Saving Stella [Sequel to Tying Trina] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Saving Stella [Sequel to Tying Trina] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 5

by Lou Lou Winters

  Turning the taps on, he filled the bath and Stella poured in more of the rose-scented soap. They both stepped in as the water swirled quickly towards the top and Stella couldn’t believe she was ready to go again. Her mind took a second to point out that she’d just experienced two massive orgasms. Orgasms the likes of which she’d only ever read about. She could see her dream within her reach. Only, her fantasies never featured two heroes. How could she have overlooked ménages until now?

  Ben came back in with the coffee and they all sipped in silence. The peace was divine. Stella found her hand wandering into Hunter’s lap and he put his coffee down and stared at her with a dangerously naughty look on his face. “Right. You are so going to get what you asked for. Come here.”

  Stella giggled and quickly put her coffee down as he grabbed her other arm and pulled her across his lap. She slipped her leg over and straddled him. His cock nestled between her folds as he started to rock his hips. The head brushed her sensitive nub and Stella put her hands on his shoulders to steady herself.

  Not wasting any time, Hunter lifted her and positioned his shaft at her entrance. Giving her a cheeky smile, he said, “Ready?”

  Stella couldn’t wait, she tried to wiggle so that he’d lower her but he held her. “Please, please,” she said, laughing. She didn’t care if she sounded desperate, she was.

  Growling, Hunter started to lower her slowly. Inch by inch he let her slide down, slowly stretching her pussy to accommodate his impressive girth, and when she was impaled to the hilt he said, “Ben, take the top.”

  In anticipation of what was to come, Stella’s tummy fluttered and her muscles tightened around the invading cock. Ben put his arms around her and palmed her breasts from behind. “Lean back, Stell. Let me take your weight. Stella floated back as Hunter gripped her hips and withdrew his shaft halfway before plunging back into her.

  Stella groaned, her breasts ached and Ben obliged by squeezing them. He then pulled her back further and the angle of Hunter’s cock inside her changed, putting pressure on the top wall of her vagina. With every stroke he pressed and rubbed against something deep inside her, creating sensations she’d never even dreamed of.

  Ben grabbed something off the side and started to fiddle with it one handed before showing her a showerhead extension with a pulsing hard spray. Adjusting it again, he showed her a softer pulsing spray and then turned it on her nipples. Arching back, Stella clenched her teeth as divine sparks of desire shot from her breasts to her pussy. She bucked against Hunter’s deep thrusts and cried out as he again hit that spot deep inside her that was building what promised to be another amazing climax.

  Stella started to protest when Ben turned the spray to her belly and continued to travel down until he reached her pubic bone. “Oh God, oh, oh. Fuck, fuuuuuuck.” The water hit her clit and Hunter doubled his speed, hitting deep inside her. A warm wave spread through her from deep inside where Hunter pounded against her, the pleasure spreading, heating up her pussy, womb, and finally flashing out to all her extremities. Wave after wave of pulsing, electric heat pounded through her and she stiffened and writhed as her men held her.

  Through her back-arching ecstasy, she heard Hunter grunt before tightening his grip on her hips and bucking madly, then stopping, his head forward as he groaned. Ben flicked the tap off and the spray stopped. Stella panted in his arms, unable to move. Another incredible orgasm.

  Hunter held her in place for a moment longer and then gently slid out before pulling her forwards and into his embrace, holding her close. Kissing her forehead, he lifted her over to a seat next to Ben and handed her her coffee. He took the seat on the other side of her and rested with his head against the side, his eyes closed. “That was fucking great. What are you doing for the rest of the weekend, Stella?”

  Ben sat up and looked at her earnestly. Apologetically he said, “He didn’t mean that like it sounded Stella. Honestly. He doesn’t want you to stay around all weekend so that we can sleep with you over and over again. Make you come time and time again. Honestly.”

  Stella laughed and splashed water at them both as Hunter said, “That’s exactly what I meant.”

  Stella would have loved to stay all day and play with these guys, but she thought she’d better go home and see Trina. It would be rude to stay out all weekend after only being there such a short amount of time. Plus, these two probably had their own things to do and were just being polite.

  “Actually, I’d better go soon. I should catch up with Trina and you guys probably have stuff to do.”

  “Nooooo,” Ben said. “Hunter, text Trina and see if she minds.”

  In surprise, Stella said, “You wouldn’t? No, seriously, I have a few things to do before work on Monday and stuff. You guys don’t need me hanging around.” Stella wasn’t exactly sure why she wanted to go, but it felt like the right thing to do. She needed to get her head around what had happened last night and this morning. The risk was, if she left, they may never call again and this would just be a fantastic memory.

  Her inner voice suggested that she should prolong her stay to increase the length of the memory and possibly add a few more orgasms to it. Reluctantly squashing that idea, Stella stood up and climbed out as gracefully as possible, considering she was naked and had to step over the edge.

  Hunter sat up straighter and said, “Make a deal. You go home now but come back tonight and spend tomorrow with us. Despite the impression we give off, we do actually want to get to know you better.”

  Ben chuckled and Hunter sent him a look but clarified his words anyway. “Get to know you outside the bedroom better.”

  What could she say? All her doubts, fears and concerns were answered. “Um…Okay, that would be great.” Yipee, hooray, Stella refrained from doing cartwheels. As she wandered out into the bedroom to find her clothes, excitement bubbled through her in anticipation of spending another night and day with these two beautiful men.

  Chapter Seven

  Her mind flicked to Stella. Trina, herself, had only been home half an hour. She wondered whether or not she should call her and check she was okay. Deciding a text would be better, she picked up her phone just as the front door opened.

  Going out of the kitchen to greet her, Trina put her hands on her hips. “What time do you call this, young lady?”

  Stella laughed. “Hello, babe. How was your night?”

  “I’ll get coffee and you can tell me everything,” Trina said excitedly. It warmed her heart to see Stella home safely and looking particularly happy. She deserved it.

  “Yes, coffee. Thanks. I’m just going to jump into a quick shower and put on some clean clothes.”

  Handing Stella her coffee, Trina said, “So? What happened? Which one, or both, did you end up with?”

  Giggling, Stella said, “They were both really nice.”

  “More information, please.” Trina grinned.

  “Oh my God, you should see their house, it’s massive. And the bathroom is as big as this lounge. They renovate for a living.”

  Trina rolled her eyes. “Yes. That was exactly the sort of information I was looking for.”

  Stella blushed like a beetroot. “Okay, seriously, they were so nice. I lost it a bit when we got back to their place, but they were so good about it.”

  “Oh, are you okay?” Trina asked with concern. “What d’you mean you lost it?”

  “Well I kind of panicked that I shouldn’t have gone back to a house with two strangers, but luckily it all worked out. They didn’t push me or anything. In fact, I can’t even begin to tell you how nice and understanding they were.”

  “So, what happened when you panicked?”

  “I cried, they looked after me, and we had a bath. I think it was just a bit overwhelming and combined with the alcohol… There were two of them and I suddenly felt really inadequate. I’ve only ever been with Kevin, as you know.”

  “That’s understandable. I know you’re pleased to be away from him but that doesn’t mean that you
’re fine emotionally. It was a big step to run away.”

  “Tell me about it. Anyway”—Stella’s smile reappeared—“they let me sleep between them, spooning. They didn’t try anything and it was so warm and nice.”

  “Oh, so you didn’t…?”

  “Ha, are you kidding? I felt much better this morning and… Oh my God, I can’t tell you how amazing it was.” Stella frowned for a second. “I had no idea what I’d been missing, really. Well, I’d read about it, but who’d have thought it was true?”

  Trina clapped her hands together. “Stella, that’s great. When are you seeing them again?”

  “Tonight. They’re picking me up at seven thirty.”

  “Good one, that’s brilliant. I’m so excited for you.”

  “Hey, how was your night with Rob?”

  “He’s divine. That’s all I have to say, absolutely divine.” Trina’s belly fluttered again at the thought of Rob and her plans for tonight.

  Draining her coffee, Stella looked at her, “What are your plans for today?”

  Shaking her head, Trina said, “It’s such a nice day. I don’t want to do housework. But, it really needs sorting so I’m going to open all the windows and pump up the stereo. Get the lounge vacuumed and do some loads of washing. What about you?”

  “I’ll help. We can whip around in half the time and then relax this arvo.”

  “Good one. Let’s have another coffee first though,” Trina said happily.

  Chapter Eight

  Stella bounced from foot to foot with Trina’s backpack flopping up and down on her back. Too excited to stand still, she decided that she’d better check what she’d packed. Dropping her pack to the footpath, she squatted down and looked through it. Yes, her wallet, keys and mobile were all the essentials covered, and she’d added her toothbrush, change of clothes, and deodorant. She stood up from her bag just as the boys pulled up.

  “Hey, babe, jump in.” Ben climbed out of the front and scooted into the backseat with her.

  “Not fair,” Hunter complained jokingly. “You’re driving next time.”

  Ignoring him, Ben turned to Stella. “We’re going to the casino for dinner. They have an all-you-can-eat buffet.”

  Stella laughed. Ben’s face almost split in half his grin was so big. “I gather you like all you can eat?”

  “Yes,” Hunter interjected. “It’s one of his favourite things in the world.”

  Nodding enthusiastically, Ben said, “All. You. Can. Eat. What’s not to love?”

  “Actually.” Stella hesitated to admit her lack of culinary experiences. “I’ve never been to a casino or all you can eat.”

  Ben’s mouth hung open and Hunter chuckled. “Looks like there’ll be a few firsts for you tonight, babe.”

  Stella thought they meant the casino and buffet until she saw their eyes briefly meet in the review mirror. “What? What am I missing?”

  Ben took her hand and leant over. Kissing her cheek, he whispered in her ear, “We want to take you together tonight.” Oh, a shiver ran through her as her nether regions came alive and her belly fluttered. That would be a first, she thought.

  She knew she’d started to blush as her face warmed and she couldn’t help but smile shyly as she met Hunter’s eyes in the mirror. “Shit.” Hunter adjusted himself. “Stop talking about this. I’m trying to drive and I’ve already got a woody.”

  “I can’t believe we won. I knew you were good luck.” Ben swept her into his arms and kissed her forcefully. Stella’s legs turned to jelly as he masterfully gained entrance and plunged into her mouth, teasing her tongue and nibbling her lips. She sighed when he pulled back and grinned at her. “Later, babe.”

  Hunter walked back into the lounge room with coffee and they settled on the couch. Stella couldn’t stop smiling. They’d had a wonderful night. Watching Ben devour plate after plate of food was the funniest thing she’d seen in ages. That saying about someone having hollow legs came to mind.

  Stella didn’t have much money. She’d been working at Trina’s office for a week and she loved the job so far. Her self-confidence soared each time she remembered she was earning her own living and would soon be completely independent. At the moment she still needed Trina’s help, but hopefully not for much longer, and she knew she would never ever need Kevin’s help again.

  Her new job paid monthly so it would be a few more weeks before she saw any money. She offered to at least pay her own way but the men had paid for everything and ignored all her protests. Finally relenting a little, they’d allowed her to place a five dollar bet with the change in her purse. Unbelievably she’d won and reinvested her winnings of ten dollars.

  The boys had matched her and they’d placed a bet for thirty dollars together and the night had continued to be profitable until Stella had to call a stop. In her financial situation, it would be irresponsible to gamble away her winnings. If anything, she should give it to Trina to cover the cost of her living there. The last round had been a doozy, and even Ben and Hunter had been blown away by their good luck, citing her as the cause.

  Hunter’s hand strayed to her knee, stroking up her thigh and lifting her skirt a little. Ben did the same on the other side, both leaving burning trails up her legs where they touched. In a gravelly voice, Hunter whispered, “How’s your coffee going? Nearly finished?”

  Stella downed the end of her coffee and set it on the table as both men shuffled closer. Ben leaned in and kissed her neck, the hand on her thigh moving higher, and her pussy pulsed in anticipation, but she couldn’t spread her legs with them on either side of her, and he couldn’t go any higher.

  Hunter trailed his fingertips up her arm and across her collarbone. Nervous butterflies took flight in her tummy as she remembered what they’d said in the car about wanting to take her together. She shivered from head to toe and her nipples tightened to little buds under her light top. Obviously her body liked the idea of them both together inside her.

  “Ah, look at that.” Hunter ran the pad of his pointer finger back and forth across her nipple and, glancing up, Ben did the same. Stella’s womb tightened and her pussy ached as she looked at the faces of these men. They gazed at her nipples intently and she saw earnest rapture and delight reflected in their eyes. Kevin’s face had always been set in a sneer. She banished all thoughts of him.

  “Let’s go up,” Hunter grumbled, and they both stood and held a hand out to her. She took them and they pulled her to her feet.

  At the top of the stairs, they led her down the hall to the same bedroom as before. This time Stella didn’t hesitate and crossed the entrance without fear. Well, almost. She still wasn’t sure about both men taking her at once. She had no idea how that would even work. Suddenly, realising that she had less than a clue, her heart rate accelerated and she tensed enough for the boys to notice.

  “Oh god. I’m sorry.” Her face was burning and her neck and ears were warm, too.

  Suddenly alert, both boys jumped to her side. “What?”

  They led her to the end of the bed and sat her down. She could hear her own blood pounding in her ears. She would let them down because she had no idea what she was doing.

  Hunter nudged her. “Go on, Stell, tell us.”

  “Well, I um… I don’t know what to do. I might get it wrong.” Dropping her head into her hands, she thought she might die of embarrassment.

  Ben lost it laughing. “It’s easy. Just let it happen. I don’t actually think it’s possible to get it wrong if the intention is good.” He took a deep breath and smiled at her cheekily. “I mean honestly, how many women do you think actually do have experience with two men?”

  Stella stuck out her bottom lip and pouted even though Ben’s words had made her feel better. He’d still laughed at her. He sobered and looked at her sincerely. “Don’t pout, I wasn’t laughing at you. It’s just that you’re so fresh and new with everything. It’s really nice, your honesty is refreshing. I was laughing because I’m happy you’re here with us.” Oh, wel
l that might be all right, Stella thought.

  Hunter gave her a squeeze and leaned back on his elbows. “Do you want to shower before bed sweetheart?”

  A shower sounded like a good idea, it would help her relax, so she nodded. “Good one, let’s go.”

  Both boys stood and stripped. Stella sat glued to the end of the bed, unable to take her eyes off the treasures being revealed in front of her. She hadn’t really had time to study their bodies last time, so this time she would take full advantage.

  Ben’s golden brown tan looked velvety, with fine blond hairs covering his pecs and thicker, slightly darker hair running in a line down between his abs. Hunter’s dark nipples stood out on his perfectly defined chest and Stella wanted to brush her fingers over them. She lowered her eyes to follow the dark line of hair disappearing into his jeans. He dropped them and his cock sprang free, surprising her with its size at eye level. Coiling heat pulsed through her as she remembered having that inside her.

  Stella realised both men were naked, hugely erect and staring at her with amused expressions on their faces. How long had she sat there staring? Hunter chuckled. “Have you seen enough?”

  Smiling, Stella shook her head. “I don’t think I’ll ever have enough of this.”

  “Right!” Ben said assertively, he pulled her off the bed and started to unbutton her shirt. “Let’s get this party started.”

  Hunter dropped her pants and she toed out of her shoes. Before she knew it, they were pressed against her, kissing, stroking and rubbing. Her body hummed in response to the attentions of two gentle, kind men, who were driving her crazy with desire. The shower forgotten, she moaned as a hand slipped between her legs and made contact with her clit. She moved her hips in time with the strokes along her lower lips, shuddering as her longing became almost agonizing.

  They lifted and carried her up the bed until she lay between them. Kissing Ben, she responded to his tongue as it explored her mouth and then groaned as he kissed his way down her neck to her breast. When Ben nipped and sucked at her breasts at the same time as Hunter’s fingers disappeared between her folds, she thought she might die with pleasure. It had her panting on the very edge.


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