Book Read Free

Given to You

Page 7

by Carlie Sexton

  A police officer weaved through Paul’s men, cleared his throat, and began talking. “I’m Sergeant Ramirez. The fellas outside have filled me in some and I’ve already put in a call to CPS for the boy. I need to get a statement about what happened, preferably tonight, if possible,” he said as he took a seat at the small dining table.

  “Of course, but Neil is hurt and he’s going to need some medical attention,” Kate said.

  “Paul, any of your guys have training in stitching up gashes?” Neil said.

  “Yeah, Henderson has a kit in his car,” Paul said.

  “I’ll be right back,” Henderson said, running out the door.

  “Kate, you talk to the officer. Henderson is going to take care of me.”

  “Okay,” Kate said as she joined Ramirez at the table. “I’ll cooperate in any way that I can.”

  As Kate answered the sergeant’s questions, Neil walked out and asked one of Paul’s men to run back up the road and retrieve his car. He went back inside and stood behind her with his hands on her shoulders while he waited for Henderson to return.

  They retreated to the bathroom so that Henderson could have the light that he needed to clean the wound properly and stitch the gash closed. Ten or so minutes later, they emerged and Neil was back at Kate’s side. Kate was in the process of telling the officer about being tied up in the bathroom; Neil picked up Kate’s hands and examined her wrists, and saw the red marks and indentations that the zip ties left behind.

  Neil’s face was etched with anger. “That mother-fucker tied you up and left you in the bathroom?” Neil saw red; he wanted to get Kate out of there and way from this hell.

  Kate nodded, too choked up to utter any words.

  Neil looked at Ramirez. “No more questions. Kate needs some rest.”

  “Just one more? What do you think Mr. Wilkins was doing during that time?”

  “I don’t know. He just said he had to ‘tie up some loose ends.’” As Kate said her last word, Neil was helping her stand from her seat. “You can have Jameson contact us tomorrow,” Neil said as he took her by the hand and began leading her away. He could tell that being interviewed by the sergeant had drained every morsel of energy she had left. The adrenaline rush had faded, she looked exhausted. Ramirez assured them that there would be more questions, but they were done for now.

  One of Paul’s men walked in the cabin and handed Neil his keys. “The car is parked right out front,” he said.

  “Thanks, man. I appreciate it.”

  “No problem, Mr. Statton.”

  Paul walked up to Neil before he escorted Kate toward his car. “I’m so sorry that Wilkins eluded our protection. I will be refunding all fees paid to protect Kate. Kate, I know that Porter is mortified for his failure to protect. He figured that you wouldn’t want to talk to him, so he asked me to extend his apologies.”

  “What happened was out of Porter’s control. Roger is a very cunning man and he has proven that he is extremely dangerous,” she said. “I’m not angry with Porter.”

  “Thank you ma’am. I’ll tell him,” Paul said.

  “Paul, I’ll be in touch to go over some things. Since Wilkins has fled, I’ll need your men to stay on and protect Kate. I don’t think he will give up. He is obsessed, and clearly, willing to do anything.”

  “Are you sure you want my security team on this?” Paul asked.

  “You will keep her safe this time, Paul.”

  Neil patted Paul on the back. “I know you’re the man for the job.”

  Paul nodded and said, “Are you thinking of moving any time soon?”

  “Yes, I want us to move into a house, but we haven’t discussed that yet,” he said, glancing at Kate. “Right now, I just want to get my girl out of here.”

  “Fair enough,” Paul said and then turned back to check on Jacob.

  “Kate, that’s our cue. It’s time to go,” Neil said.

  “I’m ready, baby. I never want to see a cabin again for as long as I live. Let me just say goodbye to Jacob.”

  Kate walked over to Jacob and Paul, who were sitting on the sofa. “I’m going to be leaving now, Jacob,” she said as she knelt down to look into his eyes. “I don’t want you to worry about a thing. The police officer is going to make sure you are safe and sound.”

  “Okay,” said Jacob. “I just wish that my mommy wasn’t on vacation. I miss her. I want her to be here with me. I’m scared, Miss Kate,” he sobbed quietly.

  Neil stood there watching as Kate fought the tears forming in her eyes. She was almost too choked up to say anything else to Jacob. Wrapping her arms around him, she pulled him in for a hug and whispered, “You are going to be okay.”

  Jacob held on tight and Kate let him. When he loosened his grip, she patted him on the back and said, “See you later, sweetie.”

  That was all she could muster without breaking down in front of him and causing him more confusion.

  “See ya, Miss Kate.”

  As she walked back toward Neil, the tears began streaming from her eyes. Neil put his arm around her and escorted her out of the cabin the to the car. He opened her door for her and helped her into the car. She buckled her seat belt and looked up toward heaven. “Thank you, God, for letting Neil find me.”

  Neil caught the gist of what she had said out loud. “Thanking God, huh?” he said before he shut her door and ran around to his side.

  “Yes, I prayed as Roger drove up the mountain that you would find me. When he told me that he didn’t own the cabin, I figured it was a long shot,” she said, beginning to cry yet again. “I imagined that I would end up like Paulina or Rose after he grew tired of me, but then I saw you out the window… I thought that my eyes were playing tricks on me because I wanted you to be real so badly.” She reached out and touched his face. “You’ll always be my hero who came to find me.”

  “Baby, the entire way up to Joyce’s place I prayed that she would know something and I prayed that I would get here in time. I love you so much. Let’s go. I have a hotel suite waiting for us. I just want to get you as far away from here as possible.”

  Kate wrapped her arms around herself while Neil turned onto the main road leading out of Big Bear. “Please tell me that they are going to catch him and when they do he’s going to prison for a long time,” she said. Neil reached out and put his hand on her thigh, wishing he could just hold her, assure her that everything would be okay. It wasn’t really a promise that he could make at this point, but he wanted to pacify her fears, nonetheless.

  “He’s going away for a very long time baby. Kidnapping carries very stiff penalties.”

  “I also think he killed Paulina,” she said. “Jacob asked for his mother earlier and Roger said she went on vacation. Then he said that she went back to Germany to take care of her sick mother. Jacob, of course, believed him, but I don’t. I think he killed her too.”

  “Did you ever meet her?”

  “Just briefly when I ran into him that one day at lunch,” she said, taking Neil’s hand. “She came back here so that her son could be close to his father. She just didn’t realize that Roger was a sick monster capable of such heinous acts. It’s so sad,” she said, her lower lip trembling. “Now Jacob is going to grow up without his mother or father. That poor little boy.”

  “Yeah, it’s too bad she didn’t stay in Germany.”

  “Are you sure that we shouldn’t stop by the hospital before we go to the hotel? I’m really concerned about you getting an infection.”

  “If it will make you feel better, we’ll go to the ER in Oceanside on the way down. I don’t want you to worry about a thing.”

  “It would. I need to know that you are completely okay.”

  “We’re headed there now. You just sit back and relax.”

  Kate nodded and shut her eyes. She didn’t open them again until they were pulling up to the hospital.

  They entered the emergency room to find that it was an unusually quiet night. Neil was able to see a doctor within th
irty minutes.

  Dr. Peterman asked Neil questions about what happened while he thoroughly examined him.

  “Everything looks great. The wound was cleaned very well and the stitches look like they were done by a professional. Whoever helped you knew what he was doing.”

  “Oh, he’s ex-military. He had experience dealing with situations like this.”

  “Well, just take it easy for the next couple of days. Here’s a prescription in case you have any pain. You should see your regular doctor in about a week to get checked out again. Also, try to keep the stitches from getting wet.”

  “Thanks, doctor. Will do.”

  They shook hands and then Neil took Kate’s hand to lead her out of the hospital.

  Chapter 8

  “We’re here, baby,” Neil said, lightly touching Kate’s arm as they parked in front of The Grand Del Mar. She had fallen asleep again. “I’m already checked in. This was the location for the last note that I left for you.”

  “Oh, Neil,” she said. “I’m sorry that I haven’t said anything about the amazing day that you have given me. Everything was so overwhelming with Roger. Up until I was taken from you, it was the most perfect day of my life.”

  “Oh, baby, don’t worry about that. I just wish that things could have gone according to plan. But we can get back on track now. This special day isn’t over yet,” he said, getting out of the car.

  Neil came around and opened her door, taking her hand to help her out. He led her to their suite. The hotel looked like a villa found in the hillsides of Italy. Kate was noticing a pattern to Neil’s taste. He definitely was a Renaissance man, her knight in shining armor. “I know that you have to be exhausted, but I thought that we could order some room service,” he said. “What do you think?”

  “Neil, I just need to…to take a shower. Room service after? I just need to wash this night off me. I won’t be long. I just want to feel clean.”

  “Of course. Take your time,” he said leading her to the bathroom, not letting her out of his sight.

  When under the gentle jets of the large showerhead, she finally felt the awful fall away from her. She couldn’t help but feel deep sadness for Jacob and Paulina, Rose and her daughters. Quiet sobs escaped while she grieved the heavy losses. She also felt so thankful for Neil’s intuitive mind and gallant heart.

  Kate walked out in her robe and laid down on the luxurious bed. Neil was watching the bathroom door from his side of the bed. “I would love some room service now. I haven’t eaten in hours,” she said. “I tried to eat when I heated up the leftover food that Roger brought to the cabin, but I just couldn’t bring myself to put the food in my mouth.”

  “I already have champagne chilling and cheese and crackers. I’ll bring the tray over and we can snack a little.”

  Neil sauntered over to the table and popped the bottle of champagne, pouring each of them a glass. He brought them over to the nightstand next to Kate handing her a glass and setting his down before going back for the cheese and crackers. Kate picked up a cracker and ate it. She then took several sips of her champagne.

  Neil got the menu for room service and started reading off the choices. They both agreed on the salmon and he called it in.

  “Okay, now that I finally have you here, I would love to finish what I started this morning,” Neil said.

  “I would love that, too,” Kate said as she adjusted herself in the bed, sitting up more.

  “Baby, I hope we can forget Wilkins for rest of the evening and concentrate on us. I don’t want you to give one more second of this day to that bastard,” Neil said, bending down on his knees and leaning against the bed as he took her hands in his. “I don’t want to spend one more minute just being your boyfriend either. I was taken by you from the moment we met and, after a few dates, I had fallen in love with you, completely.”

  Kate’s eyes widened. The blood coursing through her veins heated and she could hear her heartbeat pounding loudly in her ears. More than anything else in this world she wanted to be Neil’s wife. She just couldn’t believe he was proposing and making her dreams come true. What a way to end, what had started, as a wonderful day.

  “I want to be with you all the days of my life. I promise that our life together will be filled with love and passion,” he said. “It may not always be easy, but I would rather spend the worst of days with you than have only the best of days without you. Will you do me the incredible honor of becoming my wife?” he asked, taking a ring box from the nightstand drawer and opening it.

  Kate’s mouth fell open and her eyes filled with tears. “Yes, Neil, nothing would make me happier than being your wife,” she said, holding out her hand.

  Neil slipped the three-carat, princess cut diamond ring on her finger. It glittered on her finger, causing her heart to burst with joy.

  “I love you,” she said, pulling him close so she could kiss him. He kissed her tenderly and then pulled back.

  “Kate, you have made me the happiest man by saying yes. I want you to know that I don’t want a long engagement. I think that we can put a wedding together rather quickly,” he said. “In fact,” he started, with his usual bravado back in full swing, “I’ve already contacted an outstanding wedding planner, Sadie Phelps, and she has begun a portfolio for us. I was thinking that we could have our reception here at this hotel,” he continued. “What do you think?”

  “It sounds like you have it all figured out. Did you decide on a date too?” she asked with a chuckle.

  “I thought that New Year’s Eve would be good. We can begin the new year, starting our lives together as husband and wife,” Neil said, his eyes searching hers for a green light.

  Kate tilted her head and smiled. “New Years Eve? As in, this New Years Eve? I love that idea. You are so romantic, Mr. Statton,” she said, putting her hand on his face.

  A knock on the door interrupted their moment.

  “That must be room service,” he said, rising from her side, kissing her quickly, and moving toward the door.

  “Good evening, sir. I have two salmon dinners for you,” the waiter said.

  “Great,” Neil said motioning for the room service to be set up in the dining area. The waiter set up their meal and left after Neil handed him a tip.

  Neil walked over to the bed and extended his hand to Kate. “Our first dinner together as an engaged couple,” he said. “We can discuss what we would like for our wedding.”

  Kate took his hand and he helped her out of bed.

  “I’m starved,” she said as they reached the table.

  Neil pulled her chair out for her and pushed it in once she was seated. She looked up at the man who adored her, loved her, and saved her; she felt at peace, knowing that no matter what happened, she and Neil would face it together. She felt like the luckiest woman in the world.

  Neil retrieved their champagne glasses, refilled them and then sat at the table with his beloved. He raised his glass for a toast. “Here’s to the rest of our lives together. I’m so thankful that our future is starting tonight,” he said.

  They clinked their glasses together and each took a sip.

  “Tell me your dreams about your wedding day. I want you to have everything that you want,” he said.

  “Honestly, I would like a small affair. I’ve never really liked big weddings. They seem too impersonal to me and I want just family and close friends to attend. It would be good to have between fifty and seventy-five people. I also have always had my heart set on roses for the centerpieces and my bouquet. I wonder if Sadie can make that happen, given its winter?”

  Neil nodded and said, “I can agree to a small wedding and roses. What else?”

  “Well, by looking at this beautiful hotel I think that we should have an old-world Renaissance theme,” she said, taking a bite of her food. “Mm. This is so good.”

  “That sounds perfect.”

  “Have you already checked the hotel for availability?”

  “Yes, I was presumptuous and al
ready booked it for us. I know I took a big chance by assuming that you would say yes.” Neil realized that he had better check for guest room’s availability as well.

  “Did you actually have doubts about my answer?” she asked.

  Neil shook his head. “No, I know you’re crazy about me. What’s not to love?” he asked with his boyish grin.

  Kate giggled. “Well, your humility is definitely at the top of the list of what I love about you.”

  Neil’s grinned widened and he said, “Obviously, I have a very healthy self-esteem.”


  “In all seriousness, baby, I love you more than I thought possible. I want to make love to you every day for the rest of our lives. I’m not just talking physically,” he said, placing his hand on her heart. “I want to make you feel loved and adored every moment of every day. You are so precious to me and it is my mission to make you feel special always.”

  Kate took Neil’s hand and stood up. “Let me show you how much you mean to me,” she said.

  His intense gaze sent sparks shooting throughout her body. He stood, saying nothing with words, but speaking volumes with his body. He drew her body to his and looked at her like he had just been given everything he ever wanted. Then he scooped her into his arms and carried her to the bed.

  Neil placed her on the bed and began disrobing her.

  “How did I get so lucky to have such a beautiful woman in my life? I’m not just talking about your outer beauty. You have the biggest heart of anyone I know,” he said, looking at her adoringly.

  Before Kate could respond, Neil’s mouth captured hers and he began giving her slow wet kisses that lit her body afire. The feel of his lips on hers and his hands moving down her breasts toward the sash that fastened her robe, took her breath away. Bliss. He slipped it off and it fell to the floor. She began unbuttoning his shirt, desperately needing to run her hands over his muscular chest. She pulled away momentarily to push the shirt off Neil’s sculptured shoulders. She gazed upon his sexy physique and moaned, sending Neil into fast forward. There he was standing before her, having disrobed in seconds, her husband-to-be, wanting to make love to her, desire shining through his handsome face. Her eyes roamed his chiseled body as she scooted to the edge of the bed and pulled his hips toward her mouth. She began by licking the tip of his hardened shaft, then plunged her mouth over him, taking in as much as she could. Neil let out a hiss as her mouth slid up and down. He put his hands on her head and gently guided her every motion. She looked up at him to see his eyes transfixed on hers and he let out another moan from the intensity of what she was doing to him. He reached down beginning to rub and gently pinch her nipples, turning them to rosy buds, just waiting for Neil’s hot mouth to find them.


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