soaking wet, baby girl,” I told her, raising to my knees.

  “I… um…”

  The flush that crept along her skin was adorable. I wanted to make her blush more. I wanted to see what she would look like worked up and flushed.

  “It’s normal, my love. And it’s mine.”

  I ran my right hand down the side of her body and taken hold of her panties. I chuckled when I pulled them in one swift jerk, ripping the offending clothing from her body. I made sure to keep checking Lucy, for any signs of panic. I never wanted for her to be scared of me. Lowering myself between her legs, I brought my face level with her most private part. I kissed her inner thigh tenderly. Lucy moaned, arching her back. She pulled on the bonds that kept her tied up, making the bed creak.

  She pleased me with her reaction. So I rewarded her with a hard, wet kiss on the top of her thigh. I started to move ever so slightly toward her warm, slick heat. The smell of her arousal was driving me insane. I needed to keep reminding myself that I had to slow it down, that it couldn’t happen here. My mouth moved toward her heat. I felt Lucy shudder with excitement or fear, I wasn’t sure. Her reaction had spurred me on like nothing before.

  My tongue tentatively licked her slick heat, taking in that first draw of her honey. I remember how sweet she tasted, and how I wanted more. I lowered my body onto the bed, reaching my arms up underneath Lucy’s legs holding her open to me. Starting out slow at first, with long stiff strokes of my tongue from top to bottom, I was becoming more and more turned on by the moans and gasps coming from Lucy’s sweet little mouth.

  “Fuck, you taste so good, babe. So very fucking good.”

  I needed more, sticking my tongue in deep and hard making sure to pull more of her sweet juices out. She was so fucking sweet and she was all mine.

  “Mine,” I growled, deep in the back of my throat.

  I dropped my hold on her legs, and brought my hand up and opened her blossom up to me more. I needed to get in deeper. Moaning low in the back of my throat, I slowly pushed one finger inside of her welcoming heat.

  Lucy screamed out, “Rafe.”

  Hearing her call my name out had spurred me on. Lucy became shameless in taking her pleasure from me, as she pushed herself hard onto my hand.

  She had me that turned on, that worked up, that I thought I would cum in my pants like an adolescent teen. I had to bite the inside of my mouth to stop myself from finding my own release. My finger worked her over in a frenzy. But I’d wanted more. I needed more.

  “Rafe… Rafe… Earth to Rafe, wake up you fool. Your Lyian is here.”

  What the fuck? My head jerks off the table. Oh fuck, I had fallen asleep and had dreamed about the last night I saw Lucy. I look around the room, confused and happen to catch a glimpse in Philli’s direction. He’s grinning like a fool.

  Dragon breath had read my thoughts.

  Wait a minute, what did they say?

  “Did you just say my Lucy is here? Where is she? She is okay?” I’m frantic to see my girl, I look around the room again only to see the familiar faces of the council members, but no Lucy.

  “Where the fuck is my Lyian?” I scream at the top of my lungs, making the men jump back on impact. The Watchers in the room cover their ears at my onslaught.

  “Calm down, brother. She’s in your room resting, she’s with the healers. One of the Dragon shifters by the name of Sophie is looking after her, but right now we need to talk. Sit your ass back in that chair, and for the love of God cover your fucking erection,” McKinley pipes up.

  The room breaks out chuckling. Fantastic, because of my dream I’m sporting a huge erection.

  The Grand High Lord pushes down on my shoulders, placing me back in the chair I just vacated.

  I scrub a hand down my face, frustrated. “Somebody, tell me what the fuck happened, and make it quick. I need to see my Lyian.”

  Nobody speaks till the council members all take a seat around the meeting table. Sometimes I hate our traditions. It’s considered rude to talk in the meeting hall without the council members seated.

  “Well, if all you losers are going to pussy foot around the prince here…” Jay points across the table at me, winking.

  His behavior toward me throws me for a loop. I start to second guess the fact that I’m actually awake. Jay is never this way, especially with me.

  “I guess, I’ll start,” Jay comments.

  I nod my head and reply, “Thank you. Tell me… all the truth.”

  Jay looks around the table at the other High Lords, when his gaze meets McKinley’s. I notice him nod his approval, to go ahead.

  Shit, this can’t be good. I’m not sure what he’s waiting for.

  “Well fucktard, if you didn’t have a girl fit earlier, and storm out to have a tea party with fiery pants over there…” Jay gestures to Philli and continues, “…you would’ve learned we had a plan all along. So after you went to wash the sand out of your vagina, we went ahead with the plan without you. You know, ‘cause we’re just totally awesome friends and all.”

  As much as I want to smile at him joking around, he’s pissing me off with his flippant behavior. He’s walking on thin rope right now, and he knows it. He also knows I can’t attack him afterward for what he says at the council table because as a High Lord he can speak freely without reprimand coming back at him.

  “What was the plan?” I grit out.

  “The plan was to use our spy on the inside, my brother Kelan.”

  The table erupts with whispers, murmurs, and curses. McKinley bangs on the table bringing the hall to order.

  “Yes losers, you all heard me right, I said Kelan. You all know Kelan, my older brother is a spy. I’m sure you’ve all heard the rumors about why he left. And now is not the time to discuss such things. What I will say is that it was an agreement between McKinley and Kelan. So get over it. Any hoot, it was our plan to have Kelan bring the girls to us. But there was a holdup. Sarah had more power than we thought and we took the battle to her.”

  Excitement moves around the hall, as they remember the battle moment.

  “Quiet!” McKinley yells.

  “Fuck, this room is full of girls today. Anyway, as I said, we took the fight to her. We went in hard and fast, taking the flyers, the guards, and the warriors with us. As we got to her evil city, word was put out and she managed to get away. We did, however, take out her army of goons.”

  The hall erupts with cheering and yahooing.

ce they all settle down, Jay continues, “The girls were being held in a dirty cell with no food or water. Kelan was able to get in and take out the guard that was holding them captive. Lucy was being held chained to the wall.” A low lethal growl leaves my mouth.

  “I understand, I really do. As it was not our right to question her without you there, we never asked what happened. But you know that we need to know the details.”

  I try to remain calm, as I take a deep breath and sigh. “Thank you for that. Thank you all for helping me when I was too stubborn to stay calm and listen.”

  Fists raise high in the air and the men start to chant, confirming the bond of brotherhood we all share.

  “Enough!” McKinley roars. Once the chanting has stopped, he stands taking back power to speak. “As we’re all aware, both girls are full Phoenix now.”

  I understand what he’s saying and I’m fucking excited as hell to get it done.

  “I hear a but in there somewhere,” I add.

  Jay nods his head sadly, cutting off McKinley and adds, “Like I said, Sarah got away. Lacy, lost what we thought was her mate.”

  At this, he turns his head toward Owen, and bows low toward him. Well, I’ll be, Jay showing respect is a strange thing.

  “Lucy needs to recover. And we just sent two Watchers off to be with Goddess Lylian,” McKinley adds.

  The room falls into a dead silence, a sense of mourning and loss fill the air. Not one person is willing to break it until Philli steps forward clearing his throat. “Rafe, go to your mate and take this.” He throws a ceremonial red cloak at me. I reach up and grab it with both hands, amazed at the soft fabric, then he continues with a smirk, “She’s a leader, teach her our ways.”

  That’s all the go ahead that I need, jumping from my seat so fast that I knock it over. I hear my brothers hooting and hollering as I run as I fast as I can out the door and down the long hall to my set of rooms.

  As a High Lord and valuable member of the council, I live in the great building with my own set of rooms. I have a bathroom, living room, and bedroom, but I’ve lived a sparse life. I’ve never thought about adding anything too personal, but now I wonder what Lucy would like it to look like?

  We don’t have kitchens because we believe all Watchers should eat together in the great hall. Some believe that it builds a closer bond between us. Although, I don’t know how things will go now that I have a Lyian.

  I run at full speed into my quarters, slamming into my living room. I see the mess of scattered books, magazines, and newspapers, and for once I wish I’d bothered to clean them up. Goddess, I don’t even want to think about the dirty clothes that litter my bedroom floor. I jump over the obstacles in my way and run straight for my room.

  She is here, I can’t believe it, she’s actually here. Just seeing her lying in my bed makes my heart swell with emotion. Damn, I finally have a Lyian after all this time, and she’s here in Devilice, and in my room. I never thought I’d be so lucky. Lucy is the most beautiful woman in the world, and she’s all mine.

  I see red and want to start a war when I glance at her beautiful form and see she’s covered in bruises. They coat her face and arms. Seeing them only brings all the old wounds of failing her to the surface.

  “Apologies, Rafe,” Sophie, the young Dragon healer says while entering the room.

  “No apologies needed, Sophie. Thank you for watching over my Lyian. Is she all right?”

  “I’m afraid she has a few injuries. Not only ones on the outside, but she also has a few broken ribs and her throat is severely swollen.”

  Fuck! I’m going to kill Sarah when I find her.

  “Thank you, Sophie,” I say, walking over to the edge of the bed.

  “If that is all, Rafe, I will take my leave.”

  I have no words for Sophie as I look down at my broken and battered Lyian. I want to trade places with her. I hate that she’s hurt, it should be me in that bed healing, never her.

  As much as I want to make Lucy mine. I know that her healing and recovery is more important than anything else. Her needs will always come first. I drape the ceremonial cloak over the back of my black sofa and walk back over toward the bed, stripping off my clothing as I move forward, and climb into bed behind Lucy. I need to hold her close to me, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do. She doesn’t wake when I gently snuggle up behind her. Her breathing lulls me and I begin to relax, it isn’t long before I feel my own eyelids are drooping in exhaustion.

  Chapter Eighteen

  I don’t know how long I’ve been asleep for, but I’ve woken up feeling too hot. I stretch my arms and legs out and find I can’t move completely. Please tell me I’m not back in that horrible place. I don’t think I could handle that all over again. I pull the blankets back, in an attempt to see what’s holding me still like a vice.

  Relief floods me when I see that I’m lying in bed with Rafe. His right leg drapes over the lower half of my body, stopping me from moving. I don’t want to wake him, but I really need to use the restroom.

  “Rafe,” I whisper, gently brushing a thick black curl from his face. “Rafe,” I call out again, this time, a little more forceful.

  He groans in discomfort and pulls me into his arms. For some reason, I don’t think Rafe likes to be woken from his sleep. Well, I have news for him, because I really, really need to use the restroom.

  I shove him hard in the shoulder and try again. “Rafe.”

  He mumbles something inaudible then opens his eyes. His beautiful emerald green eyes blink back the sleep attempting to take over.

  “Sorry Lyian, am I hurting you?” he asks, his voice thick from sleep.

  “No Rafe, I need to use the restroom, and I couldn’t move.”

  He looks at me, sheepishly. “I’m sorry, I don’t want to let you go, ever again. Lucy, I am so—”

  I place my finger over his lips to stop him. I don’t want to hear his guilt. Not when he has no reason to feel that way.

  “No, and stop. Rafe, if you don’t let me up, I might pee the bed.”

  I wince in pain as I struggle to get up from the bed. I can’t let Rafe see how much pain I’m in. So I suck in a deep breath and stumble toward the bathroom. That man would blame himself till he was blue in the face, but I won’t allow it, not now, not ever.

  I look over my shoulder and chuckle when I see Rafe getting up from the bed.

  “Stay Rafe, stay. Good boy.

  Chapter Nineteen

  I can’t believe my little woman commanded me to stay put. Who does she think I am, a goddamn puppy? Lucy is only gone for a few minutes before she strides back into the room and climbs into the bed next to me. So much for her needing to heal, the Phoenix must be helping her heal faster.

  Lucy looks at me, smiles then glances away shyly. Her pink tongue flicks out over her plump lower lip. And fuck me, but the scent of her arousal is thick in the air. I can tell she’s already wet and ready. Lucy looks back over at me with a smoldering look. I’m not sure if the Phoenix is just at the surface or not, but the look is filled with so much need and desire, it melts me. Sweat trickles down my spine, just more proof that I need to control myself.

  “I want you, Rafe,” she whispers.

  Lucy lifts her arms and brings her hands up into my hair, she takes hold of my curls and pulls hard. I have no control, as I reach out and grab Lucy hard. I’m hungry for her. I feel the pulse of my heart thundering in my veins, with the need to claim her. I roll over and pin her underneath me, bringing my lips down to hers hungrily. Lucy opens her lips giving me easy entry into her sweet, hot mouth.

  I drive my tongue deep inside, dominating and possessing every part of her mouth, claiming it as my own. I lean myself down onto Lucy until my body is draped over hers. My cock ends up nestled between the warmth of her beautiful thighs. Passion and desire, unlike anything I’ve ever felt before run through me. The kiss between us starts to turn wild, rough, and all-consuming.

  Lucy whimpers, making my cock twitch. I
trail my hands up her torso, and take hold of her hands, stopping her fingers from pulling at my hair. Shit, I need to stop this from going any further. I use every ounce of strength I possess and pull away from her.

  “Lucy, you need to heal, and we need to talk. Things will change if this happens now, my love.”

  Lucy moans and starts to kiss at my jaw, ignoring my words. She flicks her tongue over my neck, making me forget everything but her.

  “Please… I need you,” she whimpers into my neck.

  “Lucy,” I tell her weakly. I’m losing my resolve and she knows it.

  “Please,” she begs.

  “Little one, do you understand what you are asking of me? Do you understand once we do this, things can’t go back the way they were?”

  Lucy draws my earlobe into her mouth and bites down gently, pulling a strangled feral moan from me.

  “I know, and I want this, Rafe. Claim me, make me your Lyian.”

  She bites me again, harder this time and I lose all sanity. I grab hold of the black T-shirt she has on and pull it up over her head, exposing her beautiful round breasts. Leaning down, I draw one of the perky rose buds into my mouth, sucking gently on it. Lucy moans as she brings her hands back into my hair. I love her hands there and I can never get enough. Using my forefinger and thumb, I pinch her other nipple, and I suckle one in my mouth. Lucy pants, arching her back, forcing her breasts deeper into my mouth.

  “I’m sorry, my love. But I don’t think I can play nice today. I need you too much,” I growl.

  I slip from the bed and completely strip down, then stand in front of her naked letting her get a good look at me. Her eyes widen at the sight of my cock, standing proud and jutting up toward my stomach. What she does next completely shocks me. She reaches down to her panties and removes them herself.

  Holy fucking shit, I can feel her heat from where I’m standing. Not to mention the smell of her arousal hits me like fresh ripened fruit. My wings fly out from my back with a whoop, I’m too excited to control them.


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