Six Months To Love: Charlotte's Redemption

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Six Months To Love: Charlotte's Redemption Page 9

by Leija, Christina

  Charlotte’s scan for her cancer was scheduled for today around the same time as court and since Charlotte had a fear of small places, Greta had assured that they would lightly sedate her to ease her worry. The rest would do Charlotte some good as well, with all the stress lately and the lack of sleep she had due to upcoming court.

  The thought of losing her son tore Charlotte up inside and ripped out her heart. Her son was her life, her reason for living, her angel that had been given to her, a gift from God for her to protect. Now that gift was being threatened. A mother’s job was to protect their children through any means possible and at this moment Charlotte felt like a failure. A true threat had come close to harming Andrew and ruining his life and had come close to killing Charlotte.

  A tear slid from Charlotte’s watery eyes as thoughts of Andrew consumed her. The tear was hot and more followed, slowly rolling down her cheeks, chilling as they dropped, leaving a salty streak to show her sadness and worry. Just once she wanted a miracle to come her way and save her son from the threat of a lifetime of abuse his father surely promised. John woke up at the feeling of a tear drop cold from the air hitting his skin. He lifted his wife’s head and kissed her. Pure comfort, was achieved through no words at all.

  John pulled back to smile softly at his wife. Charlotte gazed into his baby blues, when John first woke up his eyes looked more teal, like the sea tide coming up on the shore after a rain storm. She could stare at his eyes all day, comforting and calm. She reached up her right hand and placed it on his scruffy cheek. “Hello my love, I’ve missed you.”

  “Why is my wife sad? Is she not happy and loved?”

  Charlotte smiled at his word play, the attempt to put her in a good mood, while well knowing her worry, made the love inside her swell. “I am always happy with you in my arms.”

  There was a knock at the door and before a proper answer could be given from either John or Charlotte the door slid open to admit a nurse’s aide with a bouquet of large white and red roses. The roses were at least 3 dozen and cased in a crystal vase with matching stones at the bottom. The arrangement was beyond gorgeous and dripped wealth from it. Charlotte’s awe of the bouquet faded when she reached for the card only to find a note that made her queasy and anxious.

  “Good luck, you are going to need it.”

  Who would send such a hateful card? Was this referring to court? The cancer scan? What? A million questions began running through Charlotte’s mind as she grew hot and weary. John grabbed the card out of her hand, almost giving her a paper cut in the process. His anger mounted and in that moment Charlotte began to fear his reaction. In her past experience with angry men she was hit, beaten and lied to. Charlotte was blamed for every little thing that went wrong, and scared throughout each incident. Cut deeper to the point where she physically didn’t react, emotionless on the outside while her stomach screamed with the urge to heave the bile that rose in her throat.

  “What is wrong?” the nurse’s aide asked innocently and with extreme confusion on her face. “Are you upset with the arrangement or maybe allergic?”

  Charlotte knew it was not her fault but simply asked that the arrangement be sent outside the room and asked for her attorney to be brought in as soon as he arrived at the hospital to retrieve John and Andrew.

  Mr. Black had arrived and explained that the flowers were either a sick joke or nothing more than wrong wording on someone’s part he ensured Charlotte to the best of his ability that everything would be okay and work out the way God had intended it to.

  Mr. Black was a shrewd man who looked to God for a lot of answers; it honestly was a bit ironic seeing that he was a genius master mind in the court room and the man had a record for winning. He was dressed, Charlotte noticed, not in an Armani suit or a top designer but a simple dark blue tweed suit and pin striped tie that offset the fabrics nicely. His hair was snow white and parted to the side, Charlotte assumed it was to hide the thinning that was still very apparent. It made Charlotte smile. Mr. Black was tough but when he was around John he was tough in love like any father would be. This Charlotte thought, was her dysfunctional family and she wouldn’t want it any other way.

  Ms. Nelson showed up with a bushy eyed little boy who immediately washed all Charlotte’s worries away. Mr. Black however was perturbed by Ms. Nelson’s tardiness and it was apparent in his gaze when he looked from his watch to her. Ms. Nelson however, didn’t back down. She simply looked right at him and boldly stated; “You’ll get over it old man.” She wished Charlotte a sweet parting as she was headed to get coffee, turned on her heels and left. Mr. Black, John and Andrew all were shocked and stood as still as could be for at least 3 minutes after Ms. Nelson left. Charlotte couldn’t help but laugh.

  Ms. Nelson had planned to stay by Charlotte’s side throughout her scan and last treatment of the week. Charlotte was exhausted and this week seemed to drain her both physically and emotionally. Her breasts were sore and swollen, a side effect of the attack or treatment for her cancer she was sure. Ms. Nelson was truly the closest thing that Charlotte had to a mother, caring and sweet, tender and harsh when needed. Charlotte couldn’t imagine her life without her.

  Not wanting to let Andrew go as a feeling of dread tore through her, Charlotte cried silently and held on to her precious gift, a gift she feared she would never see again. Dax, Mr. Black’s personal driver and old friend showed up to let Mr. Black and John know that the town car was ready for them. Charlotte assumed that Dax was more than a driver. He had dark and dangerous aura about him. Charlotte had noted that he was always around, lurking in the shadows not too far from Mr. Black. The comfort that John showed in Dax signaled to Charlotte that he had grown up with Dax as a regular fixture in his life. Dax was tall at 6’5”, medium built with rippling muscles that showed through his impeccable dark black suit. He had tawny skin that rivaled John’s in beauty. His eyes were as dark as his chocolate brown hair that was smoothed with gel and clean cut. He truly was danger walking. John gently took Andrew from Charlotte’s arms with an ease that made it easier to let him go. The fear still there, Charlotte sat up and forced herself to utilize the last bit of strength she could muster to stand up. She kissed them both like it was her last chance. John’s eyes welled with his own tears. “See you soon, my love. I’ll take care of our son, you can bet your sweet cheeks on that one.” They left.

  The 2011 town car was sleek and new, featuring a 239-horsepower 4.6-liter V8 engine. The chrome grill and rims were spared no expense. The windows were tinted with 35% that pushed the legal limit. The Lincoln Town Car was one of the most established automotive nameplates in America. The Town Car featured a strengthened frame, and updated mechanicals. Mr. Black spared no expense when it came to luxury or safety. In the peak of his career Mr. Black was a high profile attorney, the top in his class. Both ruthless and cold in the courtroom, he knew he was the best and chose to show it. With the show came certain danger that required the added security.

  They entered the courtroom early to prepare. Andrew immediately ran to the front with excitement. John grabbed Andrew quick as a father would to explain that the courtroom was not a place to play. In all reality, John remembered his own excitement the first time he entered a courtroom. Large and new, the smell of mahogany lingered in a room that inspired awe in any child. John knew at the age of 6 that he wanted to be an attorney just like his father and Mr. Black. That dream was short lived as his father forced law down his throat at a harsh and alarming rate; always demanding perfection and offering severe punishments when perfection was not achieved. John refused to kill that interest in Andrew.

  Mr. Black advised Dax to take Andrew to the witness waiting area. Dax had a bag with him that John had Ms. Nelson pack earlier that contained snacks and Andrews favorite car toys to keep him occupied while they waited. Court was set for 10am sharp and currently that leaft them with 30 min to prepare. Courtroom 211 B was their originally scheduled room but when they had arrived Mr. Black was notified by the court bail
iff that they had been moved next door due to a scheduling conflict. Judge Marion would be the presiding judge on the case. Mr. Black showed a slight annoyance in the change but nothing that didn’t outwardly show to anyone who didn’t know the man.

  Approximately 20 min later the doors opened with a swoosh of force, the first to walk in was John’s father, closely followed by Magda, Alex’s mother. She wore a white pant suit form Bloomingdales and in her hair were two small roses, one white and one red. John’s rage began to build and as he stepped forward unconscious of his actions, Mr. Black grabbed his arm forcefully mumbling “not now John, not now.” John saw red and his hatred at the threat to his wife was aimed directly at Magda. The pure evil smile that spread across her soft featured face admitted it all. However Mr. Black was right, that was another battle for another day and John didn’t let things go lightly.

  John’s father sneered at the two. “Where is the little brat son?”

  John’s hatred dripped through every word that spit out next. “That Brat is your grandson now Father so I suggest you have a little more class and restraint when speaking of My son.”

  John’s father was aghast at the news. “You married her?!” Magda slumped in her chair shocked and furious. Alex walked in with Victoria elegantly strung across his arm and stopped dead in his tracks over what he just heard.

  Before another word could be said the chamber doors opened to admit a sheriff’s deputy and court reporter who immediately took her seat.

  “All rise.” The statement was simple and authoritative.

  The judge walked in, seeming relaxed and John noticed a slight tan, no doubts from a recent trip to Florida that he was rumored to take around Thanksgiving every year.

  The judge looked at both gentleman and smirked. He too, John assumed, knew it would be an interesting day with both his father and Mr. Black in the same courtroom. Prior to this case the two men hadn’t seen each other in more than 10 years after their falling out. None the less; there they were.

  “You may be seated, court is in session. Case number 231-8806, Charlotte Jackson vs. Alex Jackson in the custody of Andrew Jackson.”

  “It’s now Charlotte Ranger your honor, the proper name change paperwork and recently filed marriage license was filed just this morning. The two were married Friday afternoon.” Mr. Black was on autopilot, no doubt having worked these cases before.

  “I see, convenient that your client married so close to court, which is questioning her custody on the grounds of stability.”

  Mr. Black didn’t back down form the challenge placed before him by Judge Marion. Instead he gracefully answered like any well-seasoned attorney would. “Your honor, given the recent attack on my client’s life and treatments for her cancer that is being used to question my clients character and stability as a mother, my client and her husband wanted to get married while she had the energy before her next round of treatments, which I might add are working wonderfully and are expected to put her cancer in remission.”

  “Watch your tone Mr. Black, don’t undermine my intelligence.” The warning was clear and Mr. Black sat down along with the others, leaving no rebuttal to follow. Mr. Black knew just how far he could push the boundary before he over stepped it.

  “Mr. Ranger you may start, why is it that you are here to challenge an order set by this court before the statute legally allows?” The judge paled Mr. Ranger with stern look that showed his continued annoyance, one that surly forced him to return early form his vacation.

  “My client is seeking full custody of said child after learning of a deadly stomach cancer that his ex-wife has which forces her to rely on others to care for their young son. My client is fully capable of caring for their son with no help from outside sources offering a nurturing environment with both his grandmother and soon to be step mother. The recent attack on his ex-wife also leads my client to believe that their son is in danger as he could have been hurt as well and almost killed, an action that would have tortured and devastated my client, your honor.” Mr. Ranger knew the heart strings he was attempting to play with the court. Smart and cunning, his voice was softer than usual showing urgency for the boys’ safety.

  “Your honor, in no way was the young child Andrew under any harm. The boy was at school when the attack happened. While the investigation is still on-going my client can remember knowing her assailants.” Mr. Blacks gaze swept over to Alex Jackson and Victoria before continuing his statement. “My client is in treatment for her cancer and is expected to go into remission after full treatment which will be completed next month. At the risk of privacy act violation, I ask that the treatment is not a factor, only her current state.”

  The judge made no remark only nodding his head in agreement. “The court will take a brief 10 min break before we resume. I want to speak with the boy, having heard the changes that brought up this urgency.”

  The judge made a hasty exit without even a flinch. Magda sneered at John with pure hate, a hate that brought chills down John’s back. Her look was evil to the core and John knew that the news of their new marriage put a kink in their plan. Mr. Black’s cell phone buzzed as he was checking it.

  “Perfect Timing.” John smarted. With a look of concern Mr. Black took the call and made just as hasty of an exit that the judge had. With pure curiosity, John followed.

  Alice, Mr. Black’s niece and paralegal was waiting just outside the large mahogany doors when the two men exited. In her hand she held a file and a large satisfied smile. Mr. Black however, wasn’t as happy about being interrupted during a case hearing.

  “What is the damn urgency that you had to interrupt me?”

  “You’ll want to see this, it changes your case significantly and John it will change your life.” Shock was the only look on John’s face. What in the world could be in the file Alice is holding?

  One look at the papers and Mr. Black turned on his heels and rushed back into the courtroom.

  After approximately 20 minutes John’s curiosity was about to kill him. He refused to tell him what was going on and what was in that file. Of course Mr. Black had a plan, but that plan didn’t involve John right now so he sat pouting like a two year old child hurt that he couldn’t know what was going to happen next. He truly wanted to trust Mr. Black but right now it was hard. Alice said it will change his life. Unless it involved Andrew or Charlotte he couldn’t imagine what could be so good to change their lives.

  “All rise, court is now back in session.” The bailiff’s voice carried throughout the almost empty courtroom.

  All members in the courtroom including Alex, Victoria, John’s father and Magda rose with confidence. The tension in the courtroom was high and all were curious at what Andrew told the judge about what he wanted. John wanted Andrew to choose Charlotte and him, but when Andrew asked what to tell the judge, John only told him to tell the judge what he truly wanted, that it wasn’t a choice that either his mom or John could make for him. John refused to be his father and take away life changing choices because of his own wants or needs.

  “After reviewing the new evidence presented in this case and speaking with the child, the court has come to a decision. Please be advised that this decision was not taken lightly and it is purely with the child’s best interest in mind that the court finds its decision.”

  “Excuse me your honor, I greatly apologize but new information was just presented to me on our recess and I would ask that it be admitted into consideration. I realize that it challenges the right to discovery and a copy will be handed to the petitioner and his counsel upon expressed permission.”

  The judge simply waved his hand for Mr. Black to hand over the file and its contents. While Mr. Ranger was looking over the information, Mr. Black spoke with confidence and a stern demeanor that challenged anyone to argue.

  “Your honor being handed to you is a copy of the DNA lab report that was just given to my office less than one hour ago. You will find that the petitioner’s semen was found on my client during
her attack placing him directly at the scene. Though unrelated to this case, I ask that the court reconsider its decision if any changes in custody were going to be made and that the petitioner be remanded into custody immediately.”

  Silence hung throughout the court. Magda was the only one to move: she grabbed her Burberry wool coat and gracefully walked out, but not before whispering to her son, kissing him on his cheek and turning a cold icy glare right at John. Her eyes spouted pure hatred. She only whispered one word to John. Dead.

  Immediately John grew angry over the news, that bastard hurt his wife. That bastard tried to kill his wife. That bastard almost took Andrew’s mom away, and for what? Before John knew it he launched himself at Alex. His father grabbed him and yanked him back before he made contact with Alex. ‘You bastard, how fucking dare you! What the fuck is your problem you dirty fucking retard?”

  John only stopped at one word, one voice that put him back in control and his anger in check and that voice made him cower as he felt pure embarrassment. Andrew’s.

  John didn’t even see him come in and Andrew looked scared. The court bailiff took Alex into custody. Andrew was confused and scared. “Where are you going daddy? Don’t hurt my daddy, stop.” Tears fell from Andrews eyes. John grabbed Andrew and went outside. The poor child had just seen more than he ever should at his age. John only wanted to protect Andrew and at the first real chance John had as Andrews’s step-father, he failed.


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