The Soldiers of Wrath MC 1 Owned by the Bastard

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The Soldiers of Wrath MC 1 Owned by the Bastard Page 8

by Jenika Snow

  She was his, and he knew that no amount of backlash toward her, trying to push her away because he was angry with himself, would change that fact. Demon lived a hard life, fucked with purpose, and immersed himself in his biker life. Deanna had become ingrained in their world, in his world, and it was clear that he wouldn’t be able to shake her from the moment he saw that first picture of her.

  He pushed away from the bar, turned and faced the stairs that would lead to his room, and then grunted out a curse. He was going to just lay it out for Deanna, tell her exactly how he felt, and knew that it would come out harsh and crude. He wasn’t a romantic man, wasn’t used to telling anyone how the fuck he felt. He did whatever the hell he wanted, when he wanted, and fuck anyone who stood in his way. He didn’t become president of this club, run this dammed town, by being some pansy ass motherfucker. He’d die with his cut on, with his men behind his back, and with his patch inked on his skin. That was the way his world worked, how it would always work, and he was content living that way.

  Stalking toward his room, he pushed away the club pussy that advanced on him, drunk still from the previous night, and smelling like his brothers. He wasn’t a sloppy second kind of male, and sure as fuck wasn’t interested in their dirty cunts now that he had his woman. Yes, Deanna was his woman, and damn anyone who got in his way of claiming her.

  Deanna paced. She was infuriated that she was still locked in this damn room. It was barely morning, but she hadn’t been able to go back to sleep after Demon had locked her in here and had shown her the dick side of him. She had showered, gotten dressed in a pair of his sweats and an oversized t-shirt. Fuck him, his pompous, alpha and domineering ass. She was not going to put up with his shit, not going to be talked down by some biker that thought he could fuck her and just walk away. She wanted Demon, yes, and damn her for being so fucking stupid on that account. But she couldn’t help it, couldn’t help her heart and what it wanted, even if the man she was growing to care for was Demon.

  And then she heard the lock being disengaged and stopped pacing to face the door, ready to give Demon an earful. Maybe the skanks that hung out at the club were okay with being talked to like this but she wasn’t some club pussy. She was a strong, independent woman, and she could handle herself.

  Keep telling yourself that, Deanna, especially when it comes to a man like Demon.

  He pushed the door open and stood there, intimidating, strong, powerful, and with this expression on his face that had her actually taking a step back. But she held onto her strength, her reserve, and straightened her shoulders.

  “Demon, you can’t keep me here like a prisoner every time you have a fucking hissy fit—”

  Demon stormed forward and she snapped her mouth shut, felt her eyes widen, and took a step back, but the wall stopped her retreat. He slammed his hands on the wall beside her head, lowered his face to hers, and curled his lip. “You infuriate me, make me insane with lust, and have my fucking dick harder than it has ever been.” He growled, cursed, and stared at her right in the eyes. He was so tall, so muscular, and his dark hair was slightly brushing his forehead. He was a menace, a reckoning of death, pain, and lust, and she felt all of that directed right at her. “I want you, Deanna, and I won’t walk around pretending like what I want with you isn’t something new.” He sounded pissed at himself, and the angry slash of his dark eyebrows told her he was pissed at himself right now.

  She swallowed, not knowing if she should push him back or pull him closer. “You can’t talk to me like that, treat me like that, Demon,” she said, softer this time. Something flickered in the depths of his eyes, and she wanted to believe that he realized how he had acted was wrong on every level, psycho even, but then his hard composure came back.

  “The way I want you, want to fuck you, claim you, and make sure that no other man touches you ever again is driving me out of my fucking mind, Deanna.” He said her name on a growl. “I’ve never had this possessive need inside of me to own every part of a woman. I fuck pussy when I want, never twice even, but with you—” He lowered his gaze to her mouth, and lower still until he was staring at her breasts. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and her nipples hardened. “With you I want to beat a motherfucker into the ground that looks at you, tear them apart if they even think about you, and fucking kill them if they touch you.”

  A soft gasp of shock and also arousal slammed into her. What in the hell was wrong with her that she was getting wet hearing him proclaim his psychotic obsession with her? Was she so needy for affection, for a man to notice her, that she was blind to the fact that Demon was an animal, a criminal, and a murderer?

  He killed for you, Deanna.

  Yes, he had, and he had done it without a flicker of emotion on his face, without showing any kind of emotion or remorse over the fact. He had killed her father because of what his junkie ass had done to her; how he had betrayed his own flesh and blood.

  Demon placed his hand in the center of her chest, smoothed it down her belly and slipped it between her thighs. He added pressure, just enough that she rose on her toes, opened her mouth, and felt her clit swell.

  “This is mine.” He leaned in closer. “Your pussy, your tits, all of it is mine.” He ran his tongue along her bottom lip, and she knew she should catch him off guard, kick him in the nuts for the way he had treated her, but she knew that right now, what he had admitted to her was something he had never done. Demon was a man of few words and harsh actions. But he had told her he wanted her like no other, and a part of her, every part in fact, knew that hearing him say that was a big deal.


  He shook his head. “No, Deanna. You will admit that you’re mine, that everything about you is mine. I own you, and not because your piece of shit old man handed you over to the club.” He sucked on her bottom lip, dragged his tongue along the swell, and growled like some kind of animal. “I own you because you want to be owned, but only by me. And I want you to admit that, Deanna.”

  And then he kissed her, claimed her in a way that no other man had ever done before, and she felt her anger mixed with her pleasure. She bit his bottom lip, heard him hiss out, and felt this surge of power go through him. Now she just needed to decide if she really did want to be owned, and by a man like Demon.

  Deanna sizzled in his arms. He couldn’t believe she was so responsive, especially after he’d treated her like shit. She didn’t deserve his bad attitude. He’d make sure he’d never, ever, treat her like he did. The last thing Demon wanted was for her to leave his ass.

  Banding his arm around her waist, he kept her close, inhaling her feminine scent as she ravaged his mouth. She bit his bottom lip and he plunged his tongue into her mouth. Their moans echoed together.

  Reaching down, he gripped her ass tightly. The fleshy mound filled his palm, making him want more. He wanted her cunt squeezing his cock, washing him with her cream.

  “Fuck, baby,” he said, muttering the words against her lips.

  “Please, Demon.”

  “What do you need, baby?” He pulled away from her to stare into her beautiful green eyes.

  “I want you to fuck me.”

  He groaned as she ran her hand down the front of his chest to land on his cock. Instantly hard, he knew exactly what to do with it. Drawing his hand around the front of her body, he rubbed her pussy through her sweat pants. The clothes she wore were too big and swamped her smaller body. Sliding his fingers over her clit, he felt the wetness of her pussy through the fabric.

  “You’re so fucking wet.”

  “Please.” She rubbed him a little harder as he teased her.

  “You want my cock inside you?”


  “Are you going to run away from me again?”


  He released her pussy to cup her cheek. “Why?”

  “Why what?”

  Her pupils were dilated clearly filled with arousal. She looked so fucking sexy and he didn’t want to question her sudden submi
ssion to him. Deanna wasn’t the kind of woman to take the shit that he’d dished out to her last night. What had happened? Why was she giving in? Was it a ploy?

  You’re completely fucked.

  “Why are you giving in so easy?”

  “You’re scared and I get that.” She licked her lips. Her gaze moved to his chest and her hand trembled where she touched his chest. Her other hand still held his cock firmly in her grip. “I’ve got nowhere else to go, but I want you and I’ve never wanted a man the way that I desire you. It scares me.”

  He ran his thumb over her full bottom lip. It was so plump and inviting. Sliding the digit into her mouth, he groaned as she sucked him inside.

  Trust her.

  “You want to stay here. Be my bitch?”

  Her cheeks went flush at his words. “I want to be yours.”

  “I won’t share you.”

  “Then don’t. You’re the only man I want.”

  “Then strip,” he said, stepping back. Demon sat on the edge of the bed, looking at her. The sweats were the least attractive thing he’d ever seen and yet on her, they looked fucking hot.

  She fingered the edge of her shirt, staring back at him. “You want me naked?”

  “Yes. I want you naked and doing what I say.”

  He leaned one elbow on his knee as he rested his chin on his open palm. His cock was rock hard, begging to be inside her.

  Deanna licked her lips and he saw her hand shake as she started to lift the shirt up her body.

  She didn’t wear any bra and he grew more aroused as she revealed her creamy flesh to his gaze. The hard tips of her nipples called to him to suck. His mouth watered for a taste of her lush skin.

  No other woman called to him like this. He’d not liked to lick or kiss any woman. They were used goods, not good for anything other than to fuck. Demon wasn’t used to doing anything loving or nice. All he ever knew was the sheer force of fucking. The women he’d been with knew how to take his cock and accept it. He didn’t offer exclusive nor did he offer long term. If a woman wanted him then they had to handle the club, being passed from one man to another.

  He’d never settle down with an old lady but when he looked at Deanna, stared into her mesmerizing green eyes, he felt something stir within him. There was a sort of peace that settled over him. He wouldn’t ever grow bored with this fiery temptress. She’d keep him on his toes, making sure he didn’t stray. But he knew he’d never want another female, never desire anyone but Deanna again.

  They’d only fucked once and yet it was the best experience of his life.

  She dropped the sweat pants to the floor, and he simply stared at the sheer perfection of her body.

  “Open your legs,” he said, stroking his length through his jeans.

  Deanna spread her legs where she stood.

  “Thrust your cunt out and spread your lips. I want to see your pussy.” She did as he asked without question. The hard nub of her clit peeked out of the hood. She was soaking wet. He saw her cream glistening in the light of the bedroom. The scent of her arousal surrounded him. What little sense he had vanished. “Dip your finger inside and then bring it to me.”

  He opened his mouth as she presented her cream-slicked digit for him to suck. Running his tongue along her finger, he groaned at the explosion of her cream. She tasted so fucking sweet and clean. He liked the fact she was his. Deanna was all his to explore, to pleasure, to fuck, and he intended to make sure she didn’t want another man’s touch. The only touch she’d ever need or want is his.

  “Give me some more.”

  She dipped her finger back into her cunt, presenting it to him. He made her do this for five minutes. Each taste of her drove him to the edge of insanity.

  “Come here,” he said, when he couldn’t stand to simply taste her. He wanted inside that tight heat, to explore her body. She stepped closer and he opened his thighs to welcome her. Skimming the tips of his fingers over her skin, he caressed up and down her thighs. “You’re going to do exactly what I say, when I say it. You’re not going to argue with me, do you understand?”

  She licked her lips once again. “Yes.”

  “Good. You’re mine, Deanna. You’re mine to do with whatever the hell I want to do.”

  The very thought of doing everything Demon instructed should scare her, yet Deanna was excited. She wanted to give herself up to Demon’s instruction. Her whole life she’d taken care of her mother or tried to be there for her father, only to have all of her hard work thrown in her face. Her father had tried to use her to pay off a debt and her mother had passed away. She’d spent the whole of her life worrying about what would happen next in her life. Paying bills, dealing with her mother’s health, school, work, everything had always been a worry to her. When she was with Demon, she didn’t worry. The moment he looked at her, everything floated away and it was like the only two people to exist was them.

  She didn’t know if she cared about him but there were feelings. Was it love? Deanna really didn’t know what she felt for the man before her.

  “Yes,” she said.

  It would be a welcome relief to live for the pleasure of the moment. Demon wouldn’t want anything else from her but pleasure. Her pussy was soaking wet. The hard ridge of his cock pressed against the front of his pants and she wanted to taste him.

  “Then get on your knees.”

  She sank to the floor before him. Staring up into his eyes, she waited for his next instruction.

  “Get my dick out.”

  Reaching out, she tugged on his belt then on the zipper of his jeans. She fumbled around trying to grab his cock from the confines of the pants he wore. Deanna smiled up at him as she stroked the hard length of his cock in her palm. He was warm to the touch.

  “Now, take me in your mouth.”

  She didn’t need to be told twice. Leaning forward, she licked the tip, swallowing down the pre-cum glinting on the tip. He tasted so fucking good, masculine, and exactly like a biker. This was what danger meant, danger and excitement felt like. Demon excited her.

  His fingers stroked over her hair, sliding through the length until he gripped her hair within his grasp. She groaned as the pain went straight to her pussy, flooding her with more cream. Pressing her thighs together, she tried to work her clit without even touching herself.

  “I’ll make you come when I’m good and ready. You focus on my dick. I want my dick slick with your mouth.” His voice was husky.

  Taking the tip of his cock into her mouth, she moaned as he hit the back of her throat. The grip he had on her hair controlled the depth of her thrusts. Demon took over, thrusting into her mouth. She sucked as much of him as she could until he withdrew from her mouth, only to slam back inside.

  She gripped his thighs, holding onto him in an attempt to hold onto some sanity. Nothing helped. The control he had over her went far beyond his grip.

  “Fuck, I need to be inside your pussy.” He tugged her off his length by her hair. Within seconds his hands were on her arms, dragging her over his lap. His superior strength should have scared her but she was aroused. He had her straddled over his hips with his cock at attention between them.

  She was naked while he remained fully clothed. The scent of leather filled her senses and she watched as he grabbed his cock, sliding through her wetness.

  “Do you see how wet you are? It’s going to be so fucking easy to slide inside you.” He tapped her clit with his cock, making her cry out from the sudden burst of pleasure. It didn’t last. He moved the tip of his cock to her entrance, where he teased her. She tried to slam down on his cock but he wasn’t having any of it.

  Demon controlled when he entered her. The one grip he had of her hip kept her in place. When only the bulbous head of his cock was inside her, Demon gripped both of her hips.

  “Look at me, Deanna.”

  She stared into his silver grey eyes. They held her captive as easily as he held her body.

  “What?” she asked. Her skin was on fire wi
th a burning need that only he could put out.

  “I want to look into your eyes when I fuck you.” On the last word, he slammed her down onto his cock, forging his way inside. He was long, thick, and she felt him fill her to the hilt. Demon was so deep that it was almost painful. Sinking her nails into the flesh of his shoulder, she screamed out at the dual hit of pleasure and pain.

  “Fuck, you’re so damn tight.” He bit her shoulder, growling the words against her flesh.

  Closing her eyes, she tried not to move. The moment she did, she became aware of the depth of his penetration. Demon wasn’t small, but so damn huge.

  “Does it hurt?” he asked.

  She nodded.

  “You’ll get used to me.”

  “I don’t think I will.”

  “I’m not going to give you a chance to forget about me, baby. I’m going to fuck you day and night. You’re not going to be able to walk straight without thinking about me. Whenever another man looks at you, you’re going to be so full of my cum that you’re not going to even think about straying.”

  “I’m not going to stray,” she said, taking a deep breath.

  “I know. I’m not going to give you a chance to leave me.”

  Why was he worried about her leaving? He ruled a club full of whores who’d gladly spread their legs for him. If anyone should be worried about straying, it should be her, even if he knew in his heart he’d never do that to her.

  “Now, I’m going to fuck you, and you’re going to enjoy it, because you’re mine and know it.”

  “Get on the bed, baby, and lie on your back.” Running a hand over his mouth, she watched as Demon tried to control himself. She could see it in his hard expression on him, in the way he was poised tightly, as if he wanted to pounce on her like a wild animal wanting to devour her.

  She moved to the bed, lay back fully on it, and felt her cream slip from her pussy even more. She was so wet, so aroused, that staring at him fully dressed with his cock only visible through the fly of jeans was heady and arousing.


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