Given to You

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Given to You Page 6

by Carlie Sexton

  When she opened the bag of toiletries that he had given her, the brush was just like hers. The same as the one in her drawer in the bathroom she shared with Neil. Oh God…He obviously had gone through more than her underwear drawer when she lived next door. Thinking again about him being in her apartment made her shiver. She turned on the water for the shower and began taking off her clothes. It felt so revolting being near him, touched by him, acting like she wanted him to touch her… . Who was she kidding? There wouldn’t be enough showers in the world to wash off that psychopath.

  Thank God the shower was too small for both of them to fit in, as it would probably be the only time that Roger would let her be alone. Hopefully…hopefully he would let her live. So far, she had only made a few mistakes, but she wasn’t sure how she was going to pretend she liked him—not for a long time, anyway. She wasn’t that good of an actress. She felt ill. Disgusted. Filthy.

  Then a terrible thought came to mind: She didn’t have her birth control. What if Roger refused to use a condom? What if she became pregnant with his child? Rose was pregnant when she died. What if being pregnant was one of the reasons he had killed her? She was going to have to insist that they use condoms. He seemed to have thought of everything else. Would she be the next one to go if… ?

  Why couldn’t she stop all of these terrible thoughts? Probably because her brain was in a place of fear that it had never been before. Not even when she was out in the deep ocean seeing a shark fin coming toward her, when she wanted to die, had she felt such despair. She had more hope of survival then, on her darkest day, but now, she just felt hopeless. Her life was in the hands of a killer. She had gone through a lot in her life, but now, now she had to deal with the real possibility that she could be raped and murdered.

  The water cascading down her chest brought a little comfort. She had to push the imminent sexual act out of her mind and concentrate on an escape plan. Arriving here in darkness hadn’t given her much to go on, but she knew that it had to be an error-proof plan. Being caught wasn’t an option. She doubted forgiveness was in Roger’s repertoire of emotions. Obviously, Rose and Paulina hadn’t received a second chance. Hopefully, daylight would provide the lay of the land and a plan would emerge. Maybe she could give Roger a dose of his own drug cocktail…if she could find it.

  A knock on the door brought her back to her reality.

  “Kate?” Roger said, cracking the door open and sticking his head inside. “Are you almost done?” he asked in what could only be heard as an irritable, bordering on antagonistic tone.

  She turned off the water and said, “Yeah, I’m just about to get out. I’ll be with you in a minute.”

  “Okay,” he said and shut the door.

  Kate dried herself off and slipped on the bra and panties. This would almost be humorous-- Roger stealing her underwear like a teenage boy would do--if it wasn’t so dire. She debated mentioning that he had given her items that already belonged to her. But she thought better of it. She wrapped the robe around herself to keep warm, opened the bathroom door, and stepped into the bedroom.

  Roger had lit candles and placed them on the nightstand and dresser. The lights were off. He was reclining on the bed, wearing only his jeans, attempting to be seductive. Bile rose up and burned Kate’s throat. She pushed it back down with several swallows. Throwing up on him wasn’t an option, although, somewhat tempting… . There was no way of getting around this. Her eyes stung as she blinked back tears and wished, once again, that this were all a dream.

  “Before we begin, did you bring condoms with you?” she asked timidly.

  “Of course, baby. I always use condoms. Maybe in the near future we can talk about having a little brother or sister for Jacob.”

  She stood there unable to move. He wanted to have a baby with her? He had completely lost it. At least he wasn’t planning on killing her anytime soon. She was struck simultaneously by waves of horror and relief.

  “Take off your robe,” Roger said. “I want to see your beautiful body standing before me.”

  Kate did what he asked even though feeling his eyes on her made her skin crawl.

  “Your body is fucking incredible,” he growled. “I have wanted you since I heard your voice on the phone. I knew you were the one for me. I can’t explain it. Your arrival was like Christmas and my birthday rolled up into one. Everything I’ve done has been for this moment--to get us to the here and now. You are perfect, Kate. Perfect. It’s time to make you mine.”

  Kate heard his words and she knew that he believed everything he was saying. His obsession had driven him to commit horrible acts and he was about to commit another one by taking her. Was there anything she could do to stop him?

  Chapter 7

  The GPS indicated the cabin was about fifty yards away. Neil parked his car and called Paul.

  “I’m here. ETA?”

  “Fifteen minutes. Do you have a visual?”

  “Yeah, some lights in the distance. I’m walking in. I don’t want to risk Wilkins hearing or seeing my car. ”

  “Neil, consider waiting for backup.”

  “I’m going to scout things out. I’m only waiting if I can confirm that she is okay. Otherwise, I’m charging in like a bull and tearing that place apart if I have to.”

  “Fair enough. Did you call the police?”

  “I’m going to call Jameson next. He’ll probably be pissed that I didn’t call him earlier, but I really don’t care,” Neil said as he began running down the road leading to the cabin. “Later.”

  Neil continued his trek, as he called Jameson and gave him the cabin’s address. Jameson said he would contact the Big Bear police and they would be on their way. His last words to Neil were “Don’t do anything that will land you in jail.” Yeah, right.

  Jail was the least of Neil’s concerns. He wanted to protect Kate and he didn’t care if he had to kill Roger to do it.

  It was pitch black outside, but he had left his headlights on to guide his way. He also had brought a flashlight for a couple of reasons: to see where he was going and to beat the shit out of Wilkins when he found him. He had been a boy scout and he was always prepared. Right now, he was prepared to beat the asshole into a bloody pulp.

  After running about forty yards, he saw the cabin. Wilkin’s Explorer was parked outside. He figured he would have to kick the door down to get in, but would check the perimeter before proceeding. He just needed to find Kate first. Weaving in and out of trees, he made his way until he was against the house. He peered in the window; and could see the living room. Kate wasn’t there. A door, which he guessed led to the bedroom, was closed, and light was seeping out through the crack under the door. Carefully eluding twigs and branches to avoid detection, he continued around to the back of the house, Surprise was his best weapon, besides the flashlight. He wished he had a gun.

  He crouched under the window. The light shone through to the outside. Peering through the window, he saw Kate standing there in her bra and lace panties. Thank you, God. She’s okay. Her robe was on the floor. He could barely make out Wilkins on the bed, who was gawking at his girl. Waiting wasn’t an option.

  I got here just in time to stop the inevitable.

  Neil wasn’t happy that the maniac was seeing her mostly naked body. Roger got up and moved toward Kate. He wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her close to his body, kissing her neck and shoulder. Don’t touch her you son of a bitch!

  Kate closed her eyes, unaware that Neil was there, watching. He wanted her to see him so she would know that this was coming to an end. He stood up so that she could see him through the window. She opened her eyes in that moment and saw him. Relief flooded her face. Hold on baby, it’s almost over.

  He saw Roger unhook Kate’s bra, bend down and put his mouth on her breast. She stood there frozen, unsure what to do. He needed to act fast. Waiting for Paul and his men wasn’t an option.

  Rushing back toward the front door, he noticed a rock near the path to the cabin, pic
ked it up, and threw it at Roger’s car, making a loud noise and causing the alarm to go off. He then positioned himself next to the door, ready to strike Roger on his way out.

  Roger was startled by the car alarm. “Wait here,” he said. “I’m sure it’s nothing. I’ll be right back.”

  Kate picked up the robe from the floor, draped it around herself, and shook with relief that Neil had found her. She knew that Neil had made the alarm go off. Once Roger was out of the bedroom, she entered the living room as quietly as possible so Roger wouldn’t hear her. She watched as he turned on the porch light and looked out the window, and when he didn’t see anyone, opened the door.

  The moment he crossed the threshold onto the porch, Neil struck him with the flashlight on the back of his head. Roger stumbled forward and landed face first in the dirt. After a few seconds, he pushed himself up and pulled a knife from his pocket.

  But Neil was already closing in on him, striking Roger in the face with the flashlight repeatedly.

  Roger staggered toward Neil, who knew that his flashlight was no match for a knife.

  Roger lunged the knife at Neil’s chest, but Neil managed to jump back. Neil then swung the flashlight at Roger’s head again, landing another hard blow.

  “Son of a bitch,” Roger yelled. “I should have killed you when I had the chance.”

  “Well, it’s too late now,” Neil said delivering another blow to the face. Roger’s blood splattered onto Neil’s chest and neck.

  Roger stumbled toward the Explorer. He steadied himself against the SUV. He still had the knife in his hand and made a swipe at Neil, slashing his side.

  “Damn it!” Neil yelled out. “It’s over Wilkins. The police are on route.”

  Kate was standing at the door, not knowing what to do as she walked out onto the front step. Roger charged at Neil. They had each other in a head lock, but Roger somehow got the upper hand. He kneed Neil in the balls causing him to go down hard.

  “Neil!” Kate yelled out.

  “After all I’ve done to be with you, you’re calling out his name? I don’t believe this, Kate. How can you betray me like this?” Roger screamed at her.

  The depths of his anger rose up behind Roger’s eyes, which bulged in their sockets, as he continuously kicked Neil.

  “Roger, please. I’ll stay with you. I’ll do whatever you want. Please don’t kill him,” Kate cried out.

  While Neil lay momentarily dazed on the ground, Roger took that advantage, picked up his knife, dragged Neil to his knees, and held the blade against his throat. He glared at Kate, but Kate’s eyes were locked on Neil’s.

  Kate stepped closer. She was trying to distract him to give Neil a fighting chance.

  “Roger…y…you’re right,” she said shaking. Trying to sound confident, she added “I know that you have done all of this for me. I realize now how much you love me. Neil means nothing to me. He can’t touch what we have. I’m sorry that I got distracted by him. You’re the one that I want. Let’s forget about him, go back inside, and be together just like you planned. I want you, not him,” she said as she unfastened the tie on her robe and let it fall to the ground, baring her body to him.

  Roger’s eyes were glued to Kate. Distracted, he lowered the knife slightly, giving Neil an opening. Neil elbowed Roger in the groin, knocked the knife out of his hand and turned to face him. In rapid succession, Neil administered blow after blow with his fists, turning Roger’s face into a bloody pulp. Neil’s punches made Roger’s face virtually unrecognizable. Roger’s body was struggling under Neil’s relentless attack. His curses and moans indicated that this would soon be over.

  “Neil, you’re going to kill him,” Kate screamed as she refastened her robe. “You have to stop. You can’t leave me! You can’t go to prison.”

  “Looks like you’re fucked here, Wilkins. Its prison for you, “Neil said, panting, clearly in pain from the blows Roger had given him. “No girl…for you,” he added with a slight smirk, looking up at his Kate.

  Roger fell to the ground. Neil went toward Kate and pulled her into his arms. She began crying. Her entire body convulsed. His back was to Roger, which was a mistake. Like a recurring nightmare, Roger stumbled up and half crawled to his SUV. Having grabbed his keys when the alarm went off, he started the engine and backed out onto the road. Neil began to run after him, but it was too late to stop him.

  Kate stood there astounded, then started to crumble to the ground; knowing that it wasn’t over—it was just beginning--he would be back.

  Paul and his men emerged from the trees. They were too late to stop Roger. Neil went toward Kate, grabbed her before she fell, and wrapped his arms around her. She rested her head on his shoulder.

  “Baby, are you okay?”

  “I am now. Oh Neil… .”

  She couldn’t finish the sentence. “I can’t believe you found me,” she said, her teeth chattering.

  “There’s no way on earth that anything could ever stop me from getting to you. I would give up everything I have to spare you from one moment of pain. I would trade my life to keep you safe,” he said, wrapping her face in his hands. “I love you more than anyone else in this world.”

  “I love you so much too. I…I was so scared,” she said. “All I could do was play along with him and…act like I wanted him, too. But you were all I could think about. I just…just can’t believe you found me in time,” she repeated, tears flowing down her cheeks. “It has been terrifying.”

  “It’s okay now, baby. I’m here to take you home. Roger will never hurt you again.”

  Neil pulled her in for another hug. He wanted to shield her from this entire experience and tell her that she never had to see Roger again, but he knew that she would have to face him in the near future when he re-emerged.

  Roger hadn’t been captured and Kate was still at risk. She would have to relive this night over and over between the questioning from the police and continued to be shadowed until he was caught.

  Neil ushered Kate inside the cabin. She was shaking from the cold night air, lack of clothing and probably stress too. Having her in his arms again was so good.

  Going into the kitchen, Kate grabbed the paper towels. She wet some to clean up Neil’s face.

  “Baby, you’re hurt,” she said as she gently dabbed the balled up wet paper towel on his wounds.

  “I’m okay. Nothing is broken. Where are your clothes? I want you to get dressed.”

  “There in the bathroom.”

  Paul and his men hovered by the cabin door. Paul was on the phone calling the police to tell them Roger had escaped and the type of car he was driving. All he could tell them, was Roger was heading north. In the distance, they could hear sirens blaring. The police would be there any minute.

  “Give us a minute,” Neil said making eye contact with Henderson. Henderson nodded.

  Neil took her hand and she led the way. He shut the bedroom door behind them and followed her to the bathroom door, standing guard. Kate got dressed quickly, found a wash cloth, and wet it.

  “How did you know we were here?” she asked, continuing to attend to his abrasions.

  “Further background checks on his family. Spoke to his sister – she gave me the address.”

  “Oh, thank God. Neil…I was so scared I would never see you again.”

  “I know baby,” he said putting his hands on her face. “Everything’s okay now. I don’t know what I would have done if something had happened to you,” Neil said, looking deeply into Kate’s eyes. “Are you sure you’re not hurt?” he asked, continuing to cup her face with his hands.

  She nodded her head. “I just can’t get over that you found me…that I didn’t have to go through with…I thought… .”

  Kate began crying again. “You have no idea how grateful I am that you found me tonight and not tomorrow,” she finally sobbed out.

  “Me, too, baby. Nothing will ever keep me from you, I promise. I love you so much. You are mine--forever,” Neil said putting his foreh
ead to hers. “I’m never letting go of you. I want to look down fifty years from now and see your wrinkled hand entwined in my wrinkled hand. You’re my everything,” he murmured. More than I could have ever hoped to have.

  Tears began to run down Neil’s face.

  Kate wiped his tears away and pulled his lips to hers. Her hands moved down his torso to find wetness. “Neil, you’re bleeding,” she said. “We need to get you to the hospital.”

  “It’s just a flesh wound. I might need some stitches, but I’ll be okay.”

  “Are you sure? Let’s open your shirt and look at your wound. I thought Roger would succeed in killing you.”

  “I know, baby. If you hadn’t distracted him I might be lying out there on the ground. You saved my life tonight.”

  “We saved each other.”

  Neil pulled her in for a kiss, but their moment of privacy had to come to an end as the sirens announced the arrival of the police. “The police are going to want a statement from you. Are you up for that?”

  Kate sighed heavily and looked up at Neil with weary eyes. “I’ll do whatever I have to if it means finding Roger.”

  Neil took Kate’s hand and they walked out of the bedroom.

  Kate made eye contact with Paul and motioned toward Jacob on the sofa. Due to all the commotion, he was stirring, and Kate didn’t want him to be startled with so many people around.

  How could Roger just leave Jacob like that? The poor child was going to have so much to deal with in the near future. Kate’s heart went out to him.

  Paul went and sat on the sofa. “Hey there, little man. My name is Paul. What’s yours?” he asked, bending down to look into Jacob’s eyes.

  “Jacob,” he answered groggily. “Where’s my dad?”

  “He’s busy right now. Are you okay?” Paul asked, picking up his game off the coffee table and handing it to him. Jacob answered quietly that he was okay, but wasn’t alert enough to play his game. He looked up at the men, one with blood all over him, and his eyes looked fearful.


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