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Bastian: A Secret Baby Romance

Page 4

by Lauren Landish

  "Morning guys," I said, sitting down in the chair next to Mom. The dining room table could handle a dozen people easily, so we only sat at one end except when Donald threw dinners for those he wanted to invite over. "What's for breakfast?"

  "Chef made eggs, some lamb sausage, and fresh vegetable medley," Mom said with a grin. She had recently gotten on the Paleo Diet kick, and while our chef does do some wonders with spinach, meat, and eggs, I have to admit I sometimes snuck some bread or a peanut butter sandwich while I was at school. "Is Sebastian coming down?"

  "Of course I am," Sebastian said behind me, coming down in just some basketball shorts and a tank top. "Forgive the casual clothes, but I don't have any classes until the afternoon. I think I'm going to have a workout after breakfast, then get ready to go."

  "Have you heard from Harvard Law yet, son?" Donald asked, as he picked at his food. Donald had been going through a lot of stress lately, and it showed in his eating habits. He'd lost close to twenty pounds recently, and despite what the Hollywood types say, you can be too thin, but I'm not sure about too rich. "Old Man Carruthers was asking me the other day, and I honestly didn't know for sure."

  "That's okay Dad," Sebastian replied. "To answer your question, though, no I haven't. But I was kind of thinking of staying closer to home. I mean, we've got a top flight law school right here in town, you know."

  At Sebastian's words, my ears perked up. Was he saying what I thought he was saying? "Perhaps, but you know the family tradition is Harvard," Donald said wistfully. "The connections you make there could become very important."

  "Dad, I know. Skull and Bones, the boy's club, all that jazz. But I'm not sure if I'm ready for the whole Harvard thing anyway. I mean, those connections were important back in your day, but in the Internet age, the new generation of movers and shakers are coming from a totally different background. I've got just as good a chance at making those connections here as I am at any of the Ivy League schools. And I'll be closer to home, which means I can start to learn the ropes. Besides, I think I fit in better here than I would living in Boston."

  I wasn't sure how to take Sebastian's words, but when he looked across the table and smiled at me, I felt something stir inside me, more than just the normal lust I felt whenever he was around. Blushing, I put my head down and rushed through the rest of my breakfast. Sebastian was even faster, though, and I still had three bites of egg and sausage when his fork clattered into his bowl.

  "Amanda, please pass on my compliments to the chef. He's done a great job as usual. If you'll excuse me, Dad, Amanda . . . Little One."

  My blush deepened as Sebastian came around the table, giving my mother and myself a kiss on the forehead before heading back to the house gym. I wolfed down the last bite of my food and grabbed my bag. "Me too," I said, slinging my backpack over my shoulder. "Thanks, guys."

  "It's nice to see that you and Sebastian are getting along better," my mom said, a smile on her face. I knew she’d felt bad at the acrimonious nature of our relationship, perhaps the only regret of her pursuit and marrying of Donald Witherspoon. While she didn't know what the nature of the change between us was, I could see she at least was happy there was something better than fighting between us.

  As I sat through my classes, I kept going back to the debate raging in my head. Was I going to tell Sebastian about my pregnancy? I mean, it wasn't like I could disguise it forever. I'd seen pictures of what my mom looked like when she was pregnant with me, women in my family did not have small pregnancy bellies. Even if I did, Sebastian saw me naked almost every night — he'd eventually notice. Thank God I didn't have morning sickness at least.

  That led me to the other thought in my mind, what about the baby and me, and the rest of my family. I knew I wanted to keep the baby, that was for sure. I just don’t think I’d ever forgive myself if I were to terminate it. While there were no religious problems with that, it just wasn't for me. But what was I going to tell my mom and Donald? The question swirled around and around in my head until thankfully my last class was over. The late afternoon sun felt nice on my face walking out of the math building, lifting my spirits. I wasn't sure how it would all work out, but somehow I knew that it would.

  Chapter 5

  Sebastian's classes tended to run later than mine. I wasn't sure if that was due to his personal choice or if it was just him being pre-law, but he didn't come back home until almost seven thirty that night. By then, I had been home for a few hours, doing a quick workout and setting up my homework for the night.

  Dinner was a tradition in our household. We almost always ate together, unless Donald was out of the city on business. Since everyone was home on time that night, Sebastian was just in time to throw his bags down in one of the spare chairs before sitting down to chicken thighs, summer squash, kale salad and coconut milk smoothies. I’d felt the first pregnancy urges while driving home that day, stopping off for a cheeseburger from a fast food joint, but was still famished. I knew that both mom and Sebastian were giving me strange looks throughout dinner as I polished off second helpings of everything.

  Excusing myself, I went back to my bedroom to start getting ready for the next day's classes. It wasn't too difficult that night, mainly about twenty-five pages of reading on Spartan society for my history class, and doing some listening and vocabulary practice for my foreign language requirement. I’d chosen French, even though I know mom wanted me to pick Russian. I wanted something that I found interesting. Since much of international politics is conducted in either French or English, I thought the ability to pick up the basics of conversation would be helpful. Besides, except for Italian, nobody does romance better than the French.

  I was working my way through some of the original French version of The Phantom of the Opera when I heard a knock on the door between my room and the bathroom I shared with Sebastian. I set my book down, plugging through gamely merely because I wanted the French. I thought the original novel was nowhere near as good as either the film or stage adaptations. Opening the door, I was caught off guard as Sebastian pulled me into the bathroom with him.

  "You were certainly hungry tonight," he joked, pulling me towards the shower stall. "Were you trying to build up your energy for tonight?"

  "No," I said, lust running through me as he kissed my neck. "I was just . . . hungry."

  "I've been hungry too," Sebastian replied, pulling my t-shirt up over my head and unsnapping my bra. My breasts tumbled into the warm air, only to have him devour my right nipple with his sensuous lips. I could feel my knees weaken, and I still had my damn workout shorts on. "I've been hungry for you.”

  "I've wanted you since breakfast," I said, struggling to maintain some form of composure. I could tell by his ardor he needed a quickie — something to settle him down before he worked on his own homework. Reaching for the button on his jeans, I opened him up quickly and slid the denim down his muscular hips. "Ever since you called me Little One in front of mom and Donald."

  "You liked that, did you?" Sebastian replied, pulling my own shorts off. Naked, he dragged me into the shower, turning on the hot water as soon as the glass door was closed. The warm spray mixed with the warmth of Sebastian's body had me quickly quivering. Lifting my leg, I could feel his massive cock already pressing against me, wanting entrance. Unable to deny my him anything, I wrapped both my legs around him, trying to get high enough to allow him to fully enter me. Sebastian helped, lifting me up in his muscular arms to press me against the back tile wall, his lips releasing my nipple to crush against my mouth. Our tongues dueled, winding and twisting against each other hotly. I was desperate to feel him inside me. "My pace," Sebastian reminded me, the evident chuckle in his voice from reading my mind. "Remember, always my pace, and you'll be taken care of."

  “Yes, I remember,” I replied, my words curling into a moan as Sebastian rewarded me by lowering my body onto his cock. I felt more stretched than normal — his massive ten-inch cock normally took some time to prepare for. But we’d been l
overs for long enough that it wasn’t painful at all anymore, especially as aroused as I was.

  I give him a lot of credit, for someone as aroused and as needful as he was that night, he still took his time. After he was all the way inside me, he paused, looking me in the eye until I gave him a slight nod telling him I was ready. Holding me steady against the tile, he began thrusting, his long full strokes sent chills from my toes all the way to my eyes. The sound of the shower drowned out a lot of the sounds I was making — so I let myself go — nobody could hear me. Instead, I focused on what I always did whenever we had sex, making my body as pleasurable to him as he was to me.

  One of the little secrets I had started since Sebastian and I first had sex was exercising, of all things, my vaginal muscles. A little Internet research and some practice, and I could wrap myself around his cock better than ever. It wasn't all for his benefit either, I found out. I was more turned on than ever as I squeezed, feeling every vein and ridge of his cock as it slid in and out of me.

  His thrusts became faster and harder, my breasts shaking with every impact of his body against mine. I couldn't believe how helpless, and how powerfully turned on I felt, suspended against the warm tile wall as Sebastian fucked me. He changed up his strokes, sometimes going long and deep and sometimes short little thrusts that wiggled inside me. Capturing my lips in a kiss again, he pulled me off the wall and laid me gently on the floor of the shower stall before starting to slam me again, my cries tearing between our lips as shockwaves rippled through my body.

  "I'm going to come," I gasped, my eyes searching his face for permission. "I can't hold back any longer."

  "Ten more seconds," Sebastian said, his eyes squeezing shut as he pushed in and out with everything he had. I counted in my head, and at seven, I felt his cock swell inside me. At nine, Sebastian grunted and pulled out, shooting his load as the water rained down around us.

  The shower stall was a bit tight for us to stretch out, so he knelt over me for a few moments while he composed himself. When we could both stand, he helped me to my feet, stroking my face tenderly as he helped me wash my body. His hands felt wonderful slipping over my skin, and I could feel fresh waves of heat through my body. "Mmmmm, if you keep doing that, we're going to drain the hot water heater. And I think you have things you need to get done tonight."

  Sebastian sighed, kissing me on the back of my neck. "You're right. I do have a speech I have to give tomorrow for one of my classes."

  Fuck the water heater, I needed him again. "Tell me. I'm more than just your fuck toy, you know."

  "I know, beautiful Cassie," he murmured, the combination of my name with calling me beautiful causing me to gasp. He had never, even in all of our sexual escapades, called me beautiful Cassie before.

  "What's your speech about?"

  "Privacy laws, and how much they apply to public figures," Sebastian said, slipping two fingers inside me and pumping them in and out. My body was on fire, but I could tell in his voice he was doing it not so much to tease me or make love to me, but because it was helping him think, kind of like an erotic meditation. "You and I are public figures, you know."

  "Comes with the territory of Donald's money," I sighed, clenching again around his fingers. How he could have me ready to come again so quickly was an amazing mystery to me. "What position do you have to take?"

  "That public figures have no right to privacy," he said, his lips brushing against my neck again. Whether he was meditating or not, I could feel his cock stiffening against my ass again, and I moaned, pushing back against him. "A position I have a very hard time agreeing with."

  "What, you don't want the world to know your stepsister is in love with you?" I teased, pausing when I felt his fingers stop. "What is it?"

  "You just said you're in love with me," Sebastian said, his voice heavy with emotion.

  "Because I am," I immediately replied. I never lied to him, not since that first night when the consequence would be banning from his bedroom forever. While I'm sure he never meant for the rule to continue, he had never lifted it either, and I would obey him. "Is that so bad?"

  "Not bad, but complicated," Sebastian said, his fingers starting their thrusting again. "Are you sure you know what you're saying?"

  "Yes, Sebastian. I can only pray you feel the same way for me." It felt like the perfect time to bring up my pregnancy, but he chose that moment to bend me over, replacing his fingers with his cock, and all conscious thought was driven from my mind as he filled me again.

  "I do love you, Cassie. You above all others."

  The only thread of worry in my mind was from the last two words he said. All others. Were there still others in his life?

  Chapter 6

  The problem of when and how to tell Sebastian about my pregnancy stayed on my mind for the next few days. Because of our schedules, he and I barely got a chance to see each other except at meal times, even missing breakfast twice. It felt weird and lonely, as I wanted him there to talk to. I was planning to do something about it when Donald surprised us all at dinner.

  "I just received word that a good friend of mine has decided to run for the State House," he said, "and he asked if I would be willing to give him an endorsement. Well, of course I am, I told him. Better yet, I've decided that this Saturday night, we're going to be hosting a campaign kickoff party here at the mansion. With the people we can get at this party, he won't be needing campaign funds for a long time. Also Cassie, I thought it would be a good chance for you to meet him. He's always looking for enthusiastic young people who want to get their feet wet in the political arena. You might consider volunteering for his campaign."

  "Wow . . . uh thanks, Donald," I said, looking over at Sebastian, who was chewing his dinner silently. "I'd enjoy the chance to see if his issues and mine line up."

  Donald laughed, my mom following along. "Honey, one of the things I've learned is that with most politicians, it's not a matter of their own personal views, but the views of the power brokers in their party. Now my friend Jim, he's a great guy, and I do think he's got a good chance at winning. But the thing is, as a first-term member of the State House, Jim's not going to be able to do anything without the blessings of Senator Giffords from upstate, or Senator Rollins from the Central Valley. Those two old men control the party, and through that, the State House. Think of working for Jim as an investment. "

  "I see. Well, either way, I'd like to talk with him."

  "That's fine. Amanda honey, would you pass me the pork roast? I love the glaze tonight. Is that your own recipe?"

  With party preparations, the entire house was thrown into a semi-controlled chaos, and Sebastian and I didn't even have a chance to talk that night. Instead, I ended up doing my homework in the study, an ornate room filled with rich leather and books that were almost as good as my room for studying, except that I tended to fall asleep in the deep club chairs too often. By the time I got back up to my room, Sebastian was asleep, snoring softly in his pajamas. I stripped down and kissed him softly on the temple, setting my alarm to make sure I got up in time, before snuggling in next to him, sighing in pleasure as his arm lifted to wrap around my stomach.

  That Saturday morning, the hired event people descended upon the mansion en masse, bringing with them a fleet of caterers, waiters, decorators and such. In charge of it all was a wiry woman with a whippet face that I learned was named Tammy. She had been doing these sorts of events since the Clinton days, Bill, not Hillary, and ran the whole thing with a dictatorial control that bordered on scary. After getting the evil eye from her about three times for touching things that she apparently didn't want to be touched, I retreated back to my room, changing into my workout clothes and getting a quick thirty minutes in on the rowing machine while the staff set things up.

  Afterward, I finished up a bit of homework for my classes for the next week before changing into my party dress. While the announcement itself was timed to make the live six o'clock news, the main bulk of the event would happen after,
hobnobbing and partying in order to get donors to open up their wallets for Jim Mason, candidate for the State House.

  Smoothing my hands over my black cocktail dress, I liked what I saw in the mirror. Whether it was to please Sebastian or the hormones from being pregnant or what, my body was in perhaps the best shape of its life, while still having the soft curves of my breasts and hips that I knew Sebastian enjoyed. With my long black hair styled behind it, I was a knockout, and couldn't wait to show off.

  Making my way downstairs, I saw mom waiting for me in the living room. She smiled as soon as she saw me, wrapping her arms around me to give me a big hug.

  "Honey, you look beautiful," she said, kissing me on the cheek. "You're going to make quite the impression on the men in attendance tonight."

  "I hope so," I said with a smile, thinking that I only wanted to impress one particular man. "Are Sebastian and Donald already downstairs? I kind of got caught up in my homework, and didn't realize how late it had gotten."

  "I know Donald is, but I don't know about Sebastian," she replied. "I know Jim wanted Donald there to be in the group behind him in his announcements, though. They're just getting ready now."

  Mom and I made our way to the front of the house, where the grand foyer had been converted into the spot for Jim's press conference and announcement. I saw Donald standing next to a guy that kind of looked like Gary Oldman, who I assumed was Jim Mason. Jim was looking over his notes with a smile, laughing at something Donald told him in his ear. While Jim might be the one running for the State House, Donald definitely looked more comfortable in this sort of environment.


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