Claiming Her Mates Complete Series Collection

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Claiming Her Mates Complete Series Collection Page 47

by Dia Cole

  “Let’s clean up the lobby, get that tree back up, and put some presents under it for the Ackerman kids and Mira. Were there any more of these in the shop?” She motioned at the bear. Her excitement was contagious.

  I smiled back at her. “They had a whole shelf of them. They also had puzzles and plenty of sweets.”

  “Mira loves candy!” Havana exclaimed. “This will be fun and after what the kids have been through, they could use some fun.”

  She had a point although I wasn’t sure the other males would agree. Gabriel and Liam didn’t strike me as the celebratory types.

  Havana rubbed her hands together. “How about I deal with the lobby while you go back to the shop? Bring back anything you think the kids would like.”

  “Your wish is my command, my lady.”

  She licked her lips. “God, you sound so sexy when you get all British with me.”

  “I can get all British inside you too,” I said, nibbling her neck.

  She pulled away. “I'll take a rain check on that. We’ll need all the time we have to get things ready for the kids.”

  “As long as there is a next time.” I tried to keep my tone light, but she had to feel my anxiety.

  She looked up at me. “There will definitely be a next time. I-I love you, Mason.”

  Just hearing her say that unwound the tightness in my chest. “I’m mad for you.” I leaned down and pressed my mouth against hers. I meant it to be a quick peck on the lips, but she opened her mouth in an invitation I couldn’t ignore. The kiss instantly turned erotic.

  As our tongues danced, my hands somehow found their way inside her robe. I palmed the soft weight of her breasts, and then slid my hand between her legs.

  She parted them for me and moaned when I rubbed her clitoris in little circles. “Oh, yes!”

  I don’t know exactly how it happened, but one second we were upright, the next she was sprawled out on the floor underneath me. Her robe fell open and every inch of her honey-colored skin pressed against me. “I’ve changed my mind,” she gasped, “fuck me, Mason.”

  “Are you sure?” I asked, my erection attempting to punch a hole through my borrowed slacks.

  She wrapped her bare legs around my hips. “We have to be quick.”

  Quick? But this may be the last time we’re together. I stilled at the painful thought. I wanted to take my time and brand the experience into my mind forever, but she had other ideas.

  She quickly freed me and aligned our bodies.

  One rub of her wet center and I was a goner. Instinct took over and with one thrust I was home—gloved inside her scorching wet heat. Bloody hell, she felt amazing.

  “Faster,” she begged, pushing up off the carpet.

  Giving her what she needed, I rode her harder than I ever had before.

  She loved it, bucking senselessly underneath me. With a muffled scream against the collar of my shirt, she came.

  My orgasm blasted through me like an avalanche. I threw back my head and surged into her one final time. Then falling down on my forearms, I kissed her panting lips and savored the incredible feeling of connection and belonging. For that brief moment in time, I pretended it would last forever.



  My body hummed with a sexual afterglow as I tidied up the lobby. Trying hard not to think about the decision I’d soon be forced to make, I added another log to the fire and checked in on my mates. “How’s it going, Mason?”

  “Good. I found some child-size ski jackets and some coloring books to add to the gift pile. I’ll bring them over shortly.”

  “Perfect! Pick up some for Isaac and Lily too.” We were setting aside gifts for the older kids so when we got back to Sanctuary, they could have their own Christmas.

  Switching mental channels, I asked Liam the same question I’d been asking for the past two hours. “Are the kids up yet?”

  The gentle giant chuckled into my mind. “Not yet, beautiful. I promise to alert you the moment they wake.”

  “Thank you.” I paused for a second. “Are Nathan and Gabriel still going at it?”

  “Yeah. They’re just arguing though. No fists.” He sounded disappointed.

  I shook my head. “I can’t believe it. They’re grown ass men acting like—”

  Liam interrupted me. “They’re Lykos, not men. This is normal for the male members of our species.”

  “It is?” Damn, I had a lot to learn.

  “I take that back. It’s normal for Beta males to fight for dominance over each other. Normally, no one challenges an Alpha male except for another Alpha male, but Gabriel always was different. He never backs down from a fight. Tasha used to say he was Alpha in every way but his eyes. I think that’s why she made him Head Enforcer.”

  “Ugh, that’s probably why she stuck that yellow diamond in his eye.” My stomach churned at the thought of Gabriel suffering for so long.

  “Probably, she’s pretty twisted like that.”

  After seeing some of Nathan’s memories, twisted didn’t even come close to covering it. Tasha was a maniacal bitch. I planned on using my power to rid the world of her crazy ass, but first things first. “Remember to let me know the minute the kids wake.”

  “Will do.” He hesitated for a moment. “Do you think we might have some alone time later?”

  Anxiety and a hint of sexual frustration wove through our bond.

  “Of course.” My breath sped up as I imagined a sexy romp with him after the festivities. Further corrupting the former virgin was high on my list of favorite activities. “What did you have in mind?”

  “Us, in the pool,” he quickly responded.

  “That sounds amazing.” Heat moved low in my body and my clit throbbed. Despite all the sex I’d had today, I craved more. Transitioning into a Lykos had turned me into a full-blown nympho, but at least I had plenty of mates to satisfy my appetite. For now, my inner voice reminded me.

  My stomach tightened. I knew Nathan would force me to make a choice soon, but I didn’t want to focus on that now. Mason was right. I didn’t have to decide this minute. It was Christmas, a day for celebrating. “I’ll rock your world in the pool later on today, big guy, but first—”

  “I’ll tell you when the kids wake up,” he finished for me.

  Laughing, I ended our mental conversation. For half a second, I considered checking in with Nathan and Gabriel, but quickly dismissed the idea. Their behavior was pissing me off. “Why can’t we all just get along?” I said to the side table filled with snacks and drinks I’d raided from the vending machines down the hall. I could've found better food upstairs in the restaurant, but we’d piled the dead bodies out on the restaurant balcony, and my sour tummy couldn’t handle the stink. This will have to do. At least we have a Christmas tree.

  With a critical eye, I swept my gaze over the now upright Christmas tree. Although there was no electricity to illuminate the strings of lights, the flames from the fireplace made the colorful glass bulbs shimmer and the tinsel glisten. The majestic tree could’ve starred in one of those TV Christmas specials I used to watch as a child. Especially with the mountains of presents stacked underneath it.

  While tidying up the lobby, I’d found dozens of suitcases and bags behind the front desk. Hoping the dead didn’t mind me poaching, I’d gone through them and found quite a few wrapped packages. Even though I had no clue what the gifts were, I threw them under the tree too. The metallic sheen of the wrapping paper added a nice touch.

  I bent down to move one gift closer to the tree. My stomach lurched violently. I held my breath waiting for the feeling of nausea to pass. Damn. Did I catch some kind of werewolf flu or something? Puking all over the presents was a surefire way to ruin the celebration.

  Remembering a container of antacid among all the crap in Mason’s messenger bag, I headed over to the front desk and pulled the bag open.

  Aha! There it was under a bottle of Tylenol. As I pulled the container out, a white box with pink lettering caught
my eye. “One step pregnancy test,” I read aloud. Seriously, why the hell would Mason grab that? And why the hell would a ski resort shop even sell that in the first place? I chuckled until my stomach shifted again.

  Damn. This is getting old. Maybe I need to eat something. I eyed a package of crackers. My stomach churned. Nope.

  The white box drew my eye again. No way. You don’t think… I shook my head in denial, but my fingers curled around the box as if on their own accord.

  What would it hurt to test? With shaking hands I carried the box to the closest bathroom. It was pitch-black inside, but I had no trouble seeing. Go werewolf night vision! I found a stall, opened the box and pulled out the plastic stick. From living through several of my friend’s pregnancy scares over the years, I knew the drill.

  After peeing on the absorbent strip, I put the cap on the stick, and went over to the sink to wash my hands. No water. Right. Damn. I grabbed the test and brought it back out to the lobby. I set it next to Mason’s bag and dug out one of the bottles of hand sanitizer he’d stuck in the front pocket. As I rubbed the aloe-scented gel between my palms, I looked over at the indicator.

  Two bright pink lines stared back at me.

  Oh. My. God. My heart skipped a beat. Even though I knew damn well what those lines meant, I ran back into the bathroom, grabbed the box, and compared the indicator with the example picture. There was no mistake.

  The world started to spin.

  I’m pregnant…

  A million thoughts bombarded me. How could this happen with an IUD? How am I going to take care of a baby? A freaking werewolf baby. Whose baby is it? Gabriel’s? Liam’s? Mason’s? How will Nathan react? Oh, God what if there’s a whole litter of babies in there?

  I started hyperventilating.

  Four male voices immediately crashed into my mind.

  “Vana, what’s wrong?”

  “Havana, are you okay?”

  “Are you under attack?”

  “I’ll be right there, love!”

  I took a steadying breath and brought the chaos of my emotions under control. I sure as hell didn’t want my mates losing their shit over this and ruining the celebration. Making sure my thoughts were locked down tight, I said, “I’m fine, everyone. I just saw a rat. The lobby is ready, Liam, are the kids—”

  “Still sleeping, but I’ll wake them now.”

  “No! Don’t wake them,” I said quickly.

  The sound of the front door opening had me spinning around.

  Mason ran into the lobby. “Where’s the rat? I’ll take care of it.”

  “Thank you, my mighty warrior.” I quickly stuffed the white box and pregnancy test back into the messenger bag before he could see it. I needed time to process this before I shared the news with anyone. “The vile thing scurried off toward the elevators.” I motioned down the hall. “But don’t worry about the rat. Get those gifts under the tree.”

  “Yes, madam,” he said, bowing.

  Realizing I was being shrewish, I apologized. “This means a lot to me, Mason. As a kid, I spent most of my holidays alone—my mom was always working or with one of her boyfriends. I’d watch Christmas specials on television and see other families celebrating together. I dreamed one day I’d have that…” I cleared my throat. “But this isn’t about me.” Mostly. “This is about giving a little hope and cheer to kids who’ve just gone through hell.”

  Mason reached out and took my hand. “It’s a noble sentiment.” He squeezed my hand before dropping it.

  While he arranged the new gifts under the tree, I turned the armchairs so they faced the door.

  Now everything is ready.

  Liam’s voice boomed in my mind. “Everyone is up. We’re headed your way.”

  “Perfect timing!” My stomach swirled with excitement.

  Finished with his task, Mason walked over to me. “It looks very festive.” He wrapped his arm around my shoulder. “You know, you’ll never be alone for another holiday. Not while I draw breath.”

  “Thank you, hon.” He’s right. I would never be alone again. Instinctively, I curved my hands over my stomach. I was pregnant. Holy crap. The emotions I’d been trying to keep at bay swamped me. Confusion, excitement, and a love so intense it rattled my bones. Even though this pregnancy couldn’t have happened at a worse time, and it meant shifting my priorities and plans, I already adored my child.

  I’ll do whatever it takes to be a good mom. Unlike my mother, I’d put my child’s needs before my own and I’d make damn sure they knew who their father was.

  Next to me, Mason stiffened. His all too perceptive gaze focused on the placement of my hands. I could see the questions swirling in his deep blue eyes.

  Crap. I was no good at keeping secrets.

  “Love, are you—”

  The sound of chattering voices interrupted him. People streamed into the hotel.

  With a surge of satisfaction, I saw the tense expressions of the survivors soften as they looked around the decorated lobby.

  Gabriel stalked in looking more annoyed than angry, which was probably as much as I could hope for. After nodding at Mason, the dark-haired warrior took position on my right side. “I don’t see the point of all this,” he grumbled. “It’s delaying us from returning to Sanctuary.”

  “Chill and be happy for a minute. That’s an order.” I softened my command with a wink.

  “About time someone forces that male to relax,” Liam said, walking over to us. He held baby Sierra cradled in his arms. The nine-month-old had a clump of his chest hair in her chubby fist, but Liam didn’t seem to mind. He shifted her to the side so he could kiss me.

  My gentle giant will make a wonderful father. They all will. I looked from Liam to Gabriel who had wrapped a protective arm around me. I knew without a doubt that Gabriel would let nothing harm our children, even if that meant giving his own life to protect them. I looked over at Mason who’d shifted slightly away to let Gabriel hold me. The gorgeous blond doctor would be such a patient and loving dad. And Nathan had already proven to be an amazing father—

  “Vana!” Mira cried, racing through the door. She bypassed the Christmas tree, stepped around Liam, and launched herself at me.

  Pulling away from Gabriel, I caught her.

  The little girl threw her arms around my neck. “I thought you’d left again. I don’t ever want you to leave. Promise you won’t leave.”

  “I promise I won’t leave, love bug.” I kissed the top of her tangled silver-streaked hair. Mira needed a bath and some hair combing. Making a mental note to clean her and the other children after the festivities, I said, “Now why don’t you check out those presents under the tree before the boys open everything.” I knelt to set her down and watched her join the Ackerman children in digging through the piles of gifts.

  Many of the adult survivors had made their way over to the table of food. Although most wore guarded expressions, and spoke in hushed voices, they did eat a little. Those poor people. I could only imagine what they’d lived through. I’d look after them from now on and as soon as they were safe at Sanctuary, I’d head to Sunridge and search for more survivors there. Then I’d do the same for every town from here to Saguaro Valley.

  A large shadow fell over me. I looked up and met Nathan’s golden gaze.

  “Does your promise to Mira mean what I think it does?” He gave Gabriel a smug look.

  “Yes and no.” I’d realized that Nathan couldn’t force me to choose. As much as I loved him, I also cared deeply for the others and at least one of them had fathered my child. I would never separate my child from their dad. Not after growing up fatherless myself.

  Nathan would be pissed to learn he had to share me, but he’d eventually get over it. I hope. He could very well make good on his threat to leave me, but based on what I knew of the mating bonds, it would be impossible for him to go far. He was mine, and I refused to let him go. I’m the Alpha female, damn it. It’s time I act like it. Filled with resolve, I pushed myself to stand
ing. I must’ve move too fast because the lobby swirled around me. Stumbling, I fell forward.

  Four sets of muscular arms reached to steady me.

  “Little wolf, what’s wrong?”

  “You look pale, beautiful.”

  “Princess, are you ill?”

  “You’ve been overdoing it, love.”

  “I’m fine.” I brushed my mates' hands away only to be hit with another wave of vertigo. Damn. I needed to eat something even if my stomach said otherwise.

  Mason threaded his arm through mine. “You should sit down.”

  “Good idea.” Nathan grabbed my other arm.

  Gabriel looked over at the fireplace. “Bring her to one of the chairs. I’ll make the humans move.”

  “I’ll help,” Liam called out.

  The two warriors stalked ahead of us. One look at their faces and the poor survivors scattered like fish in the path of sharks.

  I fought to hide my smile as my mates settled me in the closest armchair. I’d made my decision all right. How fortunate that my baby and I had four princes instead of one. And we’ll have our happy-ever-after. I gently laid my hand on my abdomen. Oh yes, we will.

  Claiming Her Mates: Book Three

  For us to live, the bitch must die…

  The happy-ever-after I’m seeking seems farther away than ever. Nathan refuses to accept my other mates and the secret I’m keeping may destroy any possible future between the five of us.

  Even worse, Tasha’s arrival puts us all in grave danger. No one takes what is hers and lives.

  Our only chance for survival is to defeat the psychotic Alpha female. But how can we kill an immortal?



  Two weeks before Christmas…

  My beloved’s cries sliced through the howling night wind to pierce my heart. Cursing the oath I’d made to my brother, I contorted my six-foot-seven body to fit on the tiny concrete slab that passed as a balcony in this dump.


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