A Seafarer's Decoding of the Irish Symbols

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A Seafarer's Decoding of the Irish Symbols Page 22

by Donald McMahon

  The rose petal symbol is found frequently on Irish kerbstones and mound designs.

  Calendars were established by knowing the position on the sun’s double spiral and the Venus and moon relationship and by counting the days and moon cycles between events.

  Megalithic Sextant: the Ankh, Staff and Pillar

  Today we use a GPS, global positioning system, to determine locations, but the megalithic cultures used a simple device by combining the Ankh, staff and pillar into a seafarer’s sextant. The sextant is a device to count and measure angles for navigation, and is used to help determine the seafarer’s relative location. The Ankh has a shape of a rose petal sitting on a north/south/east/west axis. The staff rotates from the bottom and has a thirty-degree angled top. The pillar has crossbars with five line etchings between each crossbar such that counting occurs in sets of five. The Ankh sextant is metric based.

  Knowing that a simple navigation sextant existed gave me confidence that the seafarers ventured far from the Nile River, as the Ankh sextant shape was built into the design configurations of the Irish passageway/chambers and mounds.

  Megalithic Maps

  From the land of measurements around the Nile River came the ability to set boundaries in both the north-south direction and the east-west direction. This generated a grid system. Markers were established to set the boundaries because of the floods that occurred yearly. There was now a need for calendars, as generated by the sun and the moon.

  Given a grid system the first question is, what’s up? What direction is north? The sun rises from the east, sets in the west, and at midday is “up.” The maps from the megalithic times to about 1600 CE had east as “up.”

  Major decoding of the Irish kerbstones occurs when the north-south axis is determined. The map-related Irish kerbstones need to be rotated ninety degrees clockwise so that north is up!

  The symbols for the north-south axis are usually two cup marks. In megalithic times, Thuban was the North Star, and Canopus was the south star. Because of the earth’s precession, Polaris became the North Star around 1900 BCE.

  Diamond-based grids existed such that the harbors represented as a spiral could be located. The locations of the harbors were determined from the sun- shadow latitudes as represented by their diamond shapes.

  Passageways and Chambers

  The sun, Venus, and moon shadows were recorded by placing stones at the ends of the shadows. Thousands of stone circles exist throughout the world, particularly in Ireland and the lands surrounding Ireland.

  Passageways leading to the stone circles were built reflecting the sun, moon, and Venus shadows. The passageway/stone circles became the passageway/chamber designs found in Ireland. There was an evolution of these designs to where the ankh sextant and the Northern Cross, part of the Summer (navigation) Triangle, were built into the design. The Northern Cross, centered on the star Deneb, was used for the passageway/chamber designs of many of the Irish mounds.

  The architectural transition between c. 4200 BCE to 3200 BCE appears to be as follows:

  •mounds having single or multiple passageways with a single, small, rho-type chamber, each with well-defined angles

  •a single passageway/chamber having an ankh and pillar design

  •a single main chamber with several angled, more complex chamber extensions on the right side, like the north chamber at Dowth

  •a three-section passageway with multiple side-chambers modeled after the Northern Cross, like Newgrange

  •the two stacked passageway designs where the upper (horizontal) passageway is aligned with the winter solstice of that location and the flow of water may be channeled to the inner chamber

  The two-passageway design is extremely critical to the decoding. The upper horizontal passageway was designed to determine accurate latitudes and to channel water to the basins. Channeling water is a clue as to the purpose of the functions performed at the mound locations, c 3200 BCE.

  The main passageway is aligned with the winter solstice as measured from the east-west axis, and the main chamber has a mysterious small-angle rotation from the north-south axis. A seafarer, knowing that the winter solstice measured the latitude, would conclude that the main chamber rotation would relate to longitude. Many of the chambers are petal shaped or have side chambers with pentagon stone structures. This indicates that Venus was part of the design of the passageway/ chambers in the Irish mounds. A Venus symbol, the top of the ankh sextant, was the top of many of the passageway/chambers.

  The Northern Cross was built into the passageway/chambers of Carrowkeel, the northern passageway at Dowth, the east passageway at Knowth, Newgrange, Mound T at Loughcrew, and Fourknocks. All five of these passageway/chambers have angles of the crossbars within one degree of the celestial Northern Cross.

  Irish designs of 3200 BCE came a long way from the earliest stone circle that I have studied located in the Nubian Desert, c. 4800 BCE. The Nubian stone circles evolved to having passageways to channel water needed for the purpose of slurry-crushing the quartz rocks that had embedded gold. The calendar function of the stone circle was to predict when floods would occur so that the gold refining process could commence yearly.

  Mound Shapes and Configurations

  The Irish mounds have three basic shapes: the circle, the petal, and the oval cartouche. The symbols represent the sun, Venus, and ownership.

  The constellation Libra, le Balance, having three main stars in a forty-/thirty-degree triangle, is the design configuration for the set of three mounds at most of the megalithic sites of Ireland. A forty-/thirty-triangle of mounds exists at Knowth, Loughcrew, Fourknocks, and the three Boyne Valley mounds of Dowth, Knowth, and Newgrange. There is evidence that Libra is also designed into the mounds at Knocknarea. A forty-/thirty-degree triangle also connects Knocknarea, Knockmany, and the “eye” of Ireland.

  In addition, a forty-/thirty-degree triangle connects Loughcrew with its judgment seat, Fourknocks and Seefin (e.g., the locations of the owner, the metal storage, and the copper/gold mines in the Wicklow Mountains). The Libra Triangle is also found in the megalithic sites close to Ireland and to the west of Ireland.

  A general meaning is that the Libra Triangle relates to mounds dedicated to the sun, moon, and Venus. The mounds were probably constructed in this order because of the cycle times associated with the sun, moon, and Venus. The symbolic meaning of Libra, “le Balance,” is that the Libra Triangle connects the locations of the customer, the suppler, and the commodity storage. Le Balance means “what is shipped is received.”

  Every eight years, the sun and Venus shine down the passageways on the winter solstice, and every 152 years, the moon joins them with the same shadow angle.

  It is interesting that the three stars in the Summer (navigation) Triangle have the symbols Deneb (swan), Vega (harp), and Altair (eagle). They come from three different constellations and, thus, change their triangular shape during the year. The Summer (navigation) Triangle was used by the seafarers for thousands of years. Deneb is at the top of the Northern Cross.

  The Irish mounds were per ankhs, houses of life and repositories of stone books.

  From a seafarer’s perspective, the role that the ankh sextant, Northern Cross, Summer (navigation) Triangle, and Libra played in the design of the Irish passageways/chambers and mound configurations is one of the most important discoveries in this book.

  Gold and Copper Refining

  The Golden Rule for metals is very simple. He who has gold, rules. The golden rulers influenced the seafaring capability by the rulers’ desire to “follow the sun” for gold and copper. Find alluvial gold and follow the trail. Find the metal vein. Crush the rock to get the metal. Determine the location based on the sun shadows. Create a grid system. Have the ruler’s name on a cartouche. Create a symbol for the metal. Sail to find more metal using the Ankh sextant for location positioning and navigation. Keep it a secret

  The quartz slurry crushing mills were found in the Nubian Desert, Carrowkeel,
Rennes le Chateau, Cadiz, and at Mystery Hill. All these crushing mills had similarities to the Nile River dynasties’ symbol for gold. The Micmac tribes of North America also had the same metal and gold symbols.

  One of the symbols for Ireland is “ancient gold.” The seafarers found the gold. Three stone mounds at Carrowkeel resemble the slurry crushing mills used by the megalithic cultures. The water flow came from the upper passageway in a two-stacked passageway into large basins. Underneath the upper passageway, I observed the water channeling edge stones.

  I think I know what was in the “belly bags” of Ireland: gold.

  Copper came from mines at Ross Island, Wicklow Mountains, and the great Orme mines in Wales. The best tin came from the quartz-containing tin mines in Cornwall. The beauty of mining the five hundred thousand tons of the purest copper in the world from Isle Royale, Northern Michigan, was that no crushing was needed in the refining process. The Bronze Age began. Copper became more valuable to the megalithic cultures than gold.

  The seafarers enabled the trade for gold and copper.


  The seafarers knew how to celestially navigate the world in the pursuit of metals, c 3200 BCE. The invaders came frequently to Ireland and then left. Symbols for the boats were scribed onto stones. The trip frequency was sufficient that the trips were symbolized in logbook paintings, which I called the Harp Trip. The harp’s shape corresponds well with the shape of the Mediterranean Sea. The Harp Trip was painted in per ankhs on the Nile River several times. The sailing days from one harbor were estimated. The sailing trip from the reed fields of the Nile to Ireland can be sailed in seventy days, c. 3200 BCE. The trip from the Iberian Peninsula to Ireland was about nine days, which corresponds to the trip length in kerbstone K67.

  The ultimate seafaring trip for copper was from the Isle of Meroe in the Nubian Desert to the Isle Royale in Northern Michigan and returning to the Isle of Meroe via Ireland in 2500 BCE. The actual logbook of this trip was decoded. The logbook comes from the sarcophagus of Unas, the last king of the Fifth Dynasty, near Memphis Egypt, dated 2415 BCE. Compare the following forty-five-, forty-, and thirty-degree angles found on Osiris on his judgment seat with the forty-five-, forty- and thirty-degree angles on kerbstone K67. They represent three sun-shadow latitudes for the supplier’s location of the metal, the storage location, and the customer’s location: the harbors for Carrowkeel, Ireland, for Carnac, Brittany, and for Karnac below the reed fields on the Nile.

  A trip from the Nile River (Hieroglphikon) to Brittany (Britanikon) was summarized in John Dee’s Perfect Art of Navigation, 1577 CE. Surrounding the title, there is a statement in Latin: “More is hidden than meets the eye.” The trip went from England, to the St. Lawrence Gulf, and then to Newport, Rhode Island. Several of the megalithic symbols that John Dee used were the sun circle, the alpha part of the sun’s double spiral shadow at noon, the Summer (navigation) Triangle with the Northern Cross, and the aleph with a multizigzag pattern for the end of the sea travel. The latitudes and longitudes for the locations from England to Newport were decoded using the same methods described in my book.

  Language of the Symbols

  I studied forty locations on the gold and copper routes from the Nubian Desert to Ireland, from the Orkneys to Gibraltar, and from the Nile River to the Isle Royale in Northern Michigan. The decoding revealed a common set of symbols, passageway/chamber designs, mound designs, and mound configurations. The seafarers seem to have a common heritage. The symbols should have a common language to describe them. Is the Celtic language that common language? The phonics of these symbols can be pronounced from left to right or right to left.

  Ankh: The NK root leads to knock and nac or can, con, and kon.

  Ankh symbols are a rho and an X: The XR root leads to car, chi rho, and cairo, or ark, ork, and rock.

  Copper: The Iberian NT root leads to anti, onto, anto, ante, and ande, or tin, ten, and ton.

  Copper also has the same symbol as the ankh, Venus and women.

  The TR root leads to tree, tor, tar, tara, tower and truth. Does the truth lead to a safe delivery, Libra, le Balance?

  The seafarers’ language was common as they needed safe harbors, safe storage, safe passageways, and safe deliverance of the gold and copper. Is Ireland the northern version of the Tower of Babel with a common language before it was broken into seventy-two languages?

  Two important concepts permeated the figures, tables, and symbols of this book:

  How to Count: Needed for calendars

  The trip’s schedule was observed by the positions on the double spiral of the sun. The trip journey was symbolized as an alpha. Omega can be found in Venus’s rose pattern and the Irish golden torc. The zigzags, by counting the number of angles, referred to the number of days of the trip.

  What is the Angle: Needed for navigation

  The Ankh sextant was the device used to measure the angles to determine the seafarers’ relative location. The ankh was also used to establish land locations built on specific line orientations, ley lines or salt lines, and celestial configurations.

  During the course of my research, I discovered that the sun-shadow latitudes determined from the sun’s shadow on the winter solstice at the key locations could be converted to today’s GPS-measured latitudes using the golden ratio. The golden ratio is also used to generate a spiral and is built into nature (e.g., seashells and the Milky Way). The sun-shadow latitude using the golden ratio conversion predicted the GPS actual latitude within one degree in twelve out of fourteen locations that had reliable winter solstice measurements. The other two locations had predictions within two degrees of latitude.

  Astronomy was generated for calendars and for navigation. The star dots were connected, decoded, and understood.

  The shadows know latitude.

  The roses are read knowing longitude.

  What is above is below.

  The seafarers in 3200 BCE did exist, sailed the oceans, made significant discoveries (new lands with gold and copper), and left symbols for their own informative purposes. The discoveries were significant, were kept secret, and then were lost. The world was not flat to these seafarers. There were winners and losers, and, in this case, the losers left clues as to their discoveries. This book decodes the ancient navigation symbols and shows the precision of the ancient seafarer’s measurements.

  History is written by the winners, not the losers, who purge the findings of the losers for the winners’ benefit. The original writings, prior to alphabets, words, and texts, come from pictures and symbols, and are etched on stones. Did you find the reality behind the symbols?

  Have we become so jaded that we fail to see the absolute sophistication of the seafarers five thousand years ago? Basic sailing concepts have not changed over these five thousand years, and the symbols used by the seafarers as they sailed the world for metal purposes are predictable and decodable.

  It should not be surprising that many of the ancient symbols relate to life on both land and water. However, there has never been, even though hinted by many authors, a definitive book on the ancient seafarers that cites their use of celestial navigation and how their use of celestial navigation influenced societal development. This book addresses the decoding of the ancient Irish symbols from a seafarer’s perspective. The Irish symbols have always been known, but their meanings were lost; now the meanings have been found. The symbols of Ireland are still the harp, the shamrock, and the ancient gold.

  In the beginning there were

  water, life, and the desire for metal, gold, and copper.

  The Irish symbols, c 3200 BCE, have been decoded. The seafarer’s log books have been decoded. The reality of the harp trips became myth, math, metaphor, and music. I can hear the homeward-bound seafarer, with a faint harp melody, singing the beginning and end of the Irish lyrics of the “Rose of Tralee” containing the symbols for the sun, moon, and Venus.

  The pale moon is rising above the green mountains.

  The sun
was declining beneath the blue sea.

  …Twas the truth in her eyes,

  …The Rose of Tralee.

  Appendix A:

  Symbols for Reflections

  Figure A-1: Numerical Symbols of Past Civilizations

  Figure A-2: English Numbers Formed Initially by Angles

  Figure A-3: Egyptian Metric System

  Figure A-4: Symbols for the Planets

  Figure A-5: Summary of Passageways in Brittany

  Figure A-6: Symbol Evolution of the Chi Rho to the Pharmacy and Skull and Crossbones

  Figure A-7: Summary of Aleph, Aleth, Symbols

  Figure A-8: Evolution of the constellation Libra, le Balance

  Figure A-9: A Summary of Consonant Names from a Common Heritage

  Figure A-1: Numerical Symbols of Past Civilizations (Reference 54)

  Figure A-2: English Numbers Formed Initially by Angles

  Figure A-3: Egyptian Metric System (Reference 61)

  Figure A-4: Symbols for the Planets


  Figure A-5: Summary of Passageways in Brittany


  Figure A-6: Symbol Evolution of the Chi Rho to the Pharmacy and Skull and Crossbones

  http://subliminalsynchrosphere.blogspot.com/2013/02/mercedes-benz-super-bowl-willem-osiris.html. http://www.synchromysticismforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=4


  Figure A-7: Summary of Aleph, Aleth, Symbols (Reference 61)

  Figure A-8: Evolution of the constellation Libra, le Balance


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