Husky & Hot

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Husky & Hot Page 15

by Mary E Thompson

  We moved together, Drew shifting his hips up to meet mine when I arched over him. With the rest of our clothes on I couldn’t touch much of him and in our current position it was taking too long, for both of us.

  “I’m gonna stand up, baby. When I do, wrap your legs tight around my waist.”

  “Drew, you can’t hold me. I’m too big.”

  “Watch me, beautiful. And don’t ever say you’re too big again. You’re perfect.”

  By some miracle Drew stood up with me wrapped around him like an accessory. Once he was standing I went to drop my legs and stand, but he grabbed my thighs and pulled me closer. “You’re not going anywhere,” he growled at me.

  “Ooh, sexy, angry Drew. I like him.”

  “I’ll only get angry if you act like you’re not fucking hot. This,” he thrust his hips into me, “is all for you, baby. And I can’t wait long enough to get you back to my office, or home. I’ve got to have you now.”

  I loved hearing him talk like that. It turned me on even more.

  Without waiting for an answer or comment, Drew turned us so my back was to the wall. He leaned against it, pressing my back flat against the wall and rested his hand on either side of my head. “Don’t unwrap your legs. This is going to be hard and fast and I need you to hold on.”

  “Fuck, yes,” I moaned with his first stroke.

  My eagerness seemed to encourage him because Drew didn’t take long to get going. What started relatively slow in the chair turned nuclear against the wall. Drew angled himself into me in such a way that I was spinning toward insanity faster and faster with each stroke of his hips.

  I moaned along with him, his jaw working overtime as he tried to wait me out. He pushed harder and hit a new spot, deeper and more sensitive than the last. My head spun and the world went dark around the edges. Drew was the only thing keeping me from blacking out, but the darkness called to me.

  “Let go, baby. Let go for me. Carrie, I need you. Come on, baby,” his gravelly voice rumbled against my chest. One of his hands drifted down and cupped my ass, helping him slam harder into me.

  And I succumbed to the dark.

  Everything was black as night, like I was suddenly plunged into midnight. I felt my body go limp like a rag doll and vaguely heard Drew whisper my name as he came. Seconds later I was on the floor, in a puddle with Drew, limbs tangled, hearts pounding, breath coming in short bursts.

  I felt sensational, but I was pretty sure I couldn’t move.

  Drew kissed my neck, then my face, then worked his way to my lips with gentle, loving kisses. “You’re all I ever need,” he whispered when he wrapped his arms around me and held me tight to him. I listened to the beat of his heart as it slowed and felt the loss when he shrunk and slipped out of me.

  Drew finally pulled back and looked at me. “Are you okay? God, baby, did I hurt you?”

  I shook my head. “No. That was amazing. I’ve never done it standing before. I think I’m a fan.”

  His cocky grin slid into place and he winked at me. “A new sex position to celebrate your new job position. Although I’m definitely a fan of every position I can get you in. But yeah, that was pretty fucking amazing. You’re pretty fucking amazing,” he whispered as he leaned in for a kiss.

  The slow kiss was lazy and perfect for the relaxed way I was feeling. I still wasn’t sure I could stand on my own. Drew got to his feet in an easy motion and reached down for his jeans and boxer briefs, adjusting himself inside before fastening his belt. I hadn’t moved from the heap on the floor so Drew reached down and helped me to my feet.

  He pulled me into his arms. “Okay, beautiful temptress, I’ve got about an hour of work to do then I’m taking you to lunch. Your choice. Think about where you want to go.”

  I nodded against his chest and took a deep breath of him, filling my lungs with Drew-scented air. He kissed the top of my head then directed me to my chair. He kissed me once more then turned and headed for his office.

  I was a complete waste. My focus was gone. All I could think about was how much I loved him and how sweet he was. He was always telling me sweet things and making me feel like the most beautiful and wonderful woman in the world. He’d said I was ‘fucking amazing’ and that I was all he’d ever need. What did that mean?

  Did it mean he loved me too?

  He said everything except those three little word. He showed me he loved me, but he never said it. Did he have to say it for it to be true? Did I?

  No, I decided. I loved him and hadn’t said it yet, but that didn’t make it any less true.


  The next Tuesday at girls’ night Mandy told everyone about Xander bragging to her about my ideas. “Carrie, seriously, I knew you would be awesome, but Xander is seeing it day after day. I gotta tell you guys… when Xander comes home happy from work he makes mama happy. So thank you Carrie!”

  I groaned. “NO!” I yelled, sticking my fingers in my ears. “I don’t want to know that my good ideas lead to your good sex.”

  Mandy rested her hand on my arm. “Don’t worry hun, that’s not it. Your good ideas lead to my spectacular sex.”

  I groaned as the others cackled their approval of Mandy’s antics.

  “I swear you guys, if you want to improve your sex life, get pregnant. It’s like everything is heightened. Every touch, every lick. Damn ladies, it’s amazing!”

  It was one of those nights when none of the guys showed up. The conversation revolved around sex most of the time anyway, but when the guys weren’t there we were like high school boys in a locker room. No stories were off-limits and no one was exempt from sharing.

  I loved my friends when we were like this. Since my brain was in the gutter all the time anyway, it was nice when my friends joined me down there. Well, except Sam. She pretty much lived in the gutter with me.

  “Well, never having been pregnant, I’m guessing sweaty workout sex is almost as hot,” Sam put in.

  “Eww,” Claire heaved. “That’s so gross.”

  “What, you and Aidan never get sweaty during sex?”

  Claire shook her head. “Maybe a little but not before. I can’t imagine how bad he would stink, down there, if he’d been working out.”

  “It’s no different than usual,” Riley chimed in. “Sweat is sweat whether it comes from a workout at the gym or in the bedroom.”

  Sam high-fived Riley and they both grinned at the disgusted look on Claire’s face. I just sat back and laughed. Since none of them knew I was having any sex I could enjoy the conversation without feeling like I needed to be dragged into it.

  “I think drunk sex is pretty hot,” Lexi said. “Mike and I will come home from dinner a bit tipsy and fall into bed.”

  Riley groaned. “Alcohol always makes me so sleepy. Plus, since Connor doesn’t drink much we rarely get drunk.”

  “I like drunk sex,” Addi added. “But have you ever done it outside?”

  “You dirty little whore!” Sam exclaimed. “We’re all jealous of your snowy mountain sex.”

  “You make it sound like I’m sleeping with half the men on the mountain.”

  “I know you only have eyes for Joey, but I have to ask… are you still doing it outside?”

  Addi blushed and looked around. We were all riveted waiting for her answer. I’d never had sex outside, but Drew and I going at it in his office during the party was pretty adventurous if I did say so myself. Then again, no one knew about that!

  “Well, since we actually got together it’s been on the mountain, of course, in Lake Erie, at the pool, and a few times in my classroom after school was out.”

  We all gaped at her, one after the other shocked at the Addi’s admission. Sam was the first to speak. “Holy shit, Addi. You make me look like a fucking Girl Scout.”

  We all howled in laughter at Addi’s stricken face.

  “It’s not that bad, is it?” she asked, looking ashamed by her admission.

  “Addi, it’s awesome. You and Joey are amazing togethe
r and if having sex in public places gets you off then have at it. The school one… I think that shocks me the most because of the consequences if you’d gotten caught,” Claire said.

  Addi groaned. “I know. I kept thinking about that afterward and was totally shocked that I’d let it happen. You know men, they don’t care where or how they get sex as long as they get it. The first time was after Kendall got hurt and my emotions were all over the place. Of course that was when I kicked him out too. The other time he just came by one day to pick me up and locked the door to my classroom as a joke. The joke was on him when I told him it turned me on. Shit, it was so stupid.”

  “Addi, don’t feel bad for any of this. I gotta admit, I’m shocked, but more impressed and jealous than anything. You have no reason to beat yourself up over it. I think we’ve all done things, maybe not quite so exhibitionist, but things that were pushing the limit.”

  “I fooled around with a guy in an office during a party once,” I blurted out.

  “What?” everyone chorused, looking at me.

  “It just sort of happened. He was hot and we ended up in his office. I didn’t even know his name.”

  “Did you sleep with him?” Sam asked.

  I shook my head. “We didn’t have a condom, but I would have.”

  “What sort of party? I didn’t know Beth had those.”

  “Oh, no, it wasn’t with Beth. It was one I got invited to. No big deal. I was bored and he caught me checking him out and one thing led to another and I ended up on my knees in his office after he made me scream with his fingers. It was seriously hot.”

  “Holy shit, how have I never heard this?” Riley demanded.

  I shrugged. “There really wasn’t much to tell, but everyone is making Addi feel like the slut of the century for sleeping with her husband in public. She needs to know it’s not that bad.”

  “Yeah, but you didn’t sleep with the guy,” Addi argued.

  “I also didn’t know his name,” I countered.

  She nodded her head in agreement and stayed silent at my admission. I guess it made her feel better, I just hoped it didn’t clue anyone in to what was going on. Not that I thought they would put two and two together. No one had any reason to suspect I was seeing Drew, or anyone else.

  Except Charlie.

  I risked a glance at her and found her studying me. Her eyes were unfocused like she was trying to figure something out. I knew if she tried hard enough she could bust me. When she met my eyes I gave her a pleading look and she quickly shook her head letting me know she wouldn’t betray my confidence. I breathed a sigh of relief and vowed to keep my mouth shut for the rest of the night.


  I barely saw Drew or Xander at work for the next couple weeks. Between the Ramsey project and the Stapleton project they were out of the office most days. Occasionally Drew took me to lunch but mostly we just saw each other in the evenings. I wondered how he could get away from Xander without being suspicious, but I didn’t want to think about it.

  I started to think about our relationship differently after Addi’s revelation. With her, it was more exciting to hide in the open and have sex. Maybe Drew was turned on by being the only one who knew what was going on with us.

  He came back to the office late one morning after spending the night before at my apartment. He still refused to pack a bag when he stayed overnight, and we still argued about it. He’d left to go home and change when I left for work, but I didn’t expect to see him until that night.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked when he walked over and kissed me.

  “I’ve got a few things to catch up on and then I was going to take you to lunch.”

  “Lucky me,” I grinned before he kissed me again.

  “I can’t get enough of you. I feel like it’s been days instead of hours since I’ve had you. Okay, let me get my work done otherwise I’ll be dragging you into my office to have my way with you.”

  I rested my hand on his jaw and gave him a saucy grin. “You wouldn’t have to drag me. I’d come willingly. Over and over again.”

  “You can’t say things like that to me, baby. I might take you up on it.”

  I shrugged and grinned when he groaned and spun toward the hallway. I chuckled a few minutes later when I heard him call my name and ask me to come to his office. I picked up my phone and dialed his extension.

  “I asked you to come here.”

  “I’m sorry, boss. I’m really busy right now. What do you need my help with?”

  He groaned again and I swore I heard his teeth grinding together. “You know damn well what I need your help with.”

  I stifled a laugh and teased him. “Oh, I’m really busy. See my boss gave me a promotion and I’m just swamped getting everything done.”

  He sobered quickly. “Seriously, babe? If you’re swamped we can look into hiring someone else. Even if it’s part time. I’ll talk to Xander today.”

  I laughed softly. “I’m just teasing you, Drew.”

  “You’re evil. And I still need you. I’m throbbing back here. If you don’t come help me I might have to take matters into my own hands.”

  “What kind of matters?” I asked innocently.

  “You want me to say it, don’t you?”

  “Say what?”

  “You want me to tell you that my cock is hard for you. You want me to tell you that without your sexy body to slide into my hand is as useful as whipped cream on a shit sundae. You want me to tell you that being away from you for just a few hours makes me ache inside to touch you or taste you or kiss you. You want me to tell you that I need some part of your body to slide into so I can relieve the pain in my cock. Please, Carrie. Baby, will you come back to my office and fuck me?”

  “I’ll be right there,” I whispered.


  By the time we left for lunch I’d decided I would tell Drew I loved him as soon as the Stapleton project was complete and the town hall proposal was in. Both were huge sources of stress for him and Xander, and I didn’t want to add to that by changing our relationship. I hoped hearing those words wouldn’t be a problem and would instead make things better, but I had no way of knowing. He was hurt by the last woman he loved. He might not be ready to hear it again.

  We went to lunch at Luciano’s, a quaint Italian place we both loved. Not too far from the office but on Snowflake Street, Luciano’s was a small restaurant that served the best Italian in town, easily. A family owned spot, all the recipes were original and featured a twist on traditional Italian fare.

  The brick exterior hid the old world feel you got as soon as you stepped inside. From the rich burgundy walls to the cozy tables you could almost believe you were at a cafe in the Italian countryside.

  Carla, one of the daughters, took our orders then returned with our drinks and a basket of freshly baked bread and infused olive oil to dip it in. They changed their infusion regularly but I recognized rosemary, oregano, and basil in the oil. It was delicious.

  “How have things been around the office?” Drew asked between bites of bread.

  “Quiet. It’s great having you guys around and I miss you when you’re not there.”

  He cocked an eyebrow at me. “Even Xander?”

  I narrowed my eyes. “Of course even Xander. Why do you ask?”

  He shrugged, looking almost embarrassed that he’d asked.

  “Tell me,” I demanded.

  Drew grinned but it was his shy grin. “I sort of hoped you only missed me.”

  I shook my head at him. He was jealous. Of his best friend. His married best friend. “Seriously? I miss Xander because he’s a nice guy and a good boss. I miss you because of the same but also because I like to spend time with you. At the same time, I do see you after work.”

  “I know,” he said, not meeting my eyes as he dipped his bread. “I just wonder if I’m more into this than you are.”

  I gawked at him. What was he trying to tell me? I’d spent the last hour thinking about how muc
h I loved him and he was worried I wasn’t committed to our relationship. I was losing it.

  I reached across the table and covered his hand with mine and waited until he met my eyes. I studied him for a minute, looking for a sign that he was joking, but it wasn’t there. He was serious.

  “I promise you, you’re not more into this than I am. I’m all in, Drew. I love spending time with you. I can’t get enough of you. I’ve never had a relationship like this before though. Both the secret part and spending time together like we are.”

  “Do you want to see less of me?” Drew asked, his voice sounding worried.

  “I didn’t say that at all. What’s going on with you?”

  Drew shook his head as though he could clear it with the motion. “I don’t know. I think I’m just stressed about this project. I actually wanted to talk to you about it. Mrs. Stapleton is pretty adamant about using as many pieces as they already own, but she wants to add some new things in.”

  “That won’t be a problem,” I assured him. “I’ve already gone through what they have. I’ll set up a meeting with her to talk about the new types of pieces she wants. Why are you letting this bother you?”

  He shrugged and sipped his water. “I don’t know. I know you can handle all this. I don’t need to give it a second thought.”

  I smiled at him. “You and Xander put your faith in me. Don’t question it now. I can’t handle my boss, or my… whatever you are, second guessing it.”

  Drew brought our joined hands to his lips and kissed my knuckles. “Whatever I am, I trust you. I’ve just been on my own for a while, always at work, and it’s hard to let go.”

  “You don’t have to let go. I’m not cutting you out. I’m here to help. You’re not alone anymore.”

  “Thank you for being patient with me. I know all this is hard. Keeping everything from Xander and your friends. Me not being around. My work.”

  I shook my head. “You’ve nothing to worry about. You love your work. You never have to apologize for that, not with me. As for our relationship… it doesn’t matter who knows and who doesn’t. We know. That’s enough for me.”


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