Forbidden Ecstasy

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Forbidden Ecstasy Page 32

by Janelle Taylor

  It only required several minutes before she realized the strange effects of the drug. Jeffery tauntingly removed her frayed clothes. In mounting horror and shame, she watched helplessly as Jeffery smeared reddish cream onto her ample breasts, then coated his index finger with the same cream and inserted it into her most private recess. He grinned satanically as he wiggled his finger around inside of her. The mute girl flamed in shame.

  “Feels real good, don’t it? In just a few more minutes, you’re gonna beg Slim and Tommy to take you in any way they want you. There’s no way you can stop the hunger you’re feeling right now. Your body will demand to be fed, and fed, and fed… probably all night. Sweet dreams, Mary girl. Remember this lesson if you’re ever tempted to trick me again. Don’t ever come near my wife again.”

  Her head began to swim and to swirl. “Give her a sample while she can still know what’s in store for her tonight.”

  Those lustful, fiery sensations were already at work on her control. She was reeling from the delights of Tommy’s mouth sucking loudly at her breasts and from the thrill of Slim’s large finger working its way inside her womanhood. Unable to fight the potency of those two drugs, she began to writhe in growing hunger and sensual delight, lost in an erotic world.

  Jeffery ordered, “Take her up to the same room. Keep it quiet. Just to show my wife what a little slut she is, I’m gonna give her a look at Mary in full action. I want both of you working on her. Make sure it’s clear how much she’s enjoying it and helping you two. And make damn sure you pretend you don’t see my wife!”

  After seeing the group up the steps, he rejoined Alisha in the drawing room. As ordered, she had not moved. Her frightened gaze met his smug one as he entered the room. He walked to the side-table and poured two glasses of sherry. When she refused hers, he demanded she drink it.

  “Drink it, Alisha; you need it. As much as you dislike what I forced her to tell you, it was necessary.”

  Her look of hate and dread went ignored. He smiled cheerfully. He appeared totally relaxed; she feared his deadly calm. “You see, Mrs. Gordon, you have retained this golden image of Powchutu which drives me insane with jealousy. You continue to see me as the villain in our rivalry. I deeply resent that. No matter what you think or feel about me right now, what I showed you was the truth. I only hope you won’t be too naive to believe it. You’re such an innocent when it comes to real life and human nature. When you resist my attempts to teach you these facts, I get overly angry and dangerously frustrated.”

  His voice and look became rueful. “I must apologize for striking you. But when I saw you sitting there with that slut, I lost my temper. Then, when you defended her and attacked me in front of her, I was so furious I didn’t know what I was doing. My violent temper always did get me into trouble. I pride myself in its control. You’ll have to agree I have been good and gentle with you since our marriage. Tonight was…a bad mistake. Do as I say, Alisha, and it won’t happen again. I don’t like hurting you or intimidating you. Forget Powchutu.

  “As for Mary, I told you she was a born slut. I know that air of innocency has you fooled, but I promise you it’s the truth. She quite frequently services several of my men, sometimes in pairs.”

  “Jeffery, please,” she pleaded earnestly. “Must we continue this vulgar conversation? You have been kind and gentle to me; but I have also done my part as best I could. If you don’t want me to befriend Mary, all you have to do is to say so. You didn’t have to attack either of us in such a brutal manner. You frighten me when you look and behave that way. That poor girl must also be petrified,” she remarked, unknowingly stepping into his waiting trap.

  Staring up at him and listening to his apology, she could not forget his many criminal confessions and the vivid revelation of his stygian nature. She feared this was only another deception. Still, it would be weeks before Joe’s arrival. She must somehow feign defensive obedience and forgiveness until then. She vowed to never mention Powchutu’s name to him again.

  “You really think so?” he teased arrogantly, instantly alerting her to some new show of power. “I’ll bet Mary has already dismissed both of us from her thoughts. Let’s go upstairs. I have a surprise for you in the front bedroom.”

  Mistrust and apprehension filled her anew. Yet, she felt compelled to carry out his charade. Defenseless and afraid, she prayed he would not demand her sexual surrender to him. She knew she would fight him to the death before she allowed him to touch her. She quietly followed his lead up the long staircase.

  He motioned her to silence when she was about to ask him what the surprise was. He softly whispered into her ear, “We have a guest for the night.”

  She was appalled when he eased open the bedroom door without knocking first. He stepped aside and signalled for her to come forward and to look inside. She reluctantly did so, feeling this must be some test of obedience. Just as she glanced around the corner of the door, his hand covered her mouth; his wintry tone whispered her to silence.

  He sneered into her ear, causing goosebumps to cover her entire body, “We don’t want to embarrass or to interrupt innocent Mary’s fun, do we? Just an innocent child, huh? Didn’t I tell you I was right about her? Tell me, Mrs. Gordon, is she being forced, or is she immensely enjoying herself? Be honest. Look at her face and eyes. Look at her hands and body. See the way she seductively licks her lips and rotates her bottom? Are you gonna tell me those are the movements of a novice or of a girl being raped by two men? Does she look petrified or upset by my earlier treatment? She’s forgotten all about you and me. She has other things on her mind now. Two men at once, Alisha…”

  Sickened by this sight before her, Alisha tried to pull away. But her husband would not release her. In desperation, she shut her eyes to the vile sight. “Open your eyes and stand still, or I’ll send you in there to join them. No doubt you’re just as horny and hot-blooded as she is. Would you like to work off some of your frustrations and loneliness in there?”

  She glared at him in horror and repulsion. His look said he would send her in there if she refused to watch. His tone said he preferred observation as her punishment, but he would permit participation if she disobeyed him again. She reluctantly witnessed the obscene action before her gaze, hoping she would not become ill.

  Alisha wished she could look away each time Mary would take on both men at the same time, but Jeffery would force her full attention back on the offensive scene. She prayed either Jeffery or Mary would soon tire. Alisha was vividly aware of Jeffery’s eyes upon her humiliated expression. She nearly swooned with revulsion, but Jeffery shook her the very instant her eyes would slowly blink for a brief reprieve.

  Alisha knew for certain she would retch if Jeffery did not let her leave. Her ashen face and continual swallowing warned him of her approaching sickness. He closed the door and led her to his room. Nauseated and distressed, she did not realize his direction.

  “Sit down,” he ordered. He poured her a stiff brandy and pressed it into her shaking hand. “Drink it,” he commanded, pushing the glass to her colorless lips.

  Unable to resist his determination in her weakened and distraught condition, she downed the brandy. She coughed as its fiery contents burned a trail down her throat. Tears stung her eyes.

  “If you would trust me and accept my words, I wouldn’t have to prove myself to you. Do you believe she’s a harlot now? Did it look as if I forced her to put on that show in there? Even my imagination isn’t that colorful! There are some females who love sex and will do anything to have it every night. Then, there are women like Mary who want it in different ways or with lots of men.”

  He was closely observing Alisha from the corner of his eye. He poured her another brandy, which she slowly sipped on without argument. “When I was showing her to the door, she met up with Slim and Tommy in the kitchen. The three of them started handling each other right there in front of me. I agreed to let Tommy use one of the bedrooms so you could personally witness the truth. She’s a sex-hun
gry slut who was too tempting for Powchutu to turn down. Can you imagine any man refusing something like that, especially if he’s drunk? Once he’s been snared by a hot-blooded female like that, he can’t refuse her. Didn’t you even notice a change in him after your arrival?”

  “Forget about him, Jeffery; he’s dead and gone,” Alisha said woodenly. “I promise not to mention his name again. You’re right about everything; is that what you’re waiting to hear? I’m naive, and gullible, and stupid! Satisfied? I won’t question or doubt your word again. I never want another show of proof again.”

  He pulled her head to rest upon his shoulder. Though Alisha detested the touch of him, she relented in fear of her life.

  Perhaps, Jeffery thought, he had been too hard on her tonight. Yet, there were things she had to know in order to destroy that last shred of hope and defiance which would flicker in her eyes on certain occasions. “This is the last time we will ever discuss Powchutu. But what I said earlier was true, Alisha. He did take on the officers’ wives and daughters. He used it as a way to get back at the ones who scorned him in public. He would laugh in their faces just knowing he was secretly copulating with their women. He was a smart devil, never was caught in the act. That’s why so many white men hated him; he was rutting with their women and getting away with it.”

  He smiled as he gazed down into her sleeping features. He was momentarily tempted to try out those drugs on Alisha, driving her into his arms. He knew he could not risk losing his senses. Some day he would learn the depth of her passion, but not with the likes of Tommy or Slim. He would wait until their return to Virginia, then find a decent breeder for her. He would drug her heavily. Then, he would finally witness what Gray Eagle had discovered in her which was so overpowering that he had destroyed an entire fort to have her back again.

  He carried her to her room and placed her upon her bed. He leisurely undressed her, knowing her slumber was deep. He relished the delight of viewing the luscious body which was now denied to him for all time. He examined her closely as she lay nakedly exposed to his lecherous eyes and senses. He was tempted to drug her just to taunt her with the same hunger which she had teased him with at the fort. He could have her writhing and pleading with him to satisfy her needs in any way he could imagine. Perhaps one night when he was bored or angry with her…

  As he went to cover her chilled body with the quilts and warm blankets, his eyes landed upon the tattoo upon her left buttock. Tattoo! The scout had claimed she possessed a tattoo. How had he known about it since it was in such a private spot? Fury filled him anew. He wondered if the scout had possessed her after all. Thoughts of both Gray Eagle and Powchutu sleeping with her and enjoying the delights of her response when he never could enraged him to the danger point. He determined to have the truth from her, one way or another!

  Chapter Seventeen

  That following morning when Alisha came downstairs, Jeffery was waiting to confront her with his new discovery. Noting the simmering look upon his handsome features, she tensed in dread. She wondered if he was still angry about the previous night or if she had somehow committed some new offense against him. He said nothing until breakfast was out of the way and the kitchen was cleaned up. It was that moment when he told her to come to his study for a serious talk. She could hardly force her feet to walk the short distance between the two rooms, for she recalled his vivid show of power last night all too well.

  “Yes?” she inquired softly when he did not look up from his work. She shifted uneasily beneath his withering glare when he did.

  He laughed derisively, his brow making an inquiring arc. Irritated by his accidental finding last night, he acidly demanded, “Isn’t there something you forgot to tell me about, Wife?”

  With her trembling legs too weak and shaky to support her slight weight, Alisha sank into the chair behind her. She shot him a look of puzzlement, afraid to hear this new accusation. “About what, Jeffery?” she asked in earnest doubt.

  His drawl was low and resentful as he stated the reason for his new vexation. “Where did you get that tattoo on your lovely derrière, and when did that scout view it?”

  The tattoo! How could he know about… horror filled her as she vividly recalled waking up in her own bed, stark naked! She gradually refreshed her memory about passing out in his room. She must have blotted out those distressing events. A new thought came to her mind: had he drugged her? Had he… had they?…

  “How do you know about the akito?” she angrily stormed at him. “What happened last night after I passed out in your room?”

  He chuckled devilishly. “You don’t remember?” he playfully teased, his expression suggesting something lewd and salacious.

  “I’m not in the mood for your vicious games again this morning, Jeffery. I think you put me through enough last night,” she softly rebuked him. “Please stop tormenting me this way.”

  “If you’re asking me if I raped you last night while you were soused, the answer is no. Of course that doesn’t mean you didn’t get all heated up by Mary’s performance and try to seduce me,” he jested to see if she would take his bait.

  She paled. “I did not!” she shouted her denial.

  “Did not, or hope you did not?” he baited her again, enjoying her discomfiture. His roguish grin alarmed her.

  “You seem intent on making some point. Well? Let’s have it: did I or didn’t I sleep with you last night?” she boldly challenged him, desperate to know the truth.

  His harsh laughter filled the room. He was tempted to permit her to believe she would actually seduce him or surrender to him under the right circumstances. Yet, if she were convinced they had already slept together, she just might think it strange he did not insist upon his marital rights. He let her wait for a while.

  He flashed her an engaging grin, his blue eyes glittering with unsuppressed pleasure. “Just to ease your mind, dear wife, I did not make love to you last night.”

  Her loud sigh of relief caused him to add a cutting remark. “Not because you didn’t invite me into your frosty bed! I practically had to fight you off! I could have taken you last night. But when I take a woman, it won’t be because she’s drunk and defenseless. And it certainly won’t be because she’s been inspired from watching other people rather than from her desire for me.”

  “That’s insulting and vulgar, Jeffery Gordon! I was not affected by watching that… that… obscene display!” she shouted, unable to come up with an adequate word to describe what she had been forced to witness.

  “You couldn’t prove it by me!” he promptly shot back. “You asked me to help you undress for bed. Seeing how tipsy you were, I did. Then, you started rubbing that naked, provocative body against mine. My God, Alisha, I’m not made of stone! If you want me to keep my promise to you, by damn you’ll have to help me! Be glad I didn’t accept your brazen invitation, for I admit I was sorely tempted to do just that! You want to know why I didn’t? Because I knew you would swear I took unfair advantage of you while you were unconscious. I am a man of honor, Alisha, and I won’t have you ruining me,” he said haughtily.

  Alisha swallowed hard, determined to find out the whole truth. She asked, “So when did you see the akito?”

  “I saw the tattoo when I was trying to get you into bed. I’m not even certain if it was me you wanted or if you only needed a man. Frankly, I had rather you didn’t answer that. Now, what about the tattoo?” he tersely commanded.

  Confused and defensive, she did not know what to say to him. Telling a half-truth seemed the only safe way out of this new predicament. “It is a mark of ownership. An old woman placed it there, in private. As far as Powchutu seeing…” She suddenly halted and asked, “What makes you think he’s seen it?”

  “Just a lucky guess,” he cleverly drawled.

  “Well, you’re mistaken! He knew it was there because I told him about it. He is also well-acquainted with Indian customs. But view it? Never! In spite of your low opinion of me and my morals, I have never slept with
any man other than…” She hesitated a moment before saying his name, then continued, “Gray Eagle. Surely you realize I had no choice in that. After what I heard and saw last night, I’m surprised to find myself even sane this morning,” she said in anguish. “As for trying to seduce you last night, if I truly did, then I can assure you I did not know what I was doing. Even so, it is only natural for a wife to cling to the safety of her husband in a stressful situation. Perhaps you misread my need for comfort and reassurance,” she exclaimed, still doubting that she had actually been promiscuous.

  “As for last night,” Jeffery smirked, “at least you know why I cannot allow you to befriend Mary. You don’t want people thinking you share her appetites, do you?” he softly inquired.

  Alisha became indignant. “Certainly not! I had no idea what she was like. She seemed-so sweet and helpful, so very young. She came by to visit, and we started playing the piano. I offered to teach her just to have something challenging to occupy me during the snows,” she commented to excuse her innocent part in last night’s fiasco.

  “Mary isn’t much younger than you, Alisha, just extremely different. If you hadn’t refused to accept my word last night, I wouldn’t have taken such drastic measures to prove it. I do hope it won’t be necessary again. We need a truce, Wife. You’re forgiven,” he remarked nonchalantly. “Am I?” he asked, catching her off guard with his lazy tone.

  She stared at him. “That’s very generous of you, seeing as I did nothing wrong. Neither did I set out to intentionally displease you.” She stood up to leave, saying, “If that is all, I have some work to do.”

  He grinned, both knowing she had ignored his apology and her answer. “By all means, Mrs. Gordon. By the way, Hiram received some new materials yesterday. You might like to walk over and look at them tomorrow,” he casually stated to ease the tension between them.


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