Given to You

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Given to You Page 16

by Carlie Sexton

  “I want you to sit on me, but not facing me, and I want you to ride me really hard.”

  “I’ll do whatever you want, baby.”

  Rose climbed upon Roger and began rubbing his tip against her hot slit. “Baby, I want to fuck you right now,” he said, grabbing her hips and shoving himself deep inside of her.

  Rose let out a moan and began moving up and down.

  “Go faster,” he said slapping her ass. His hands dug into her hips and he moved her faster up and down until he exploded, growling loudly.

  Chapter 19

  Kate and Neil had fallen wrapped asleep in each other’s arms. They were both satiated by the events of the day, becoming betrothed to each other and celebrating their love. It had barely been a week since they had been intimate, but they were so in love with each other, that it had felt like much longer. Kate began to stir, feeling Neil’s erection pressed against her backside and his hand cupping her breast. It was an amazing feeling knowing that she was lying there in the arms of her husband. She said a prayer that nothing and no one would ever be able to tear them apart.

  In the few moments she had to be alone with her thoughts, she contemplated how perfect Neil was for her. He saw into her soul and accepted her just as she was. They had experienced bumps in the road, but Neil had proven his love for her over and over again. She could be herself with him and that was a welcome change from her childhood, walking on eggshells when she was around her family. How could agreeing to go for coffee have brought her to this place in such a short amount of time? She was now a married woman. Married to a man who adored her, who was committed to spending the rest of his life with her, and who knew what she needed and how she felt sometimes, even before she did. She had truly found the one whom her soul loved. Neil Statton was the man of her dreams and the man of her reality. He was the man who would move heaven and earth to make her dreams come true and keep her safe from harm.

  She had tried to resist him at first, but it had been futile. He was commanding and confident, not to mention insanely good looking. He had piqued her interest when they first talked on the phone and captivated her when they met. Once she laid eyes on him, she hadn’t stood a chance. She smiled to herself. She was pleased that even though life had been crazy, Neil was her silver lining. Her bedrock. He made everything worthwhile.

  Neil’s hips thrust toward her ass. He whispered, “Are you awake?”

  “Yes,” she whispered back.

  He lifted his head and bit her earlobe. Then he moved his hand from her breast down between her legs to find out if she was as aroused as he was. When he reached between her legs, she felt a spark surge throughout her body. She wanted him more than she could ever express.

  “Oh, baby. I love how you feel,” he said, caressing the tender folds between her legs. He slipped his finger inside her and brought the moisture up to her clit and began stroking it. Kate moaned. She knew what was coming. Another mind blowing orgasm.

  Neil lifted her leg and placed it on top of his thigh as he moved closer to her. This was going to be a new experience. She had never done it this way before. With Neil, she had experienced all kinds of new erotic pleasure. He was a master in this area and he wanted to be in control.

  Neil began to rub his hardened girth against her wet sex. The feeling of him moving against her was so intoxicating. Within seconds, he had penetrated her core and his hand was playing with her nipples.

  “Baby, lick your finger and touch yourself,” he said.

  Kate licked her finger and reached for her clit. She felt the pulsing deep down. Neil had awakened her sexuality and she wanted to please him in every possible way.

  As she circled her own clit, Neil slipped in and out of her, slowly and methodically, moaning in her ear with each penetration. She could feel the pressure mounting and knew she was close. He kept slipping in and out of her. Neil brought his hand up to Kate’s mouth. “Here, baby, suck my finger,” he said. “I want to play with you now.”

  Kate’s mouth engulfed Neil’s finger and she began sucking it as he continued slipping in and out of her. He pulled his finger out of her mouth and made his way to her bare bundle of nerves, beginning to rub her seductively. “Play with your breasts, baby,” he said.

  Kate began rubbing her breasts while Neil nipped at her shoulder. “You feel so good,” he said. “I love sliding in and out of you.”

  “I love it, too,” Kate responded breathlessly. She squeezed her nipples hard while Neil continued his onslaught. The combination of the sensations was more than she could bare and she screamed out sounds that indicated the pure erotic pleasure she was experiencing.

  Neil thrust into her hard and she could feel the pulsing sensation of her orgasm. She finally found words and she called out Neil’s name, telling him how great he was in bed. Neil’s pace quickened and, within moments, he found his release.

  Neither of them moved for several minutes. They stayed connected to each other, body, heart, mind, and soul.

  “Is this what it’s going to be like every night?” she said. “You bringing me to the edge of reason and then catching me when I fall?”

  Neil kissed her neck and said, “I plan on making love to you in bed and out. I fully intend on pleasuring your body every chance I get. I love you, Kate, so much.”

  “I love you, too. More than you know.”

  Neil slid his hands up her thighs, over her hips, and to her waist. “Everything about you delights me,” he said. “You don’t have to try. You do it by just being you.”

  Kate began to turn over so she could face her husband. Her eyes were filled with tears. “How do you always know the right thing to say to me?” she asked.

  Neil flashed his dazzling smile. “Because we were meant to be together. I know you,” he said, putting his hand on her heart. “You let me in here and your heart is now my home.”

  “I know. I feel it too. We are destined to be together.”

  He put his forehead to hers and said, “I couldn’t agree more, Mrs. Statton.”

  Kate kissed her husband. “Our friends are going to be here soon,” she said. “We should get up. I need some time to get ready for our evening out.”

  Neil sighed and said, “I know we’re supposed to go out, but all I want to do is stay in this bed with you. I can’t get enough of you, Mrs. Statton.”

  “That is the most delightful of thoughts, Mr. Statton, but, I think our friends would feel neglected considering they came here to celebrate with us. I’m going to text Charlie to find out when they expect to be here.”

  Kate got up and went to grab her purse in the living room. When she took out her phone, she discovered Charlie had already left her a text.

  She looked at the time on her phone. It was five-thirty.”

  “Charlie left me a text. They’re already here, in room 1614. Natalie is in her room too. I’m going to call Charlie. What time did you make dinner reservations?”

  “Seven. We can meet them at the restaurant. I’m sure they would like some time to relax.”

  Kate called Charlie. “Hey. Are you in your room already?”

  “Yes. This hotel is beautiful. You’re already here, right?”

  “We left early this morning. We’ve been here since one or so. We have dinner reservations for seven at Picasso’s.”

  “Great. Do you want to meet for a drink in the bar beforehand?”

  “Sure. We’ll see you down there at six-thirty. Nat texted me that she is in her room. I’m assuming that Mac is in his. We’ll get in touch with them.”

  “Sure. They seem to be really interested in each other.”

  “I got the same feeling on Thanksgiving when they met. He couldn’t take his eyes off her and she said some really sweet things about him,” Kate said. “I’m hoping that they become a couple. Natalie deserves to be happy. She has been through so much.”

  “It’s been brutal for her,” Charlie said. “But when the idea of her riding with Mac came up, she was all over it. She called
me last night to let me know. I think they have been texting and staying in touch.”

  “Well, hopefully we will see some fireworks between them this weekend. I’ll see you in a little while.”

  They ended their call and Kate told Neil to inform Mac of their plans. Then she proceeded to get ready for their evening. Her hair and make-up needed her undivided attention. After her sticky dessert encounter, a shower was in the cards too.

  “Okay, it’s all set,” Neil said as he entered the bathroom. “I could hear in Mac’s voice that he and Natalie had a good drive out here. I encouraged him to be attentive toward her tonight. He’s thinking of this evening as a date, even though it is unofficial.”

  “I’ll make sure to talk Mac up when all of us girls recuse ourselves to the ladies room. But, honestly, I really don’t know that much about him. Give me the 411 on Mac.”

  “Mac is a true friend and loyal to a fault. He always defends the underdog,” Neil said. “There was one time in high school when some kids were picking on a geek and Mac stepped in to defend him. Mac was the captain of the football team so it was a big deal. I guarantee no one ever bothered that kid again.”

  “That’s admirable. Especially in high school, where there is so much peer pressure.”

  “His parents raised him right,” he said. “They were both from working-class families. Mac’s dad started a steel company and they got contracts with the government, making the company very profitable. Mac runs the company now. He’s an entrepreneur and has expanded into electronics.”

  “Wow, that’s impressive. So when did he and his girlfriend break up?”

  “It’s been about a month, but he knew that she wasn’t right for him. He always felt like she was more interested in his money than him. Natalie’s not like that, is she?”

  “No, Natalie is the farthest thing from a gold-digger. She’s not the type to be impressed with money. She’ll be more captivated by his kindness toward others.”

  “That was the feeling I got from her, too. She comes across as gentle, kind and genuine. Mac needs someone like her. He has wasted too much time with the wrong kind of women,” Neil said. “That’s why I’m so lucky. I found you and I don’t have to squander anymore time.”

  Neil picked up Kate’s hand and kissed it like he always did. She knew she would never grow tired of his simple expressions of love.

  “I’m the lucky one baby,” Kate said smiling up at her husband. “We better get dressed. It’s almost time for us to meet everyone.”

  “If we must,” Neil said pulling his bride into his arms. “Like I said earlier, I’d prefer to stay up here and have you all to myself.”

  “Trust me, I want you too. Maybe if you play your cards right, you can have me when we return later this evening.”

  “Oh, I’m counting on it.”

  Kate chuckled as Neil left the bathroom and went to the closet. They hadn’t unpacked anything, since their afternoon had been spent eating and making love. Kate unzipped the hanging bag that housed her dress for the evening and the pants and shirt Neil would be wearing. She wanted to look special since this was technically her wedding night. She took out a silk dress that was cinched in the sides. She stepped into it, pulling it up her body.

  “Neil, would you zip me up, please?” she asked.

  “Gladly,” he replied.

  When she turned to face him, she could see delight written all over his face.

  “Wow, baby, this dress shows off every delicious curve of your stunning body.”

  “You should have warned me that the bodyguards were going to earn their money tonight.”

  Kate laughed and said, “You’re crazy.”

  “No, actually, I’m going to have to fight off all of the men who will want to get close to you. You look incredible. What color would you say your dress is?”

  “I would call it cinnamon and I’m sure that you are not going to have to fight anyone tonight,” she said, laughing again.

  “Baby, you have no idea how men think and how visual we are.”

  “I guess you’re right,” she said. “You’ll just have to keep your arms around me so that everyone knows I am with you.”

  “That’s something I can handle,” he said, kissing her on the cheek.

  Neil began putting his clothes on as Kate watched him from her perch on the bed. She loved every inch of his sculpted body and thought it was a shame that he had to cover it up, but then, she enjoyed uncovering it every chance she got too, so she couldn’t really complain.

  Neil caught her staring at him.

  “If you don’t stop looking at me that way, we’re not going to make it out of here,” he said. “I’m going to rip that dress right off your body and have my way with you.”

  Kate smiled. She wished she could freeze this perfectly blissful moment with her husband. She wanted to stay with him in this room forever, forgetting about the realities that awaited her at home.

  “Is this better?” she asked, making a goofy face.

  “Strangely, I find that face a turn on as well.”

  They both started laughing.

  “Do you think our friends will be able to tell that we got married today. I don’t know how I’m going to contain my happiness,” Neil said.

  “They’ll most likely think that we are walking on clouds due to our upcoming nuptials. I’m sure they won’t think that anything is different. We better take our rings off and put them in the safe,” he said. “They would definitely notice them, especially yours.”

  “Oh, that’s right.”

  Neil began programming the safe so they could store their valuables in it. Kate took off her wedding ring and handed it to Neil. She put her engagement ring back on. Neil placed their wedding rings in the safe. “Is there anything else you want to put in here before I close it?” he asked.

  “No, I’m wearing the only valuable jewelry that I brought,” she said.

  Neil closed the safe door.

  He took Kate into his arms and asked, “Are you ready for our first dinner together as husband and wife, Mrs. Statton?”

  “Yes, I am, Mr. Statton.”

  Chapter 20

  Neil and Kate were the last to arrive at the restaurant bar. They were fashionably late, but only by a few minutes. They greeted everyone with hugs. The women complimented each other on their attire while the men began ordering drinks.

  “Nat, you look gorgeous in that red dress. I absolutely love it,” Kate said. “And Charlie, you look incredible. I love how that halter top looks on you. The golden tone is stunning with your complexion.”

  “Well, I don’t know where you got that dress, but it looks like it was made just for you. You look absolutely beautiful,” Charlie responded.

  “I heard that you and Mac drove in together. Did you enjoy your time in the car with him?” Kate asked Natalie. She knew it was safe to ask because the men were all watching sports highlights on TV while they waited for their drinks. She had learned that once a man became engrossed in sports, he was oblivious to everything else.

  Natalie smiled and looked down toward the floor for a moment. “It was nice,” she said. “He seems like a really good guy.”

  “He is, Nat. He’s got a big heart, just like you.”

  Mac walked up and handed Nat a drink, and Mitch did the same for Charlie. Neil was still waiting for the drinks he had ordered for himself and Kate. The women sat on barstools while the men stood next to them. Soon Neil made his way over and gave Kate her favorite, Moscato.

  “I’d like to make a toast,” Neil said and everyone raised their glasses. “Here’s to celebrating the amazing journey we are all on in this thing called life. Kate and I are thrilled to celebrate our marriage with all of you, our dearest friends.”

  They all clinked their glasses together and all took a sip. “Let’s grab that table over there,” Mitch said, motioning to the table. They all moved toward it in unison. Once they settled in, the conversation turned to how amazing the hotel was and the
ir plans for the evening.

  Kate was relieved when she saw Henderson and Hicks, her security detail, at a distance. No one knew that she was being guarded, but their presence made her feel better.

  “I got a limo for us,” Neil said. “The driver is going to pick us up here at ten. I booked him until three a.m. so we have plenty time to party.”

  Everyone agreed that sounded good.

  “I don’t think I have ever stayed out until three in the morning,” Nat chimed in. Everyone chuckled and Kate noticed the look of pure contentment on Mac’s face as he gazed upon her friend. Nat had an endearing innocence that made everyone love her.

  The hostess came over to let them know that their table was ready. It was a few minutes before seven. They rose to follow the petite redhead. Kate was impressed by the modern décor and the Picasso paintings adorning the walls. Every nuance of the Bellagio was breathtaking and she could tell that the designers had made painstaking decisions at every turn.

  They were warmly greeted by their waiter and placed their drink orders. “I’m glad you got us a limo. Now no one has to be the designated driver,” Mitch said.

  “I also didn’t want to hassle the streets around here. Plus, we have three gorgeous women with us and I don’t want them to be groped by a bunch of drunk guys on the street.”

  “Good point,” Mac said glancing at Natalie.

  Mitch nodded in agreement.

  The waiter came back with their drinks and took their order. So far, it was shaping up to be a great night.

  “Ladies, I also took the liberty to book spa treatments for all of you while we men are out playing golf tomorrow. I got us a tee time at Shadow Creek at one o’ clock,” Neil continued.

  “Shadow Creek!” Mitch gasped. “That’s the best golf course in Vegas. I can’t believe you got us on there. Charlie told me to bring my clubs, but she had no idea where we were playing.”

  “My dad knows the owner of the course, so he worked it out for us. Oh, by the way, all of our activities are on me. I’m paying for dinner, drinks, golf, the spa--all of it.”


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