The meal was served, the salad on a bed of crisp assorted greens with a variety of vegetables and fruit. An assortment of dressings accompanied it.
The pasta, angel hair spaghetti was smothered with Italian sausages, green, red and yellow peppers, onions and a spicy tomato sauce which was the house specialty and always delicious.
The aroma from the fresh baked bread caused Sieana to salivate and her stomach slightly growled where she had missed lunch. Immediately she began to eat with relish and she decided that the food was scrumptious, better than she had remembered.
She looked over and noticed the uneaten food on her friend’s plate and watched a few seconds as Babbette moved it from one spot on her plate to another.
She reprimand her stating that she needed to eat and think of her health.
I just do not have much of an appetite these days she replied. I will take it with me and maybe eat it later.
You know damn well that you are not going to eat it later stated Siana. But at least eat your salad.
And since you are not going to eat maybe you want to tell me what is going on with you. I told you before that I am here for you and there is nothing that we cannot get through together.
I will tell you the entire truth as I promised but let us not talk about it now she replied with a frown. I cannot think logically tonight.
You win this round replied Siana, but only this round.
I will let you slide for a day or two but not a moment longer. The sooner we discuss the issues and rationalize them you will stay upset.
I am not sure that it is going to be that simple replied Babbette but we will talk.
I am just too tired to get into everything tonight.
Thank you for being here for me; I do not know what I would do without you.
Oh hell, you would do the same for me replied Siana and anyway you are the only family that I have so I have to take good care of you.
Siana devoured the remainder of her meal plus a portion of Babbette’s while they finished their drinks and made small talk.
The waiter came to inquire about dessert and placed the bill on the table with Babbette quickly extending her credit card stating that the meal was her treat as she had caused them to miss lunch. Once the tab had been signed they left for their drive home. Siana was feeling rather giddy from the drinks but she managed to drive the car in and out of the heavy traffic with ease until she reached a spot in a lane where she could flow with the traffic without being hemmed in.
The evening had turned humid with a hint of a shower in the air but she did not care, she planned to spend a lazy evening at home alone.
She told Babbette a raunchy joke and they both burst into a fit of laughter.
You are absolutely nuts but I think you are special, still, it is a good thing that they threw away the mold after you were made Babbette told her friend.
Shows what you know replied Siana. This world would be a much happier place if everyone were like me.
They both began to sing along with the music that played on the radio and the miles passed quickly. The tension that had prevailed during the morning hours had completely passed.
When she turned onto the path leading up to Babbette’s house two brown-specked deer started across the road with two little ones following behind. She stopped the car waiting for them to cross and watched the carefree way in which they so gracefully exited the road disappearing into the dense trees. She then proceeded onwards to the house stopping at the door.
You do not have to pick me up in the morning stated Babbette getting out of the car. I have an appointment after work and so I will drive myself into town.
That will work out perfect replied Siana.
I have a date to meet David in town for the new play at the Metro tomorrow night so I will just plan to meet him in town earlier. I will see you at work in the morning and maybe we can get that lunch on time.
Sounds great replied Babbette, and I promise not to have you miss lunch two days in a row.
Get you some rest tonight called out Siana as she waved and drove off.
Babbette opened her door bending just inside to pick up the mail that lay on the floor that had been dropped through the mail slot. With not so much as a glance at it she placed it on the table beside the door. The blinking light on the telephone caught her attention and she went over pushing the button to hear the messages.
The first one was from her jeweler informing her that her bracelet was now repaired and was ready to be picked up.
The next call was a hang up and the last was of someone breathing heavy but not saying a word. She then decided to turn off the ringer to prevent any calls from coming in to disturb her.
She sank into the comfort of the sofa cushions and picked up a magazine that lay there flipping through the pages unaware of any print that was on them. Thinking that she heard a noise outside she went to look out of the window but saw nothing more than the rustling of the leaves on the trees and shrubbery.
She went to the bar and poured a glass of white wine promising herself that she had to cut down on drinking but she justified it telling herself that the drinking helped her get to sleep nights. She took the drink over to the sofa, picked up another magazine from the coffee table, found an article and began to read. Time and time again she glanced at her wristwatch noting the passing time. It was getting late and she had endured an exhausting day. No longer able to prolong the inevitable she showered and fell into bed falling asleep as soon as her head touched her pillow.
Just as quickly, the tormenting dream began anew.
tephon stood six feet seven inches tall, muscular, heavily veiled eyes, thick eyebrows and thin tapered mustache not one hair out of place.
Meticulous to a fault.
I Q of one hundred ninety eight.
His smile would chill Satan and his diabolical mind bordered on insanity.
He stood at the window of his penthouse apartment his brutish face drained and his mouth twisted into a snarl as he gazed over the city in L A.
I am going to find that bitch if it is the last thing that I ever do he thought before downing the last of the scotch in his glass.
It has taken me much too long but I will find her and when I do she will regret ever having met me.
He closed his eyes for a second thinking that he should have not told her what he had been working on in his laboratory. Now it was too late and she was a threat that he could not afford.
He and only he could be the one to eradicate the situation.
Damn her he said slamming the glass against the wall shattering its crystal into pieces. Damn her.
He went to his bar filling another glass with more of the amber colored liquid and went again to the window staring out into nothingness remembering the first time that they had met.
He had been at the airport here in L A waiting for a flight to Europe on an assignment that demanded he travel public transportation rather than his private jet. He noticed her reflection in the mirror behind the bar as he waited for his departure.
She was so beautiful.
She mesmerized him and he could not take his eyes from her.
At first, he continued for a time to admire her from a distance and contrary to his normal disposition he went over and introduced himself to her. She reminded him of a porcelain doll. She was very gracious, very refreshing, exceptional in fact he analyzed as he spoke with her.
She had told him that she was waiting for her friend to pick her up as she had just arrived back in the city after a business trip.
Thinking back he could hardly remember the additional conversation she had made, he only knew that she had dazzled him in those few minutes as no other woman he had ever met. He was determined that she was not going to ge
t away from him.
When he heard his flight abroad being announced he quickly asked for her telephone number promising to call when he returned from his trip. He remembered that she had hesitated before giving him her telephone number causing his heart to skip several beats.
He shook his head trying to clear his thoughts as he recalled that while he was away it was hard concentrating on his business as she was constantly on his mind.
He remembered also at the time he could not help but think how fortunate he had been not to have taken the private jet to Europe because he would not have met her.
When he returned to the city he did call Babbette and arranged to have his limousine pick her up for dinner and the theater.
That night they sipped wine and talked into the wee hours of the morning.
Stephon remembered that being with her had been incomparable to any experience he had ever encountered. He had learned to relax and laugh again, something that he had not done in many years.
He also knew that night that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.
They between their busy schedules spent hours that permitted them to be together eating, laughing, talking, and making passionate love.
Little by little he had begun telling her about his work and trying to explain how significant the experiment in his laboratory was going to be for a long time to come.
At first she did not make any comments when he was speaking, for the most part she listened. Later she began to ask one or two questions and months later she began to ask additional ones to which he tried to explain without giving too much detail.
He was almost eager for her to ask questions, for he thought it meant that not only was she interested in him but also his work. He was elated thinking he had found a treasure in this woman.
Then the day came when he noticed that she seemed to be withdrawing from him and the more he tried to talk to her about what was upsetting her, the more distant she became. She even began avoiding him making up excuses as to why she would not be able to see him.
At first, he became angry not understanding what it was that perturbed her. Then after thinking things over he realized that it must be the project that he was working on.
He then made a decision to give her time to absorb all that he had shared with her and did not telephone her or go by her home for almost a month.
He noticed that he was having trouble concentrating on his work and the day finally came when not seeing her had become unbearable. He called her needing to hear her voice and he yearned to hold her in his arms once again.
He was devastated and became incensed when she told him that she no longer wanted to see him.
He went to her home forcing her to speak with him but she was relentless in demanding that he leave her home immediately.
Without thinking he had lost control and he struck her on her face knocking her to the floor. He remembered that he had wanted to kill her at that moment.
He did not remember leaving her home or driving home, he could only remember that he had not meant to hurt her. It only happened because he was afraid of losing her. Later he had even cried about his uncontrolled action.
He needed her, wanted her, and yes loved her.
And, I continue to love her he spoke the words aloud but I have no other option but obliterate her.
She is a liability that I cannot afford.
Nothing or no one will be permitted to interfere with my project.
The telephone rang jarring him back to the present.
Speak he said into the instrument.
I think I have found her said the voice on the other end of the telephone.
How soon can you get to Atlanta?
I will be leaving here immediately.
Stay where I can contact you replied Stephon. He then alerted his pilot to ready the jet for a trip.
abbette fitfully tossed in her bed as she sank deeper into the dream that she was having.
In this dream she had no idea as to where she was but she could hear the footsteps behind her on the pavement and she began to walk faster. The footsteps also became faster and she then began to run having no idea as to where she was fleeing only knowing that she had to get to safety anywhere that she could find it.
She stopped a moment looking around noting that the streets were empty and there was no one from whom she could seek help. She could hear the footsteps gaining on her but her legs were suddenly frozen in the spot that she stood.
A shadowy figure was now at her back and someone reached out grabbing at her, pulling her and then covering her mouth with his large hand preventing her from screaming. His body was hard against her threatening. Although she could not see his face she could smell a nauseating sickening odor coming from him. She began to struggle knowing that she was in danger. It was then that she woke up crying out and fighting the bed covers before realizing that she had once again been dreaming.
In the past, this dream had always started the same way but this time something more had been added to it. In the depths of her soul she knew that this dream was an omen and that he was going to find her one day.
Unable to go back to sleep she lay until the daylight began to creep through her bedroom windows before going to make a pot of coffee.
Savoring its aroma, she decided to pop a bagel into the toaster not from hunger but because she needed something to keep her mind occupied.
After removing it from the toaster she spread it with strawberry cream cheese and poured coffee into her favorite mug omitting sugar and cream and sat at her kitchen table. After taking her first sip of the coffee, she began thinking about Siana.
She knew that she could no longer prolong her talk with her friend and was going to have to tell her everything about the man that she had been in love with.
She did not want to place her friend in danger but she also knew that her friend would continue to pressure her until she gave in.
She continued nibbling her bagel and for an instant she thought about tossing some things into a bag and leaving town; but where would she go. She had no one nor anyplace that she could seek refuge.
She was going to have to resign herself to the fact that whatever was going to happen would be something that she had no control over and that there was nothing that she could do to prevent it.
She was tired of hiding and was going to have to stop running and deal with this situation once and for all.
She finished her coffee and went to dress for the day. She also gathered her dirty laundry to drop off to the dry cleaners and checked the refrigerator making out a short list to stop at the grocery. The day was moving quickly and she had a lot to do.
After tossing her laundry into the back seat of her car she hurried down the lane entering the road leading to the interstate. The only two neighbors she had were old Mrs. Brown and her sister who lived a couple of miles down the road before the exit onto the interstate. She could see the two women on the porch of their family home and as always they waved to her when she passed. She could only imagine what they gossiped about as the two went about their day.
The day was slightly balmy and the sky very blue with puffs of large white clouds and as she turned onto the interstate she began thinking about her visit to Dr. Jermal’s office at the end of the day and what she would tell him.
She had driven about half a miles when she looked into the rear view mirror she saw a car drive up behind her and follow her for a few minutes. It proceeded to pass and as it pulled into the lane beside her it slowed long enough for her to look into the man’s eyes as he speed off leaving a puff of dust behind.
It must be that black car she gasped beginning to feel somewhat nauseated.
Suddenly she laughed, more from nervousness than humor and told h
erself that she was being ridiculous. I have to stop being so paranoid she scolded herself. There are hundreds of black cars on these roadways.
She calmed herself and continued her drive to the city pulling up in front of the grey brick building to the dry cleaners.
Draping the laundry across her arms she entered the glass door lined with black iron bars and placed the clothing onto the counter.
You are looking as pretty as always said the woman observing Babbette. Do you want to pick these up this evening?
I am not in a hurry for them replied Babbette; I will pick them up at the end of the week.
They will be ready called the woman as Babbette was going out of the door. She then drove the remaining blocks to her job and noticed that her friend’s parking space was still empty. She must have had a very late date she thought parking as close to the elevator as possible.
She quickly went to the elevator pushing the button for her floor and as she stepped inside and the door was about to close she thought she noticed the black car parked by the ramp. This must stop she scolded herself stepping out onto her floor and going directly to her dressing room.
The building was still quiet and she began applying a coat of clear polish to her nails. She was relieved minutes later when she began to hear people moving about the hallway going to their offices and dressing rooms as she was anxious to get the day started.
The morning went very swiftly and she was surprised when she found it was time for lunch. She met Siana downstairs in the lunch room as promised with her friend glowing with excitement about her date from the previous night.
All through lunch she gave Babbette a detailed account of the play and other events of the past night before and Babbette was relieved that there was not enough time left for her to bring up subject about having their talk.
After work Babbette kept her appointment with her doctor feeling the session to be a waste of time.
It was always the same with him telling her to face her fears and they would disappear. She was going to have to find someone else who would be able to help her.
A Taste Of Revenge Page 3