Forbidden Ecstasy

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Forbidden Ecstasy Page 21

by Janelle Taylor

  “Church?” Alisha guessed.

  Mary’s head bobbed up and down, her eyes filled with pleasure at Alisha’s answer. “You’re building me a fire so I can dress for church? That’s very sweet of you. Thank you, Mary.”

  Enjoying her charade, Mary held up one finger and pointed to the dark fireplace. She put up two fingers and pretended to eat. She reaised three fingers and imitated a tub bath in the center of the room. She immediately put up four fingers and pretended to dress. Lastly, she raised five fingers and motioned toward the door. She raced to the window and pointed down the street. She lifted questioning eyes to Alisha, silently asking if those plans suited her.

  “Isn’t that an awful lot of extra work for you? I don’t mind eating downstairs or going to the bathcloset down the hall. It doesn’t seem fair to work you so hard. Your uncle might need you.”

  Mary nodded negatively. She stubbornly held up one finger, then two fingers, then three, then four, and then five fingers. She pointed to Alisha, then to the bed. The firm look upon her determined face convinced Alisha that she was serious.

  “But I’m already awake and up. I might as well help you with the fire,” Alisha gently argued with the adamant girl, who seemed insistent upon waiting upon her hand and foot.

  Mary shook her head. She hugged her arms around her abdomen and shook as if cold. She pointed to Alisha and to the bed once more. “You’re worried I might get cold?” she asked the persistent girl.

  For her reply, Mary walked over to the bed and straightened the bedcovers. She motioned for Alisha to return there until she built a fire and had the room warm. Unable to reason with a mute and obstinate girl, Alisha sighed and obeyed her wishes.

  Mary smiled sweetly at her as she smoothed the covers into place, tucking her in as if she were a child. Alisha observed her curiously as she went about her task at the hearth. Within minutes she had a cheery fire glowing there. She stacked the remaining wood near the base of the hearth and brushed the debris from her chore into the colorful blaze.

  She walked over to the bedside table. She picked up the key to Alisha’s room and motioned she was taking it with her while she fetched her breakfast and bathwater. Alisha nodded comprehension and permission. At the door, Mary hesitated and glanced back at the reclining Alisha. She waved her hand to claim her attention. She then pointed to herself, to her mouth, and to the door. She tapped two times rapidly, waited a second, then tapped three more times. She repeated this another time.

  Alisha promptly seized her lucid message. “Two fast taps, wait, then three fast taps when it’s you. You’ve really been a big help since my arrival. I wish I could afford to pay you extra for all your kindnesses.”

  Mary’s eyes widened and she inhaled sharply at that suggestion. She tapped her open palm, then rapidly shook her head as if she had been insulted. She looked upset that Alisha should even mention paying for her proffered services. She hastily left the room, locking the door behind her. Alisha lay back upon her pillow, feeling distressed by the hurt in Mary’s gaze. It seemed clear there was nothing she could do except allow Mary to assist her in this servile manner which appeared to make her happy.

  Indeed, it did make Mary very happy. She felt there was only one person who had shown her real kindness, understanding, and affection. Many people rejected or abused this helpless, silent girl who could not reveal their cruel words or evil deeds. Many also felt that since she could not speak that she was simple-minded, perhaps even dangerous. Most people kept their distance from her; others shoved her away if she came too close to them. Several had accused her of setting the evil eye upon them when she was caught innocently staring at them. She was frequently ridiculed and tricked. She was often pinched and fondled by lustful male guests.

  Tragically, she possessed the knack of making people feel uneasy or threatened. Yet, she had long since ceased crying over these cruelties; she now sadly accepted them as a natural part of her sufferings. She sought to perform her chores when the guests were out of their rooms. She struggled to keep her eyes lowered when awaiting orders from guests or while serving their dinners. When not doing chores, she huddled in her dingy room.

  She had also ceased trying to communicate her fears and troubles to her uncle who ran this guest house. He had made it clear during that first week after her unexpected arrival at age thirteen that he viewed her as a burden and nuisance. It did not seem to matter if she did work from dawn to past dusk for no charge other than food and lodging. There was no love, kindness, or understanding where he was concerned. In fact, had she not worked like a slave, he would have thrown her out on her own.

  Therefore, she busied herself with her appointed chores each day; then she kept to her dank and lonely room at night, except when she stole away to meet her only friend. Her hungry, empty heart craved the friendship he offered. She ravenously devoured his words and smiles. She cried over the presents he gave to her, those she carefully hid from her uncle’s prying eyes and stingy hands. She sought out the solace this friend provided, this friend who never touched her in the crude and groping manner that many men stealthily attempted. Her undying gratitude and affection belonged to this friend who never asked anything of her in return for his friendship and affection… nothing until the beautiful Alisha Williams’ arrival.

  After being around Alisha for a few days, Mary could easily understand Jeffery’s interest in her; she was not only the most beautiful woman Mary had ever seen, but she was also the most gentle and sweetest female she had ever met. Like her Jeffery, this female was friendly and kind. Her voice was like a rippling brook on a spring morning. Her eyes were the color of new grass. Her hair was as soft as down and the shade of a chestnut mare. Her smile was warm and honest with a natural spontaneity. Her skin was totally flawless and appeared soft as the gentle breeze. Her features were stunning, and her figure was supple and enticing. Indeed, she was the most magnificent creature which Mary had seen.

  When Jeffery had approached her about taking special care of Alisha, she had been only too pleased to follow his simple requests. She did find it strange that Jeffery did not want Alisha to know about the many wonderful things he was doing for her. He wanted her to have the very best room, had even supplied the furniture and accessories for it. He demanded she be served the best and most appetizing food, even supplying her with tea. He asked for any little extras which might make her happy and relaxed. He paid for any help she might require with her personal chores. He sent over little gifts to be placed in her room without her knowledge. It bothered Mary to receive all the credit for Jeffery’s admiration and attention. She was also slightly distressed at having to deceive Alisha. But the thing which disturbed Mary the most was Jeffery’s request for her constant surveillance of Alisha and the reports she gave to him. Yet, she was naïvely convinced of Jeffery’s romantic attraction to Alisha and of his desire to keep his interest a secret until they were better acquainted. Bewitched by the idea of love, Mary did all he asked and more.

  Jeffery had been delighted to learn that Alisha would be attending the services on Sunday morning without the company of her imposing brother. He had instructed Mary to provide a bath for her in her room. He had also suggested the early fire and the tasty breakfast. This would be their first meeting since her arrival; he wanted to make certain nothing halted her plans or dampened her spirits. His excitement could not be suppressed.

  Mary obediently informed him of everything which went on between Alisha and her so-called brother. He was relieved to learn that Alisha had most likely told him the truth about her amicable relationship with the scout. Mary was watching them like a hawk; she would be alerted to any romantic attachment which would seem abnormal between siblings. Too, if Alisha had any plans to trick him or to flee from him, she was being very surreptitious and cautious. She would have no reason to suspect Mary’s watchful eyes and ears. It was the perfect ploy.

  In time Alisha would be made aware of her indebtedness to him. Meanwhile, naive and simple Mary could do h
is dirty work for him, just as she had unknowingly done in the past—all for a few silly words, feigned affection, and meager presents. He had seen the value of Mary’s assistance and had quickly emotionally enslaved the young and eager girl. No one could stay at the Horne House and keep any secrets from him; no one could eat and speak there without his knowing their words and plans. Mary would never know how many deaths, disasters, and thefts in which she had aided him.

  Shortly, Mary returned to Alisha’s room. She brought an inviting breakfast of hot cakes, maple syrup, and hot tea—just as Jeffery had ordered. Alisha sat at the table, silently eating while Mary brought in a hip bath and filled it with warm water. After completing this tiring chore, she left Alisha alone to bathe and to dress.

  Alisha remained in the water until it was nearly cold. She curiously wondered where the young girl had found the fragrant jasmine soap whose sweet scent lingered on her skin. She could not decide why Mary would so willingly share such a luxury with a near stranger. Deciding she could not analyze this unpredictable girl, Alisha dismissed her rambling thoughts about the girl.

  After towelling off near the warm fire, Alisha slipped into her prettiest dress, a muted paisley of spring colors. As she slid her feet into the leather walking shoes, she pondered the identity of the woman who had sacrificed them in order to continue their trip West. She stood before the mirror and brushed her long, shiny curls until they shimmered and shone with rich color and vibrant life.

  Pleased with the refined picture she presented, she smiled and hugged herself. Mary’s signal drummed upon her door just as she completed her toilette. She hurried to let her inside. She smiled and pirouetted before the gaping girl.

  “Well, how do I look?” she happily asked. “Do you know this is the first real dress I’ve had in ages?” she confessed without thinking. “Freedom, Mary… Do you know how very precious it is? I don’t know when I’ve been this happy.”

  Mary was baffled by the joyous emotions of this captivating girl. What could she possibly know about trouble or suffering? Still, she was just the woman for Jeffery, she selflessly decided. They were so much alike. How could this girl not fall in love with him when he pursued her? No doubt she would fall into his waiting arms! In addition, it would get him away from that cheap harlot who was trying to ensnare him. This was the perfect girl for him, and she would do all within her power to help him catch her.

  “Oh, my,” Alisha suddenly fretted. “It’s cold outside, and I don’t even have a cape or shawl. I cannot go to church wrapped in a blanket or fur skin. I should have thought about this sooner before I put you to so much trouble. I’m sorry, Mary, but I cannot go like this.”

  Mary silenced her worries with a finger to her lips. She motioned for Alisha to wait where she was. She rushed out the door and ran to her room. She quickly recovered the exquisite, white woolen shawl which Jeffery had given to her just a few days ago. She swiftly returned to Alisha’s room. She proudly placed the lovely shawl around Alisha’s shoulders, then smiled.

  Alisha’s hand caressed the softness of the wrap. She smiled through misty eyes at the excited girl. “I promise to take very good care of it, Mary. You are the kindest, most thoughtful girl I have ever known. Thank you.” She leaned forward and placed a sisterly kiss upon the startled girl’s forehead.

  Mary timidly sidled away from Alisha’s unexpected embrace. She was unaccustomed to a physical show of affection and gratitude. The loan of the shawl would make everyone happy; besides, she could not wear it where her uncle might see it. This way, he would think it a thank you gift from Alisha. Mary opened the door and motioned for Alisha to go downstairs to where Hiram was waiting for her.

  As they passed Powchutu’s room, Alisha whispered to Mary, “If the service is very long, will you see to Paul’s breakfast and needs? Men never know how to take care of themselves,” she stated with a soft giggle.

  Mary’s face lit up with joy and pleasure. She rapidly nodded her head in assent. She would be. delighted to assume the care of Alisha’s older brother. Paul was such an attractive, compelling man. Her heart raced wildly each time he glanced at her Besides, Jeffery had asked her to keep Paul from worrying about his sister. Now, Alisha was also encouraging Mary’s attentions on Paul. Thrilled by the possibility of Paul’s coming to feel the same way she did, Mary took this task very seriously.

  In fact, Jeffery had encouraged Mary to pursue Alisha’s magnetic, alluring brother. He had boasted that Mary was just the woman for Paul. He had given her many hints on how to gain his attention and his affection, one being the excellent care of his sister, another being her own availability for any need of his. But Mary did not comprehend Jeffery’s real motives for instigating an affair between her and Paul…

  As she neared the last step, Alisha smiled and went forward to take Hiram’s out-stretched hand. Hiram had called to take her to church. They exchanged social amenities, then departed the Horne House to join Hiram’s wife who was patiently awaiting them outside in their wagon.

  When they reached the church, it was almost time for the service to begin. The few remaining seats available were near the back of the shadowy, oblong room. Hiram allowed Alisha to enter the pew first; then, his wife and himself followed and sat down. Several heads turned to study the newest member of the mingled congregation. Alisha not only received many warm or timid smiles, but she also noted a few sullen and envious smirks. But to each and every eye she caught, she smiled warmly and nodded cordially.

  Just as the first hymn was announced, a man came in to sit beside Alisha. Her eyes widened in surprise as they fused with the entrancing ones of Jeffery Gordon. He smiled placidly as he took her elbow and helped her to her unsteady feet. He courteously found the correct page in the aged hymnal, then held it out for them to share. She was trapped between him and the squat Mrs. Bigsley.

  Fearing to create a scene or to foster unwanted suspicions, she bravely forced herself to appear poised and honored by his gentlemanly attention. After all, they were supposed to be old friends, and Jeffery was supplying them with his gracious hospitality. It would be odd for her to be hostile to him or to ignore his close proximity. To disguise her predicament, Alisha sang soft and low to conceal the uncontrollable quavering in her silvery voice.

  Anxiety raced through Alisha’s body as she wondered if Jeffery were making his claim to her before the other men present. There was only one more day left before his deadline. She had dared to hope he might change his mind. Evidently he had not, not from that possessive and amorous gleam in his intensely blue eyes.

  Panic began to gnaw at her nerves as she sat still and rigid while the minister began his long-winded sermon. She had forbidden her mind to dwell upon Jeffery or his demands until now. She had prayed her problem would simply vanish; it had not. In fact, she was in deeper trouble now than before. There was no safe means of escape from him, nor enough money to accomplish it successfully. Somehow she would have to find a way to either discourage him or to thwart his satanic plans for her.

  But how? her troubled mind raged. How can you beat a man with his influence and determination? How can you protect Powchutu from his clutches if you refuse to marry him? Far worse, how can you protect yourself if you do comply with his terrifying demand?

  The temperature outside had dropped significantly since the service began. It was now slightly below forty degrees. The wind could be heard whistling around the corners of the decrepit building and into the numerous cracks around the windows and sideboards. The one potbellied stove near the front of the large room gave off very little heat, and the lanterns were burning low.

  In her state of pensive contemplation, Alisha was totally ignorant of her attraction to Jeffery’s warm body. It was as if her chilled flesh instinctively sought out the radiating warmth of his. Witnessing the intense look of deep meditation upon her lovely face, Jeffery realized she was totally unaware of their physical contact. He could almost imagine where her anxious thoughts must be, for surely they were not upon th
e minister’s uninspiring words. Not wishing to alert her to their intimacy, he remained silent and immobile. In truth, if it weren’t for his troubling problem, Jeffery would have been helplessly aroused by Alisha’s artless nestling up to him.

  In her state of reflection, she happened to glance up at the bedeviling man beside her. His blazing eyes instantly engulfed her like a powerful tidal wave. The heat of his stare brought a rosy flush to her cheeks. Managing to tear her eyes away, she was suddenly aware of how closely she had unknowingly snuggled up to his side. She pretended to shift her body’s position in order to move away from his contact, but without drawing any attention to either of them. Succeeding, she sternly focused her eyes and wayward attention upon the boring man at the front of the room.

  The remainder of the service went slowly and tediously. After what seemed eons to her, the last hymn was rendered by an unfeeling, impatient congregation. The people hurriedly left the icy building to return to their warm homes and their hot meals. Alisha was able to meet only a few of the townspeople and was not overly impressed with any of them. They appeared to be sadly lacking in manners in this uncivil settlement!

  At the doorway, Jeffery graciously offered to see Alisha back to the Horne House in such a convincing, helpful manner that she could hardly refuse without calling attention to some problem between them. He was on his very best behavior, displaying that genteel chivalry which he could adopt so perfectly.

  Caught off guard, Alisha was trapped into polite agreement. She apprehensively watched as the Bigsleys drove away in their wagon. She cast a wary, curious glance in Jeffery’s direction. He was grinning from ear to ear; mischievous lights glittered roguishly in his eyes. He took her elbow and urged her stiffened body forward. She mechanically followed his lead.

  A sudden gust of wind blew the shawl away from her shoulders and sent wisps of stray hair across her face and into her eyes. She abruptly halted in her tracks to adjust the wrap and her tossed hair. Before she could, Jeffery gallantly pulled the shawl back into its place and lightly knotted it at her bosom. Without delay he tenderly brushed the stray locks out of her astonished face. He patiently awaited her gratitude.


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