Warper: Echoes of Etangria

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Warper: Echoes of Etangria Page 8

by Riley Tune

  “You mean you refuse to allow one kingdom to potentially have more power and wealth than that of Walden,” Remy asked. “That sounds about right,” I said as I eyed the king.

  It didn’t make sense to me why he came here just to say he wanted to help to stop Sumina. If I were king, I would let the war happen, and then use my full force to attack the already battle- depleted victor. In the process, if successful, I would control three kingdoms. So why was he being so nice?

  “There is more. Isn’t there?” I said as I could feel my eyes narrow. “My thoughts exactly, Mr. Lox,” Jolin said as he smirked at the king. The guards behind him began to move some as the king twisted his brow and searched for his response.

  I felt the change instantly. Jolin had begun to use his ability as a tongue. I was closer to him than normal and the feeling of bliss embraced me like a familiar friend. His power was smoother and not raw- unchecked power such as when I felt it control the Clipasie army.

  “Tell me, King of Walden,” Jolin said in a smooth voice, as his power danced around us. “Why are you offering your help to Thera. What do you want?”

  “All of it. I want Thera,” King Walden said as he blankly looked back to Jolin. Just like that, the power I felt coming from Jolin stopped. We all stood there, eyes fixed on King Walden as he shook his head slightly.

  “I assure you King Jolin, that wasn’t necessary,” Noel Walden said as he rubbed his temple. “I had no intentions of being dishonest with you.” King Walden shifted a little as he stood before Jolin and shook his head once more. “It seems you already have been dishonest, by not stating your true actions when first questioned.” Jolin exhaled. “At any rate, one can never be too sure, he added.

  King Noel Walden adjusted his clothes as he glanced back to his guards. “Well, there you have it. Those are my terms. I can help you end this war easily. I have the wealth, the troops, and the weapons. . All you have to do is pass the title of King to me. I will still allow you to run Thera, but only as a high noble who answers to me and only me.”

  Jolin shook his head instantly. “I’m sorry King Walden, but I respectfully decline. Now please leave my kingdom.” King Walden raised his hand and began to protest. “Now, Jolin-”

  “That’s King Jolin,” Jolin screamed and interrupted him. “Now leave.”

  I looked at Jolin and I could feel the surprise on my face. Jolin was always the most mellow of us all. Even more so than Remy, and I had never heard him even slightly raise his voice.

  He remained passive in nature, and his hands were still clasped behind his back. His breathing was steady, and had I not heard the words explode from his mouth I would have thought somebody else said them.

  While we were surprised, the guards of Walden all reacted and drew their weapons. Instinct took over and I instantly, reached inside myself and took hold of my power, warping all of their swords away from them one by one.

  They looked surprised as they looked at their empty hands and each other. They were only confused for a second as two of them leaped down from their Caprongs and moved towards us. Their suits of armor clanked with each step.

  Vida sprang into action. She leaped from the top level where we all stood and, in mid-air, changed into a Battle Born female. As she landed she wasted no time in punching each guard directly in the face, sending both men flying a few feet back and crashing to the ground near the carriages.

  The remaining guards looked down on Vida from their Caprongs and, with eyes wide slowly began to back away. King Walden looked at me, and in return I warped and appeared beside him. I felt a smile play on my face, as he clearly jumped somewhat when I appeared.

  “I think it’s better if you leave now,” I said in his ear as Vida, now in her normal form, found her way back to stand beside a shaking Cloud who had hidden behind Remy slightly.

  King Noel Walden looked us all over once more, tightened his lips and then shook his head. He turned and walked down some steps before turning back around to Jolin. “If you change your mind, please send word.” He looked around the courtyard once more and smiled. “Such a lovely place Thera is. Don’t lose it to Galcon because of your pride.”

  With those final words, King Walden, and his traveling fleet, left the palace courtyard.


  Jolin grunted some as he slowly slumped to the ground and sat down on the steps in the courtyard. I looked down as something brushed past my feet. “Sprits?” I said as I dropped down to pick him up. Sprits licked me on the face, and I quickly put him down as he walked up to Jolin and leaned on him before walking in a small circle, and sitting down beside him.

  “How did he even get out here?” I asked to nobody in particular. Cloud, who had decided to sit down beside Jolin began to play with Sprits who, judging from his rapid movement back and forth, enjoyed it. “He has his ways,” Remy said casually as he lifted up his robes and sat down beside Jolin and Cloud.

  Cloud finished playing with Sprits and stood up. “I’m going to check back in with Shorn and the twins. I had no intention of being out here this long. Plus, you all seem to always have some crazy stuff going on.”

  “Comes with the title I’m afraid,” Jolin said. She leaned and kissed him on the lips. “If there has been any change with them, send word with a guard.” I said to her before she left. “I will,” she said as she walked towards the palace.

  Vida and I were the only two standing now. “You seemed overly eager to hit those guards,” I said to her. “You know me Warps, just doing my duty to keep Thera safe.”

  “I bet,” I replied. “Well you won’t let me kill the prince of Galcon and take his place, so this was the least I could do.” “Kill the prince and what?” Jolin said as he looked over his shoulder at us.

  I shook my head. “Ignore her. What are we going to do about, well,everything?” I bit my lip some more, and cleared my throat. “I know the idea of war is bad, but Kula and Luka are running out of time too.” “We don’t know that, Warps,” Vida said back to me.

  She was right. We didn’t actually know anything. All we knew is that most people in their positions died, and for me that was enough. We needed to figure out as much as we could about what was going on.

  “Your majesty. Your majesty.” We heard a boyish voice shout out as we looked up. In front of us, approaching the steps of the courtyard was a younger- looking guard. He had on a normal guard’s uniform but he, himself, displayed a youthful appearance. He was bald headed with pale white skin, and some brown patches of hair across his chin.

  He seemed to be trying to grow a beard, but was having a hard time. Everyone sitting down, stood as he approached. There was a person following behind him, but he was too far out of view to see. “What is it?” Jolin asked, as the guard finally stopped shouting.

  The guard caught his breath and then pointed to the person walking in the distance. “The Keeper was watching over me today, my King.” I looked at the youthful guard and realized I had seen his face before.

  He was one of the guards, I saw listening to Jolin as he gave his speech not too long ago. He spoke again through his heavy breathing. “I was trying to figure out the best way to find people to ask about what was needed, and some force lead me to this gentleman.” The guard turned and pointed to the man again, as he slowly came into view.

  “You dirty pile of lop seal,” Vida said through gritted teeth. I could feel my jaw clench as I slowly drew my dagger. I could see the person coming closer now, and with each swaggering step he took I could feel my breathing get faster.

  I had seen this man before. His long black hair was resting on his shoulders as he continued to walk our way. He casually caught some of the falling blue orbs around him as they popped in his hand.

  The man adjusted his leather vest, ever so slightly so his chest could be displayed, and then wiped his hand on his brown leather trousers before putting something in his mouth.

  He had a confident smile on his face unlike few people
in Thera actually wore. Finally, he made his way to the steps and stood beside the guard who had lead him here. “Who is this man?” Jolin asked the guard. The guard moved to speak, but the man spoke first.

  “Craydon Addersfield, your majesty. Famed hero or, infamous thief, depending on who you ask. Man of mystery, equal lover, and world traveler, at your service.” He took a fancy bow, and then when he lifted his head up, I warped.

  “A Warp-,” Craydon’s words were cut short by my fist to his stomach. He slouched over in pain and held his stomach as he exhaled. I turned to face Jolin, but was surprised as Craydon grabbed my leg. Once more, my training took over again, and I slammed my elbow to his back, warped to the side of him and slammed him to the ground by his neck.

  He twisted his face up in pain and coughed some. “Okay, okay, clearly you have some sort of grudge with me.” Craydon said from the ground as he lay arms stretched to his sides.

  “Some sort of grudge?” Vida all but screamed as she walked down the steps to where I stood and Craydon lay on the ground. Remy and Jolin glanced at each other as the youthful guard slowly backed away.

  “You almost got us killed,” Vida said as she instantly transformed into the Battle Born female once more, and lifted Craydon off of the ground with one hand as if he was a bed pillow and not a full- grown man of at least two hundred pounds.

  Craydon squirmed as he tried to get free from Vida’s grip but with the strength of a Battle Born at her disposal he wasn’t going anywhere. She pulled him in close to her and drew her fist back. I could have stopped her, but a part of me felt he deserved it.

  “Ms. Vida,” Jolin said, as he walked down the steps. Vida looked at Jolin as she kept her fist raised. “Clearly, you and Mr. Lox know this man, but could you fill me and Mr. Remy in please?”

  Vida dropped Craydon down on the ground and he quickly stood up, and began to adjust his clothing while wiping the dirt off of himself.

  “Remember that guy we told you about when we were coming from the Emperor’s room?” I asked. “The man who came in through the window?” Remy asked. “That also alerted the guards of your presence?” Jolin added, as his eyes rolled.

  “Well this,” I pointed to Craydon who was putting a twig in his mouth, “is him. Same guy.” That moment made me pause. When we saw Craydon the first time, The Keeper was with him. He was in a different form, but he was with him all the same.

  Not only was he with him then, but the guard said something, some feeling lead him to find Craydon. Maybe The Keeper was helping again after all. Even though I hadn’t seen him.

  This thought alone was enough for me to hear Craydon out, but Vida was another story. Vida had taken the most pain from that Battle Born that Craydon alerted and now seemed to want to inflict some of that pain back to him.

  “I see,” Jolin said as he walked down the steps. “Well if this Mr. Craydon can’t be trusted then we will at least lock him up for the past crimes, he has surely committed.” Craydon slowly began to back up. “Now, hold on a minute, my King.” Craydon said.

  I warped behind him as he continued to walk backwards and bumped into me. He let out a long sigh as he slowly turned and looked at me. “Well, I guess I’m staying put, then.”

  “Mr. Lox you may want to step aside out of the way,” Jolin said as he came closer to Craydon. I nodded and moved to stand with Vida and Remy as Jolin looked at Craydon.

  While Craydon was my height, Jolin was considerably shorter and as such found himself looking up at Craydon. “Mr. Craydon,” as Jolin spoke I could feel a faint hint of that harmony he radiated when he used his gift.

  “What did my guard tell you?” Craydon froze for a second. “He said you were looking for information of people beyond our waters. That you were interested in people who had been beyond our waters.”

  Jolin seemed to think for a moment as he looked down at his feet and then back to Craydon. “And are you such a man?” Jolin asked. Craydon didn’t speak but shook his head. Jolin looked to the rest of us. “Well he must be telling the truth,” Jolin said. Remy raised his brow and shrugged his shoulders in response.

  I knew a person couldn’t lie when questioned by a Tongue, but I really wished the person wasn’t Craydon Addersfield. Of all people in the Kingdoms, it had to be him.

  “Mr. Craydon, why have you been beyond the waters?” Jolin continued. “Met some guys a while back. Said they were here because their god sent them. They showed me how they got here, and I asked if I could leave with them.”

  “Why would you want to leave with them”” I asked. Jolin quickly raised a hand to silence my questions. “Why did you leave with them?” Jolin asked. A small drop of blood fell from Craydon’s nose.

  Vida glanced to me. We had seen a reaction like this before to Jolin using his gift. Not too long ago, while searching for a way to kill the Emperor, we let Jolin question The High Lady. A figure with high status, who happened to be mother to the former Empress. As a result of from pushing her too hard, she died and almost bled out.

  “Remember The High Lady,” Vida said. Jolin nodded but didn’t turn from Craydon.

  “To steal things. Find new places to rob from. More fun to be had. That’s why I left.” Jolin nodded as more blood dripped from Craydon’s nose.

  “How did you return?” “I escaped by boat.’ Jolin raised his brow. “Escaped?” Craydon shook his head. “Very well, Mr. Craydon. Can you get us back there?” Craydon nodded his head once more.

  Then, just like that, everything returned to normal. No more harmony in the air. Craydon looked around wildly as he returned to himself and then dabbed at his nose with his fingertips. “Follow us, Mr. Craydon. We have work to do and a short time to do it.” Jolin said, as he turned and walked to the palace.

  Vida, Remy and I followed him with both Craydon and the guard on our heels. Jolin stopped by a desk in the hall and wrote something on a portion of parchment. He took the paper and gave it to the guard.

  “What’s your name?” Jolin asked him as he handed him the paper. “Nextorm, Your Majesty.” The guard said proudly. “But everybody just calls me Nex.” Jolin slapped him on the back. “Mr. Nex, give this to your commander and he will see that you are compensated for your efforts today. As promised your wages will be doubled from here on out.”

  The guard quickly took the paper, saluted Jolin, and then ran off back to the courtyard. “Mr. Remy, please alert everybody who has been involved with the efforts to build a boat that we are ready.” “These men were employed by my sister. They had no loyalty to her, but I’m not sure if the boat is ready to use. All previous attempts have failed.”

  Jolin sighed. “I know, Mr. Remy, but we don’t have much time before Galcon is at our door. I want to find out as much as I can about what could be going on, and my guess is these people beyond the water know something.”

  “Why?” Remy asked as his face grimaced. Jolin turned to me. “Mr. Lox,” I hadn’t got a chance to tell Remy about everything yet. He didn’t know about the other god or gods. He didn’t know about our encounter with The Keeper, or how Grimsby Glen was at work.

  “I’ll catch you up when you return,” I said to Remy. He looked at me. His gaze lingered for a few moments, and then with a slight nod, Remy turned and walked off.

  “We’ll leave as soon as things are ready,” Jolin said to us as we stood there in the palace entrance. Craydon was looking at a painting hanging on the wall and shaking his head “Royals. I could feed a quarter of the city off of what I could get for this, yet here it is, just collecting dust in a corridor.”

  “You are welcome to have it when we return Mr. Craydon.” Jolin said casually. Craydon’s brow raised as he shook his head as he let his fingertips move across the painting. “So where is this place you are taking us to? Is far?” I asked Craydon, as Vida slapped his hand from touching the painting

  “Oh, it’s pretty close actually. You see, we can only see but so far into the openness of the waters. There hav
e been entire new worlds just beyond our sight, through the fog, and we never knew.” New worlds? Just how much had those men showed Craydon while they had him ?. Had he really traveled that much? And what was this fog he was talking about? I had been to the shore of Thera, plenty of times and never saw any sign of fog in the waters.

  Craydon rubbed his hand somewhat in the place where Vida had struck it. “You really should work on how channel that fire inside you, girly,” Craydon said as he shook his hand. Vida ignored him. “Answer his question!” she snapped at him. “Does this new land have a name?” Craydon paused for a moment before he spoke. “They call it Rewling, The City of Stone.”



  “The City of Stone?” my mom asked me as she sat in a chair next to the twin’s beds. She was visibly tired. Her clothes hadn’t been changed in days, and her hair was all over the place. She was developing a slight odor from not bathing. Deep rings had formed below her eyes, and the few times she did fall asleep it was short- lived.

  She didn’t want to take her eyes of the twins, and while they were still trapped in those tombs, I would slowly continue to lose my mother, too. She got from her chair and cautiously climbed into the bed with them both.

  “That’s what Craydon said,” I replied back as I watched her adjust herself between Kula and Luka. I motioned to grab a blanket and to cover her legs. “No, it’s fine dear. Believe it or not, Luka’s-,” she paused for a second as she looked at her son trapped inside that crystallized encasing.

  She hated that we all called them tombs. She said it made her feel like they were dead. “Luka’s casing is actually rather warm. I can’t say the same for Kula’s though.” “Oh, I said as I folded the blanket and placed it in the chair she was sitting in.


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