Warper: Echoes of Etangria

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Warper: Echoes of Etangria Page 18

by Riley Tune

  He told them about giving me extra powers to save the city from Rema, about Jolin and how he was on the brink of death, but was able to be saved. Then he told them of what happened. Vida and Jolin were as surprised as my mom and Remy seeing as how they were looking from The Keeper to me, and then back to the other.

  My mom cried when we told her about The Grim God being responsible for the orbs taking control of people. The thought of some unknown force, a god no less, that almost killed her children was more than she could hold inside.

  I held my mother's hand and squeezed it a little. I wanted her to know I was here when I said the next part. When I told them all about the two assassins who had tried to kill me, and who they actually were. The entire room was silent as they let it sink in that Kula and Luka were changed now. That people across all the kingdoms could have been changed now.

  Then came the part in the story that even I didn’t know. The part about what had happened in Etangria when I was warped away by The Keeper. “Grimsby has grown even more powerful than I could have ever imagined,” The Keeper stated.

  “He was the only one who was drawn to the rift in such a way that after the early wars, he never wanted to leave. It was then that he retreated to Etangria, and began to absorb its power for himself, and tried to get in the golden city.”

  “Just what is in this city?” Remy asked. “We don’t know,” The Keeper responded. “We assume it is the source of our power. That’s why Grimsby is so obsessed with it.” The Keeper looked himself over, as he had finally healed completely. I knew what, or who was in the city. I just, for some reason, didn’t reveal it. Not even to The Keeper. I had a feeling inside that I should keep it to myself for now.

  “I held him back for as long as I could before I realized that if I didn’t leave Etangria, he would have killed me. Over and over again.” “You can be killed?” Every head in the room turned to look at my mom as she asked the question.

  She had been so quiet during all of this. Except for the sound of her crying earlier, she had been almost unseen. “In a way, yes,” The Keeper said. “I can be hurt to the point that my body will have to reset itself. I would be truly dead for at least a few moments and then I’d live again. Much like how you have seen me heal.”

  “But, but you’re The Keeper. A god.” my mother said in a tone that was harsh. It was odd the effect meeting The Keeper was having on her. While I was a non-believer, meeting him had made me believe. In reverse, my mother seemed almost disappointed.

  “In certain aspects, I could be considered a god. Remember, though, I was once a simple boy playing in a field. These powers changed me, but there are certain items, rare items, that can kill me or any of the other beings you consider gods. Thankfully, Grimsby didn’t have any of them.”

  My mom wiped her eyes, and shook her head. “I believe I have heard enough. I’m going back to my babies.” She said as she looked at us all with what was almost a frown on her face. “I’d appreciate it if you would allow me to leave this,” she moved her hand around, “frozen time thing.”

  The Keeper nodded and then instantly my mom stood before us as if she was a statue. She didn’t blink, and didn’t even seem to be breathing. “Ms. Shorn didn’t take to kindly to you I don’t believe,” Jolin said to The Keeper who didn’t respond.

  The Keeper ignored him, and took a deep breath. “There’s more isn’t there?” Remy asked. The Keeper silently nodded his head. “Grimsby Glen is free.” The room felt oddly cold at these words. “Free?” I repeated. The Keeper tightened his lips as he nodded again. “How?” I asked him.

  “During our battle, he overpowered me, as you can clearly see. When I knew I had to escape or be killed, I began to warp. He’s fast. So very fast.” I could attest to that. I had seen The Grim God move at speeds that made it almost look like he was warping. “As I warped, he used his speed to travel through the warp with me.”

  Vida shook her head and hands at the same time. “How can he do that? I’ve seen him warp plenty of times,” she pointed at me, “and I have never seen any way to go through it with him.”

  “You’re right,” The Keeper said. “It’s hard to see, but when a Warper uses their power, and right before they vanish, a hole opens. It’s what they travel through. It leads through to Etangria for an instant, then back to where they were heading. It happens so fast that the Warper can’t even see it, let alone other people. But for someone to see it, they would have to be unnaturally powerful, though.”

  As he explained this, I thought about future Kula. She must have been on that level of power, because she snatched me out of a warp with her darkness tendrils. I could feel my head shake. I knew she must have been powerful in order to travel through time, even if only once, but now what the Keeper was saying proved it even more. My little sister would grow up to be a force to be reckoned with. I felt a smile etch on my face for a brief moment.

  “With his speed,” The Keeper continued, “Grimsby was able to slow time and then speed himself, and leaped through my own warp with me. I know he made it here, but I’m not sure where he came out . I knew the destination I had selected for myself, but he could have landed anywhere. I’m sorry.”

  It was odd, hearing a being such as he, apologize to us. His eyes were moving rapidly back and forth as he tried to avoid our gaze. He, for the first time, looked like a scared child. “It’s okay,” I said. “We’ll just have to find him and stop him. Any idea where he will go?”

  “He will first try to find one of those ancient weapons. It is said that they were created by those that live in the golden city inside of Etangria. Then he will likely seek out you, or a vessel of his choosing. He is still decaying from his own power, so he will need to act fast.”

  In inhaled deeply. “Kula. The one from the future. She said something happened and I chose to be the vessel. I wasn’t forced. Then I went on to basically destroy most of the world.” I could feel Vida’s hand wrap around mine. “It’s okay, Warps. We won't let that happen.” Remy and Jolin both nodded at me in agreement. “I will not allow such events to come to pass,” The Keeper said.

  “I have a solution, but it will involve all of you.” He looked at Remy and Jolin. “Well, not you two.” Remy shook his head and let out a sigh of relief. “I’m not involved?” Jolin asked. “Great. No disrespect to you, Mr. Lox, but this sort of crazy stuff never happened to me before I met you in that bar.”

  Vida laughed. “Well, let him be scared, I want in!” She said to The Keeper. “I’m not scared,” Jolin added. “I’m a King is all. I have my people to consider.” “Sure,” I said as I raised my brow at him.

  “This is no time for amusement,” The Keeper said softly. Even though his voice was low, his tone was unmistakable, and it caused us to all stop talking. “Before I put my plan into motion I must gather the other Forgotten Gods, and bring them to Thera. They will want to meet Lox and Vida, before they make their decisions. I will return with them in two days.”

  In a quick ripple of air, The Keeper had warped away and left us alone in the living room. As soon as he was gone, the fire began to move again and so did my mother. She walked out of the room as if the last few moments didn’t even happen.

  “So, in two days, I’m going to hatch a plan to stop one rogue god, with three other Gods?” Remy asked the room. He took in a deep breath and dropped his book on the ground. “I’m going to bed. I need sleep,” and he stood and walked out the room as he gave a falling hand gesture to us all.

  “Mr. Remy is right,” Jolin added. “Sleep sounds good. I have to deal with a speech from Noel Walden tomorrow, so I’m going to need my strength. I suggest you two do the same.” Jolin stretched out on the couch and closed his eyes.

  “You’re not going to find a room?” I asked. Jolin shook his head and kept his eyes closed. “No Mr. Lox, I’m going to sleep right here. Reminds me of the old days before I was King.”

  He yawned once more, and rolled over on the couch and let h
is back face Vida and I.


  The next morning, as promised, a magnificent, oversized carriage arrived at Remy’s home to pick us up. This carriage, like all the others I had seen the King of Walden command, had bronze trimming.

  My mother still didn’t seem like her normal self when she woke. I wasn’t sure why, but something The Keeper said, or did, had made her change. She was still okay, and she was still doing her other duties for the twins, but for some reason she acted differently to the rest of us. It wasn’t very noticeable, but I could see the little differences.

  She had voted to stay behind with Zahra in the home instead of joining us. As members of the Royal Court, however, Vida, Remy and I were almost honor bound to attend. In order to get ready, we had to leave earlier than expected. We had no clothes at Remy’s home and had to go to the palace and change before heading to the square to speak to the people.

  We rode along in the carriage, that was easily large enough for twelve people, in silence. My stomach was bothering me again and the pain was coming and going for most of the first part of the ride to the palace.

  As we moved through the city Remy and Vida were at a loss for words at the destruction that had happened. They were both absent when the battle was going on. I had even suggested we stop the carriage so Vida could have seen a Clipasie, so in the future she could change to one if she needed to.

  Even this wasn’t an idea she favored. Instead she just wanted to go to the palace. While Remy and Vida were still in shock at the condition of Thera, Jolin and I were happy with it. Despite its bad condition now, I could see improvements from our trip the night before.

  Many guards, both Walden and Thera alike, had spent the night cleaning and fixing what they could. Much of the blood and bodies from the night before were gone, and stains were all that were left on the streets.

  We arrived to the palace shortly. Even there, the bodies that had been dispatched by Cloud were gone, and new guards, even some from Walden, had begun to take their place. King Walden was proving to be a good ally after all. I had seen more of his guards here, than Thera guards.

  I left my cloak, and hid my two crystal daggers on my legs inside my greaves. If something happened and I needed them, I could warp them to myself with ease. Hopefully on a day as this, they will not be needed. I was lucky that I had some nice trousers, that were not so form fitting that I couldn’t even wear my greaves.

  These black trousers we almost as comfortable as the ones I wore when I went out with my cloak on. I heard a tap on the door, before Vida and Jolin walked in. “All set, Mr. Lox,” Jolin asked.

  His suite was white today. He seemed to have found some extra medals to cover his chest, and his red cape looked like it was made out of a heavy material. He held his bronze crown in his hand and twirled it around some. “I hate this thing,” he said as he finally placed it on his head.

  “You look nice,” Vida said. “See Vida isn’t so scary now, is she,” I said to Jolin with a smirk. “What’s that supposed to mean,” she asked. “Jolin will tell you on the way to the square.” I said as I wrapped my arms around her waist.

  Vida, because she could shift her clothes at will, always had on something that fit her like it was made specifically for her, because, well, it was. One of the perks of being a Changeling I suppose. Today she had on a flowing blue dress that actually reminded me of the water we crossed as we ventured to Rewling.

  “Where is Remy?” I asked, as we left my room. “He’s already left to go the square.” Jolin replied. “He wanted to be there when King Walden arrived.”

  In a short time, we found ourselves pulling up to the square. Almost half of the people in Thera seemed to have come out today to hear the two Kings talk. “Nice turn out,” Vida said. “I used to pickpocket at gatherings like this. So many yolars in such a short time.” she said as she smiled and looked at the crowd as our carriage came to a stop.

  “Suckers,” I heard her whisper under her voice. “Well let’s keep our hands to ourselves today,” I said to her as the carriage door was opened by a Walden guard. “No promises, Warps,” as Vida rubbed her hand on my thigh. I took in a deep breath and smiled.

  Jolin was first out of the carriage and as he stepped out, I could hear the crowd in the square scream with cheers. The city of Thera loved him. Even after the day before, they still loved him.

  Vida moved to exit next, but stopped and yelped slightly as she looked at the guard. “What’s wrong,” I asked as I leaned around her to look. There standing before us, was Bren. The large bearded man, Vida had changed into on so many occasions as we overthrew the Emperor.

  Only today he was dressed in Walden guard’s clothing. I guess after him being pardoned by Jolin, he decided to start over in Walden. Vida mumbled “Sorry for everything” as she got out the carriage and passed him. I followed her and held in a laugh, as Bren looked at us with a grimace on his face.

  Once we were on the stage in the square, it was a little overwhelming. King Walden stood beside Jolin as they both waved to the crowd below us. While these two may have been use to such events, Vida and I were not. I couldn’t shake how it just felt like somebody is watching you.

  I don’t mean that all of the people were watching you, just, it felt weird being on display in front of so many people. Remy was sitting just below the stage in a chair and Zahra was by his side. He really did seem to like her a lot, even though they just met days ago.

  They were both dressed in matching blue robes and were holding hands and talking between themselves as the crowd slowly began to calm down. I glanced over my shoulder and a dozen guards from each kingdom surrounded us. Some were on stage and the rest were standing around the lower level near where Remy was sitting.

  Jolin finally stepped up to the edge of the crowd and raised his hands up and then slowly lowered them down. As he did so, a wave of energy began to flow from him. The people all fell silent and watched his every move.

  I could feel my eyes widen. All this time, I assumed Jolin didn’t have such powers as a Tongue. I could see now that I was quite wrong. He had more ability than I gave him credit for. To affect such a large crowd was impressive. Everybody in the crowd seemed to be listening. All except for one person near the middle.

  One single person continued to move casually through the crowd.

  “Thank you for all coming here today.” Jolin said. “Yesterday-” he paused as blue orbs began to fall from the sky. He looked back to Vida and I. Seems The Grim God was releasing some of his power again, even from here, wherever he was..

  “Yesterday,” he began again. “Galcon came to Thera to destroy us. Yet Thera is still here.” Jolin said sternly as the crowd began to clap and cheer. He released his power again and calmed them down. Placing them in that state of harmony, yet never asking them a question.

  Instead he continued to speak.

  “Thanks to the help of King Noel Walden,” King Walden raised his hand to the crowd. “We have showed Galcon we are not easily broken.” Jolin paused and then motioned for King Walden to join him near the edge of the stage.

  King Walden, dressed in what I was sure was his finest attire, smiled and joined Jolin. He began to speak to the crowd. I’m sure he was telling them of how he intended to conquer Galcon, or what would happen to Galcon’s prince who was now being held in Thera. I’m not exactly sure what he said honestly because I wasn’t listening.

  Instead something else had caught my attention. It was a person near the middle of the crowd. The same person who was moving earlier. Something seemed familiar about them. I touched my power inside myself and allowed my vision to enhance.

  I felt myself swallow down my surprise as I realized this person had on a cloak. Not surprising in Thera, plenty of people had cloaks. This cloak however had a unique color to it. It was a dark crimson color.

  My vision returned to normal as I heard Atmos in my head, retelling me stories of the person they had begun to call The Re
d Beast. A person who had killed so many their victims blood had completely stained their cloak.

  Why was The Red Beast here? I stepped forward some and touched my power again. My vision changed and it was almost as if I was standing in front of The Red Beast now. The figure stopped moving and looked in my direction. I could see under the hood now.

  I could see their face, and I could have sworn that face was looking directly at me. I blinked my eyes for a second only to find The Red Beast was gone when they opened. I looked around wildly as I tried to find that same crimson cloak.

  “What’s wrong?” Vida asked me in a whisper. I ignored her and enhanced my vision time and time again as I searched the crowd, but The Red Beast was gone. He, was gone. I knew that face. I had spent two years of my life learning from that same face. Living with that same face.

  I took in a few deep breaths to calm myself and slowly said his name. “Ember.”


  “You’re positive that it was him?” Vida asked me as she looked over some clothes. We were walking through the market after leaving the speech in the square. We could have taken the carriage back that Noel Walden provided for us, but she insisted that we walk back so we could spend some much- needed time alone.

  Her theory was that in the next two days, anything could happen, so we needed to enjoy the calm moments. I, myself, wanted to look for Ember some more. He had vanished so fast that even if I looked for a day I likely wouldn’t have found him, though.

  “Yea. It was him,” I said as I looked at a cloak a merchant was selling. It was a nice, sturdy, water resistant cloak. I loved my other cloak but it was beginning to wear down after all of my night activities. Plus, having a spare couldn’t hurt.

  “How much?” I asked the merchant. He was a short round man, with equal amounts of silky gray hair on his head and face. He had a patch over his left eye and was missing his front teeth. “Two bronze yolars,” he said as he eyed me. I didn’t respond, and neither did Vida.


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