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Claiming Her Mates Complete Series Collection

Page 59

by Dia Cole

  Ambrose raised the helmet. “Don’t trying anything Ty—”

  I pushed every bit of my Alpha power into my voice. “You both are now under my command. Drop the helmet and don’t move a muscle.”

  Ambrose dropped the cursed hunk of metal.

  The oh-shit look on the Enforcers' faces was priceless. They’d been so concerned with what Tasha would do to them, they’d failed to consider what I could do to them.

  Mother forbid anyone from compelling her Enforcers, but right now I didn’t give a fuck about her rules. My beloved’s life was in jeopardy. Holding the gazes of the males, I slowly pushed myself off the bed.

  “Is Havana still here?”

  The two Enforcers gave me blank looks.

  “The female Zayn brought in,” I said impatiently.

  “Oh, her,” James said. “Yes, she’s down the hall in Nathan’s room.”

  “Has she been tortured?” If Mother hurt her…

  Ambrose shook his head.

  I released a sigh of relief. “How many are guarding her?”

  “Just one,” James answered. “She pulled the others to help prepare for the council members’ visit.”

  Blast. I’d forgotten about the New Year’s Eve party. “When will the convoys arrive?”

  “Not until the end of the week, but you know our Alpha.”

  Unfortunately, I did. All too well. Mother lived for the opportunity to showcase her wealth and power. It was no surprise she hadn’t cancelled the event. Nothing impeded Mother’s parties, not even the human apocalypse, wars with other factions, or discovering a political plot against her.

  Which reminded me… I concentrated on the deep bond I shared with my brother. “Nathan.”

  I was rewarded with Nathan’s voice in my head. “Ty! Praise the fates. Where have you been?”

  “It’s a long story. Are you still at the ski resort?”

  I could feel his surprise through our bond. “Yes. Enforcers took Vana—”

  “They brought her here to Sanctuary,” I interjected. “Tasha set her up in your old room.”

  “Has the Beast harmed her?”

  “I don’t know.” I looked over at the Enforcers. “I haven’t been able to see her yet.”

  “Since Vana’s mates are still alive, we know she still lives.”

  “Vana is mated?” And not to Nathan? That dumbfounded me for a moment.

  “Yes,” Nathan said, bitterness undercutting his tone. “We’re trying to figure a way to get to her —”

  Nathan couldn’t come here. “Tasha knows of your plot to force her out. Someone betrayed us, brother.”

  Nathan cursed. “Who—fuck, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is saving Vana.”

  “I know. I’m going to her right now. If she is able to travel, I’ll sneak her out.”


  I thought for a moment. “Do you remember the tunnels we found when we were boys?”

  “Yes, but they became part of the underground bunker.”

  “Not all of them,” I corrected. “There’s one that leads from the playroom to the south end of the property. Remember that time we escaped?”

  “Yes. Your mother nearly killed us in punishment. But surely, she filled it in. I can’t imagine Tasha leaving an unsecured entry into her fortress.”

  “Either she forgot about it, or she deliberately left it as an escape route.” I’d checked on the tunnel last year. As a spymaster my life often depended on knowing how to slip in and out of places unnoticed. “I’ll take Havana through it. Can you meet us on the other side?”

  “No, but I’ll send Mason to meet you there. Keep me posted.”

  “I will.” Our bond swelled with mutual regard. It felt good to have my brother back in my head.

  “Who is he talking to?” James whispered to Ambrose.

  “That’s none of your concern,” I snapped. “Which Enforcer is guarding Havana’s door.”

  “Zayn,” Ambrose answered.

  Blast. The fierce Enforcer was one of the rare Lykos, like Nathan, who was resistant to compulsion. Even worse, his strength and fighting abilities were legendary. I doubted even the three of us could take him on. Unless...

  I immediately rejected the idea of revealing my secret ability. It would be too dangerous. There has to be another way.

  Thinking quickly, I said, “Tell Zayn my mother needs him downstairs and that you will relieve him while he is away.” Hopefully, the eldest Enforcer would buy that.

  Ambrose and James nodded, and then headed out the door.

  As soon as the males left, I collapsed back on the bed. Even though shifting had healed my injuries, the last two weeks of starvation and torture had drained much of my strength. With shaking hands, I picked up the bowl of broth soup and drank it down. It did little to fill my stomach, but I could eat more when Havana and I escaped this place.

  Rolling to my feet, I grabbed the helmet off the floor. Although I wanted to hurl the cursed thing through the window, I carefully placed it on the bed and packed blankets around it. Not perfect, but it would look as if I were sleeping if someone merely swept their gaze over the bed.

  Then I padded into the bathroom and washed the crusted blood off my face and head. As I gazed into the mirror barely recognizing my face, I rubbed the gold hoop in my ear. The reassuring sight of Havana’s earring filled me with renewed strength. I'm coming for you, Starfire.

  I considered dressing, but decided against it. I didn’t need fabric getting in the way if I was forced to shift.

  Deciding the Enforcers should have gotten rid of Zayn by now, I checked in with James. “Is it clear?”


  I slowly cracked opened my bedroom door. The brightly lit hallway was jarring after the dimness of my room. My instinct was to stay in the soothing darkness, but that wasn’t an option. With a quick glance out at the empty hallway, I headed toward Nathan’s room.

  James and Ambrose waited obediently by the door.

  Ambrose gave me a hard look. “This is a bad idea, Ty. It’s not too late to go back to your room—”

  I raised my hand to stop him from talking. “Keep watch and alert me to anyone approaching.”

  Both males bowed their heads.

  A husky moan came from inside the room.

  The three of us stared at the door.

  “Is she in there alone?”

  James nodded. “Tasha told Zayn no one was to enter the room.”

  Another soft moan sounded.

  Is she in pain?

  Worry had me yanking open the door and stepping into my brother’s old room. The intoxicating scent of my beloved drew my gaze straight to the large bed where Havana lay naked.

  Her eyes were closed and her arms were shackled to the headboard above her. She tossed her head back and forth as if lost in a nightmare.

  I scented no one else in the room. Good. I shut the door behind me, wanting to hide Havana’s beauty from the Enforcers.

  She was even more stunning than the last time I’d seen her. The fullness of her breasts and the cleft between her legs snared my attention.

  Focus on rescuing her. I shook my head to clear it and rushed over to the bed.

  Havana’s eyes snapped open.

  The sight of those bright gold irises stopped me in my tracks. She’s an Alpha. How the hell is she an Alpha? I hadn’t thought to ask Nathan when we’d spoken.

  “Get away from me!” Havana shouted. “I won’t have sex with you.”

  “Be quiet.” I put my hand over her mouth.

  She bit me.

  Blast. I yanked my hand away from her sharp teeth. “I’m trying to rescue you, Starfire. Remember me.” I waited for the compulsion to bring back Havana’s memories, but she only blinked at me.

  She’s more powerful than I am. My compulsion won’t work on her. Shock glued me to the rug. She won’t ever be able to remember me. Remember us. The realization destroyed a piece of my soul. She’s lost to me.

  As I st
ood there mourning the loss of my beloved, the fear in her eyes ebbed. She peered up at me as if trying to place me. “Tyberius?”

  At least she remembered my name. “In the flesh,” I replied, reaching over her to undo her restraints. Even if she never recalled our relationship, my memories and my love for her would endure this lifetime and any that came after.

  Once free from the chains, she massaged her arms. “Thank you. Can you take these off too?” She tapped the band around her forehead and shook the silver cuffs on her wrists.

  “I have nothing to cut them off, but we might find something in the playroom.” I grabbed her hand to help her out of bed.

  The moment our skin touched, Havana cried out. She fell back on the bed, her hand going between her legs. “It hurts. It hurts so bad. I need—ah, hell I need...”

  She thrust her hips off the bed as she worked her fingers over her sex.

  My mouth went dry and my mind blanked for a full second. Never had I witnessed a more mesmerizing sight than my beloved pleasuring herself. My shaft marbleized and throbbed painfully. No. She’s not mine. She’s Nath—Wait she isn’t Nathan’s. She’s mated to other males. Males I had no loyalty to.

  Havana moved frantically, rocking against her hand. “It’s not working. I can’t… I can’t…”

  I’d seen the same agonized expressions on the faces of the Alpha females Mother had dragged to my cell. What in the fuck had Mother given them to put them in this state?

  Seeming to get ahold of herself, Havana gasped for air and sat up. “I’m in heat again.”

  Ambrose’s voice intruded. “Zayn has spoken with Tasha. He’s coming back upstairs and demands we explain ourselves.”

  I grabbed one of Nathan’s white undershirts from his dresser and handed it to Havana. “Put this on.” I couldn’t handle the thought of those Enforcers seeing her naked.

  Once Havana had the shirt on, I scooped her up in my arms. “We have to go.” I carried her out into the hall.

  “Fight Zayn,” I ordered the Enforcers. That should buy us a little time. Then I headed straight to Mother’s room at the end of the hall. It was empty as I knew it’d be and the scent of roses was as suffocating as always.

  “This is Tasha’s room,” Havana said through ragged breaths. Her gaze latched on to the life-sized portrait hung over the bed.

  Mother always enjoyed looking at herself. “Indeed.”

  Havana rubbed herself against my bare chest.

  I sucked in a breath deeply regretting the decision not to dress.

  “I’m sorry,” she moaned. “I can’t seem to control myself.”

  “I have self-control enough for the both of us,” I informed her and my raging erection.

  “There’s an elevator in her closet,” she gasped. “It will take us to the lower level.”

  “We’re not going downstairs.” I carried her to the full-length mirror mounted on the wall across from the bed and pressed a small button on the back edge of the frame.

  The mirror swung open revealing the hidden room behind it.

  Havana’s eyes went wide. “You’re bringing me to a hidden sex dungeon?”



  Rage filled determination had me racing as fast as I could down the ski lodge hallway. As soon as I passed the bench, my muscle locked in place and I crashed to the floor.


  Liam, who sat near the clinic door holding the radio, shook his head. “Gabe, will you give it up already?”

  “No.” I’d never give up trying to get to Havana. My mate needed me now more than ever. I’d sworn to protect her. I’d sworn to fight for her. And now I could do neither. With a growl, I rolled to my feet and unsuccessfully tried to leave again.

  “Why is the scary guy doing that, Daddy?” Mira asked as she played with the diamonds in “her hair.

  Nathan, who sat next to her on the bench, rolled his eyes. “Because he’s an idiot.”

  Out of respect for Mira, I resisted the urge to drag him into the clinic and beat his face bloody again. It was Nathan’s fault we were all in this mess. If he hadn’t angered our Alpha, she never would have trapped us here and run off.

  Liam intruded on my thoughts. “We share as much fault in this as Nathan. We shouldn’t have taken Havana’s blood without her permission.”

  I hung my head. “I know.” This was my fault. If I hadn’t been so focused on growing my power and if I hadn’t been so dismissive of Havana’s thoughts and feelings, I wouldn’t have driven my mate away. “I’m sorry.”

  Liam shook his head. “Don’t apologize to me. Apologize to our mate when you see her again.”

  “If, we see her again,” I corrected. The Beast of Winterhaven had never been one to restrain her murderous impulses. And nothing would rile Tasha more than finding a more powerful Alpha female. My gut told me that Tasha’s need to destroy any possible rival would supersede her desire for Havana’s babe. The Beast will kill her.

  Ever the optimist, Liam said, “Remember Havana is stronger than Tasha. All she needs is an opportunity to use her power—”

  “Which she will never get,” I finished for him. Tasha took no chances. Moreover, the Beast’s ability to foresee danger would eliminate any edge Havana may have had. I sighed and lay down on the floor. “Face it, Liam. We are truly and royally fucked.”

  Liam tapped the radio in his hand. “We still have Mason out there.”

  “The fucking Omega couldn’t fight through a line at a supermarket. How the hell is he going to take down our brethren?” According to Mason’s recent report, there were at least a hundred Enforcers at Sanctuary.

  “Mason can turn into the hybrid and so can she,” Liam nodded at the little Alpha female deep in conversation with her father. Static belched through the radio. Liam lifted it to his ear. “Mason? Anything new to report?”

  I couldn’t make out what Mason was saying, but based on Liam’s frown, it didn’t look too encouraging.

  While my friend spoke to the doctor in a low voice, I looked over at Mira in puzzlement. Why can she and Mason take hybrid form while Liam and I can’t? It made little sense. We’d all gotten the same amount of Havana’s blood. Why did Mira and Mason have greater power? Liam and I, as trained warriors, should be stronger.

  As if feeling my gaze, the small Alpha female looked over at me. “What are you doing now, scary guy?”

  “Playing dead,” I said, laying on my back and closing my eyes. Maybe if I feigned sleep the child would stop her incessant questions.

  “We have to try again, sunshine,” Nathan said to her. “Compel me to leave the ski lodge.”

  “Leave the ski lodge, Daddy!” the little alpha female shouted. Her words thrummed with enough power to make my head ache, but it wasn’t close to the power we’d need to break Havana’s compulsion.

  If we couldn’t break the compulsion, we stood no chance of rescuing our mate. Right now Tasha could be drawing and quartering Havana. Or boiling her alive. Or skinning her. Or breaking every bone in her body. “Fuck!” I opened my eyes and slammed my fist against the wood floor.

  Nathan glared at me.

  Mira looked at me with curious eyes. “What’s a fuck?”

  Nathan cleared his throat. “Nothing, sunshine. Why don’t you look out the window and see if Tina is coming back with lunch?”

  “Okay.” Mira jumped off the bench and skipped to the window none of us could reach.

  Nathan turned to me. “Watch your language around my daughter, Enforcer.”

  “Sorry,” I said through gritted teeth. It seemed all I was doing today was apologizing.

  Nathan ran a hand through his collar-length hair. “No, it’s me that needs to apologize. I’m sorry I’ve been hostile to you. If I’d been more accepting of your relationship with Vana, perhaps she wouldn’t have unclaimed me.” He rested his head against the wall. “Damn the fates. I all but begged her to unclaim me.”

  “Yeah, you did.” Nathan might have been justifiable in his
jealousy, but he was a fool to force Havana’s hand like that. “Never give ultimatums unless you’re prepared to lose.”

  “Vana was right to break our bond.” Nathan sighed. “I’ve wronged her in so many ways. She’s my chosen and instead of serving and protecting her, I’ve manipulated her and repeatedly put her in danger.”

  “You’re not the only one.” I thought of how I’d initially left Havana in a rundown cabin alone not knowing that she’d been infected. She’d nearly died because of my arrogance. As uncomfortable as it was to admit, Nathan and I were cut from a similar cloth.

  Nathan cursed under his breath. “She deserves better than us.”

  I grunted in agreement.

  Nathan continued, a wistful look on his face, “If only I could have another chance, I’d treat her the way she deserves. I’d serve her wishes—let her make the decisions. I’d accept any and all males she wanted to mate with… even you.”

  I bared my teeth. “Why, thank you.”

  “But I won’t get another chance.” Nathan closed his eyes.

  Even though Nathan’s domineering ways set my teeth on edge, I couldn’t help feeling sorry for the male. “If we live through this, you can always win her back. She can claim you again.” I really hoped she didn’t though. With Nathan out of the picture, I might have a chance at being Head Mate.

  “Once claimed, never put asunder,” Nathan said, reciting the Lykos mating vows.

  “That’s bullshit,” I scoffed. “My mother unclaimed and reclaimed my father at least a dozen times.” I would forever miss hearing them tell the tales of their tumultuous courtship.

  Nathan sat up. “Do you think Havana might claim me again?”

  I arched one eyebrow. “Are you worth reclaiming?”

  “I see Tina!” Mira shouted, interrupting her father’s reply. “She and Marshall are running away from the bad people.”

  “Bad people?” Nathan and I said at the same time.

  “Yeah, the ones that walk like this.” Mira staggered down the hallway.

  Nathan inhaled sharply. “The reanimated?”

  Mira nodded. “Lots and lots of them.”


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