Given to You

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Given to You Page 19

by Carlie Sexton

  “Oh, of course,” she said not looking at him. Neil could see that she was visibly shaken with the conversation not going the way she had anticipated. “Well, I should go.”

  “Enjoy your evening and Happy New Year.”

  “Happy New Year,” she mumbled as she turned to walk out the door. When she was gone, Neil breathed a sigh of relief. He thought he had handled that well. She didn’t scream or cry and thank goodness she wasn’t staying. That would have been way too uncomfortable.


  Moments later, the guards let Laura pass to enter the suite where Kate was preparing for her wedding, as they knew she worked for Neil. Kate, Natalie, and Charlie were drinking champagne and carrying on like school girls. Laura’s abrupt entrance muted the celebratory tone drastically.

  “Laura, I didn’t think you were coming today. Neil will be so happy that you are here,” Kate said, managing an awkward smile. Why is she here?

  “You’re right, he will be happy. Just like he is every day when he comes to work and spends his days…with me.”

  Kate glanced at Natalie and Charlie who both had furrowed brows. “He’s told me what a valued employee you are and that he appreciates your hard work,” Kate said, not sure where this conversation was going.

  “I’m more than that and you know it,” she said testily. “We have a connection like no one else. He depends on me and can count on me no matter what is happening. I was there for him every day after Elizabeth died. I helped that poor broken man through the darkest hours of his life. That’s when things changed between us…became more than just a work relationship. We had an unspeakable bond that cannot be broken.”

  “I know that you and Neil are close,” Kate said, uncertain of what Laura’s true agenda was, but hoping to diffuse any theatrics.

  Laura narrowed her eyes at Kate. “I figured you would be like all the rest…discarded when you were rendered unnecessary. But then I saw you and your uncanny resemblance to Elizabeth and I understood why Neil had kept you around… . You’re just a cheap replacement. He only wanted you because you remind him of her, the love of his life that he lost. He’s only marrying you because he feels sorry for you with the whole ridiculous story you have concocted about your next-door neighbor. I must say that it was brilliant on your part. But think of what you are doing to him. His desire to protect you since he couldn’t save Elizabeth has driven him to propose. But, I spend hours with him every day and see his perplexed face when he ends phone calls with you. The drama you have brought into his life is bleeding him dry. Neil is too wonderful and generous of a man not to honor his pledge to you, but I’m sure if you broke it off with him he would sleep better tonight. He’ll probably turn up at my place…again.”

  Kate sat there listening to the venom spewed from Laura’s mouth, but the words she was hearing in her head were from Sophia, Neil’s mom. On Christmas they had a private conversation in which Sophia shared how Neil had never been happier, that she was the right woman for him. Sophia talked about having prayed for years for her son to find someone to love and share his life with. Kate was, in her mind, an answer to her prayers.

  Kate recognized a desperate plea when she heard one. Laura had no idea that Kate was already aware of everything, so she tried to appease her, “Laura, I can understand why you’d love Neil… .”


  Mac made his way into the room. “Hey, dude,” he said. “Are you ready for this?”

  “I’ve never been more ready in my life. I can’t wait to marry Kate. She is everything I want in a woman.”

  “Neil Statton, a one-woman man. I never thought I’d see the day,” Mac said. “There’s a long line of broken-hearted women wishing they were Kate right now.”

  Neil shook his head and said, “Yeah, I’m sure hearts are breaking all over the world,” Neil said laughing.

  “I just passed your assistant in the hall. She looked like a raccoon from crying. Did you see her?”

  “She was just here. She told me she was in love with me and wanted me to leave Kate. It was really tense, but I tried to let her down easy.”

  “Wow, she sounds unstable,” Mac said. “Do you think she would confront Kate?”

  “I doubt it,” he answered back quickly. “Why?”

  “Well, you remember Tiffany when she became obsessed with me. She went after the woman she perceived as a threat to her. Do you think Laura is capable of doing that?”

  Neil thought for a second. “Shit!”

  Neil and Mac ran down the hall to the room where Kate and her bridesmaids were getting ready. Neil burst through the door, halting the conversation between Kate and Laura. Their sudden entrance startled everyone. Neil walked over to Kate and put his hand on her shoulder. Neil gave Mac a look and nodded. Mac went up to Laura and said, “I think it’s time for you to go now.” He put his hand in the small of her back and began turning her to guide her out. He glanced over at Natalie who was watching him intently. Once Mac had escorted Laura out, Neil pulled Kate into his arms.

  “I don’t know what she said to you, but I can assure you that nothing has ever gone on between us. It’s all in her head.”

  “I know. I feel sorry for her. She was obviously in a bad place. You just scared me when you burst through the door, I naturally assumed that something was going on with Roger.”

  His poor beautiful girl had to deal with his psychotic assistant and worry about Roger coming after her and doing God knows what. He wanted to shield her from the evils of this world, but it was too late. Wilkins already had his sights on her and she wasn’t going to be able to relax until he was caught. If only he had killed that sick bastard when he had the chance. One way or another, he was going to make certain that the psychopath didn’t get to his wife; his amazing wife.

  “Baby, I’m sorry I scared you. There is no problem with Roger. I just had a gut feeling that Laura might be paying you a visit.” Neil didn’t want to add to Kate’s burden by telling her what Laura had said. She had enough on her mind with worrying about Roger and his homicidal quest to possess her.

  Mac had returned, giving Neil a nod that everything was taken care of.

  “We’re going to get out of your hair and let you beauties continue doing whatever it is you were doing,” Neil said. “You all look lovely by the way.”

  “Yes, you do,” Mac said, looking directly at Natalie. “Really…lovely.”

  Natalie smiled at him and their eyes stayed locked on each other for a moment before Natalie turned away, breaking their connection.

  “Okay, well you two need to scoot. We have important things to do, like help your beautiful bride get ready,” Charlie said, ushering the men toward the door. Neil and Mac walked out to return to their suite.


  “I wonder if Laura went to visit Neil first,” Kate said.

  “Thankfully she’s gone now. You do know that everything she said is utter bullshit, right?” Charlie asked.

  “I know. I don’t blame her for wanting Neil. How could she not be in love with him?”

  “Maybe his next assistant should be a man as long as he’s not gay,” Natalie chimed in. They all laughed.

  “Mac sure couldn’t keep his eyes off you Nat. I think someone’s falling for you,” Charlie said.

  “All we’ve been talking about lately is our weddings. You two seemed really close in Vegas. Has something happened between you two since we got back that we don’t know about?” Kate asked.

  Natalie blushed and smiled coyly. “We’re having a good time together. He seems like a stand-up guy and I really want to get to know him better, but I don’t want to go too fast or get my heart broken. We’ve been spending some time together and I just want to let things progress naturally. Slowly.” she answered quietly.

  “Nat, you need to take your own advice, the same advice you gave me when I didn’t know if I wanted to go out with Neil or not,” Kate said. “Now look at me. I’m about to be married to the man of my dreams.”

know, you’re right…” Natalie said. “I’m going to try to give Mac a chance, a real chance. He was wonderful on Thanksgiving, in Vegas, and since then. I don’t know how to explain it, but he just seems to know how I am feeling. He has a lot to offer and I find him really attractive. I love his smile and his kind demeanor,” she said a little dreamily.

  “He’s all those things and more Nat,” Kate said encouragingly.

  “I know if you two are rooting for him then he must be a catch. It’s just that opening myself up to a relationship scares the daylights out of me.”

  “I know it’s scary, but it’s worth the risk. We just want to see you as happy as we are with our guys,” Kate said.

  “This is the perfect night for something to happen. You’re at a wedding and it’s New Year’s Eve. I really feel that he could be the right man for you,” Charlie said.

  Natalie smiled and nodded. “I promise you both that I will open my heart to him. Now, we better stop worrying about me and get this wedding started,” Natalie said as she embraced her two dear friends.

  Chapter 25

  Roger sat outside in the parking lot of The Grand Del Mar. He so wanted to burst in during the ceremony and object to her marrying another man, but he knew that would be a mistake. This was his time to study everything and see what intel he could gather. He already had his plan in place for getting Kate back. Everything he needed to surprise them in Maui was organized. He assumed that security wouldn’t be going with them on their honeymoon and he could take Neil down the day after they arrived. He had everything he needed—fake ID, airline ticket, and passports for himself and Kate, credit card—thanks to Rose, and plenty of ideas on the most efficient way to kill Neil.

  This would be even better than his original plan of keeping her in Big Bear. They would fly back to San Diego, pick up Jacob, and fly to the Dominican Republic. From there, they would decide where they wanted to settle. Having Neil’s money would make everything easier.

  He took pictures of guests as they arrived at the valet stand. They were easy to pick out because they were carrying wedding presents. These pictures could come in handy if Kate resisted. She wouldn’t want anyone she loved to be hurt because she was being unreasonable. Kate had a sensible way about her and she cared more about others than herself. That was one of the many things he loved about her. Well, love might be a stretch. He wasn’t sure if he was capable of love. He was capable of being driven, determined, and unyielding once he started something, but loving in the way that most people thought of it was out of his realm of possibilities.

  He wished he could be like other people, but that ship had sailed many, many years ago and he had no way of retrieving it. Perhaps Kate would save him from this giant mess of a life he had right now. She was his only hope of being human and he needed her desperately.

  Chapter 26

  Kate and Eric stood outside the ballroom waiting for their musical cue to proceed down the aisle. She was so grateful that her brother was giving her away, as he was the only person she could imagine filling that role.

  “Kate,” Eric said looking down at her, “I’m so happy for you and Neil. He’s a good man and I am glad that you two found each other. Finding love is a rare thing nowadays.”

  Kate smiled and said, “Thanks, Eric. I know one day you will find the right woman and she will be so lucky to have you.”

  The music began and Charlie and Mitch walked down the aisle; they were followed by Natalie and Mac. When the wedding march began, Eric escorted his sister down the aisle. She beamed as she looked upon the guests who had come to celebrate this wonderful event with her and Neil. When she made it far enough to see Neil’s face, her eyes locked on his and stayed glued there. He mouthed the words “I love you” to her as she approached. She mouthed back the same. Her brother kissed her on the cheek and turned her over to Neil. The two men shook hands and Eric took a seat next to their mom. The minister began the ceremony.

  Neil and Kate had decided to repeat their vows after the minister since they had already exchanged their own heartfelt vows in Vegas at the chapel on the lake.

  All Kate knew was no matter what was said here at the altar, she and Neil would get to spend the rest of their lives making each other happy. The minister said the magic words she was waiting for, “You may kiss the bride.”

  Neil pulled her close to him and kissed her with reverence and adoration. She knew in his kiss that he would always be there for her, love her, and protect her no matter what. When they completed their perfect kiss, the minister announced them as husband and wife to the guests, who began clapping.

  Kate and Neil turned to face their friends and family members, who showered the couple with smiles and well wishes. She was so grateful that Neil was the kind of man to realize that she needed a fancy wedding day. He had made all of her dreams come true. They walked down the aisle hand in hand and made their way outside for pictures on the grounds while the guests were ushered to the reception area.

  Later, when Neil and Kate entered the door leading to the ballroom, the DJ announced them. “Everyone, I’d like to present Mr. and Mrs. Neil Statton.” Their friends and family stood and applauded as they made their way to the table they were sharing with the bridal party. Before they were seated, the crowd began tapping their glasses with their forks, demanding a kiss from the bride and groom. Kate was more than happy to kiss her handsome husband.

  The cocktail hour that Sadie had set up while Neil and Kate were taking pictures had been a hit. Everyone enjoyed champagne and tasty appetizers while waiting for them to arrive. Once the wedding party was seated the servers began delivering the salads.

  Kate reached over and touched Neil on his thigh. She lifted her glass of champagne and said, “Here’s to our new life together. There is no one on this earth I want to share my life with more than you.” They clinked their glasses, each took a sip and Neil kissed her sweetly on the lips.

  “I hope you are enjoying yourself, Mrs. Statton,” he said.

  “Neil, I couldn’t be happier. You have given me another wonderful day, but more importantly you have given me your heart. I love you so much.”

  “Oh, baby,” Neil said putting his forehead to hers, “you’ve had my heart from the moment we met. No one else in the world would do after that.”

  After dinner, Kate and Neil shared their first dance to Truly, Madly, Deeply, by Savage Garden. Charlie and Mitch and Natalie and Mac, joined them on the dance floor after a few moments. Looking on while the two couples spoke to each other sweetly made Kate wish she could eavesdrop on their conversation.


  “So, what do you think? Do you want a wedding like this?” Mitch asked Charlie.

  Charlie glanced around the room. “I think we have simpler tastes than Kate and Neil, not to mention a much smaller budget.”

  “I want you to have whatever you want. It will be the best day of our lives.”

  “All I want is you,” Charlie said as she pulled Mitch’s face to hers to kiss him. “I don’t need anything but you. Plus, the practical side of me would rather have a check from my parents to apply toward a down payment on a home for us. The wedding is just one day, but our marriage is for the rest of our lives.”

  “I know, but haven’t you been dreaming about this since you were a little girl?”

  “My dream came true when I met a man as wonderful as you. Besides my father, you are the best man I know. The only important dream for me is to spend every day loving you.”

  Mitch nuzzled his nose to hers. “I just want to give you everything. I want to spoil you and make you feel cherished.”

  “You already do sweetheart,” Charlie said.

  Mitch pulled Charlie close. “What did I do to deserve a woman who loves me so much and is as sexy as hell?”

  “I don’t know Mitch, but you sure are one lucky man,” she said giggling.

  “I am my love. Luckier than any other man in the world.”


  “So, you st
ill haven’t told them anything?” Mac asked Natalie.

  Natalie shook her head. “No, I’m really good at keeping secrets. I’m not ready for anyone to know yet anyway.”

  “You don’t think Kate and Charlie suspect anything?”

  “They have been so distracted with wedding planning that they haven’t asked much about you until today, after you removed that horrible woman from Kate’s suite. I’m so glad you made her leave.”

  “I’ve had experience with obsessed women. I hope she resigns, or Neil is going to have to fire her. She’s too unstable to keep around.”

  “No kidding. So, you’ve had a stalker before?”

  “Yes, one old girlfriend tried to sabotage the relationship I had after she and I ended.”

  “Wow, that’s kind of scary. Good thing she didn’t take a page out of Roger’s book.”

  Mac nodded. “I can’t believe Kate is going through all of this. You never know who’s crazy.”

  Natalie tilted her head to one side, but her eyes were downcast.

  Mac lifted her chin. “Tell me,” he said.

  “I do have something to tell you, but I want to wait until we are alone.”

  “Is everything okay?” he asked with a concerned look.

  “I’m not sure.”

  “Nat, you’re scaring me.”

  “Just hold me, Mac.”

  Mac pulled her close and she rested her head on his shoulder. The music changed to a fast song and he promptly escorted her off the dance floor and out of the ballroom.


  At midnight, when the New Year was official, Neil and Kate excused themselves to their suite. Many of the guests were staying the night at the hotel so they didn’t have to drive home. The party was still going, but the newlyweds were eager to be alone. When they reached the door of the honeymoon suite Neil picked Kate up and carried her over the threshold, gently placing her on the bed. It was time for wedding night, part two—an instant replay of their wedding night in Vegas.


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