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A Taste Of Revenge

Page 6

by Andrew Westmont

  He moved slowly around the house looking into the windows but seeing no one. When he reached the back of the house he turned the doorknob finding the door unlocked. Stepping inside quickly he reached into his pocket and pulled out his gun as he surveyed the room. It was a large formal dining room with a table large enough to seat a party of twelve. He stood listening for sound or movement and hearing nothing he crossed the room making his way into the next one. The only word that he could think of to describe this room was remarkable.

  The room covered the entire front of the house with the light from the skyline from the cathedral ceiling flooding the room with color giving it depth and warmth.

  The long wall was inlaid with glass shelving holding artifacts of unknown origin. Futuristic furnishings with odd shapes and white in color sat on plush patterned black carpeting with a red geometrical design in the center, the only color in the room. A life sized portrait of Sianna was the only other decoration in the room.

  Too bad she is going to have to leave all of this he thought.

  He started toward the hallway glad the thick carpet cushioned any sound of his footsteps. He could see several doorways and eased to the first one and looking in.

  The room was a small sunroom filled with lots of greenery, there was nothing more in it besides a sewing machine and dress form.

  He moved to the next room but the door was locked and he decided not to try forcing it open. He pressed his ear against it but could hear no sound inside and so he continued edging his way along the wall towards the last door at the end of the hall.

  He was beginning to think that the P I had shafted him after all but when he reached the open doorway and look in his breath caught in his throat when he saw her.

  At long last, there she was, his beautiful Babbette. She lay asleep on the bed wearing a yellow robe and curled up in a fetal position.

  Stephon cautiously stepped closer to the bed trying to decide whether to waken her or let her wake on her own.

  He could not take his eyes from her as she slept. Every fiber of his body longed for her but he knew that he had to destroy her.

  When he could no longer stand to wait for her to awaken he decided that the element of surprise was half the battle of conquering the enemy and he moved closer to her placing his hand over her mouth.

  Her eyes few open immediately staring up at him.

  When she was able to focus on his face she began to struggle hitting at him with her hands.

  He was pleased to see the panic in her eyes while he continued to hold his hand over her mouth and calmly began talking to her.

  She bit his hand forcing him to remove it from her mouth and tried sitting on the bed before he pushed her back. He looked at the teeth marks but luckily the skin had not been broken.

  You bitch he said slapping her across the mouth causing a split to the corner of her lip.

  What do you want she screamed blood trickling down on her chin?

  Why are you doing this?

  Shut up and listen he said his eyes cold and menacing.

  You did not think that I would let you get away with leaving me did you?

  You betrayed me.

  I would have done anything in the world that you asked.

  I shared with you a part of me that no one else in the world knows.

  No one, do you understand, no one betrays me and get away with it.

  I have come to realize that you are a liability to me and for this you will be sorry.

  Babbette raised herself again trying to get off the bed but he pushed her back on the pillows and aimed the gun at her.

  Seeing it she cowered on the bed watching him as she sat down on the edge of it.

  That is better he said pushing the gun closer to her face.

  You created this madness and I am damn sure going to make you feel the pain that I have experienced he spewed at her.

  Why don’t you just go on and kill me and get it over with she said the silent tears now beginning to run down her cheeks.

  Do you think that I would make your fate that simple he asked? Remember you chose this not I.

  Before I am finished with you I will see to it that you get exactly what you deserve.

  What time does that friend of yours get home he abruptly asked.

  Leave her out of this, she had nothing to do with you and me screamed Babbette trying again to sit up on the bed. She will not be back from her vacation for another few days.

  Sthepon began to shake his head knowingly.

  You are a liar he said laughing.

  Why of all people would you lie to me?

  I know that she is not on vacation.

  How do you think that I knew where you were staying?

  Siana is not a part of this; please for God’s sake leave her out of this.

  It is a little too late for that he said lifting her chin.

  You made her a part of this so you are both in this together.

  Now, I will only ask you once again and you had better tell me the truth.

  What time will your friend be coming home from work?



  iana could not seem to stop watching the clock and she could not remember when a day had passed by so slowly. It seemed that the entire office was in a quandary today. The outfits were not fitting the models properly. A shipment of rare material was lost distressing the seamstress to the point that for the first time in twenty years she was threatening to walk off the job. All she could think about was going home and taking a long hot bubble bath. She was jittery and had a bad feeling that something was wrong but could not put her finger on it. Several times she thought about going home early but she was not ready to face the problems there with Babbette.

  She looked up finding a dark haired model standing at her desk calling her name. They chatted for a while and then she tried to concentrate on the stack of papers on her desk to no avail. Finally, she placed them into one of the slots on her desk and went to the ladies lounge to freshen her makeup and kill some time.



  tephon glanced at his watch and cursed the time. He went over to the bed towering over Babbette where she had not moved.

  I do pray that you are telling me the truth about the time your friend is due home he said his eyes cold as a piece of steel.

  Where does she keep the liquor?

  I need a drink.

  She has a bar in the great room she answered.

  Get up and show me and do not try anything stupid or you will regret it he told her.

  She started out of the room with him behind her holding the gun. When they reached the room she went over to one of the shelves and pointed to it.

  This will swivel around and you will see the bar she stated.

  Open it he instructed continuing to hold the gun on her.

  She turned the shelf exposing an assortment of liquors, wines and crystal stemware.

  He came close enough to her enabling her to feel the heat from his body and causing her to cringe.

  Pour me a drink he demanded

  What do you want she asked not looking at him?

  You do not remember what I drink he replied sarcastically.

  Pour it now.

  She examined the bottles before filling his glass with the liquor without ice or a mixer and handed it to him without looking into his face.

  He watched her for a moment smirking before taking a swallow of the drink. You do remember he said continuing to watch her. Pour one for yourself also he stated as an afterthought

  I do not want anything to drink she shot back defiantly before taking a step back from him.

  I told you to pour yourself a drink he said his voice now controlled and commanding.
  You will do as I say and the sooner you get that through that head of yours the better off we will both fair.

  She moved to the bar picking up a glass and dropping it from her shaking hand. He snatched up another and filled the glass himself.

  Isn’t this much better he asked handing her the glass. You know that I have never liked drinking alone.

  Stephon finished the drink in his glass without taking his eyes from Babbette. Let’s go he to her grabbing the bottle and tucking it under his arm.

  She continued to standing until he nudged her towards the hall.

  Move now, we are going back to the bedroom he told her.

  When they had returned to the room she started to the bed but he motioned to a chair for her to sit. She sank into it continuing to hold the untouched glass of liquor. She had barely seated herself when he pushed the glass to her mouth forcing her to swallow some of it and causing her to cough and the liquid to spill down onto her robe.

  She wiped at the spill that ran down her chin with the back of her hand, the corner of her mouth painful. She continued to cough feeling the sting of the drink in her throat.

  Now look at the mess you have made he stated derisively. You know that I detest anything that is less than perfect.

  Stephon gulp down a second drink never taking his eyes from her but she would not look at him being careful not to provoke him unnecessarily. She was praying that he would drink enough to pass out because she remembered from past experiences how callous he had become after having too much to drink.

  Time was running out and she needed desperately to try to think of a way to get away from him and contact Siana before she returned home.



  ith only a few moments left before she would be starting home Siana looked up and saw Miles standing at her desk frowning.

  What is the matter she asked?

  I just wanted to know whether Babbette would be here tomorrow?

  I sure that she will was her reply.

  She was just a little under the weather this morning that’s all.

  Good he said. I need to talk to her about something personal.

  Sianna felt sorry for Miles as he slowly walked away from her desk but she did not have time to worry about his problems with so many of her own right now. She was too worried about how to help her friend.

  I will be happy to get out of this place today it’s been a madhouse she thought grabbing her purse and heading to the elevator where there was already several people standing. They all filled the elevator to capacity and with everyone enervated from the day’s events there was no small talk. Everyone did manage a goodnight as they exited hurrying off to their cars.

  She sighed when she finally took her seat and started the engine of her car. It had been a hell of a day. She pushed in a cd and listened to the music as she lit her cigarette. She pulled out of the garage and could see traces of the earlier rains and was glad that now the sun was shining brightly. She wished that she could rid herself of the nagging feeling of doom in the pit of her stomach. She put the windows down letting the warm breeze blow on her face and turned the music louder trying to shut out her thoughts.

  Usually she could think of several ways to get in and out of any situation but this time she had no idea as to how to handle this. They would deal with it all later, now all she wanted was nothing more than to get home and take a long hot bath and a drink or two before tackling this problem.



  tephon glanced again at his watch and slammed his fist against the wall.

  You had better not be lying to me about you friend he said going over and standing over Babbette.

  Why can’t you just leave her out of this she screamed?

  She has never done anything to you.

  She does not even know who you are or anything about you.

  I don’t know what you might have told her said Stephon. You have lost your credibility with me; I do not trust anything that you have to say.

  You and I can just leave now and not get her involved in this she shouted.

  Shut your mouth he yelled back shaking his fist at her.

  Do not move and shut the hell up he said looking into her eyes that were beginning to tear.

  Swiftly he moved away from her but she dared not move and watched him as he removed the roll of duck tape and came to the chair looking down at her.

  What are you going to do she asked?

  She could only sit there petrified at the thought of what he might do next.

  He turned on the television that was built in the wall listening to the news as he began preparing two syringes from vials that he took from the bag. After wrapping them in a towel he placed them on the nightstand beside the bed.

  The news gave no mention of a body having been found in the alley and this information gave a little more time to complete his plan.

  He was beginning to feel somewhat pleased with himself as this was all new to him. Usually he had someone else take care of his little nuisances but this was too personal to have someone else handle.

  He watched her and felt a sadness that things had turned out this way. He also felt remorse at having to deal with this friend of her but she could only blame this betraying bitch that she called her friend for getting her into this.

  Unfortunately she was a risk that he could not afford because there could be no person that could remotely connect him to Babbette.

  It was understood that he would do whatever necessary to ensure the success of the project. Anyway what did it matter that one more sacrifice would be made.

  All you hear about on the news is murder he said turning of the television while directing his remarks to Babbette. Wouldn’t you agree with me that there are some very sick people in this world?

  When she did not answer he went over to her pushing his face close to hers.

  I asked you whether you agreed with me he repeated his breath smelling foul from the booze he had drank.

  She nodded her head in a yes gesture without looking at him.

  His face was still close to hers and she was becoming nauseated from the smell of his breath.

  He lifted her taking her over to the bed dropping her onto it.

  Without answering he grabbed both her hands and began binding her wrist and then proceeded to bind her ankles.

  Turn on your side he demanded.

  She began shaking her head no but he raised his hand causing her to wince and cry out.

  He decided against hitting her and turned her body facing away from him.

  He then filled one of the syringes injecting the solution into her arm with her body immediately going limp releasing her for a time from this nightmare.

  Stephon placed a sheet around her and stood watching her sleep. He tenderly touched her face and caressed her hair but as he watched her he knew that there was no turning back. He realized that if by chance he was able to convince her to agree with any proposition that he could come up with that in his heart he knew that he would never be able to trust her again.

  There is no other way out of this he thought as he watched her. She has to be destroyed.



  iana drove thought about how lucky she had been through the years to be blessed with adoptive parents that gave her love and security. After their death she had been very well provided for in fact they had left her very wealthy.

  Somehow even with the heartache of losing the two people that she dearly loved she still believed in fairytales.

  Now it is time for me to help Babbette find some of the happiness she deserves thought Sianna pulling up in front of her house.

  She left the car and walked around to her flower garden checking on some of the blooming
plants before going inside.

  She had seen her friend’s car and was happy for once that she did not change her mind about staying with her for a while. She could be one stubborn woman.

  She went inside calling out her name but got no response and started back to the bedroom. I am home she called out again. Did you get your flowers and who sent them she called out?

  Stephon had heard Siana call out to her friend and was relieved that Babbette had told him the truth.

  He moved from the side of the chair going to stand behind the bedroom door knowing that the woman would most likely come into the room.

  Once she was inside he would subdue her and get on with his plans.

  He waited, sensing rather than hear her come closer and when she entered the room she pushed the door back hiding him from her view.

  Wake up honey she called softly to her friend going over to the bed and leaning over to touch her. Did you get the flowers that were sent to you she asked again anxious to know who had sent them.

  Stephon eased the door closed locking it behind and then tipped up behind her smelling the soft scent of her perfume. As she leaned over the Babbette he pushed her onto the bed.

  She struggled to get up turning as she did to see him standing over her.

  You son of a bitch she screamed kicking out at him with both feet. Why are you in my home and who the hell are you she demanded of him.

  He could not help but laugh and grabbed her feet pushing her back on the bed.

  She continued to curse him and try to fight him.

  It is useless for you to expend your energy you little hell cat he told her with a slight twinkle in his eye.

  There is nothing that you can do to hurt me so my advice to you is to stop kicking and listen to me very carefully.


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