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Getting_Wild Page 3

by Jodi Olson

  He kicked his jeans aside and stood between her legs. She had an uneasy look on her face and tried to cover herself with her hands. With her dress so far away it wasn’t an easy thing to do.

  “I’m not able hold out much longer Jen. I’ve wanted to taste you since the first day you walked into the club and I found you lying on the floor.” His fingers slid into the elastic bands of her stockings, and he licked her, the length of her leg, as he lowered the stocking, repeating the same while taking off the other one, and then tossing them to the floor.

  He spread her legs and bent his head down to her stomach. His tongue made a path from her belly button to the bare skin of her pussy, moving to her swollen labia, and circling her clit. His fingers spread her even wider, so his tongue could lightly but painfully tease her. He could hear her whimper as her hips lifted toward his face, begging for more.

  “Don’t stop now,” she moaned softly.

  “I don’t plan on stopping for a long time. I’m only getting started.” He moved onto the table, straddling her body with his knees close to her hips. He stared down at her, his eyes smoldering with fire. Forcing her lips open with his tongue, he kissed her until she was breathless.

  His hands cupped her breasts, the gentle massage sending currents of desire rippling through her. His lips and tongue caressed the sensitive swollen nipples that became a dusky pink from her arousal. He alternated between nipples, suckling them deeply in turn.

  All he could think about was burying his cock deep inside her, feeling her body quiver while she climaxed. She arched her back and called out his name.

  He felt her need building, felt his desire pass the boiling point. He tore open the condom, rolled it onto his shaft and entered her slowly.

  He growled as his hips went against hers in a rhythm that sent shivers through her body. She met him thrust for thrust enjoying the feel of his body covering hers. Over and over, he moved in and withdrew. Then with one final thrust, they reached their peak - pleasure - pure and explosive.

  He held her close as his breathing returned to normal. Thinking he might crush her, he pulled out and got down from the table.

  Jennifer sat up and brushed a damp strand of hair from her twinkling eyes. She ran her hand over his back where his tattoo was. The tattoo was two tigers that looked like they were mating and under the tigers in black lettering were the words, Getting Wild. When Neal turned to look at her he realized she couldn’t stop staring at the tattoo.

  “What do you think of it?”

  Her finger traced the outline of the tigers, and her very touch made him shiver. “It’s very erotic. Why two tigers, and what does the Getting Wild symbolize?”

  “Tigers are wild and so am I.” He put up his hands like claws and playfully snarled. “Let’s go to the bedroom and get wild together.” He scooped her into his arms and carried her to the bedroom.

  In the bedroom she pulled him down with her and rolled him over so she was on top. After she expertly rolled a condom down his stiff rod, she straddled him and took him inside her once again. She was going to make him want to forget everything. How am I ever going to leave at the end of the month to return to my old job and life?

  Her dark brown hair streamed down her shoulders, across her breasts, and her hard nipples peeked through the dark strands to tempt him. She was more beautiful then he’d ever imagined.

  She was driving him crazy with every move she made. Arching her back, she let out a loud moan that shook him to his toes.

  His hands continued exploring her hips, and together they found the tempo that bound their bodies in passion, over and over again

  He felt his own release building, and didn’t think he could last much longer. Neal knew just what would send her over the edge. His hand seared a path down her abdomen to the spot where their bodies connected, and stroked her clit, knowing it would give her a shattering release.


  He continued to stroke her; a bright flare of desire springing into her eyes. She began to move faster, rocking her hips along with his. When she cried out her release, he followed shortly after. They drifted off to sleep totally satiated, but exhausted.


  Jennifer slowly opened her eyes. She felt the grogginess of sleep, thick in her head. Shaking her head hoping to clear it, she looked around the unfamiliar room. Suddenly the memory of being in Neal’s arm’s flooded her. She felt his arm heavy on her stomach. She glanced over at the other side of the bed and found him still sound asleep. He’s so adorable she thought, and smiled at his sleeping face. Glancing at the clock, she saw she would be late for work at the library if she didn’t hurry. She slowly moved his arm, trying not to wake him, and glanced over for one last look at him before going to find her dress. The last time she remembered having it on was in another room. She retraced her steps and found it pooled on the floor. She let out a giggle as more memories of last night filled her mind.

  She fought the urge to run back in the bedroom and take him, my librarian job, damn! So she silently and quickly got back into her dress, gathered her bag, and rushed out the door.

  Neal woke up with a start. He looked around and found himself alone in his bed. Where did she go? He walked to the living room, and found his jeans still on the floor. As he picked up the rest of his clothes he noticed her clothes were gone. He had no idea why she’d left. He looked for a note, hoping that she’d left a word why she had to leave, or that she would call him later. No note. Damn maybe the only one who felt there was a connection here was me.

  At that point, he realized she’d left not only without a goodbye, but no ride either. Maybe she didn’t get far. He looked out the window thinking he’d see her still there. He would have given her a ride home or back to the club to get her car if she’d asked him. Frustration overtook him. This girl was becoming a hard catch. He’d never had to work so hard for a woman. He closed his eyes, ran his fingers through his hair and thought about her. The memories were wild. Last night when her dress fell off those beautiful curves and she was standing there with nothing else on - it made him almost explode in his jeans. He wanted - no, he needed - to be with her again.

  Neal quickly finished dressing, grabbed his car keys and went to the door. Coming up short, he found a smiling Jennifer standing in the doorway. “I thought you left,” he said. Her disheveled hair was sexy and the blush on her cheeks excited him.

  “I was, but then I realized something,” she smiled.

  “What’s that?” He was guarded. but also thrilled that she came back.

  “’s two things actually. One, I need a ride and two…” She took a step toward him. ”I forgot to tell you good morning.” She closed her lips on his and took control of the kiss as she melted into him.

  Neal was stunned and when they broke the kiss meekly mumbled, “Good Morning.”

  “Yeah!” he agreed, “and what a better morning it’s going to be now.” He picked her up and carried her back into the house.

  “I’m going to be late,” she squealed, but he wasn’t listening. He had other things on his mind.


  “Jennifer, YOU are late!” Ms. Crabapple, the head librarian shook her finger and gave Jennifer a reproving look. Jennifer knew she’d have to work on her tardiness or she would lose this job.

  “I’m sorry, Ms. Crabapple, I won’t let it happen again.”

  “See that it doesn’t missy.” She walked off to her desk.

  Jennifer turned to see her ex boyfriend sitting in a chairs, closest to the front desk. “What are you doing here Steve? Last time I told you to leave me alone. I don’t want to get back together with you, ever again.”

  Steve gave his slimy ‘used-car-salesman’ smile, “Just hear me out baby. I made a mistake. It was only the one time and she didn’t even mean anything to me. I swear it wasn’t my fault, she came on to me.”

  “You say that but I’ve heard differently. For the record, you sure didn’t try to stop her either. I’m not som
eone who’s willing to let you treat me the way you have been lately. We’re finished, Steve. Now please, leave me alone.” She walked behind the desk.

  When Neal walked into the library, he was on cloud nine. The time he’d spent with Jennifer had been everything he’d expected and so much more. He stopped short as he came around the corner and spotted a guy talking to her. This was the same guy Jennifer had slapped a few days ago. The guy turned, saw Neal watching the two of them and gave Neal a satanic smile. Something about this guy made Neal’s gut ache. Steve finished checking out Neal, turned and advanced on Jennifer. He went behind the desk where she was standing, grabbed her and pinned her against the wall. He knew Neal was watching and he kissed her hard on the mouth. Neal wanted to kill the bastard, but it sure looked like Jennifer enjoyed the way this guy was treating her. Neal was confused by her reaction to this guy, and the reaction she had shared with him last night and earlier; he wasn’t sure what to make of it. He couldn’t fight all her demons and his too. Silently and angrily, he turned and walked out the door. He wasn’t going to stick around to hear her side of it. He drove straight to the club. Nathan had asked him to come in early today to help with inventory and he needed something to help keep his mind off what just happened.


  In the club he called out for his brother, “Nathan, I’m here.” With no response he assumed his brother was running late. He went behind the bar to wait for Nathan to show up.

  Neal cleaned out the draft lines, took a visual inventory of the liquor shelf, and took a quick count of the various beers in stock. All the while, he couldn’t get the picture of that guy and Jennifer off his mind, or the one of her smiling at his front door. Something wasn’t adding up. Unable to figure it out, he poured himself a cup of coffee; and went to look for his brother hoping for another distraction.

  He couldn’t find any sign of his brother: in the bar, the office or the parking lot. How was he supposed to do inventory if he didn’t know where the supplies were kept? He noticed a locked room further down the hall, maybe it’s the supply room. Without a key, he tried to jerk it open.

  “Um, you don’t want to go in there sexy,” Cameo said while trying to hide the key in her bra.

  He recognized that high-pitched voice, knew already it was Cameo. What the hell was she doing here so early? She didn’t start work for a few more hours at least. His eyes came up to study her face, and he saw her eyes were stony with anger.

  “Why not; do you know what’s behind this door?”

  She leaned against the threshold of the door jam. “When I started working for this club five years ago, we would take some of the men into that room, give them whatever they asked for - as long as they paid for it. She softly skimmed the chest exposed by his shirt. “Some girls would do it all, if you know what I mean.” She winked at him.

  “You mean, like you?” He pushed her hand away. “And you wonder why I have no desire to fuck you.” He crossed his arms over his chest like a medieval warrior to ward off her undesirable advances. “I was looking for the supply room. Nathan wanted me to do inventory, and I’m trying to find out where to get started since he isn’t here yet.”

  “Sorry, baby, can’t help you with that. I’m only a dancer, but if you’re a really good boy, I’ll let you tie me up sometime. I hear you really enjoy that.”

  Neal looked at Cameo before glancing over at the lock once again. He’d make sure to ask Nathan if he knew anything about this room. From the scared look on her face there must be more to it than what she told him. “I’ll keep looking,” he brushed past her.

  “You do that sugar. If you need any help I’ve been told I’m a good hunter.” She smiled at the unpleasant look he gave her over his shoulder.

  Cameo waited until he was out of sight before she tested the lock’s durability. Satisfied it wasn’t compromised when he messed with it, she patted the key in her bra. The warmed metal on her clammy body let her know it was still there. She looked back around the corner. It was a good thing that gorgeous Neal hadn’t been able to break in. She sure didn’t want to have to hurt him.


  Nathan finally showed up twenty minutes later, almost a full hour after Neal.

  “Where have you been? I’ve been waiting here for an hour.” Angry from the moment he woke up alone, Neal was on an emotional roller coaster and ready to get off. ”May I remind you, it was your idea to come in and do inventory? I could have slept in.”

  “Get the fuck off my back.” Nathan snapped back. “You want to do inventory so Goddamn bad, then let’s go!” He stalked down the hall, opposite from the locked room with Neal following.

  Both remained silent for a few minutes - Neal spoke first. “Where have you been? You didn’t come home last night and you look like hell now.” He worried about his big brother sometimes.

  “Well I figured the way you rushed out of here last night with Jennifer, you two wanted to be alone, so I slept here in my office. That was some dance you did last night little brother. The women already want another Lady’s Night as soon as possible. They’re asking for you too. So how did things go between you and Jennifer anyway? I bet she’s a wild one,” he said, slapping Neal on the back.

  Neal pushed Nathan’s hand away. “I don’t want to talk about it. What I do with Jennifer is my business, not yours.” Neal clenched his mouth tighter then it already was.

  “That bad huh? Since it didn’t work out between you two, then you won’t mind if I ask her out.” He said it only to get a rise out of Neal.

  Neal’s jaw tensed visibly, curses fell from his mouth, and his hands were balled fists at his sides. He wanted to punch Nathan for even thinking about her that way. He figured he better change the subject, and remembering about the locked door he decided now would be a good time to ask Nathan about it. “I have something to show you. While I was looking around for the supply room, I came across this other room.” Nathan followed him down the hall.

  Neal jerked on the padlock that secured the door. “Do you have any idea what’s behind this door, or why it’s padlocked?”

  Nathan shrugged his shoulders, “When I bought the place three months ago, the previous owner told me it was used for BDSM. I asked the owner to show me what was inside. When he opened the door it was empty. So I never thought about it again.”

  “Cameo told me it was previously used for special paying customers.” Neal watched his brother for a reaction, but Nathan remained impassive. “She didn’t say anything more than that.”

  Unbeknownst to them, Cameo was watching from the shadows. It would only be a matter of time before they discovered what was in that room. She had to figure something out real soon. Steve was moving too slowly.


  Jennifer left the library feeling proud. She’d taken care of Steve once and for all. He’d no idea it was coming, before her knee hit him in the balls. She knew he wouldn’t be bothering her again any time soon. Only two more hours and then she would see Neal at the club. She couldn’t wait.

  After getting a quick shower, she dressed up in her shortest skirt and t-shirt and headed for the club. Maybe if she got there early enough, and he wasn’t too busy, she would ask him to come home with her tonight. If he played his cards right, he would be the one tied up. She blushed as she thought about it.

  The parking lot of The Swollen Pussy was already jammed full when she pulled into the club. That makes two nights in a row for the club. Nathan had told her that since she started dancing; more and more men were coming in just to see her.

  Neal was busy at the bar serving drinks when she walked into the club. He gave her a hostile glare, and then went back to serving drinks. She had no idea what was wrong. Maybe he was just having a bad night, at least she hoped that was all it was. She went to the bar, pulled out one of the stools and sat down.

  He continued to ignore her. “Neal, why are you acting this way? I have been trying to talk to you for ten minutes now and you won’t even look at me.” She tried
remaining calm, her gaze steady.

  He walked around the bar and stood close to her, his voice low, “Did you have fun with your boyfriend? Does he know you were in my bed all night screaming for more?” He stomped off to serve another customer.

  She sat there, too stunned to cry, her hands twisting nervously in her lap. When it slowed down a little, she would try talking to him again. Hopefully his mood would improve by then.

  Nathan came up behind her. “Jennifer, you’re doing lap dances tonight along with Cinnamon. If anyone gets out of hand, she knows what to do.” Nathan saw the glare on his brother’s face. “Since Big Johnny, is a no-show tonight, you’ll have to keep an eye on her.”

  “I don’t need you to baby-sit me, I can handle men.” Jennifer turned to Nathan, “Not a problem at all.” She jumped off the stool, since Neal was being a jerk, she didn’t want him around anyway.

  She hadn’t made it ten feet before Nathan grabbed her. “You have no idea what those men will do. They know the rules of no touching, but some don’t follow the rules. I should know; I’m one of them. Neal’s right; some men, after a few drinks can be real pigs. I think it’s a good idea for him to keep an eye out every so often at least.” Nathan left to go talk to the other girls working tonight.

  Jennifer turned to stare at Neal, “So are you going to tell me why you have your boxers in a knot?”

  “I was there today - at the library.”

  “What are you talking about? I was at the library all day - working. In in fact, I need to go to work now.” She started to walk away.

  “I wouldn’t have called what you were doing work honey, being pinned up against a wall, his hands holding your hands above your head. Did you fuck him right in the library for everyone to see? Now that would be something I would do, make you bend over against one of those wooden tables and take you right then and there, while everyone watched.”


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