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Ranger Knox (Shifter Nation: Werebears Of Acadia Book 1)

Page 33

by Meg Ripley

  "You know why I am here," Dominic replied with the same level of cool composure.

  "You will need to elaborate, Dominic." His mother spoke again with that eerily airy voice.

  "I've come for what is mine." He motioned towards Miriam.

  Miriam wasn't sure she liked his use of "mine," but at the current moment she wasn't sure normal social rules applied.

  "Tsk tsk, Dominic." The Queen clicked her tongue at her son. "She is not yours; she said so herself."

  The Queen placed a protective hand on Miriam's chair. "And all good vampires know that she is fair game," she purred sinisterly.

  Miriam's stomach dropped as her mind attempted to wrap her thoughts around what was going on. "Vampires?" she breathed under her breath.

  All eyes turned to her despite Miriam having spoken in a voice barely above a hushed whisper.

  "Oh, you didn't know?" The Queen asked mockingly.

  "Of course, she didn't know," Dominic roared. The mood in the room suddenly shifted as chaos erupted in a cacophony of raised voices.

  As their voices whirled around her, Miriam tried to make sense of the horrifically surreal situation around her. Vampires, seriously? So, Dominic Kane and his family were immortal undead creatures? No, she thought, that can't be right? Yet that part of her that knew things other people didn't know—the part that could read an object and tell its story—told her what was going on was very real.

  "Silence!" cried the Queen. Her tone startled Miriam, who hadn't realized she could take yet another shock to the system.

  Dominic advanced closer. "Hand her over," he demanded.

  "Are you sure you want to do that, especially since you might not be able to control yourself?" She motioned towards Miriam. "You wouldn't want to hurt her pretty face."

  Dominic stopped short and his eyes narrowed. "It was you," he growled.

  "Oh, don't be like that, dear," she chastised. "You needed to be reminded of how vulnerable you are without us." She rose from her throne and descended the small steps towards Dominic as she spoke. "You are so arrogant to think that you can do it all on your own," she touched his cheek. "See how easy it was for me to have someone close to you, like your driver, just snatch your Anima and this girl away?"

  Dominic pulled her hand away from where it rested on his cheek. "If anything, it makes my resolve to distance myself from this family even stronger."

  "Fine!" She cut off in a shrill voice. "You have made your point." She turned back towards her throne. "You may continue on your silly endeavor, but remember the lesson you have learned here." She stopped once she reached the platform and turned around to face her followers. "Without each other, our existence is fragile. I want my son—" she shot a pointed look towards Rogan, who was standing across the room, "—all of my sons to have noted this lesson today." She sat down upon her throne in a flourish of silk. "Take her," she waved towards Miriam, "and go."

  "Come, Miriam." Dominic spoke to her without once lifting his eyes from the level gaze he aimed at his matriarch.

  Miriam rose cautiously, expecting the Queen to change her mind. She stepped down from the platform and picked up her pace as she moved towards Dominic.

  "Goodnight," Dominic spoke stiffly. He reached out with a gloved hand and brought it around Miriam's waist to usher her out of the room.

  Once they had left the room and the doors had shut securely behind them, Miriam tried to speak. "What is going—"

  "Hush," he broke her off roughly. "Not yet." He continued to walk them down the dark halls and towards the exit. He didn't say another word and neither did she.

  When they had reached the front door and stepped out into the cool night air, Miriam wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but knew better. Just because she was no longer inside, did not mean that she was safe.

  Dominic guided her towards a sleek, black bike. He got on and motioned for her to climb on behind him. Miriam complied, and the moment she put her arms around his waist, the bike came alive with a deafening roar.

  She gripped him from behind as they zoomed away from the frightening estate. They left the property and started riding down a long, dark stretch of road flanked by forest on either side.

  Miriam dared not look back, afraid to see the house where she was quite certain she almost met her end if it wasn't for Dominic.

  Yet, she mused darkly, if it wasn't for Dominic, she would never have been in this situation in the first place. She wasn't sure of what to make of her enigmatic rescuer. Although he was anything but a hero—quite the contrary—she had sensed that he was much different from the rest of his family. Although he was shrouded by a dark intensity, he was not consumed by it like they were.

  And then there was the whole vampire thing, which she wasn't quite sure what to make of yet. Hell, at this point, nothing really shocked her when it came to Dominic Kane.

  "What happened back there?" she asked as the wind whipped her hair in a frenzy around her face. She clung tighter to Dominic's leather-clad waist.

  "I will answer your questions in time," he spoke above the roar of the engine. "It's not safe yet to speak of such things." He revved the engine in response and picked up speed as they zipped down the road.

  Miriam wasn't sure she could handle the bike going any faster; they already were flying by at a pace that made the trees on either side look like shadowed blurs. She couldn't talk and concentrate on holding on, so she chose to just hold on for dear life.


  Only when Dominic had felt like he had put enough space between them and his family did he bring the bike down to a more reasonable speed. He was taking her to his safe house—safe as in the one place his family did not know he owned. He knew that they wouldn't come looking for him, or Miriam, for that matter. They had meant to demonstrate their collective strength over Dominic and punish him for thinking he could make it in the world on his own. Dominic had received that message loud and clear.

  After another half-hour, Dominic pulled the bike into the side driveway of his lake house, which he used when he felt the need to get away from the world. It was quiet, unassuming and, most importantly, secluded.

  He brought the bike right up to the front porch and then turned the engine off.

  "Miriam, are you alright?" Her fingers were digging into his leather jacket; perhaps he had driven a bit too fast?

  "I'm okay," she croaked. She slowly let go of her strong grip and attempted to slide off the bike. She wobbled as she stood and Dominic caught her before she collapsed.

  "Here." He dipped and lifted her from behind the knees, holding her body tightly against his firm chest.

  "I’m perfectly fine to walk—" Miriam started, but then gave up the fight as he carried her inside. It was obvious she was exhausted; barely escaping a den of vampires can do that to a human.

  He brought her to the main room where he laid her out on a sumptuous duvet. He could see her struggling to keep her eyes open.

  "Where am I?" she questioned as her lids grew heavy.

  "You are at my lake house. You’ll be safe here, I promise." He turned to leave, "We can talk in the morning."

  "Oh, okay," she acquiesced sleepily. Dominic shut the door behind him as he left.

  He finally breathed his sigh of relief.

  He felt guilty that she had been dragged into his family drama. The Kane clan was a complicated one and it was a bit much for one human to try and wrap her head around in a single evening—especially when the threat of death had been hung over her head.

  He moved towards the living room and began to build a fire in the large fireplace. It was the main source of heat for the small house and, although he didn't require it, he knew that Miriam would need it once the shock wore off.

  As the fire crackled in front of him, he tried to figure out his next move. He knew that it was his family that had stolen his Anima as a way of teaching him a lesson. He figured that they must have instructed his driver to leave it in some strange place in town, as a way of forcin
g him to use his dark magic to find it and thus speeding his dark transformation. They were hoping he would come crawling back to them, begging for their help before he devolved into a merciless creature of the night.

  They had thought wrong. But despite their plan not going as they had expected, it didn't mean that they hadn't won.

  It hadn't taken him long to realize that his driver had been bought off and that Miriam was not on her way home, but to somewhere sinister.

  He rested his head in his hands; what was he going to do about Miriam? He felt it the moment they had touched; the connection between them that went beyond the bond created when someone with the sight holds the Anima of a vampire. This attraction was much more primitive.

  He longed to smooth her hair back, to touch her lips with his, and to kiss away any fears. He longed to bring their bodies together, to explore her curves, and to taste her essence at the precise moment that she came.

  He groaned in frustration and unquenched lust.


  Miriam woke up disoriented. She had drifted off, despite her best efforts not to. The strange events of the past day had played out in her dreams and had jolted her awake. She realized that she was suddenly alone.

  She swung her feet over the bed and noticed a bit of dull light emitting from under the door. Miriam made her way out to the hall, feeling her feet pulling her forward, as if something within her was being called.

  She stopped once she noticed Dominic sitting before the fire. His eyes glazed over as he stared into the wavering flames with a dark intensity.

  When she moved forward, he looked up to meet her gaze.

  "You should be resting," he noted quietly.

  "I can't sleep." She had too many questions, too many thoughts racing through her mind to be able to quiet them long enough to find rest.

  He motioned towards the plush chair next to him. "Then I could use the company."

  Miriam moved to join him. They sat like that, side by side, in silence for a long time before Miriam found her voice to start delving into the topic ahead of them.

  "It was you," she started, "in my dreams, that is."

  He nodded slowly. "I'm afraid so."

  When he didn't elaborate, Miriam pushed further. "So, you and your family are..."

  "Yes, Miriam, we are vampires, although not the kind that you’re thinking of. Our humanity is locked away in an object that we must never lose."

  "Oh," Miriam added with surprise. "So, the medallion held your humanity, then?"

  "Yes, we call them Animas," he added.

  "So," Miriam began in an attempt to make sense of the events surrounding the strange day. "So, when I touched your, um, Anima, I was able to read your soul?"

  "In a way," he flashed her a wry smile. "Only a few humans possess your ability to read objects; even fewer ever have the opportunity to read a vampire's soul. Once you do, you become bound together." He leaned in closer, closing the distance between their bodies.

  "Oh," Miriam gasped. "So is that why I, um, we—"

  Dominic laughed softly, "No, Miriam. That is a whole other beast."

  "Oh," Miriam's breath hitched in her throat and her stomach did a tumble. She could feel her heart race with anticipation, while her center began to throb with desire.

  "And?" Dominic threw the question out there; it hung in the air between them, thick with potential and heated promise.

  Miriam knew that if she chose to go down this road, that there would be no turning back. Their relationship was a complicated one, to say the least. Dominic was anything but the safe choice, although she was long past making safe choices. She didn't know why or how they had found each other, but she was past looking for logic in this situation. She herself was a walking contradiction with her strange ability to find the past in inanimate objects. Dominic himself shouldn't exist, but yet here he was before her. She had a choice.

  "Well, who am I to deny the beast?" she teased.

  In the next instant, his mouth was upon her. She groaned as their bodies came together in a fervent, wild passion. She felt like her body was on fire with the rapid sensations that coursed through her.

  She could sense his desire, feel his thoughts as they were focused on her, and taste the danger on his tongue. It all excited her.

  He lifted her body from the chair and brought her to rest on the soft carpet. The fire roared next to them as it casted a warm glow across their bodies and illuminated the dark room.

  She enjoyed the pressure of his body stretched over hers and felt his hard desire press up against her thigh. She brought her legs up to wrap around his waist and pull herself closer to his body.

  When Dominic reached up under her shirt to squeeze her breasts, she shivered with pleasure. He roughly brushed his palms against her nipples; Miriam gasped as her body began to hum with erotic anticipation.

  She moaned when Dominic nipped at her bottom lip. He raised his head up from where he had been lavishing her mouth with his and locked her eyes in an intense gaze.

  Miriam sighed as he brought his other hand around to grasp the edge of her T-shirt to slide it up and over her head. He tossed it to the side and quickly unclasped her bra, soon replacing his mouth where his hands had been, lavishing erotic caresses across her breasts.

  He brought his lips down to take one of the pert buds into his waiting mouth; Miriam groaned in response. She could feel his sharp fangs graze her full breasts, which only excited her more.

  Her desire for him was almost unbearable. She needed him inside of her—now.

  "I need you inside of me, Dominic—"

  His lips curled around his fangs, his gaze heated, and his voice came out deep and raw. "Say nothing more."

  In an instant, Miriam felt him tear away her clothes before he flipped her around so that she could straddle him.

  She was fully exposed to his gaze, but it only excited her more. His throbbing, hard member was pressed against her. She moved to reach down and guide him towards her entrance, pushing him inside of her waiting body and began to rhythmically rock her hips against him.

  His gaze grew hooded as the carnal pleasure began to take over both of their senses. He brought his hands to rest on her hips, aiding her in the sensual movements.

  She began to increase her pace as the urgency of the moment took over. They became consumed by the pleasure and the connection created by their bodies.

  Miriam spread her hands out on Dominic's chest; her eyes closed as she became focused on the heat of their bodies, the way his thick manhood felt inside of her, and the carnal movements as she rode him to the end of both of their pleasures.

  They came at the same time, their cries the result of intense euphoria.

  Miriam collapsed on top of Dominic's broad, strong chest. She felt his arms come around her, holding her tightly as she gasped from the exertion of their lovemaking.

  Neither one made a move to stir, instead they enjoyed the way they remained connected.

  Dominic was the first to break the silence. "Do you have to work tomorrow?" he teased lightly.

  Miriam gasped as it dawned on her how late it actually was. "Oh shit," she exclaimed as she attempted to get up. "I need to get home."

  Dominic rolled her under him and trapped her hands above her head. "Not yet," he spoke as he brought his mouth to meet hers.

  Miriam became lost in his steamy kiss. "I guess," she breathed against him.

  Dominic lifted his head from where he was lavishing kisses upon her full mouth. "I was asking because I have a business proposal for you."

  Miriam looked at him quizzically. "How so?"

  "Well, I was thinking, with your ability to assess antiques and my ability to breed success in all my ventures," he winked at her, "I thought we could upgrade the shop and maybe start dealing with higher end antiques."

  Miriam paused for a moment. "But what about your family?" she asked.

  "Miriam," Dominic took her face into his hands. "You don't need to worry about them, they
will not touch you again. I guarantee it."

  Miriam trusted Dominic despite everything—his mysterious past, unpredictable family, and the dangerous nature that made him a little otherworldly. Theirs wasn't exactly the start of a normal relationship.

  But then again, she wasn't exactly normal, either.

  She paused for a moment. "I'll agree on one condition."

  Dominic stilled as he waited for her terms.

  "You kiss me," she shot him a teasing wink.

  "That, I can do."

  And as they came together again, they both reveled in the knowledge that there would be many more moments like these to come. After all, there was no fun in business if they couldn't mix in a bit of pleasure here and there.



  It was my father's dying wish that I marry Greyson, but now that the man who raised me has passed away, the very thought of going through with this arrangement breaks my heart into a thousand pieces.

  Lately, I find myself dreaming of a vibrant world inhabited by a beautiful, powerful dragon. I told Mother of my dreams and saw something in her eyes that resembled recognition, which piqued my curiosity and drove me to dig through Father's things.

  It was there that I quickly discovered that what at first seemed like mere dreams were not dreams at all, but that this world and this beautiful dragon are real...


  The ground beneath her was damp and cold, and Vivian shifted against it uncomfortably before opening her eyes. Above her, stars so vivid they were like shattered glass sparkled against a deep, velvety sky. Her body felt heavy, pulled down toward the ground as if she didn't have control over it yet, as if she was still dreaming.

  "Vivian?" a familiar voice called from somewhere in the area around her.

  The ability to move seemed to flow back through her body along with the words and she pulled herself up into a sitting position to look for the source of the voice. A strange, foggy cool rushed against her back as she sat up and she felt a shiver ripple across her skin. In the distance, she could see a figure step into the milky silver moonlight that pooled across the ground.


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