Playing with Fire (Dirty Filthy Men Book 1)

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Playing with Fire (Dirty Filthy Men Book 1) Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  He shut up whatever excuse she hoped to come up with by kissing her on the lips. She was taken aback, but still felt like jelly as he pulled her close, his hand firmly at her back. Eva felt like she was dreaming, overwhelmed by the perfection of the moment.

  Dalton leaned back slightly, his hands still possessively on her body. “You drive me crazy. I can’t stop thinking about you. But I’ll stop right now if you want me to.”

  Was love a feeling? Was it making her heart race right now?

  “Keep going,” she said. “Don’t stop.” Eva had never known passion like this. Kissing, even sex, had always been lackluster and forgettable. Dalton woke up something inside her, and she wanted so much more. Every time she looked at him, she thought of them naked and entwined. This was the beauty of new love, possibilities … and she hoped reality didn’t steal her joy this round.


  Dalton couldn’t hold back any longer. Being trapped in the truck with her half the day had his control shot. Not to mention having her in his home. He had no plans of fucking her and walking away, so why keep waiting? She may not trust men, but what better way to prove himself than by showing her he wouldn’t move on after sex? He wanted a woman to keep, not a quick affair. That lifestyle was for younger men too focused on their own pleasure. Dalton was a man, and he knew exactly what he wanted. Right now, he wanted to fuck Eva.

  When she gave him the permission he needed to take things to the next level, his cock tented his uniform pants. He imagined she expected some wholesome lovemaking, but she had no clue about the men in Hope Springs. Most had libidos that were off the charts. Maybe it was the water. She’d soon learn that good values didn’t mean boring in the bedroom.

  He slipped his hand under the edge of her jeans, loving the feel of her soft skin. Eva ran both her hands up his arms, testing his muscles. She sought more of his kisses, pressing back against his body.

  “I’m all yours, baby.”

  “For tonight?”

  Dalton smirked. Her insecurities were endearing. “I’m not going anywhere. Give me a little trust. Promise you won’t regret it.”

  “Okay.” She grabbed a handful of his t-shirt, keeping close. “What are you going to do with me?” Eva was a tease, looking up at him with fire in her eyes. This was one game she wouldn’t win.

  “I’m a firefighter. So I plan to strip you naked and fuck you in my truck.”

  Her mouth fell agape, so he kissed her again, his tongue pushing inside as the kiss deepened. She wrapped her arms around his neck, standing up on her tiptoes. Dalton backed her up until they reached the front bumper of the fire truck.

  He broke their kiss long enough to tug his t-shirt clean off his body, and then he unbuckled and pulled down his zipper. This time he nuzzled her neck, kissing and suckling all her erogenous zones until her breathing picked up. Her little hands roamed over his body—his chest, his arms, his abs. He loved the feel of her.

  He’d never felt this excited about a woman before. Her scent, her touch, the sound of her voice, it all drove him wild. The chemistry between them was electric. Every time they made eye contact, something jolted to life within him. He knew Eva was the one.

  “I swear I never do this kind of thing,” she said.

  He unbuttoned her jeans and pushed them down past her hips, along with her panties, then hoisted her to sit on the bumper. “You have nothing to prove to me, sweetheart. All I care about is right here, right now. You and me.”

  Dalton tugged her jeans away and spread her legs, positioning himself between them. Right now was about sating the burning lust. There would be plenty of time for slow, careful exploration and lovemaking—now wasn’t that time. He needed to fuck her hard and quick so he could think straight. With any luck, she’d want to stick around for more.

  He was getting sick and tired of an empty house and empty bed. Dalton wanted Eva to realize life in Hope Springs was the answer. He wanted her to fall in love with him, to trust him to always be there for her.

  “I can’t believe this is happening,” she said. Eva closed her eyes as he lifted her shirt over her head.

  “I love these tits,” he said, peeling the cup of her bra to the side. Dalton leaned down and took her nipple into his mouth, flicking it with his tongue. She had ample breasts, the kind most men only fantasized about. She was going to be all his because he couldn’t imagine letting her walk away after he had a taste.

  He stood straight, releasing his cock from his boxer briefs. She watched his every move, her hands braced on his shoulders as she sat precariously on the front bumper of the fire truck.

  “Are you wet, Eva?” He slipped two fingers between her legs, plunging them deep inside her cunt. “Damn, you’ll feel like heaven around my cock.”

  Dalton pumped his fingers inside her a few times before removing them. She writhed, anxious and receptive, her mewling sounds turning him on. He grabbed the base of his aching cock and rubbed the head up and down her overflow of moisture. The thick head of his dick was dark against her pale white inner thighs and pink pussy. When he couldn’t hold back another minute, he pushed in, inch after inch. He groaned as she squeezed him, gritting his teeth to keep some semblance of control.

  Eva cried out, loud enough for onlookers to hear, but they were conveniently isolated from prying ears in one of his favorite spots. “Oh, God, Dalton!”

  “You like me inside you? Filling you with my dick?”

  “I feel so full,” she said between moans. “Please don’t stop.”

  He pumped his hips, holding both her legs at his sides. Dalton kissed her as she held him around the neck. It was passion and intense pleasure at once, and the intensity shocked him. He felt bonded to Eva, addicted to her. She was perfect around his cock, hot and tight. Her curves were soft and comfortable, fitting seamlessly against his hardness. This was the woman he wanted to introduce to his mother, the woman he wanted to start a family with.

  He pistoned inside her, the entire truck lurching with his thrusts. She held on tight, her heavy breathing and desperate whimpers close to his ear.

  Dalton reached between them, rubbing her clit in quick circles as he continued to fuck her. “Come for me, beauty. Come all over my dick.” She was a receptive little thing, her body igniting on command. Eva moaned, squealing and digging her nails into his shoulders as her body stiffened, then sagged, her pussy pulsing around his cock.

  He allowed himself to finally let go now that she’d come for him, pumping deep inside her as he released himself. Dalton didn’t move away. After he caught his breath, he braced both hands on the fire truck, his cock still inside her.

  “That was amazing,” he said, giving her a kiss. She smiled, but it looked sad. “What’s wrong?”

  She wiggled away from him and off the bumper, reaching for her jeans and other clothes. “Nothing’s wrong. I just want you to know that I’m not some crazy, fatal attraction kind of woman. I’m not going to force you into a commitment just because we had sex, so you don’t have to worry.”

  He pulled a clean rag from his back pocket and handed it to her. She cleaned up and dressed. Dalton waited, not saying a word until he had her full attention. “I don’t know what rules you follow in the city when it comes to relationships. Around here, when a man says he’s interested in more than sex, it’s not just to get into a woman’s pants.” He held her hand and led her back to the edge of the embankment. He ran both hands into her hair, securing her head as he focused on her eyes. She was a beauty, and she continually mesmerized him. “I want you, Eva. I want you to stay here. With me.” He kissed her forehead. “No more running.”

  Chapter Six

  Okay, so everything Eva had learned from all the men she’d known hadn’t even begun to prepare her for what was happening here. She stared at her very empty bedroom. Her stuff had been there that morning, but now it was gone. Dalton had left her at the diner to get them both some food for the night, and she figured he went back to the station to finish up whatever he had
to do at the end of the day. Mrs. Cooper had been kind enough to keep her company. The older woman had regaled her with memories from Dalton’s childhood.

  “Where’s my stuff?” she asked, shouting to be heard over the noise.

  He was playing his music way too loud for her to be heard. She’d left him to dish them both some food so that she could quickly freshen up. Seeing as she didn’t have any stuff, she made her way downstairs to find Dalton already eating some of the spicy fries that she had ordered for herself. Mrs. Cooper had been sure to make them for her especially.

  She loved spicy food and had a craving for it, especially as Dalton had fucked her brains out on his very sexy fire truck.

  “Hey, baby, I thought you were getting ready. You look the same to me.”

  “I am the same. Where’s my stuff?” she asked.

  He gave her that dirty, wicked glint that always had her pussy growing slick. She wanted him again, and this wasn’t something she was accustomed to.

  She was far from being a virgin and had had her fair share of disappointing encounters. Folding her arms, she mock glared at him. “I’m serious, Dalton. Stop eating my food.”

  “Mrs. Cooper knows how to make a damn good fry. They’re so good. Heavenly. She even gave you some of that chipotle mayo she’s good for with a spritz of lime.”

  Her stomach growled. She was so hungry but right now she was pissed and she wanted answers as to where her clothes were.

  “Dalton, seriously,” she said. “Where’s my stuff?”

  “In my bedroom.” He held out a plate. “Have a try, you know you want to.”

  She rubbed at her temples. “I can’t do this right now.” She barely knew this man, and even though she’d slept with him—well, not slept but fucked—she had no intention of sticking around. In fact, the more she fell in love, the higher her anxiety grew. Settling down was too risky for her heart.

  Turning on her heel, she made her way upstairs toward his bedroom. She entered his closet and saw her stuff all neatly organized.

  Grabbing all of her clothes that he’d hung up, she began to walk back to her own room, but he stopped her in the hallway. He stood right in front of her, his body becoming a brick wall.

  Gritting her teeth, she glared at him. “You need to move.”

  “I’m not moving anywhere, princess. You put those clothes away and now.”

  “There’s no way that I’m sharing a bedroom with you. Why did you do this anyway? My clothes were perfectly fine where they were.”

  He rolled his eyes. “I did it while you were getting us food, and no, they weren’t perfectly fine otherwise I’d have left them where they were. You’re sharing my bed.”

  “Ugh, Dalton, we’re nothing more than strangers. You shouldn’t be moving me in with you like this.”

  “I fucked you.”

  “A lot of people fuck.”

  She stared at him and hated the pain that showed in his eyes for just a split second.

  “Where are you going to go?” he asked. “Where are you going to run to, or is this just a thing for you?”

  “I don’t know what I want, okay? I only know that I’m tired of relationships. They don’t work.”

  “Don’t judge all men based on your ex. We’re not all like that,” he said. “You’ll end up running forever.”

  She hated being cornered. There was nothing for her anywhere. She had absolutely nothing, and that hurt. Maybe she was running from her own self.

  “I don’t have anything here, and I don’t have anything anywhere else. So stop trying to push. This is just a bunch of fun, Dalton. I’m not going to marry you. I’m not going to be anything to you, so just stop!”

  Silence fell as she finished what she was saying on a yell. The moment the final words left her lips, she regretted them. Shit.

  She’d hurt him, and she saw it clearly on his face.

  Panting for breath, she waited for him to spin around, to tell her to get the fuck out. It was kind of surreal to have a guy want her to move in with him, or to try to take it to the next level. She was used to men telling her that she drove them crazy, and that she needed to back off. That always hurt no matter what. She didn’t have a place in the world.

  No family.

  No chance of love.

  Tears sprang to her eyes, and she hated that.

  He saw them.

  He reached out to touch her, and she spun around, not allowing him to see.

  “I can’t do this,” she said.

  He didn’t leave her alone though. Dalton stepped closer, wrapping his arms around her, and holding her close. She wished she was strong enough to tell him to leave her alone, but she couldn’t do it. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “This isn’t about being hurt.” She closed her eyes as his lips brushed against her ear.

  “I like you, Eva.”

  “You don’t know me.”

  He chuckled. “So, I know that you’ve got a good heart.”

  “I just told you I’m leaving you and you think I’ve got a good heart? This is crazy. All of it is just completely crazy.” She loved this stupid town, and she hated that as well. The people were always so nice even though she was nothing to them, a stranger passing through. She’d seen the way Dalton was with his friends. Everyone was always so close, so caring, so sweet to each other. This place was a far cry from everything she was used to in the city. Everyone hated anyone who got in the way and were always hurting everyone.

  Running away meant never getting hurt. She’d been with Mark for a long time, and eventually he tired of her. Eva couldn’t handle that again, especially with Dalton.

  She relaxed in his arms. Her nipples tightened as his lips brushed against her ear, sucking on the lobe.

  “You want to leave, and I get it. I know what it’s like to want to run, but it’s not going to make whatever pain you’re feeling any less.”

  “There’s nothing for me here.”

  He groaned. “There’s always me, Eva. I’m here and I know I’m not much of a catch, but I can make you happy. Why don’t you give me a chance?”

  The hand on her stomach slowly began to move down, and when he cupped her pussy she gasped.

  “I bet you’re wet for me right now. I bet you want to feel my dick sliding into this sweet pussy, and baby, you are so fucking sweet. I can’t believe that you’re all mine, and I take care of everything that’s mine.”

  He pushed his hand into her jeans, and she couldn’t hold the clothes anymore. Dropping them to the floor, she reached behind her, locking her fingers at the back of his neck. He kissed her neck, licking over her pulse at the same time he teased her pussy. His fingers stroked her clit, then went down to her cunt. He plunged inside, over and over, fucking her harder with his fingers, his thumb stroking back and forth over her nub.

  “You’re like fucking fire in my arms, and I can’t get enough of you. I want you all the time, Eva. I want to fuck you every single chance I get, and I don’t care that we don’t know each other very well. That just gives us time to learn.”

  She turned her head, and even though it was an odd angle, she was able to kiss him back. His tongue plunged into her mouth at the same time he finger-fucked her pussy. His cock rubbed against her ass, and it wasn’t enough. It would never be enough.

  “I need you inside me.”

  He led them back inside his room. Within seconds he had her jeans around her knees, and her on his bed, ass up. He ran his hands over her ass, spreading the cheeks wide as she groaned.

  She heard the unmistakable sound of his zipper sliding down, and she was completely lost to the pleasure.

  “Your body is all mine, Eva. All mine and no one else’s until you decide you want to leave.”

  His words aroused and saddened her. She liked that he was laying claim to her, that she belonged to him and only him, but at the same time, she regretted her outburst. She didn’t want to be with anyone else but him. It just felt foreign to be wanted.

p; Dalton was doing crazy things to her head and her body. She didn’t know what was happening. She’d never been the kind of woman to be all over the place about her feelings. Until she left the city, she thought she had a level head.


  “Yes, you’re mine?”

  “Yes. I’m yours.” For however long you want me.

  He smiled, and his happiness was suddenly her happiness. “I’m so sorry,” she said.

  “For what, baby?”

  “Everything. Being a bitch. I keep waiting for you to push me away, but you’re right, I can’t compare you to anyone else. You’re not like anyone I’ve ever known.”

  “Life with me will be a hell of a lot different. That’s a guarantee.” He kissed her lips, a sensual caress filled with promise.

  The tip of his cock pressed against her entrance, and she gasped then cried out as he drove in deep. Every single inch of him pulsed within her, matching the beat of his heart.

  “You feel so good,” he said.

  He pulled out of her only to slam back inside. She cried out his name, and they both paused as his cell phone started to ring.

  “Fucking shit!” Dalton stayed still within her, and she was shocked to see him grab his cell phone, flicking it on. “Dalton here.”

  She couldn’t believe that he’d answered his damn phone when he was balls deep inside her. It felt kinky, and her clit tingled.

  When he tensed and quickly withdrew, she saw there was worry on his face. “When? Okay, yes, I’ll be there.”

  He hung up the cell phone, and seeing that it was serious, she pulled her jeans up. “What is it?”

  “There’s been another fire. A teenage girl is in the hospital fighting for her life. Someone set fire to the house that she was in. Her parents had left her alone to do some grocery shopping.”

  “Oh, my God, is she okay?”

  “She’s in a coma. Smoke inhalation, and she jumped out of her bedroom window. I’ve got to go.”

  “Yes, go, I’ll be here.” She kissed him, trying to reassure him.

  She wasn’t going anywhere.


  The girl in question was only fifteen; Mandy was her name. Dalton sat listening to the specifics as the chief recounted them from last night. It was the Chesterfields’ girl, Henry and Darleen. Both of them worked at the local high school, and from what he knew were well-liked.


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