Welzer, Harald, Sabine Moller and Karoline Tschuggnall. “Opa war kein Nazi”: Nationalsozialismus und Holocaust im Familiengedächtnis [Grandpa wasn’t a Nazi: National Socialism and the Holocaust in family memory]. Frankfurt: S. Fischer Verlag, 2002.
Welzer, Harald. Täter. Wie aus ganz normalen Menschen Massenmörder werden [Perpetrators. How ordinary people become mass murderers]. Frankfurt: S. Fischer Verlag, 2005.
Westerhagen, Dörte von. Die Kinder der Täter: Das Dritte Reich und die Generation danach [The children of the perpetrators: The Third Reich and the next generation]. Munich: Kösel Verlag, 1987.
Yalom, Irvin D. Staring at the Sun: Overcoming the Terror of Death. San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons, 2008. Published in Germany as Der Panama-Hut oder Was einen guten Therapeuten ausmacht (Munich: Goldmann Verlag, 2002).
Nattiv, Guy. Mabul (The Flood). Scripted by Noa Berman-Herzberg and Guy Nattiv. Israel: K5 International Producers, 2011.
Special Note
If you are interested in looking into your own family history of the Nazi era, you can find exceptional guidance here (in German): https://chrismon.evangelisch.de/comment/21672.
About the Authors
JENNIFER TEEGE has worked in advertising since 1999. She lived for four years in Israel, where she became fluent in Hebrew. She holds a degree from Tel Aviv University in Middle Eastern and African studies. Teege lives in Germany with her husband and two sons. This is her first book. For more information about Jennifer Teege, please visit jennifer-teege.com.
NIKOLA SELLMAIR graduated from Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich and has worked in Hong Kong, Washington, D.C., Israel, and Palestine. She has been a reporter in Hamburg at Germany’s Stern magazine since 2000. Her work has received many awards, including the German-Polish Journalist Award, for the first-ever article about Jennifer Teege’s singular story.
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About the Translator
Born in Germany, CAROLIN SOMMER studied applied languages at universities in Germany, France, and the UK before settling in the UK in 1997. After working in bilingual roles for multinational companies for several years, she took a career break to look after her three sons. Translations have been her career focus since 2011.
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