The Frog Cypher: An Adventure Novel (Sam Harris Series Book 2)

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The Frog Cypher: An Adventure Novel (Sam Harris Series Book 2) Page 20

by PJ Skinner


  The next morning, Gloria and Mike woke up to find that Segundo had gone. It did not take Gloria long to find out that Wilson was also missing from his temporary prison. She was sure that their disappearance had something to do with her father. She knew that Hernan Sanchez had strong views on betrayal and the protection of his assets. But she had always been squeamish when it came to the nitty-gritty of her father’s business affairs. She decided that she really did not need to know about the fate of Wilson. So she played dumb when Mike asked her about him

  ‘He’s disappeared with Segundo, Mike. I don’t know where.’

  ‘Who is that man, Segundo? He’s really sinister looking. That face!’

  ‘He works for my father. Perhaps he’s taken Wilson to the police.’

  ‘I doubt that very much. I must say, I’m glad I don’t have to deal with Wilson. Confrontation is not my strong point.’

  ‘Forget about him, Mike. He’s gone now and Alfredo and Sam are safe.’

  He hoped they were not only safe but on the trail of the treasure. He could still save face with Edward if they found something. He settled for a sigh and a leisurely breakfast, while he waited with Gloria for the driver to take them back to the airport. He had had enough adventures for the time being.


  When Sam opened her eyes, she immediately shut them again on the assumption that she was hallucinating. She cautiously opened them again to find that she was looking into the anxious eyes of Tati, who was hovering over her in a fretful way.

  ‘Alfredo?’ asked Sam.

  ‘Here, chica,’ she heard him say.

  ‘Where are we?’

  ‘Arenas, I guess.’

  Tati nodded and smiled.

  ‘But what are we doing here, Alfredo? What happened to the treasure? Did I dream the whole thing?’

  ‘No, Sam, you didn’t. But you should know the truth. Let’s have something to eat. Then Tati can explain it all to us.’

  ‘Tati? I don’t understand. What’s Tati got to do with anything?’

  ‘Tati has got everything to do with this. She is the granddaughter of Don Moises.’

  Sam sat up quickly and then lay down again, assailed by waves of dizziness. She tried again, this time slowly, and swung her legs over the edge of the bed, cautiously raising her head. She saw that Alfredo had also managed to sit up and was smiling at her, a beatific sort of smile, like a cat who had not only got the cream but had gone for a swim in it.

  ‘Wasn’t it marvellous?’ he asked rhetorically. ‘I never thought I’d live to see the day.’

  ‘But what happened to the treasure? How did we get here? What’s Tati doing here? You must explain, Alfredo.’

  ‘Let’s have a cup of coffee and I’ll tell you the whole story.’

  Sam got up and tottered outside to pee behind the house. She had a nasty taste in her mouth and felt as if she had the worst hangover in the world. She wavered over her bent legs and almost fell into the rubbish on the ground at the back of the building. After she had finished, she mounted the stairs into the house with her eyes screwed up against the bright sunlight, which poked viciously through the fluffy clouds, assaulting her eyeballs.

  Once they were seated at the crude wooden table, drinking cheap [is there any other kind?] Nescafe, which was bitter with age, Tati gestured for Alfredo to speak. She knew that Sam’s Spanish, while improving, was not up to the story she had to tell.

  Alfredo said, ‘Sam, do you remember that I told you about Valverde, the Spanish soldier who married an Inca princess and was led by her to the treasure?’

  Sam nodded.

  ‘The Incas realised that the only way to keep the treasure’s location a secret from the Spanish was to move it regularly. However, moving such a great amount of treasure was impractical, so only the best and most precious objects were selected for removal from the horde. A family of servants most loyal to the Inca lords were chosen to be the keepers of the treasure. They were given the task of guarding it for posterity and of moving it any time it was in danger. You have met the descendants of this extended family.’

  ‘The inhabitants of Arenas? I thought it was odd that there was an Indian village in the jungle. I know they traditionally live only in the Andes.’

  ‘Yes, Sam, you’re right. But the treasure was moved here one hundred years ago, when one of the treasure hunters got too close to the last hiding place before this one. The present leader of the family who guards the treasure is Don Moises. He’ll eventually end up with the other mummies in the vault where the treasure is hidden. He told me about this when he realised he would have to move the treasure again. He’d heard about my work, and he knew that for me, the history was more important than the money. He offered me the chance of seeing the treasure if I promised never to look for it again. It’s our heritage. We would never let anyone take it out of Sierramar. Not even Mike.’

  ‘So you let him drug us on condition that we got to see it? But how did he know what we were after when we came back? No one told anyone what we were doing…’ Sam’s voice trailed off, and she looked across the table at Tati.

  ‘It was you, wasn’t it, Tati? I knew I’d seen you at the station at San Martin.’

  Tati got the gist of what Sam was saying and nodded, laughing.

  ‘I knew I’d seen her. I knew it,’ said Sam fiercely. ‘But who told Tati? Oh, Marta, I guess.’

  ‘Yes, she’s not the most discreet person on the planet and couldn’t keep the secret of the frog cypher photo. That’s also how Wilson knew about the treasure. He told me that night when we went out for a drink in San Martin. He thought that I would agree to kill you and split the treasure. But when I wouldn’t give him a decision, he must have decided to kill me, too. When Don Moises heard from Tati that we were coming back to Arenas, he decided to move the treasure. But he needed our cooperation to do it. He talked to me when he found out about Wilson, because he didn’t want a man like that getting his hands on our heritage, and we agreed on the plan. So, there you have it, Sam.’

  Sam did not know whether to laugh or to cry. ‘Where’s the treasure now?’

  ‘The village has taken it and is trekking to one of the hiding places designated by the original Incas. They will build a new village and guard it there. It’ s their sacred duty. Anyone who betrays them is buried alive. Wilson is lucky. Although I suspect that whoever is looking for him may have a similar punishment in mind.’

  ‘What happened to Wilson? I thought he went to Riccuarte with Carlos.’

  ‘He did, Sam. But he was not a willing passenger. A man called Segundo turned up in Riccuarte looking for Wilson, claiming that he was responsible for the car crash that almost killed us in Calderon. Segundo told Dona Elodea that Wilson was planning to kill us. Dona Elodea sent Carlos to warn Don Moises and to capture Wilson. I think Segundo works for Gloria’s father. I don’t know if you have realised this but Gloria’s father is no angel himself.’

  Sam had an inkling. Her head was swimming again.

  ‘I think I’d better lie down for a minute,’ she said.

  ‘You do that. You’ll feel queasy today until the effect of the sleeping draught wears off. We’ll leave tomorrow. I understand that Carlos is coming to pick us up in a canoe with Rijer.’

  Sam lay back down on her bed. She was dog tired but there was something sharp sticking in her back. She realised that she was lying on her rucksack. She rolled sideways and pulled it out from under her. She threw it to one side and pulled the rough wool blanket over her. Sleep took her right away.

  Alfredo, who had been watching her, lay down, too. Unlike her, he was still wide-eyed with wonder. He replayed the video he had recorded in his head of the treasure they had seen. He sighed a great big contented sigh.

  Tati smiled and cleared away the coffee cups. She would have to get a new job after what had happened. But she had fulfilled her destiny as a descendant of the keepers of the treasure and was very proud of her role in the drama. What a pit
y she could not tell Marta about it this time. Marta would have loved this story.


  The driver arrived at San Lorenzo and picked up Gloria and Mike, who were waiting at the cantina to be rescued from their adventure. Mike felt an ache in his chest. He knew that he had been lucky to survive his fright. Maybe it was time to go home to his long-suffering wife and to stay there. He did not have the money for the lifestyle he craved but he had enough to make her happy. She just wanted a quiet life. He knew Edward would be disappointed but not surprised. They would get many drunken evenings of storytelling out of this particular adventure. Maybe next time they would invest in something nearer home.

  Gloria did not speak either on the way to the airport. She was thinking about Alfredo. She was in love with him, of that there was no doubt. He was not perfect but he was loyal and honest and there was something about him that was appealing and habit forming. He had a special charisma and sense of humour. Gloria knew he was a keeper. She was determined to make a go of it. She crossed her fingers that he and Sam got home in one piece.


  Sam woke up early the next day and went down to the river to wash. She remembered what Alfredo had said about the crayfish. To her horror, she found that it was true. No amount of rationalisation about molecules being recycled made her feel any better about it. She was now ready to go home. It was all very well living in the jungle for a while but she was desperate for a hot shower and some tasty food that did not have tuna or rice in it.

  Tati cooked them a late breakfast. Carlos arrived in time to finish all the leftovers, hoovering them up in double-quick time. The rains had ceased and the river was less swollen and easier to navigate. They set off for Riccuarte through the muddy waters and made good time.

  When they arrived in Riccuarte, Dona Elodea was waiting at the river bank with a basket full of empanadas. She was sitting on a log with the driver sent by Sanchez, who helped himself to the delicious crunchy envelopes until she slapped his hand to indicate that he had eaten more than his share. Sam and Alfredo said goodbye to Tati, who was staying on at Riccuarte for a few days, and set off for a final night in San Lorenzo.

  The pick-up bucked and bounced along the road, making Sam feel sick after her ration of empanadas. They stayed in the hotel with the rustling beds. Sam was woken up by the occupants feasting on her blood again. But she could offer no resistance and fell back into a heavy sleep.


  At nightfall, Segundo and Wilson arrived at the house of El Duro in Guayama, Sierramar’s second town. Wilson had become panicky as he realised where they were going. He had tried to stay calm at first, reasoning that there was no possible motive for Sanchez to deliver him to El Duro. After all, he had tried to kill Sanchez’s daughter. Surely Sanchez would be looking for revenge, not sending the culprit to his rival. Wilson was not stupid. He could see very little hope in his situation. He had hoped to talk his way out of the car crash scenario with Senor Sanchez by blaming Falconi for targeting the wrong car. He had always talked his way out of situations before.

  El Duro was another story, being a vindictive man who had been repeatedly denied payment by Wilson’s promises of riches. It was likely that he had come to the end of his patience. Wilson knew what happened to men who tried the patience of El Duro.

  As they pulled up outside of the house, Wilson turned to Segundo.

  ‘I’ll pay you anything you want if you let me go,’ he said.

  ‘And how will I spend it if Senor Sanchez cuts off my hands?’ replied Segundo, opening the door for Wilson to get out.

  A very large black man was waiting for them outside a colonial house with pretty balconies. He directed Wilson through a large wooden door. Wilson directed one last pleading look at Segundo before it slammed shut behind them.


  Sam and Alfredo arrived at the airport in Calderon to be enveloped in kisses and hugs from an ecstatic Gloria. Sam was tempted to tell her to ‘get a room’ when her welcome of Alfredo went a little bit over the top. Gloria did not take them home but instead, they went straight to the hospital where Mike had been installed in a private room and was hooked up to a drip.

  ‘Dehydration,’ said Mike. ‘Nothing to worry about.’

  Sam hugged him gingerly, trying not to get tangled up with the tubes. Mike was under observation while the doctors decided what had caused the attack of angina. Sam had heard, though, from Gloria that it was an attack of heroics, making her giggle in complicity.

  Sam decided to let Alfredo tell Mike the story of the still lost treasure of the Incas and its amazing history. She had a feeling that Mike would be satisfied with the result but not Edward. There was no proof of their amazing story. She was worried that Mike would lose Edward as an investor if he did not believe what was, after all, a pretty unbelievable story.

  As for her, she also believed that the treasure should never be taken from its caretakers. Alfredo had convinced her that it was where it belonged. And she was one of the few people who had seen it. The sight of the treasure would always stay with her and give her joy.

  As for her job, she had no idea what she would do next. But she could wait. Perhaps she would stay in Sierramar a bit longer and do some real geology. The country was full of mineral deposits, especially gold ones. There were plenty of other companies sniffing around for exploration opportunities, and a cheap English-speaking geologist, who could also communicate in reasonable Spanish, might be just what they were looking for.

  Sam and Gloria left Alfredo to fill Mike in on their adventure and went back to the Avenida Miranda where Marta was waiting to hear the gossip. She would not be told about Tati, who had disappeared into the jungle with the treasure keepers and would not return to Calderon.

  Later that evening Sam, emptied out her rucksack, separating the notebook, camera, penknife and other bric-a-brac from the sweet papers and other unidentifiable rubbish at the bottom of her bag. She searched all the pockets and shook them out. There was something stuck in one of the pockets. It was small and made of metal and very heavy with several sharp spikey bits sticking out, which had caught in the material of the rucksack. She fiddled around loosening the fabric around it and finally the object came out.

  It was a small gold llama. The fine detail and exquisite craftsmanship indicated that it was from the Incan treasure. How had it got into her rucksack? Who had put it there and why? It was obvious that someone had done this with a purpose, perhaps as a gift, perhaps as a reminder to keep the secret. Sam ran her fingers over the tiny llama. It was so beautiful it brought a lump to her throat. She was astonished and sad at the same time. She knew she could not keep it. There was someone who needed it more than she did.

  The next morning Mike was allowed to leave the hospital and came back to the flat a chastened man.

  ‘Oh God, Sam, what am I going to tell Edward? He’ll never believe our tale. I need him on my side if I ever want to have funding for another project. If only I had some sort of evidence.’

  ‘I think I can help you with that,’ said Sam, ‘if you keep me in mind as a possible employee.’

  ‘Don’t fuck with me, Sam. I’m a broken man.’

  ‘What makes you think that I’m messing you about? Shut your eyes and open your hand.’

  Mike stretched out his hand. Sam make him wait for a few seconds and then dropped the llama into his palm. Mike gasped in amazement as he opened his eyes and saw it.

  ‘What the fuck? It’s a llama, right? Where did you get it?’

  ‘I don’t know. It was in my rucksack. Maybe Don Moises put it there?’

  ‘It’s from the treasure? I can’t believe it. This will be worth everything to Edward.’

  ‘So you want to keep it then?’

  ‘Of course I do. What do you want for it?’

  ‘Well, if you’re going home, could I stay on in the flat until the lease runs out?’

  ‘Sure. I suppose you need some money too?’

  ‘I was just getting to that. S
ome money would be nice.’

  Mike smiled. ‘You’ve learnt something since you came to work for me, Sam,’ he said. ‘You drive a hard bargain.’

  ‘I learnt from the best,’ she said.

  Sam knew that she had learnt a lot more than that from her experience. She had survived in the jungle and learned to appreciate another culture and what it takes to work in one. She also knew a lot more about her ability to cope with adversity and to rise above it with the help of others. Gloria had opened her eyes to the courage that can be contained behind a façade of organised chaos. The rigid opinions that Sam had held were loosened like the bonds of captivity making her feel freer.

  She was still hiding behind the wall around her heart but she had dared to peep over the parapets and see that love still roamed outside. Alfredo and Gloria were proof that love conquers all.

  Sam was on her way.


  Hernan Sanchez raised a glass to the man sitting across the table from him. El Duro acknowledged the gesture with a smile.

  ‘So that’s settled then. All’s well that ends well. I look forward to working with you, Senor Sanchez.’

  ‘Likewise. Segundo will act as a go-between. You can trust him with your life.’

  ‘Wilson tried to buy him, you know.’

  ‘Not a chance there, I’m afraid. Segundo is fanatically loyal. What did you do with Mr Malvado, anyway?’

  ‘I’m afraid I am not at liberty to discuss that. But you’ll be glad to know that he squealed like a pig and will be of no further trouble to anyone.’

  Hernan Sanchez took this to mean that Wilson had been eliminated. El Duro, however, was being economical with the truth. Wilson had been tortured to within an inch of his life but El Duro could not bear to kill him. He was repulsed by women and did not have any children. Wilson was like a surrogate son in some strange way. He had been locked into a room in El Duro’s mansion until a decision about his future was made.


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