Dice: Howlers MC

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Dice: Howlers MC Page 8

by Amanda Anderson

  Lucian uncapped a syringe and filled it with the golden liquid from one of the vials from the case. He slowly pushed it into the IV in Sam’s arm. Dice watched the golden liquid swirl with the saline that dripped into Sam’s vein.

  “I will find her Lucian. Keep him alive.”

  “You have my word and after he is well again, we need to seek our revenge. I have taken my fair share, you deserve your own.”

  “You have my word.”


  Mallory sat on a swing that hung from an old oak tree. She knew she was safe in Lost Lakes, but she never wandered too far from the house. It had been more than two weeks since she’d seen Sam. She ran over the memory of his sweet little face again and again in her mind, refusing to forget a single detail. Refusing to lose anymore of him than she already had.

  Dice… Dice was gone. No one would tell her anything. He and River had just vanished. The others wouldn’t tell her anything and she finally stopped asking. They said he would be back, but she didn’t believe them. Creed and the others looked at her with pity, they knew something she didn’t, but no one would tell her anything. Nick had come for them a few days after she’d woken up and brought them back to Creed. Nancy begged Nick to tell her something, but he didn’t know anything either and Mallory didn’t want it coming between them. She wanted them to be happy, someone should be, so she stayed away, alone and waited. For what, she didn’t even know anymore. She waited and let time pass her by.

  “Mallory! Oh my God! Come quick!” Nancy rushed toward her, she was out of breath and the sight of her sent fear racing up Mallory’s spine.

  “Sam?” She gripped her friend’s arm. “Is it Sam?”

  Nancy shook her head and then nodded. “It’s all of them. Just come see.”

  She ran as fast as she could and skidded to a stop in Creed’s living room. There on the big screen Tv she saw something that made no sense.

  Lucian stood before hundreds of cameras and addressed the nation.

  “It’s only just starting.” Daisy said as she covered her mouth with both hands. “How could he do this? How could he betray us all so completely?”

  Mallory listened, but she couldn’t believe her ears.

  “There is a war going on. One that none of you know about, one that we have kept from you for centuries. The things you read about are somewhat true. There are things in this world that move among you, they are your teachers, your waiters, your lawyers, even doctors, like myself. We hide who we are to protect ourselves from bigotry and bias, but your ignorance is killing us.” He held up a hand when a reporter tried to interrupt. “We mean you no harm, most of us just want what you do, to live in peace, but there are some who want more. There is evil among us, just as there is evil among you. The time has come to make you aware, not because you need to know, but because we need to be able to reach each other. There is a Sickness that plagues my people. There is no simple cure, but the treatment works much like a bone marrow transplant. If we can reach out to others, your children do not have to die. Do you have the courage to save your children?”

  “Dr. Everly, what are you saying?” One reporter asked.

  “I am saying that there are things in this world that you refuse to understand and that the time for such ignorance has passed.”

  “Such as?”

  “Shifters. Werewolves, and many others are real.” Lucian spoke simply.

  There was a murmur among the reporters in the crowd. Some openly laughed and shook their heads, but Lucian held up a hand.

  Behind him were pictures of scientific evidence, DNA, Scientific jargon that Mallory didn’t understand. Questions were fired and Lucian answered each one without pause and didn’t seem to get annoyed when reporters mocked his ideas.

  “You expect us to believe that werewolves exist and we have never seen them? You say that they live among us? How would we have missed that?”

  “Quite easily.” Lucian smiled a predatory smile. His eyes flashed and a strange silence filled the room causing his next words to sound like thunder. “Change now.”

  There were screams as several reporters, cameramen, wait staff, spectators fell to the floor and shifted into beasts of every kind, from weasels to beavers to one very scared rabbit. It was all broadcasted live to the world.

  Shifters were no longer a secret.

  Lucian looked directly into the camera and his eyes flashed green. “It is time to stop hiding. We must come together or the hyenas will wipe us out. Stop shivering and find a reason to stand up. We deserve to be free. We deserve peace. We deserve to live.”

  Then the screen cut to black.

  Mallory couldn’t breathe, the air felt so thick that she couldn’t draw it into her lungs. Creed stood beside her, his fists clenched so tight the knuckles had gone white. He’d been so kind to Mallory, so patient. He had become a real friend and she needed that desperately. She turned to him to get his reaction.

  “How the fuck does he think this makes anything better?” Creed ground out. She reached out to touch him, but he stepped back.

  “He thinks that if we come out, we can create a database of hybrid donors and stop this shit from killing our kids. I’m willing to do just about anything for mine.”

  Mallory turned to see Dice standing in the doorway, but he wasn’t alone. Sam stood beside him wearing a big grin and looking healthy and happy.

  “Sam.” She whispered and he ran to her.


  She dropped to her knees and caught him in her arms.

  “I missed you so much, but the doctor is making me better now. I’m going to be okay.” He looked up at her and her heart melted. She had never seen anything more beautiful in her life. Her baby was home and he was going to be alright.

  She looked up at Dice, who hadn’t moved. “Thank you. Thank you for this. I can’t even… thank you so much.”

  He looked so lost. She smiled up at him and reached out her hand. He sighed.

  “We need to talk Mal. there are things you need to know.” He cut his eyes to where Creed stood, watching Mallory. “There are things I need to know too.”

  She nodded. She didn’t need him to tell her, she had let him down. He didn’t want her anymore.

  “It’s ok. I understand.” She dropped her head against Sam’s, he was enough, this was enough. All she needed in the world was right there in her arms.

  “Like hell you do.” Dice cursed. He walked to her and pulled her to her feet. The kiss he gave her banished any thought she had of him letting her go, it banished any thought at all. “You don’t understand shit. I love you, that can’t change, I will never stop wanting you, but this isn’t what you think. Sam is fine for now, but he will need more medicine. We don’t have enough. He needs a donor. He needs a certain donor, mine and I have to find her.”

  Mallory looked to where the reporters were recapping the information Lucian had given them.

  “He did it for Sam, but he did it for the thousands of kids who are dying right now because we are too afraid to ask for help. The answers could be five minutes away and we wouldn’t know it.”

  “What will happen now?” Mallory looked down to find little Vine standing close to Dice.

  “Now we try to get along, coexist the same way we always have.” He explained.

  “Are you really that fucking stupid? They will hunt us down. We will be forced to register like criminals. We will be examined and tested, hated. He just killed us all!” Creed spat his anger at Dice. “They hate each other if there is a difference. Something as trivial as the color of your skin is a cause for some to hate. We are too different for them to accept Dice.”

  Dice shook his head. “Lucian didn’t do this with no plan.”

  “Bullshit! Lucian is a psychopath. He dangles a cure under our noses while he manipulates everyone. He murders anyone he deems unworthy of life. Fuck! Nobody will come forward, it’s like putting a fucking bullseye on your back. Not only do we have to worry about the fucking hyenas, b
ut the crazy ass humans who will want to wipe us out and they will, don’t think we will ever be safe again. Do you really think anyone will want to put their names on that list?” Creed shook his head. “I know I damn sure won’t even consider putting Vine on it. It’s like giving the hyenas a catalog of who they want to sell off or kill next. Nobody is that stupid.”

  “I think you might be surprised.” Dice held Mallory close. “Humans aren’t as bad as they seem. There will be support for us and there will be support for our children. Lucian could enlist the help of doctors, scientists. This cure could be offered at the pediatrician, or maybe even a vaccine. You don’t know what this damn disease does, I do. No kid should have to suffer if we can find a way to stop it.”

  “The cost is too high.” Creed gritted out.

  “There is no cost too high. That is what I’ve learned from Lucian. Is there anything you wouldn’t do to save Vine? She isn’t even yours, but I can see it in your face that there is nothing, no price too high. I feel the same and so does Lucian. He has a high stake in this too. We need to trust him and we need to stop hiding in the shadows, too afraid to reach out for the hope of saving our children, our species.”

  Vine leaned against Mallory. She had been like a little shadow since Mallory had been in Lost Lakes. She rubbed her hand over the girl’s hair. She was scared, but she agreed with Lucian, no one should have to hide who they are and no one should have to live in fear. It would be a long road and there would be hard times, but they had to see it through.

  She looked around the room. Nick stood with Nancy in his arms, his chin resting on her head.

  There was love there, but also worry. They would all see dark days, not only shifters, but those who loved them, those who supported them, but they were worth it. They were people and they deserved to live their best life. They deserved to love and be loves without fear of persecution.

  Love was a gift few found. Mallory looked around at the faces in the room. Shifters loved deeply and they would fight, she knew in her heart that they would fight and eventually, things would get better.

  Love didn’t see color or race or even species. Love only knew love and it would find a way.

  Thank you for reading DICE. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

  Please enjoy this first look at Howlers MC book 2


  Releasing September 2017


  The sun was blistering and the air hung heavy like a wet blanket on a damp day. Shauna Fredricks chewed her lip and paced the park like a caged animal. Something was off today and all she wanted to do was go back home and lock the doors. Her skin felt alive as the hair lifted on her arms. Someone was watching her, but she couldn’t figure out from where or why they would want to. She’d been careful, no one knew who she was and the things she’d done.

  She felt her blood run cold when she heard the familiar snarl and then the scream of a child. She had known better than to bring Dakota out today, but he had begged her to take him to the playground. It was so pretty out and he loved the sun and the fresh air was good for him. She’d given in, telling herself that most of the other kids would be in school anyway. Most turned out to be not enough.

  Now she was trying to calm a frantic nanny as she held a cloth to her young charge’s arm. The bite wasn’t deep, just a scratch really, but that wasn’t the problem.

  “How could you bring that thing to the park where normal kids play? I’m calling the police!” Nadine McFadden declared and Shauna didn’t blame her.

  “He isn’t dangerous normally. He’s been sick and I guess he isn’t in control right now. I’m so sorry.” She said as she held her son. He had changed back, but now he was terrified and the fear in his eyes broke her heart. Shauna knew that could mean another loss of control and that wouldn’t help anyone. “Please, let me pay for the doctor bills, there is no need to involve the police. It was a simple accident. Kids bite sometimes. I am terribly sorry, but my son has the right to be here. The law says so.”

  “The law does not say that his kind can attack innocents. He’s a monster. That kid belongs in a cage.” Nadine accused. “How did a thing like this happen anyway? You aren’t like that. I’ve known you for years, I think it would have shown. Nobody is that good at hiding and lying, not even a lawyer.”

  Shauna prayed for patience. No, she wasn’t like Dakota, but her life would have been easier if she had been. “That isn’t the issue. Now, let me give you my contact information and I would like the boy’s parents’ information so we can get this resolved.”

  “I will not give you any information. The police will handle this. I can’t have that thing killing us all in our sleep.” She had already dialed 911 and was now speaking with dispatch. It was only a few minutes before a couple of officers approached, weapons drawn. Dakota shivered in Shauna’s arms.

  “Where is it ma’am?” One officer asked. His gun shook in his hand as if he were about to encounter Godzilla instead of a scared little boy.

  “Right here. This is Dakota. He is a shifter, wolf. He has been ill and lost himself for a few minutes. He bit Mrs. McFadden’s charge on the arm. It wasn’t a deep bite, just a scratch. I have offered to pay any doctor’s expenses, but she insisted on calling you.” Shauna was losing her patience fast and the way everyone stared at Dakota as if he were some sort of freak was making her hackles rise.

  “Ma’am, I’m going to ask you to step away now. We can handle this from here.” the officer instructed her.

  That was the last straw. “Step away? You want me to step away from my son? Have you lost your damned mind? I know my rights and believe me, I know his. This was an unfortunate accident, no different than if he’d pushed another kid down. It’s being blown out of proportion. If her charge had bitten my son, none of this would have been an issue.”

  “Oh my God in Heaven… is that how it happened to him? Did Dakota get bitten? Oh, good Lord, poor little Max. We need to call a doctor. We can’t have him turning into a monster too.” Mrs. McFadden fanned her ruddy face.

  Shauna closed her eyes. “No. Dakota wasn’t bitten. He was born a shifter, like all shifters are. You can’t turn someone with a bite.”

  “Then you tell me how! I demand to know. Did you find him or something? I know your mama and she is as human as me. That has to be it. You found the little wretch and took him in. Honey, I know you have a soft spot for these creatures, but they aren’t natural. They are evil. I know you went through a rough patch when that husband of yours died, but this isn’t the way to heal.”

  “Mrs. McFadden, please, this is none of your business.”

  “We were told that they weren’t a threat. What on earth will we do? We will just be overrun. What else are they not telling us?” She was working herself up into a fit of hysterics. Shifters had been known to the public for less than a month and the world was still in a frenzy of fear. Lucian was no fool and he had insisted upon having a set of laws written so when the time came, they were ready. Shauna and Maverick had written those laws. It had taken them more than five years, but they were done and with little time to spare. It had been less than six months since Maverick’s death and the laws were in place. He would have loved that.

  Shauna had gone into hiding after his death, to keep Dakota safe. She had hoped to stay under the radar for a few more months at the very least.

  Nadine had worked herself into a frenzy and Shauna knew there was no way she could calm her, so she gave up. Instead she turned to the officer. She’d known him for years, he’d been younger than her in school, but she knew him. He was acting like she was some sort of alien.

  “Please ma’am, step away now. I have called animal control…”

  “No. If you need to take Dakota, you will take me too. I am his parent and you know I’m a lawyer. You have no right to separate a child from his mother.” She was ignoring the comment about animal control because if she didn’t she would lose her temper and that wasn’t what was needed

  “Mamma? Don’t let them…” Dakota sniffed.

  “There is no way in hell anyone is taking you away from me. I promise you that little man.” Shauna walked to the police car and climbed in. Dakota crawled into her lap.

  She needed help.

  She pulled her phone out of her pocket and dialed a number she’d hoped to never need.

  “Ma’am, I need to take that.” The officer said, but Shauna ignored him. When a deep voice came over the line Shauna shivered.

  “My name is Shauna Fredricks. Maverick Blackstone was my husband, my mate. Our son is in trouble and I need help. I’m being taken to the Pruit County Sheriff’s station in Kentucky.”

  “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  The line went dead and she had no idea who she’d just spoken to, but it didn’t matter, someone would come for her, someone would come for Dakota. She just had to make sure she was able to hold them off until he got there.

  She handed over her purse and phone. She wouldn’t admit to being afraid, but she was, terror coursed through her at the thought of losing Dakota or having him exposed to the world.

  “I’m sorry mama. He pushed me down and my wolf defended me. I’m sorry.” Dakota whimpered.

  Shauna ran a hand over his dark head. “It will be ok baby. Your mama knows a thing or two about the law. We will get through this just fine.” She forced strength into her words. Dakota was a shifter, he could hear a lie and she wouldn’t allow that, not today. She had to believe her words for them to sound truthful.

  She missed Maverick. He would know what to do, he’d always known what to do. Even when things had gotten dangerous, even when he’d been too weak to get out of bed, he had made sure she knew that there were options for her. One option had always been the Howlers MC.

  Shauna had always found it absurd that the notorious gang was the only law the shifters really feared, but theirs was a different world. Now she hoped the MC would be able to help her.


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