Alpha's Protection

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Alpha's Protection Page 10

by Hawke Oakley

  Hector’s wounded eyes widened in shock. Then a defeated expression took over his face. I knew then that this was over. Hector knew he could never win.

  “You heard my mate,” Flint growled. “Get out of here. I’ll have my packmates escort you out so that we know you’re gone for good.”

  Shakily, Hector got to his feet. Flint’s alpha friends surrounded him and led him away. Casey bounded over to me, her tail wagging. Then she shifted to human form out of excitement and threw herself in my arms. “Daddy, did you see?” she cried. “I helped catch the bad wolf!”

  “Yes, honey, you did,” I said. “I’m proud of you.”

  Flint nuzzled her with his snout. “I’m proud of you, too, Casey,” he said, his voice deep and rumbling.

  “Daddy!” She threw herself at Flint now, hugging his fur tightly. “I was pretending to be just like you! A big, strong alpha!”

  I remembered what Hector told me earlier - about how she was an alpha. But he couldn’t have been right - there was no way to know for sure until puberty.

  Then Gunner’s face flashed in my mind, and I shuddered. Flint must have known what I was thinking about because he brushed his side against me, his fur thick and warm and comforting. Instantly my worries faded away.

  “Come on,” Flint growled. “Let’s go home.”

  That night, Flint changed back to human form and fixed the broken window and cleaned up the glass. I was glad to be rid of the reminder of what happened today. I was exhausted - we all were. By nightfall, all we wanted to do was collapse in bed.

  But as soon as Casey was tucked away in her room and Flint and I were alone in ours, something passionate filled the air, like a vanilla scented candle wafting around us, enveloping us in its embrace. Flint’s eyes flickered with hunger. He crawled on top of me and kissed me deeply. His teeth found my neck and he marked me again - firm but gentle. An aura of fierce protectiveness surrounded him. My omega wolf submitted to him. Tonight I wanted nothing more than for him to claim me.

  Our intimacy was slow, rough, and passionate. Flint fisted his fingers in my hair and turned my head so he could mark my neck on all sides. The feeling of his fangs piercing my skin made me moan softly. I loved being his.

  He gripped my shoulders as he kissed me hard, then he moved down to remove my pants.

  “You smell amazing,” he muttered. “Even better now that you’re pregnant. I can’t get enough of it.”

  That made a tingle run down my spine.

  He growled possessively and nuzzled my belly. “I can’t wait until this gets bigger. You’re already so sexy, but with the belly bump…” He finished with a deep growl.

  I blushed and watched as he removed my jeans and underwear, setting them aside. He did the same and soon we were both naked. He took my cock in one hand while he slipped his own against my waiting hole. I bit my lip as his cock head inched its way inside me. I was already excited and heavily aroused, and it took no effort for Flint’s cock to push deeper within me.

  He growled deep in his chest. He licked his lips and pumped my cock in his hand with slow firm motions. I was completely at my alpha’s whim, and I loved it.

  It didn’t take long for me to reach my limit. My cock grew hard and throbbing in his hand, and he knew I was close. He reached down to spit into his fist, using it to lube up my cock more as he pleasured my shaft. I moaned and buried my face in the pillow to keep quiet.

  Suddenly I felt his cock grow hard and thick within my ass. I gasped and felt pleasure shoot up my spine. I was so, so close - and I knew Flint was, too. He growled and pumped my cock harder, flicking his wrist and teasing my slit until I came with a moan. My cum slipped down his hand.

  But the tight, hot pleasure beneath my belly didn’t fade. My cock was still hard. It was like I was having another heat. Now Flint grunted and grabbed both my hips, hard. Thrusting wildly, his cock filled me as deep as it would go. I couldn’t control my voice. I had to bite my lip and smother myself with the pillow to keep from screaming. Hot, pleasurable electricity shot through every inch of my body. It felt amazing.

  His cock grew bigger and tighter, filling my ass so deeply that I could barely move. But it felt like he belonged there - I was in a haze of arousal, and I would’ve let him stay like that forever.

  “I love you,” Flint growled.

  “I love you, too,” I replied breathlessly.

  Flint bucked his hips, thrusting fast and hard, until finally his body couldn’t take it anymore. His cock throbbed within me and he let out a wild snarl. His hot, thick seed filled me deeply. It felt like his orgasm lasted an eternity, and I loved it.

  When it was finally over, none of us moved. We lay there, panting and breathless. Finally Flint’s cock reduced its size and he was able to pull out of me. He quickly cleaned us both up before he collapsed next to me and pulled me into his arms.

  “I love you, my sweet omega,” he growled into my hair.

  I nuzzled my face into his skin. “I love you, my powerful alpha.”

  “I wish I could make you pregnant again right now,” he mumbled.

  I chuckled. “Me, too. But you know what?” I rested a hand on my belly. “I wouldn’t say no to more pups after this one is born.”

  Flint grinned. “Good. Because you’re the sexiest pregnant omega in the world, and I intend you keep giving you pups as long as you want them.”



  The time passed both slowly and quickly, like we were living in a fairy tale. Each day was filled with joy and happiness. With no sign of Hector anywhere, Charlie’s anxiety about Scarlet Ridge faded. Casey was getting bigger and stronger every day. She joined us on every hunt, now - the guys were all totally impressed by her hunting and tracking abilities for such a young pup. She could hunt plenty of small game completely by herself, and for bigger game the guys were always willing to help her out.

  Speaking of getting bigger, Charlie’s belly had swollen considerably. He started to get cravings for strange foods, too - like right now.

  I returned home with a bag full of food. “Hello?” I called as I stepped inside.

  Casey rushed up to me with a look of concern on her face. “Daddy, quick!” she cried, grabbing my sleeve. “Daddy doesn’t feel well.”

  I frowned and dropped the bag on the floor, rushing to Charlie. He was sitting on the bathroom tile floor, looking miserable.

  “Don’t look at me,” he mumbled. “I’m gross.”

  “Never,” I growled, kneeling down. I put a hand on his back and rubbed comforting circles. “Are you feeling better now?”

  “A little,” he admitted. “I can’t wait for this to be over, though.”

  “It will be soon,” I soothed. “Just think about what’s awaiting us at the end.” I smiled at him. “Think of our pup growing inside you.”

  With my other hand, I reached down to gently rub his belly. It was swollen now, since he was about three-quarters through with his term.

  He sighed with a tired smile. “I know. I guess I should get used to the sickness, since we were planning on more pups anyway.”

  “I heard it gets better with each pregnancy,” I told him. “Is it better this time compared to when you were pregnant with Casey?”

  He leaned against the bathroom wall. “I think so. To be honest, I think I blocked most of that time out of my memory, because of the circumstances…”

  I frowned and held his hands.

  “I’m okay, don’t worry,” he said, smiling. “I have you now.”

  I nodded. “Always.”

  The worst of his sickness lasted a week, and after that he was completely ravenous. He ate everything he could get his hands on. I kept having to run out and grab the weirdest things from the store.

  As the cashier rang me up for pickles, carrot cake, and mint ice cream, she asked with a smile, “Pregnant omega?”

  I sighed. “You got it.”

  I returned home to find Charlie raiding the fridge. He had half a wild turkey
drumstick in his mouth. He blushed as he saw me walk in on him in such a state. I just laughed.

  “Go ahead and eat, you and the baby need it,” I said.

  He grinned sheepishly and continued to stuff his face. While he ate, I placed the food I just bought on the table. Casey came over to see what I purchased.

  “Ooh, ice cream!” she said. “Can I have some, too?”

  “Well, I bought it for your daddy, but if he says it’s okay…”

  Casey turned to Charlie with big puppy eyes. He chuckled and said, “Of course, honey.”

  For dinner, I made a huge seasoned venison roast with potatoes and squash from our garden. Before the late stages of Charlie’s pregnancy hit, he had begun a garden in the yard. It wasn’t huge; just a nurturing hobby for him, and a source of food for us. It was late in the season, so this was likely the last harvest before winter gripped the garden in its cold clutches until spring.

  “These veggies are awesome,” I told Charlie. “You really did a good job raising them.”

  He shrugged. “Natural omega tenderness, I guess.”

  “No, it’s nothing to do with being an omega,” I said. “It has everything to do with how sweet and nurturing you are, Charlie.”

  He blushed, then put a bite of venison in his mouth in embarrassment.

  “He’s the best daddy ever!” Casey exclaimed.

  “Cut it out, you two,” Charlie mumbled.

  “No!” Casey cried.

  “Nope,” I said.

  Charlie sighed and raised an eyebrow with a smile. “How did I get stuck with such an amazing, loving family again?”

  “Because you deserve it,” I told him.

  He smiled, warm and genuine. And I knew that he finally understood that he did deserve it.

  About a week before the baby was due, the guys all came over for a surprise baby shower. Casey and I invited them during a hunt so that Charlie wouldn’t find out.

  Poor Charlie was completely house-bound by this point. His belly had swollen to the point where it was difficult for him to move. I basically had to run and do everything for him, but I didn’t mind. With every day that we got closer to having another pup, the more fiercely protective I felt of him. He was my mate, and I was willing to drop everything and tend to him.

  Me and the guys - plus Casey - were all gathered outside. Charlie had a craving for “chicken fingers, but with duck instead”, so Casey and I left the house to go buy those for him. But now we all stood, gifts and food in hand, outside the door.

  “Remember, don’t yell surprise or anything like that,” I told them. “We don’t want to scare him.”

  They all nodded.

  “How close is he again? If I recall, he’s quite close to his delivery time,” Ken said.

  “He’s due in about a week,” I told him. “I know he’s healthy, but would you mind taking a look at him, just in case?”

  Ken smiled gently. “Of course.”

  I sighed in relief. It was times like this where I was so grateful to have a doctor as a close friend.

  I knocked on the door briefly to announce my presence, then stepped inside. Charlie was curled up on the couch with a blanket over his knees and a huge hot chocolate in his hands. He smiled when he saw me. “Hi, Flint. Did you get my duck-chicken fingers?”

  “Of course, babe,” I said. “And I got something else for you, too.”

  He blinked curiously, then gasped as I stepped aside and revealed my friends. They all gathered inside, their arms full of packaged gifts.

  “What is all this?” Charlie asked, his eyes wide.

  “What kinda pregnancy would it be without a baby shower?” Jericho said with a huge grin. He immediately plopped down next to Charlie on the couch and thrust his gift towards him. “Here, open mine first. It’s the best one.”

  “You wish,” Tyson said, taking Charlie’s other side.

  “Alright, alright, one of you move so I can sit next to my mate,” I growled.

  Tyson - being the youngest - scooted over to make room for me. The rest of my friends sat around the coffee table.

  “You guys,” Charlie murmured, his eyes brimming with tears. “You shouldn’t have.”

  “C’mon now, don’t cry,” Jericho said. “This is a fun occasion.”

  “I’m not sad,” Charlie reassured him with a smile, wiping the tears away. “Just a little overwhelmed is all.”

  “This’ll fix that,” Jericho said, pushing the gift playfully towards him.

  “Go ahead and open them,” I said gently to Charlie, putting my hand around his shoulder.

  “Well… if you guys went through all this effort.” Charlie ripped off the packaging from Jericho’s gift. Inside the simple brown box was a hand-quilted baby blanket. Charlie gasped and picked it up delicately. It was intricately detailed, made of soft pastel colors, with tiny wolf pups and moons embroidered on its surface. “Jericho, this is amazing… Did you make this?”

  He grinned shyly. “I sure did.”

  “Thank you so much. Really.”

  Even I didn’t know Jericho was capable of such a thing. I learned something new about my packmates that day.

  Tyson’s gift was next. It was a low, rectangular box wrapped in festive red paper. Charlie ripped it off to reveal a beautiful box of expensive chocolates.

  “Oh my Moon,” he said. “This is exactly what I was in the mood for right now. How did you know?”

  Tyson shrugged with a smile. “Who doesn’t like chocolate?”

  Ken’s gift followed. It was the biggest package of all, and took Charlie a good thirty-seconds to unwrap the whole thing. He burst out laughing when he saw what was inside - a giant, fluffy teddy bear.

  “For you, and the pup,” Ken said.

  “I love it,” Charlie said, smiling.

  We all turned to David, who had been quiet the whole time. I wasn’t sure if Charlie expected a gift from him, given their not-so-warm meeting the first time. But I knew David had gotten him something, even just out of politeness - I just didn’t know what it was.

  “Here.” David held out a tiny, unassuming brown bag with a twine handle. Charlie took it carefully and held it on his lap. “It’s nothing special,” David mumbled as Charlie peeked inside. Then Charlie gasped. He pulled out something small, holding it gingerly in his fingers like it would crumble.

  It was a tiny wooden carving of a wolf and its pup, standing on a circular base.

  “Did you make this?” Charlie asked, glancing up at the gruff alpha.

  David grunted and nodded.

  “This is… beautiful,” Charlie said.

  “It’s a good luck totem,” David said. “For you and the baby. And an apology for the way I treated you when you first arrived here at the pack.” He eyes flitted down. “I’m sorry. I’m glad you and your pup joined the pack. You’ve made Flint a happy guy.”

  I blushed and hoped nobody was paying attention to me.

  Charlie smiled at him. “It’s okay. Thank you so much for this. I’ll treasure it.”

  “Well, now my gift looks bad in comparison,” I muttered playfully.

  Charlie kissed me on the cheek. “Never, my love. What is it?”

  There was no physical gift on my lap. “Well… I decided to add a room to the house. We’re going to need more space for our growing family, after all.”

  Charlie gasped. “Oh, Flint! That would be amazing!” He threw his arms around my neck and hugged me. “You’re amazing. Thank you so much.”

  “Anything for you, my dear,” I murmured into his ear.

  After we hugged, Jericho announced, “Alright, I’m starving. Where’s this dinner you promised us, Flint?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Get your ass to the table and you’ll get it, Jericho.”

  After carefully putting the gifts away, we all gathered around the table. Charlie sat on his pillow-padded chair, although that still wasn’t enough to ease the discomfort of his massive belly. We set the table and I gave Charlie his special d
uck-chicken fingers he asked for.

  “Thanks for all this, everybody,” Charlie said, looking around at everyone after we’d sat down. “Really. This is more than I could ever ask for.”

  “You deserve it,” I told him, placing my hand on top of his.

  As we began to eat, Charlie suddenly stopped. His fork clattered to his plate. I looked at him, and his eyes had gone wide. Everyone stopped what they were doing to stare at him in surprise.

  “What’s wrong?” I demanded.

  He slowly turned to me. “Um. I think the baby’s coming.”



  It was a sudden, sharp pain that rocked me to the core.

  Everyone stopped and stared at me.

  I knew instantly that the baby was coming. I was vaguely aware of telling Flint before another wave of pain came over me. I groaned and leaned back in the chair, gritting my teeth. It was all happening so fast. My breathing came out rapid and short.

  Immediately, Ken rushed to my side. I was so happy to have a doctor here.

  “Let’s get you into the bedroom,” he said firmly.

  The other alphas helped pick me up and carry me to the bed. I didn’t notice it before, but Ken was carrying a leather briefcase with him. Flint noticed it too, and commented, “You knew he was going to have the baby tonight, didn’t you?”

  “I wasn’t totally sure,” Ken said. “But I had a feeling. I’m glad I brought it with me.”

  The pain came in powerful waves. I bit back a groan of agony. The first time I delivered, it was via c-section at the breeding clinic at Scarlet Ridge. But this time I knew it would be a natural birth - I felt the baby coming fast, and there was no time for me to get to surgery at a hospital, even if I wanted to.

  Ken was shouting commands at the other alphas, but I was in too much of a pain haze to hear the words. Sweat poured down my brow as pain overtook me, gripping me like a claw. I wanted this to be over - now. Everyone else was banned from the room except for those absolutely necessary.


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